Hey peoples! This is my first songfic, I decided to do one. So first I want to give credit to Boys Like Girls for the song Hero Heroine. And the song Collide by Howie Day. (it's weird, you'll understand when you read.)

Tony: hey, come on. Get on with it!

Me: oh, come on. Can I ever do these things?!

Tony: Fine, whatever. Continue.

Me: thank you. And second, I don't own Iron Man! (:

(oh, and yes, I give credit to wheaties. They play a small role here too! And theyre amazing.)

Crushing On You

Tony sat on his bed, diving deep into a pool of thoughts. They ranged from 'What am I going to do about my dad?' to 'I wonder how Pepper is doing……' He was stuck on his last thought.

Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I just got to know
Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we can be
Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush

Tony did not know why his head was feeding him these words. He groaned, and sat up on his bed. He had just woken up, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. He soon got up, changed his pants, and put a shirt on. He then got up to eat breakfast, trying to look at the bright side of having to fix his whole lab. Maybe I can make it better now. Improve everything. Yeah, if he wanted a little more work. He sat down at the table, joining his friend for breakfast.

"Wow, you're actually eating breakfast today?" Rhodes asked, surprised, while stuffing his face, talking with his mouth full.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry today." Tony stated, pouring Wheaties into a bowl, milk following the cereal.

The two soon finished their breakfast, and walked out the door to school. Tony's mind was still stuck on his morning's thoughts.

Do you catch your breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't going away, going away
Has it ever crossed your mind
When were hangin, spending time girl,
Are we just friends
Is there more, is there more

What did these words mean? He knew who they were about, but why? Why did he feel like his metallic heart still had feelings of love? It was all very confusing to them.

Meanwhile, at Pepper's house, that morning…..

Her eyes fluttered open, and she sat up on her bed, greeting the wonderful morning. She pushed the pink and purple striped comforter and matching bed sheet(s) off of her, to reveal a lime green tank top with lavender hearts all over it, and matching lavender lounging pants with lime green pinstripes, and white hearts on it. She yawned, stretching her arms, and got off her bed to go eat breakfast. When she got to the table in the kitchen, she saw a note sitting there.


I had to go on another mission. So sorry, I was called in early this morning to investigate. Left you a bagel! Have a great day at school!



Pepper put the note back on the table, and saw the bagel her dad left her. It was still warm, and it was buttered just the way Pepper liked it. She ate it, and went to go shower. Just then, had a thought stricken her. I wonder how Tony is today. He's been so stressed since Gene told him that he had Tony's father. She seemed to be able to say Gene's name without growing sad. I feel like now that I'm upset with Gene, I'm going back to when I hated him………when I…..liked Tony.

Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we can be
Where this thing can go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush
Do you catch your breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't going away, going away

These were the thoughts buried inside her for so long. As long as she was friends with Gene, these would be buried in her mind. Her finding the evil side to Gene pretty much unburied these feelings. She went to go take a shower, and get ready for school.

When she got to school, she saw that Tony was at Rhodey's locker with him. They were just talking about some Iron Man stuff when she joined the two.

"Hey guys! I feel so happy today! I'm in such a good mood." Pepper greeted, smiling.

"What a surprise that is." Rhodey responded, sarcastically. He shut his locker, and the three went to their classes. Rhodey had history, and Pepper and Tony had a study hall. Their teacher had a strict no talking rule. If she heard anyone even whisper, she gave them a detention. Pepper usually passed notes to Tony. Today's note went something like this:

Pepper: Hey Tony! I'm guessing you're going to skip gym next period, aren't you.

Tony: Yeah. Besides, I can't participate in a period full of running and sports. My heart can't take that much, literally.

Pepper: So you decide to skip it instead of getting a medical excuse? Nice job.

Tony: Well I didn't really see a doctor after my plane crashed, and I didn't exactly know I would be going to school at that time.

Pepper: Well, I guess you have a point there. Can't you get one from the hospital, though? Or at least tell Coach Gunderson? You know, so you don't fail?

Tony: Yeah, I was getting around to that….eventually…..

Pepper: yeah, that's what they all say. (:

Tony: Yeah, I know. That's why I say it. You don't really expect me to mean that, do you?

