Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

A/N Just to clear this up the first chapter is a prologue with the main story starting after the 4th year. Also I freely admit to borrowing full paragraphs directly from the books but as you should have noticed I have changed Harry's actions and thoughts to portray a more cunning and power hungry hero. And for those of you who are saying oh great an entire chapter of rehashing cannon, stick with it until I get to third year that's when things start changing noticeably.

Also I'm trying to avoid clichés so Harry will not be emancipated and gain a lordship anytime soon. He will also not inherit a lot of money, in fact I want him to be indebt for at least part of the story. And finally no Dumbledore bashing, it just seems so cliché at the moment.

September 1st 1991

1900 hours

Great Hall, Hogwarts

The last thing Harry saw before the hat dropped over his eyes was the hall full of people craning to get a good look at him. The next second he was looking at the… Well nothing it was rather dark inside of the sorting hat. "Hmm," said a small voice in his ear. "Difficult. very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness yes- but your thoughts so unheroic. Tsk tsk, what would Dumbledore say if he saw the mind of his little Gryffindor how interesting… So where shall I put you?"

"Not Slytherin, not Slytherin" Harry muttered he was no fool he knew what would happen to him if he was locked in a room with people who hated his guts. Besides who in their right mind would ever trust a hero from Slytherin. "Not Slytherin eh, are you sure even now your thoughts mark you as one. Not Slytherin very well better be GRYFFINDOR!"

'Well I'll be stuck with that Weasley kid, But worse things could happen' Harry thought as the image of Crabbe and Goyle having "fun" with him passed through his mind.

June 4th 1992

2100 hours

Stone room, Hogwarts

"Use the boy… Use the boy…"

Quirrell rounded on Harry.

"Yes Potter come here."

"Come here" Quirrell repeated.

Harry slowly began to walk towards Quirrell almost as if he was drawn by some power. 'I can't let him get the stone no matter what. I'm not ready to fight him, the time will come but not now, not here' these thoughts rushed through his head as he slowly approached the mirror.

He slowly looked in the mirror; he saw his reflection pale and scared looking. Slowly it morphed into an older version of himself standing in a large room; he looked to be addressing an assembly of some sort. Then slowly the older turned to Harry and mouthed the word "Power". This was interesting to Harry admittedly but he needed to keep the stone safe from Voldemort and somehow make it out of this fix alive. It was then that his older self winked at him and touched his pocket. At that exact moment Harry felt a weight in his own pocket.

"Well what do you see" Quirrell asked impatiently.

'Shit what the hell would a Gryffindor say' Harry thought to himself. "I-I see myself shaking hands with Dumbledore I've just won the house cup" He quickly invented.

"He lies came" that horrible voice from beneath the turban.

'Damn it I knew I should have said fucking Angelina Johnson, even fucking Gryffindors aren't that damn perfect' Harry mentally berated himself.

"Potter tell me the truth!" Quirrell shouted, "tell me the truth what did you just see"

"Let me speak to him" Voldemort's voice came from the turban.

"M-master you are not yet strong enough"

"I have strength enough for this".

Harry was rooted to the spot, he wanted to make a break for the door but for some reason his legs refused to obey his will. Quirrell slowly began to unwrap his turban. Quirrell turned slowly on the spot, the last band of the turban falling away onto the ground. If Harry could have screamed he would have, where the back of Quirrell's head should have been there was a face, the most terrible face Harry had ever seen.

"Harry Potter…" It whispered.

"See what I've become? Mere shadow and vapor… I have form only when I chose to share another's body… but there have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds… Unicorn blood has strengthened me these past few weeks… You saw Quirrell drinking it for me earlier… And once I have the elixir of life I will be able to create a new body of my own… So why don't you hand me that stone in your pocket?"

"Why?" Harry asked genuinely surprised that Voldemort had asked what should have been his arch nemesis to do such a stupid thing.

"Don't be a fool," snarled the face. "Better save your own life and join me then share the same end as your parents begging for mercy".

"I'll be dead as soon as the stone leaves my hands, you need me dead because I'm living prove you're weak" Harry said quickly analyzing the offer.

