A/N: Hi…um ok what ever you do don't hurt me! I know ya'll are probably itching to strangle me after the horrid cliffhanger I left you with like..holy cow a year ago!…heh, heh. Um but any way here I am! I had actually forgotten that I still had to finish this story soooo here we are at the final chapter. Sorry for the shortness, and the lateness, and ooc-ness of it but I hope you like. So with out further delay here it is…the final chapter of Black Night! Woohoo!

Disclaimer:I do not own Yuki, Akito, Shigure or Hatori or any other characters portrayed here. They belong to Natsuki Takaya and I receive no profit from this story.

At Yuki's small touch over, Shigure finally seemed to snap out of it and realize that his cousin is dying if not all ready dead. He quickly checked his neck for a pulse and all most panicked when he felt nothing. He then began to frantically do CPR, not really knowing if he was doing it right.

"Come on Yuki!" he begged as he did three chest compressions and then checked again for a pulse. Still feeling none he did three more chest compression. He checked again and there was still no pulse. Tears were beginning to blur his vision as he did three more chest compressions, this time after he did that he decided to do mouth-to-mouth as he closed the young boy's nose and forced his breath into his lungs, the CPR lessons that Hatori forced him to take gratefully coming back to him. "Come on!" he cried again, going back to the chest compressions then forcing air back into his lungs again. After a few more tries, Shigure had almost lost hope when he heard a strangled cough and saw Yuki try to take in a breath. He was trembling fiercely and still looked deathly pale, but Shigure was so happy to see that he was alive that he quickly gathered the small boy in his arms and wrapped him in a tight hug.

After a few seconds he felt a small hand tap his back weakly and Yuki whispered hoarsely, "Can't…breathe." Shigure quickly released his cousin and gently laid him back down on the floor. Yuki was still gasping for air so Shigure rushed up and grabbed the inhaler that he left on the end table by Yuki's bed. Rushing back over to Yuki he lifted the young rat's head up and gave him the inhaler, pushing the medicine through his mouth and down his throat, just like he saw Hatori do earlier. After a minute Yuki finally seemed to gain a little control over his breathing as he leaned gratefully into Shigure's shoulder. Shigure stared at the boy, never once taking his eyes off him. He didn't want to go through what he just did ever again. The young boy was still trembling as if he was still reliving a memory that truly terrified him.

"Shh," he whispered, gently gathering the small boy fully into his arms and started rocking him. "I'm here, nothings gonna hurt you now. I promise you will never go back to that room again!" Shigure said, uncharacteristic resolution building up inside of him. With wide eyes, Yuki gasped at he unfamiliar, kind words. No one had ever spoken to him that way before. His whole life he was plagued with harsh words and harsh hands. But this was a completely new feeling for him. For once in his short, burdened life he felt…safe. A contented smile started to shine on the pale boys face at the soothing thought. He felt the tension seep out of him as he sunk deeper into his cousin's warm, protective embrace

He never knew that when he took Yuki in that he would get this attached. He feels much like an older brother now and whenever he sees Yuki like this all he can think about is 'If only I can switch my trachea tubes with his, so he wouldn't have to go through so much pain.' Every time this strange thought crosses his mind he gets confused. Shigure was never one for self sacrificing. But he knew that it was his and Hatori's job to be Yuki's older brother in the absence of Ayame.



'I should probably call them. They need to know that Yuki all most died.'

Yuki all most died.

The severity of the situation and the reality of how close he came to losing Yuki came crashing down on Shigure and for a moment he too felt like he couldn't breathe. With much effort, Shigure managed to get a hold of his composure some what under control.

"Can you stand?" he gently asked the young boy, offering a large, warm hand. Yuki gratefully took it as Shigure pulled both of them up into a some what standing position. With shaky legs and the much needed help of Shigure, Yuki managed to make his way back to his bed. With a small smile, he crawled in, bone-deep exhaustion suddenly hitting him like a tidal wave. He swayed a little as he tried to pull his covers up and nodded sleepily when Shigure took the covers from him and pulled them up him self.

Sighing deeply, Yuki fell into a much needed sleep for the first time since he left that horrid black room. The nightmares, for once in his short, somewhat twisted, life seemed to have disappeared, allowing their charge a moment's peace.

Grateful that the young rat had finally fallen into a deep slumber, Shigure sat down on the chair he had vacated earlier, deciding that at the present moment he was simply going to watch Yuki sleep while he calmed his still racing heart. Hearing Yuki's, for the first time since he's known the young boy, relaxed breathing soothed his frayed nerves and soon he too fell asleep with the hope that now Yuki was going to be able to live a free life with no more black chains binding him to the horrid head of the family.

A/N: Whew all done! I want to thank everybody who commented/faved this story. I really appreciated each and every comment and they really helped me get a fire under my butt to finish this story. I hope the ending didn't disappoint! I have started writing other fanfics but none are quite where I want them to start posting but keep an eye out if you read/ watch Bleach, read Max Ride, or TMNT as those are the stories I am currently working on. All right I am finished with my ridonkculously long author's note! I love you guys!

A/N2: All right so I lied I'm not done. I have one more thing to ask-if there is anybody out there reading this and you are familiar with, preferably, all three of the categories above (Bleach, TMNT, or Max Ride) and you are qualified to be a beta I am looking for one so let me know! Thanks!

Peace, love, and Smarties—

Crazy purple ninja