DISCLAIMER: All the characters shown DO NOT belong to me! They all belong to their respective creators/owners.

Katara was walking, with her arms held her arms tightly together. Her eyes glowed with sadness, tears strained down her cheeks. "How am I going to tell Aang?'' she asked herself.

Suddenly, something landed in front of her, knocking her to the ground. She looked up at the figure in a cloud of white, it's outline was easily seen. Katara got up and began running back to the palace, but she bumped into Hakoda.

"DAD! There's a monster right there and-'' she stopped when she saw nothing in the cloud where the creature was.

"Come on Katara, we have to get you dressed for your wedding.'' Hakoda said regretfully.

Katara went to her saddened state again and gave in, she followed him to put on her wedding dress. Shadow watched from a rooftop. He was in his Werehog form.

"Wedding? Is she getting married?'' Shadow thought to himself.

Suddenly, he was hit in the head by a boomerang, causing shadow's eyes to blink red. He looked down to see Sokka and Aang standing on the ground. Shadow lost control and lunged down at them. Aang fired a fireball right into shadow's chest, sending him back flying into the air. Shadow however, stretched his arms and grabbed the ledge of a house and pulled himself onto it.

"What is that thing?'' asked a puzzled Sokka.

Aang felt a sudden sharp pain in his stomach. His eyes widened, he felt dizzy. Aang looked and saw the shining sun, beginning to disappear. Sokka looked at Aang once, then back again quickly.

"Aang? Aang, what's wrong?'' Sokka asked, crouching next to him.

Suddenly, Aang's arm grew large, and knocked Sokka away. Aang's clothes ripped as he turned into the creature, known as the Cyprus. Two stone made spikes came out of his back. Sokka watched in horror as Aang turned into a 10 foot tall monster. Now, fully transformed into the Cyprus, Aang looked up at Shadow and roared his deep bellow at the Werehog.

Shadow's Werehog form was 8 feet tall, Aang's Cyprus form was 10 feet tall. Shadow growled, and lunged down at him, as Aang lunged up at him. Shadow stretched both fists into his stomach, slamming Aang into the snow. Shadow landed feet first on his stomach. Aang grabbed shadow by the neck and tossed him through an ice hut, creating a huge hole in it.

Shadow bounced across the ground, being covered in snow. Shadow rose to his feet, shaking and wiping all the snow off his body. Aang marched through the hole until he saw Shadow at the bottom of the small hill. The two roared at each other. The two charged towards each other and grabbed each others fists. Aang swung him around and sent shadow flying across the city and landing on top of an ice house, leveling it. Shadow rose from the snowy debris. Shadow saw Aang jump and charge down at him fro his right. Shadow stretched his arms and grabbed Aang by his feet and brought him into the ground. Shadow began swinging him in circles, demolishing all the building around him.

Shadow stopped and raised Aang into the air and flung him right into a larger ice building, creating a cloud rise up from it. People ran through the streets, upon seeing the huge Cyprus. Shadow charged at him again, this time Aang punched shadow right in the face, throwing shadow through three buildings and smashing against a glacier wall. Aang charged through the clouds of smoke with a fist being held back. Shadow kicked Aang in the chin with both his feet, causing Aang to stumble back. Shadow tackled Aang to the ground, but Aang quickly kicked Shadow, sending him flying backwards and crashing against an ice totem pole.

In the chief's palace, Katara was sitting in a room, alone. She was looking at herself in a mirror at herself. She was wearing a light blue wedding dress, which had several sparkles on it. It was sleeveless, she wore her hair down and curled her hair. She admitted she looked beautiful, but only would've completely accepted it if Aang told her. The door opened behind her, it was Hakoda.

"Are you ready?'' he asked silently.

"Yeah…I'm ready.'' she replied, holding back the tears. She walked over to the door and exited the room, leaving Hakoda to shut it.

Aang bounced across the snow, but Shadow grabbed him by the two large spikes on his back and smashed him in between two totem poles about five times. Aang jumped to his feet, turned around and lunged at shadow. Shadow was tackled to the ground. Aang punched him across the face with both his fists numerous times. Shadow bit Aang on his arm, making Aang get off and hold the bite wound. Shadow growled as he readied his fists. The two lunged and grabbed each other by their arms and both fell to the ground. Shadow lifted Aang off the ground and smashed him into the snow.

Aang swung his claws and made three large gashes across shadow's chest, making him inch back.

Aang charged and gave shadow an uppercut, sending him into the air. Aang leaped up and smashed both his clenched fists into shadow's chest, forcing shadow to plow back into the icy street below. Aang landed feet first on shadow's chest. Shadow grabbed Aang by his throat and tossed him off. Shadow stretched his arms, but Aang grabbed both of them. Aang lifted him into the air and swung him over his head and brought Shadow down to level an entire ice hut.