"I always value intelligence" Voldemort said. "Which only makes this harder, SEIZE HIM" the face screamed. The next second Harry felt a hand close on his wrist. At once, a needle sharp pain seared across his scar; his head felt like it would be split in two; he yelled, struggling with all his might, and to his surprise Quirrell let him go. The pain in his head lessened, he looked around wildly to see where Quirrell had gone. He saw him hunched in pain, looking at his fingers; they were blistering before his eyes.

"Seize him, SEIZE HIM" Voldemort shrieked, his goal was so close he could not, would not be defeated by this boy again. Quirrell moved to lunge at Harry, but this time Harry knew what to do instead of running he stepped into the charge. At the last second he stepped out the way grabbing Quirrell's cloak and throwing him onto the ground. Their was a wild joy in Harry, he could feel magic pulsing through his veins as his hands reached for Quirrell neck. There was power in this pose power beyond belief all Harry could do was grin as he slowly choked the life out of the defense professor. Finally the body stopped struggling, and lay lifeless, the pain that had been held at bay by magic or adrenaline suddenly rushed back into Harry's head and he slowly collapsed into blackness.

June 8th 1992

1400 hours

Medical wing, Hogwarts

The smiling face of Albus Dumbledore swam into Harry's view. "Good afternoon, Harry," said Dumbledore.

"Quirrell, Voldemort?" Harry asked confused as to just how he got here.

"The stone is safe, Quirrell is-" he stopped short of saying dead probably not wanting to traumatize Harry. "Taken care of" 'Yes Albus' he thought to himself, 'the poor lad has had so much heaped on him let's not have another man's coffin added to the pile'. "Voldemort has crawled back into whatever hole he has been hiding in, but I fear we have not seen the last of him".

"What did you do with the stone" Harry asked, considering the last defenses Dumbledore had set up Harry was to say the least less then confident in it's security.

"I have had it destroyed" Dumbledore said happily.

"B-but what about your friend Flamel?" Harry asked stunned.

"Oh you know about Nicholas" Dumbledore said sounding delighted. "Well you did do this properly didn't you" Dumbledore said sounding proud of his student. "Nicholas and I have had a long talk and we have come to the conclusion that destroying it was the best move. After all death is but the next great adventure" Dumbledore said as if imparting some great wisdom.

'Okay he really is as fucking crazy as everybody thinks he is' Harry thought to himself.

"Sir can I ask you a question" Harry said.

"I shall answer your questions unless I have a very good reason not to, in which case I beg you'll forgive me. I shall not of course lie" Dumbledore bull shitted like a pro.

"Well… why did Voldemort attack my parents" Harry asked the one question that had always been burning in his mind. Dumbledore sighed deeply. "Alas, the first thing you ask me is the one thing I can't tell you".

'Can't or won't' Harry thought to himself but kept it private.

"But why couldn't Quirrell touch me" Harry asked eager to have that feeling again.

"Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing that Voldemort can't understand its love. He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother-". But Harry had already tuned the old man out perhaps due to his upbringing he was as incapable of feeling love as Voldemort. His thoughts were else where, Dumbledore had proven himself an idiot with his defense of the stone and Harry knew that he couldn't count on Dumbledore anymore, from now on he would have to be better be stronger.

July 31st 1992

1900 hours

Privet Drive, Little whining Surrey

"May I take your coat Mr. and Mrs. Mason" came Dudley form the stairs.

"Hello" Harry said to the odd creature sitting on his bed, all the while thinking about his wand which had been locked in the cupboard downstairs. "Harry Potter" the little thing squealed. "So long has Dobby wanted to-"

"Shut up" Harry interjected.

"Dobby make noise, Bad Dobby" the thing squealed before knocking his head against the wall. "What did I just say" Harry said testily.

"Dobby sorry sir" the creature said in a barely audible whisper.

"While you are in this house you will not speak above a whisper is that clear" Harry said quickly catching onto the servile nature of the thing. "Yes sir" Dobby said quietly. "Good now have a seat an-" Harry began before the elf burst into tears. "Silence" Harry growled, "why did you start crying" Harry asked.

"Dobby never been asked to sit down by wizard before, like, like an equal" the elf replied his eyes filled with adoration. Looking over the pathetic creature Harry could see why this thing wasn't treated as an equal. Never the less Harry got the impression whatever this elf had to say was important, and therefore so was his loyalty. "You can't have met many Decent wizards then" Harry said in a clear attempt to flatter the elf. No si- He began before looking horrified, the elf looked like he wanted to punish himself But Harry's order seemed to restrain him. "What's the matter" Harry asked confused by this reaction.

