Chapter One: Darkness and Vengeance

DISCLAIMER: Everything shown in this story DOES NOT belong to me! The characters properly belong to their creators/owners.

Darkness, it's all he saw, but he was use to it. This "he" was Shadow the Hedgehog. He lie flat on the ground, but his eyes were shut completely. His eyes began slowly open. He saw the blue sky, with no cloud in sight. Shadow rolled onto all fours, then stood to his feet. He was in a desert flatland somewhere in Afghanistan, on a patrol mission with some army soldiers.

Burning vehicles were in every direction. The corpses of army troops and terrorist soldiers scattered all around him. His eyes began to list, he looked at his chest and saw a huge blood spot. He touched it once, but winced in pain by gritting his teeth. He looked to his right, seeing humvees drive by. The 50 caliber gunners were firing at enemy trucks up ahead. An enemy MIG attack chopper flew over shadow's head, as he watched it come to a stop and slowly turned around, aiming at Shadow.

"Ah, dammit.'' Shadow said, speeding off.

The MIG fired its gatling guns while chasing the hedgehog. Shadow saw an M1A1 up ahead of him. He teleported onto its main turret and jumped up at the MIG. Shadow made his chaos sword appear in his hand. Shadow made it glow and resonate with golden energy. Shadow spun in a circle very quickly. Shadow cut right through the center of the MIG, causing it to explode in the process.

Shadow landed on the ground safely. He looked behind him, an enemy BMP was driving towards him. Shadow stayed in his position. He stood straight up, not moving an inch. The tank fired a round right at him. Shadow quickly moved to the right, turning towards the tank in the process. He flung his glowing gold sword, as it flew vertically towards the tank. The sword sliced through the main turret and the energy around the sword cut the tank in half, ending with an explosion.

Shadow raised his right hand up, the sword landed right back in his hand. Shadow then flinched. He put a hand on the bloody wound on his chest. He must've been knocked out by an artillery strike, because he pulled out a piece of shrapnel. He looked at it. "Man that sucks.'' he said to himself.

Suddenly a rocket hit right under his feet, sending shadow flying into the air. Shadow spun around, seeing another MIG attack chopper coming right at him. Shadow grasped his sword with both his hands, causing a gold glow to grow off the tip of his sword. Shadow swung it straight down, cutting the MIG in half, leaving the two halves to crash into the ground in a fiery inferno.

Shadow landed on the ground, turning around in the process. He saw a T-72 tank fire a round at him. Shadow teleported and reappeared on the tank's main gun. Shadow quickly sliced the main gun off, but he grabbed it and leaped into the air. Shadow tossed it down like a spear. The barrel penetrated right through the tank. Shadow landed in front of it, then standing to his feet and turning around as he began to walk. The tank finally exploded in a cloud of flames behind him. Suddenly, a bullet hit shadow in the arm, making him flinch in the process. Shadow got on one knee holding the wound, gritting his teeth in the process.

Enemy trucks with terrorists began to surround Shadow. Shadow rose to his feet, but another soldier shot him in the leg, making him drop on his knees. He was on all fours, losing blood, and fast. All the terrorists were shouting at him, but in their language. Shadow felt his heart speeding up, that could only mean one thing…he was transforming. Shadow smashed the ground with his fists, which tore right off when he did. His hands became large and claws grew in at his fingertips.

The soldiers inched away in fear. Sharp razor fangs grew in his mouth. He stood straight up and roared into the sky. The troops automatically began firing at him. Shadow put one arm up and stretched his other, grabbing a soldier. Shadow threw him right into another soldier. One troop charged up at him. Shadow grabbed him in his mouth, shaking him wildly. Shadow spit him out, leaving two large holes in the soldier's back. Shadow growled and roared at a technical driving right at him. Shadow grabbed the truck and flipped it right over his head, leaving it to plow into the dirt. Shadow grabbed two soldiers in front of him and smashed them both headfirst into the ground.

Shadow heard another MIG coming. Shadow looked up and saw it just stop in the air. Shadow wasted not even a second, and quickly stretched his arms and grabbed both sides of the chopper. He pulled hard and the chopper came nose first, plowing into the ground. Shadow took multiple bullets in the back, he turned around to U.S. soldiers.

"What is that thing?" said one of the soldiers.

"It almost looks like Shadow!'' another said.

Shadow turned towards them, doing a great job showing his sharp fangs. Shadow stood 8 feet tall over all the soldiers. Shadow roared and charged forwards. He drove his arms straight through the chests of two soldiers, then pulled his bloody coated fists out. Shadow was bombarded by bullets and rockets combined.

Luckily, Shadow grabbed two rockets in mid flight then tossed them back into the group of soldiers that fired them, sending them flying in all directions. Shadow turned around to see an M1A1 approaching him. Shadow jumped towards the right dodging a tank round, then charged full force at it. "Sir! We need to fire!'' one of the tank operators exclaimed.

"Not yet.'' the tank commander replied.

Shadow was running on all fours towards the tank, growling angrily at the same time. "Get ready to fire.'' the tank commander said.

Shadow leaped forwards at the tank, coming down at it.

"FIRE!'' the tank commander yelled.

The main gun aimed up, and Shadow was just an inch from the main gun when it fired right into his chest. Shadow went flying back with a trail of smoke coming from his chest. Shadow slammed into the ground on his back, unconscious. A purple and black light shined around, changing him back into his normal form.