Katara and Hakoda came to chief's chamber. People were all sitting on the sides, as Katara and Hakoda made their way straight. Katara kept her head down, she was carrying a bouquet of blue water lilies. Hahn was standing up in front, with a smirk. Hakoda turned towards Katara and hugged her, as she returned the hug. Katara parted from the hug and walked more forwards. She stood opposite of where Hahn was standing. Chief Arnook stood in front of seating parts and raised both his hands in the air to silence all the people in the room.

Back outside, the two monstrosities were fighting in front of the stairs leading to the chief's palace. Shadow continued punching Aang in the face, until Aang grabbed one of his punches. Shadow was thrown off and landed back on the snowy ground. Aang walked up to him and grabbed shadow by his ankles. Aang began spinning him in circles. Aang finally let go after five seconds and shadow went flying, towards the chief's palace.

The ceremony was almost over. "Now, you may kiss the bride.'' Arnook said.

Hahn smirked at Katara. Katara felt utterly disgusted on the inside, but didn't show it on the outside. Hahn came inches from her lips, when suddenly, Shadow busted through the top front of the building and landed. The people on the sides scurried off farther to the sides. Aang jumped through the hole and landed on Shadow's back. Aang grabbed him and tossed shadow against a pillar on the right. Aang spotted Katara and stopped growling. Water tribe warriors, holding spears stood in his path. Aang roared and knocked them all out of his way.

Shadow shook his head and saw Aang being outnumbered. Shadow ran over to Katara. But Hahn grabbed her and held a knife to her throat. Shadow stopped in his tracks. "One more move, and she's dead.'' Hahn said evilly.

"Katara!'' Sokka exclaimed, just coming in with Toph following.

Aang was surrounded by Sokka and Toph behind him, and the water tribe warriors in front of him.

"Katara! That's Aang!'' Shadow exclaimed, pointing at Aang's Cyprus form. Katara looked at Shadow quickly, recognizing it was him.

Shadow transformed back to his hedgehog form. "Don't move!'' Hahn raised his voice.

Shadow took out his green chaos emerald. "Chaos control!'' Shadow exclaimed.

Katara disappeared from his grip and reappeared by Shadow's side. Aang roared loudly, he knocked all the soldiers out of the way, smashing them into the floor, stomping on them while they were crawling to get away, and tossing them everywhere. Aang spotted Katara. Katara ran over to him. Aang looked down at her. Aang stood down so he was face to face with her. Katara put her hand on his cheek. Aang then flinched, he began transforming back to normal.

Aang returned to his normal state and limply fell forwards, but katara grabbed him and held him tightly, as she began crying.

Hahn growled angrily and charged at the couple with his knife raised. Suddenly, Sokka's boomerang knocked him in the side of the head. Hahn dropped to the floor, dizzy beyond words. Katara helped Aang up. Aang still had his clothes on when he returned to his normal form.

"Katara?'' he said.

"I'm here Aang, I'm here.'' Katara said, hugging him with all her love. Everyone smiled as the two shared their wonderful moment.

Moments later, Katara was standing outside, looking at the sun, starting to slowly fall below the horizon. Aang and Shadow came up from behind. Aang stood next to Katara, and Shadow stood next to Aang.

"You never told us that you could transform into the Werehog.'' Katara said, smiling.

"It happens.'' Shadow said shrugging.

"Aang, let me help you with something.'' Shadow said.

"Like what?'' asked Aang.

"Show me that bite mark.'' Shadow said.

Aang kneeled down, showing him the mark. Shadow made the green chaos emerald appear in his hand. Shadow put the emerald over the wound and shut his eyes. The emerald resonated brightly. Aang felt a slight sting which he shut his eyes from. The emerald began draining the DNA from the Cyprus that bit Aang that one night and killing it, so Aang would never have to transform into it ever again. Shadow lifted the emerald off. Aang looked at the bite mark, but it was gone!

"Thanks Shadow.'' Aang thanked him with a smile.

"No problem.'' Shadow said walking in front of them.

"Where you going?'' asked Katara. Shadow created a blue portal in front of him with the Chaos Emerald.

"I have a score to settle with a certain General, I'll see you guys next time.'' Shadow said, smiling slightly.

The two waved goodbye to their hedgehog friend. Shadow walked into the portal, shortly after causing it to disappear. Watching from the glacier that was on the city's right side, a figure in an all black cloak was standing there. "Some day.'' the figure said.

He turned around, holding the blue Chaos Emerald. He waved it once, creating a blue portal, then the mysterious person jumped into it, which soon after disappeared without a trace.

Aang and Katara turned towards each other. "I have to say, you look very beautiful Katara.'' Aang said, while blushing.

"Thank you, and did I mention that I love you?'' Katara said with a sly smile.

"I already know.'' Aang said, leaning in to kiss her. The two stood, kissing passionately, as the sun finally fell under the horizon.