"Dobby speak badly of master, Dobby bad elf" he said putting his face in his hands.

"Who is your master" Harry asked.

"Dobby master is a bad master, he bad wizard" the elf's voice was straining to say this almost as if he was fighting some force.

"Yes Dobby but who".

"Dobby can't say, but Harry potter must not go to Hogwarts".

'The things mental' Harry thought to himself, 'best to humor him though'.

"Alright Dobby I won't go to Hogwarts" Harry said crossing his fingers behind his back.

"Dobby so Happy, Dobby must go" The little elf said looking so happy Harry resolved to wash his sheets in case any fluids leaked out of the elf's pillow case. Just as Harry was about to question the elf about his masters the thing disappeared with a soft pop.

May 30th 1993

0500 hours

McGonagall's office

For about a moment there was silence as Harry, Ron Ginny and Lockhart stood in the doorway covered in muck slime and blood. Then there was a scream from the corner of the room "GINNY!" Mrs. Weasley as she flung herself onto her daughter closely followed by her husband.

Harry however was looking past the reunion with a barely contained fury at Professor Dumbledore who stood there beaming.

"You saved her you saved her, how did you save her?" Mrs. Weasley sobbed.

"I think we would all like to know the answer to that," Professor McGonagall said from her place at Dumbledore's elbow. And so Harry was forced to recount the entire tale, when all he wanted to do was kill the old man. He had known where Harry was, he had known that he was in danger and rather then trying to help him he had sent a few useless trinkets. Eventually Harry completed his story, with occasional interjection from Ron who seemed to believe that he deserved some of the credit.

Slowly the room cleared out the Weasley's left to take Ginny, and, Lockhart to the hospital wing and McGonagall to tell the kitchen's to prepare a feast. And before he knew it Harry was alone with Dumbledore.

"You knew I was down there fighting for my life and you did nothing," Harry said rage making his voice shake.

"Yes and I'm sorry Harry I truly am," Dumbledore said with tears shining in his eyes. "It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. I watch you Harry you are good person, but you are troubled so very troubled. Part of that I realize is my fault, for isolating you from our world and placing you with those who could never truly understand your gift," Dumbledore had never and probably would never realize just how abusive the Dursleys were. "And part of it is because of what you are, what he made you" Dumbledore said.

"What do you mean, what he made me?" Harry asked sensing that he would finally get some answers.

"That night when he tried to kill you he failed, but more then that he gave you some of his own powers, not something that was intentional I'm sure…"

"He put part of himself inside of me?" Harry asked thunderstruck, was this why he was the way he was? He always looked out for himself before everyone one else, was it because of the Dursleys or because Voldemort had made him that way. "D-does that mean I'm like him?" Harry asked, he was selfish but the things Voldemort had done horrified him. He had no problem with doing despicable things to advance his cause, but to kill for no other reason then some psychopathic idea of fun was nothing short of disgusting to Harry.

"No Harry and that's why I couldn't help you in the chamber, you had to confront the evil that he was. You had to see with your own eyes that you are nothing like he was and is. At anytime when you were in that chamber you could've ran away with Fawkes and let Ginny die but you didn't.

"But the sorting hat said I would do well in Slytherin," Harry said "it saw me, it saw what I am and what I will be and it-"

"It put you in Gryffindor," Dumbledore interrupted "and why do you think that is?"

"Because I asked it to," Harry said with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Exactly, because you asked it to, which makes you very different from Tom Riddle and makes you very different from Voldemort. It's are choices Harry that makes us who we are," Dumbledore said clearly happy to have proved that Harry was a good person But Harry knew better he knew why he had chosen Gryffindor. He had chosen Gryffindor so people would trust him, and he knew in that moment that his choice hadn't made him better then, in a way it had made him worse. Voldemort at least had been honest about who he was.

As Harry was collecting his thoughts the doors to the office burst open to admit Lucius Malfoy who was being trailed by one of his house-elves.

"Ah Lucius just the man I was looking for, I have been in contact with the other governors and it seems they've come to the conclusion that my removal might have been premature," Dumbledore said beaming.

"So, have you stopped the attacks yet?" Malfoy sneered, "Have you caught the culprit?"

