A Flickering Light

Chapter 1: Hope and counsel.

"He wanted reassurance." Aragorn spun around, hand flying to where his sword usually hung to confront the owner of that clear voice. A tall woman stepped from the shadow of a tree and dropped her dark grey cloak. "Lady Ithilwen," he relaxed "What brings you to Lorien?" "You have, what else? And I have known you since you came to Imladris, Estel, I think we may safely forego formality."

For the first time Aragorn smiled. If he had had the opportunity to conjure up any being to speak to, this particular Elf would have been on the list. "Who did?" he asked in return somehow already knowing the answer. "Boromir of Gondor. Yes, he feels the lure of the Ring more strongly than any of the others, but he also fears it. He fears what you will think of him. It was all I could do to blunt it that he could sleep." Correctly understanding his stare she answered. "I made certain that he did not see me. I think he would find the resemblance to the Lady of the Wood to be too startling. But, enough of that, what keeps you awake?"

"He reminded me of the one thing I wish I could escape from." Aragorn finally admitted. "I know all too well what happened to the last king of Men, to Isildur. I don't want this, this heritage, I have never asked for it and his father will think I am his rival." He glanced over afraid she would be angry but reconsidered. Ithilwen was the least likely to moralize about trepidation of the tasks ahead. While she could be as impossibly remote as any Elf, she was also the one most understanding of mortals.

"You have never asked for it?" Ithilwen repeated sounding amused. "And I suppose Frodo begged to carry the Ring?" At the look on his face she laughed, for a moment sounding as carefree as water sparkling in the sunlight. "Estel, Estel. Do you think that that we go through our lives just doing what we want? You want the Kingship of Men as much as Frodo wishes to be the Ring-bearer. And as little as I envy him his task; I envy you less. He has to destroy; you have to rebuild. Aragorn, you do not want to and you are afraid to but you must unite Men and be king. There is no other way." And with that Ithilwen vanished.

Several days later Aragorn watched her from a distance as the Fellowship received gifts from the Elves. In the light of day her hair gleamed the palest gold against her blue robe. I will be with Arwen when she needs me most. Ithilwen's words were as clear in his head as if she had spoken aloud. The road branches for her she has yet to choose, her father or her love. Each choice carries its own sorrow. Looking back at her he saw her expression as though she looked at something that wasn't there. My thanks Tirananniel far -seer. At his side Galadriel gave Legolas a beautiful bow. He looked at her and frowned in puzzlement. Ithilwen had always been paler than most earning her the name the White Lady, but now her skin lost any colour it had possessed, and her blue eyes had hardened into cobalt. She was staring between Legolas and Galadriel. And she seemed truly appalled.