Pepper: No, not really. Haha. Just like you said you were going to 'study' on the roof yesterday. You are soo not a man of your word.

Tony: Yeah, well I was going to, when someone else distracted me.

Pepper: Well, it's not my fault I wanted to eat lunch the same time you wanted to 'study'…..

Tony: Well it's not my fault, either.

Pepper: Well, we sure were the ones that..uhh….you know….

Tony: Yeah, well, we didn't put….that thing…..the mistletoe….we didn't put it there, now did we?.....

Pepper: No, but someone had to……hey, Tony?

Tony: Yeah?

Pepper: Did you just kiss me because you told me you would try to like Christmas, and didn't want to ruin a Christmas tradition, or did you just want to?

Tony's hand shook as he wrote her back.

Tony: I….uhh, well you know, don't really care for Christmas traditions, so……..

Pepper: Well, that figured…..

Tony: Well what was your reason? You certainly did kiss me back…..

Pepper: Well, you know….I-I, well, I…. Pepper's hand shook. She was so nervous, she couldn't finish. Then the bell rang. She left, in a hurry, and Tony picked up the note as he was leaving class. He read it and didn't know what to think of it, so he saved it in his notebook, and proceeded to science class, to meet his friends. He would certainly have Rhodey sit in the middle of the table today….

Later, Tony's free period came. Since Pepper had the same free period, they usually spent it together, on the roof, but Tony decided to go to the library instead. He fiddled with his phone, to see what he could do with it. Pepper decided to go there, too. She saw Tony sitting at a table by himself, head buried in his pod.

"Hey, Tony. What are you doing with your pod….thing?" Pepper asked as she was sitting down.

"Just seeing what else I can do with it. Nothing really interesting, though." Tony responded, failing to look up at Pepper.

"Cool! Maybe you can change its color. Or shape." Pepper responded, taking interest.

"Is that your catch phrase, or do you just really want to see something change shape or color?" Tony smiled, and looked into Pepper's eyes.

"No, it would just be cool, is all." The librarian told them to either be quiet, or leave. So the two decided to leave, and go on the roof.

When they got there, a light wind was blowing. Enough not to affect Tony, but to make Pepper cold. She shivered when she passed an open window, so Tony grabbed his jacket, just in case. They got to the door to the roof, and Tony opened it, and the two went to sit. Pepper rubbed her arms, and lifted her legs into her arms. Tony noticed her, and offered his jacket.

"Yeah, sure, thanks." Pepper accepted. Tony picked up the coat, and slipped it onto Pepper's cold arms. It wasn't a heavy snow jacket, just a regular 'Stark International' gray sweatshirt with Tony's name on it. He normally used it in the fall, when he walked to and from his dad's company each day. Now he didn't really need it, but it was getting cold, so he brought it with him.

"Won't you be cold, though?" Pepper wondered, curiously.

"No, I'll be fine. You can keep that on as long as you need, then just get it back whenever." Tony offered, sweetly.

"Thanks!" Pepper responded.

"So, you didn't quite get to finish writing erlier. Care to explain what this is supposed to mean?" Tony asked, pulling the note from his pocket.

"Oh, that….well, here, let me finish." Pepper took the note, and started to write on it with a pen she pulled from her notebook. When she handed it back to Tony, it read:

Because I wanted to. Tony looked up, turning his attention to Pepper, and smiled.

Cause I believe that we can make this into
Something that will last, last forever, forever

Tony grabbed Pepper's pen, and the note, and wrote back to her.

Because I love you.

Tony passed Pepper the note, and she grabbed it and read it. She smiled and wrote back.

I loved you first.

They smiled, and kissed. This time, neither refused, neither wanted to pull away, neither denied. They started to get lost in kissing, as they fueled the fireworks. Then the bell rang, and they parted, and went to class.

Are we just friends, is there more, is there more,
See it's a chance we've gotta take,
Cause I believe that we can make this into
Something that will last,
Last forever, forever

Do you ever think, when you're all alone,
all that we can be, where this thing can go,
Am I crazy or falling in love,
Is it real or just another crush
Do you catch a breath, when I look at you,
Are you holding back, like the way I do,
Cause I'm tryin', tryin' to walk away
But I know this crush aint' goin' away, goin' away