"As a matter of fact we have, or rather Harry here has," Dumbledore said smiling as Malfoy gave Harry a look that could have melted steel.

"Well who was it?" Malfoy asked.

"The same person as last time, though this time Voldemort decided to act through an intermediary," Dumbledore answered.

"How?" Malfoy said, though it was clear to even Harry who obviously had other things on his mind that Malfoy already knew the answer.

"An imprint of his sixteen year old self trapped in this diary," Dumbledore said holding up the ink stained diary.

"Ingenious," Malfoy ground out.

"Quite," Dumbledore said completely unaffected by Malfoy's hostility.

"Dobby we're leaving Malfoy said turning around and exiting without so much as a good bye.

It was at that moment Harry came to a decision, come what may he would be who he was, he would never be the psychopath Voldemort was. But he wanted one thing more then anything else power and he would have it come what may.

"Professor Dumbledore would you mind if I gave Mr. Malfoy some of his property back?" Harry asked with a straight face.

"Certainly Harry but be back soon, the feast remember-"Dumbledore began but Harry was already out the door. He followed Dobby's screams of pain down the hallway, eventually catching up with them at the top of the stairs.

"Mr. Malfoy I have something for you," Harry cried forcing the diary and one of his dirty socks into Malfoy's open hand.

Malfoy threw the sock to the side and said to Harry "you'll meet the same sticky end your parents did boy. They were meddlesome fools as well,". they stared at each other for a few seconds locked in a battle of wills before Malfoy turned to Dobby and said "Come Dobby we're leaving, I said come," he repeated when Dobby did not move.

"I'm free," Dobby said looking almost reverently at the dirty sock he held in his hand "Dobby is free,"

"Damn you boy you cost e a good servant," Malfoy snarled reaching for his wand, but he immediately stopped that action as Harry already had his out and leveled at Malfoy's heart.

"Do it, I want you to," Harry growled looking down his wand with a look that seemed so out of place on the face of a twelve year old. Malfoy glared at Harry but he made no move for his wand, he snarled one last insult before he flung his cloak around his shoulder and hurried out of sight.

"Dobby is free," the elf said still not believing what had just happened.

"You know Dobby I'm always Hiring," Harry said grinning.

"Dobby could serve the Great Harry Potter," his eyes widened to nearly the size of dinner plates.

"Of course Dobby be at my relative's house when I get back and I'll find something for you to do" Harry said happily whatever else happened the summer wouldn't be boring.

August 6th 1993

1900 hours

Number 4 Privet drive

"You'll be a proper sized man like your father Dudders," Aunt Marge said with a wink. "I think I'll have a spot more of the brandy Vernon," Marge held out her glass and waited for it to be refilled before she continued.

"Now this one here" she slurred gesturing at Harry. "He's got a mean runty look about him. You get that with dogs sometimes, why just last year I had the Colonel drown one. Weak ratty little thing it was, underbred," she said glowering at Harry.

Any other time Harry might have done something he would regret to someone who talked to him like that. But tonight he had a special plan in store one that couldn't possibly be traced back to him. Oh, it would hurt for a little while he was prepared for that, he just hoped aunt Marge would be the first to go.

"It all comes down to blood, now I'm not saying anything against your sister Petunia," she said patting her on the arm, who did her best to conceal her disgust for Marge. "But your sister she was a bad egg, happens in the best of families it does. Then she ran off with that bum and look here are the results," she said gesturing at Harry drunkenly.

"This Potter," Marge, continued as she reached for the brandy bottle, "what did he do," she said as she poured herself more splashing copious amounts of liquor onto Petunia's favorite tablecloth.

"Unemployed," Vernon said, giving Harry a pleading look.

"As I expected, a no account, good for nothing, lazy scrounger, feeding off the backs of good hardworking-" But Harry wasn't listening anymore there was an odd rumbling in his stomach.

He took off running for the front door; he made it out into the yard and collapsed heaving the contents of his stomach out onto the beautifully manicured lawn.

"It's the drink," Margret proclaimed in a fit of irony, but her opinion was ignored as Vernon joined Harry on the grass with Dudley not a second behind.

It took Harry the better part of an hour to make his way back to his room, but when he did, he could barely contain his laughter at the noises from the rest of the house as Dobby forced the antidote down his throat. And the best part of all was that no one would ever blame him, as he had been helping Vernon get gardening supplies from the store while the dinner was being cooked. Harry smiled as he looked over at dobby, the elf had proven himself useful all right.

February 5th 1994

0300 hours

Gryffindor Tower

"IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE!" Ron yelled clearly desperate that someone would believe him. "PROFFESOR I WOKE UP AND SIRIUS BLACK WAS STANDING OVER ME HOLDING A KNIFE," Ron said.

At any other time Harry would be amused to see Ron so close to tears, but not tonight, because he knew Ron was right. How could he have been so stupid, he knew that a crazed killer was after him and he had not done anything to defend himself, he was supposed to be cunning but he had not done anything worth doing all year.

"Ask him, ask him," Ron said gesturing franticly at the portrait hole.

Professor McGonagall approached sir Cadogan's portrait clearly annoyed to at the whole affair. "Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man into the common room," se asked.

"Certainly ma'am," the knight said happily.

"But-t-t the password" McGonagall spluttered in pure shock.

"He had it, so he did, matter of fact he had all of them written a little slip of paper," the Knight replied apparently not realizing the gravity of the events unfolding around him.

McGonagall calmly walked back into the room with a look of pure white hot rage on her face she asked "who was stupid enough, to write down the week's password and leave them laying around,"

Harry saw Neville slowly tremble forward to take responsibility and in that, moment a thought occurred to him. He had read that Neville's parents were incapacitated, which made him the future earl Ambridge. Harry had failed himself he had been complacent; he was lounging around with Ron when he should have been making valuable connections. He had the chance to correct that now, but it would cost him.

"I did professor," Harry said stepping forward.

McGonagall was so furious that she couldn't even speak, she just motioned for him to follow her. He turned to Neville and mouthed the words 'you owe me' before he followed the professor out of the common room.

June 9th 1994

2000 hours

Tunnel under the Whooping Willow

"You know what this means Sirius said as made their slow progress up the tunnel and to the entrance that was guarded by the Willow.

"Your free," Harry replied happily, all things considered the day had gone well. He had turned a hated enemy into a close friend, and if everything worked outright Sirius would be a powerful friends too.

"Well… I don't know if anyone ever told you but I'm your godfather," Black said in a rush.

"Yes, I know," Harry answered wondering if he was getting at what he thought he was getting at.

"Well…I've been thinking…when my name is cleared… and well, I've been thinking…if you were to want… another home, well then maybe… you could live with me I'll understand if you don't want to of course."

"Leave the Dursley's," Harry said happily.

"Just a thought," Sirius replied apparently mistaking Harry's eagerness for anger.

"Yes, and a damn good thought at that," Harry answered feeling the absurd need to sound mature in front of this man who would be his guardian.

"Really?" Sirius said perking up eagerly.

"Of course, as soon as I can get my shit from the Dursley's I'm gone."

"Do you really mean it?" Sirius sounded as if he had just been given a second chance, and indeed he had.

"Of course," Harry repeated himself.

"In that case stop cursing, what would your mother say?" Sirius said laughing for what must have been the first time in years.

They didn't speak again until they had reached the end of the tunnel. Crookshanks darted up first, and took care to touch his rear paw to the knot at the base of the Willow. Lupin went up after that and was followed closely by Pettigrew, Ron and Hermione. Next came Harry followed by Sirius who accidentally on purpose bumped Snape's Head against the roof of the cave before levitating him out.

As the party walked back up the grounds and to the castle Harry was lost in thought. What would his new friends say when they found out he was moving in with an excon. Harry could well imagine the look on Vernon's Face when the news reached him. An odd mix of horror and glee no doubt. Harry was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice for a few seconds his surroundings being filled with moonlight.

Snape collided with Lupin and Pettigrew who had stopped inexplicably, then Harry noticed that Lupin had gone rigid

"He Didn't take the potion he isn't safe," Hermione said in a stunned whisper.

"Run," Sirius whispered from behind Harry, "run now."

But Harry was rooted to the spot in a horror, he wanted to run, he wanted to look away, but something kept him looking at Lupin as he slowly morphed into a beast. He was too distracted by the transformation to notice until the last minute what had happened. Pettigrew had broken from Lupin's spell and stolen the werewolf's wand.

"Stupefy," Harry cried before he had taken proper aim. The shot went wide but it was enough to convince Pettigrew that it was time to leave. The wizard quickly transformed into a rat and disappeared.

"LEAVE HIM HARRY!" yelled Sirius before he too transformed, but instead of going after wormtail he leaped onto the freshly werewolf Lupin. The pair wrestled angrily on the ground but Harry had eyes for Pettigrew alone.

"subluceo" he yelled in what he assumed was Pettigrew's general location, and he was awarded with a glowing rat rapidly making his way to the tree line. He would never understand how such a small mouse managed to be moving that fast, but he took off after him anyway. He tried to summon the little bastard back to him but it was no use, as he would find out later the summoning charm had no effect on living things.

He was forced to follow the rat into the forbidden forest; the noises of Sirius and Lupin soon faded to distant barking. "Incendio!" Harry cried in a desperate attempt to cut Pettigrew off, but the little rat was to quick and made it around the fire easily. But he had lost valuable ground to Harry, who reached down in an attempt to grab him, and missed.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled as he tripped over a fallen tree branch, his glasses tumbled from his face and were crushed by his falling body. His wand was out of his hand before he knew what had happened, and he was momentarily dazed by the blow of his head meeting the ground. He heard the sound of footsteps above him and he scrambled to find his wand, or any way to defend himself.

"I-I'm sorry about t-this," stuttered Pettigrew above him.

"I protected you," Harry said incredulously looking up at the man he had saved not even an hour before.

"I-I-If he finds out that I let you live…" Harry could practically feel the tremble in Pettigrew's body.

"He'll never find out, we can just keep it between me and you," Harry pleaded.

"He'll know, he always knows. I-I'm so sorry."

"Then do it," Harry whispered, turning to face where he though Pettigrew stood. "JUST DO IT ALREADY!"

"S-S-Sorry." suddenly a roar from there right cut Peter off. "Oh Merlin!" he cried as he saw a large black dog running towards him, it's teeth gleaming viciously in the moonlight. "Diffindo!" cried Pettigrew desperately.

His spell connected just as it was supposed to, and Sirius immediately went slack. Momentum carried his body forward, leaving it laying at the feet of Pettigrew, who whimpered hocked at what he had done. "S-S-Sorry," he said one last time before running away as fast as his legs would carry him. Leaving Harry laying in a puddle of Sirius's blood. And for the first time in years Harry cried.

Nov 13th 1994

1400 hours

Weighing of the Wands

"Wand weighing?" Harry asked the annoyingly friendly Bagman.

"We have to check and see if your wands are fully functional, we wouldn't want someone going around and claiming there wand was sabotaged now would we," Bagman said with a grin that he apparently thought was attractive. "And this beautiful witch is the famous Miss. Rita Skeeter" Bagman said introducing Harry to a witch in garish magenta robes.

"Don't you mean infamous?" Harry said with a grin to show he was joking, he had heard of Skeeter and she was a woman he wanted on his side.

"Your one to talk Mr. Potter, I've heard some interesting rumors about you," Skeeter replied with a predatory grin.

"I assure you Miss Skeeter they are all completely and unequivocally true," Harry said with what he hoped was a roguish grin.

"My readers will be delighted to know," Skeeter said with a laugh to show she was joking. "Now Harry I've been dying to do an interview with you but your headmaster has been very outspoken in his refusal," she said sourly.

"The headmaster has always been protective of his students, but I suppose what he doesn't know can't hurt him," Harry said though he really didn't give a damn what Dumbledore thought about the interview.

"Excellent Harry come with me, we will want some privacy for the interview after all," Skeeter said as she dragged Harry into a broom closet.

"Well this is… cozy" Harry said as he took a seat an upturned bucket.

"Harry dear do you mind if I use my special quill for this interview, frees up the hand you know," Skeeter asked reaching into her bag and dragging out several sheets of paper and a shockingly green quill.

"Of course Miss Skeeter you are the expert after all," Harry hoped he wasn't laying the flattery on to thick.

"Call me Rita dear," Harry could have sworn the old bird batted her eyelashes.

"Now lets see testing, testing I'm Rita Skeeter," She said as her quill dashed across the page.

Attractive blond forty-three Rita Skeeter whose deadly sharp quill has burst many inflated reputations and egos.

"That can't be right," Rita said frowning at the quill, and instantly the forty in her age was replaced with a thirty. "There we go," she said with a grin. "So Harry what made you enter the tournament?" she asked silkily.

"I didn't Rita, and I might note that several ministry officials agree with me in that," Harry said hoping to get that out of the way quick.

"Oh come on Harry, you hardly need to worry about getting in trouble my readers love a rebel," Rita said with what she thought was an appealing grin.

"Everyone loves a rebel Rita, but I can say with complete confidence as can all four of my roommates that I was in bed during the night, and the cup was watched at all other times," Harry replied.

"How do you feel about the upcoming tasks excited, nervous?" Rita said apparently deciding to give up on the previous question.

"Oh please Rita," Harry said with a grin "I'm English, let the Europeans worry," Rita dutifully laughed.

"So brave Harry, but champions have died in the past aren't you worried about that?"

"It's like walking in the rain Rita, you can run from building to building, all the while looking like a complete idiot well getting wet, or you can keep your head held high and walk straight and still get wet. There's always the risk but worrying about it will do you no good," Harry replied.

"Of course you looked death in the face before haven't you, how do you think that's affecting your confidence?" Rita asked getting uncomfortably close.

"Well that's certainly an advantage I have over my competition, but when it comes down to it skill will be what matters?" Harry replied.

"So Harry what are all these rumors about the girls," Rita asked with a grin.

"W-well," Harry stuttered caught of guard by the sudden change.

"Anyone we should know about Harry?" Rita pressed on sensing a weak spot.

"Now Rita what kind of gentleman would I be if I kissed and told," Harry recovered quickly.

Before Rita could reply the cupboard door was pulled open. "Ah Dumbledore," Harry heard Rita say as his eyes were adjusting to the light. "I hope you read my article on the International warlocks federation meeting?" She asked pleasantly.

"Yes I particularly enjoyed the part were you called m an obsolete old dingbat," Dumbledore's eyes were twinkle as he dealt with the reporter.

"I was merely pointing out there your political opinions are rapidly becoming old fashioned to the common wizard in the-" Rita began before she was cut off.

"I'll be happy to here the reason for the rudeness later, but at the moment the weighing of the wands is about to began and it can't do that if one of the champions is tucked away in a broom closet," Dumbledore replied taking Harry by the army and steering him out of the cupboard.

June 27th 1994

1200 hours

Room of requirements

Harry couldn't believe it, how had he underestimated everyone so much. Fudge was never supposed to break with Dumbledore, They were supposed to present a united front, but they hadn't. And worse of all Fudge had killed the only other person who could back Harry up. If he hadn't been so mad, Harry would've admitted to being impressed by the man's sheer audacity.

Then there was that bitch Skeeter. Ever since the interview he had given her at the beginning of the year, they had worked together. Rita had been given every exclusive that she had asked for; Harry had even convinced Parvati to give her an interview for the Yule Ball. But apparently, loyalty didn't matter to the reporter, as soon as she had heard about Voldemort's return she had turned her back on Harry and began working with Fudge.

Then there was Dumbledore, He had apparently been preparing for this for years. Within hours of Harry's return Dumbledore had assembled twenty people in his office and reconstituted the Order of the Phoenix. Harry was just lucky that Dobby had friends with the house elves in the kitchen otherwise he wouldn't even have known about that. Harry had underestimated everyone Dumbledore, Fudge, Skeeter, and most importantly Voldemort.

But there was something Harry had known since he was a child, every disaster hides an opportunity. Eventually Fudge would have to admit that Voldemort was back and when he did, his career was over. That would leave a power vacuum; Harry had no doubt that Fudge's supporters would split themselves between Dumbledore and Voldemort. But if there was a third option, then that person could conceivably sweep Fudge's supporters right out from under they're noses.

Harry seriously doubted that he could be that third option, he after all was only fifteen. But if he could position himself at exactly the right place, he could endorse the right candidate, who would be forced to make concessions to him. But the question was, who the right candidate would be, which was why Harry had called a meeting of his own.

"Did you have trouble finding the place Percy?" Harry asked the Weasley walked into the room of requirement.

"No," he replied stiffly, everything about the man's stance said very clearly that he did not want to be there but had no other choice. However, Harry couldn't help but notice as Percy's eyes looked around the room with astonishment. Harry had chosen a sitting room, in Gryffindor red and gold, he had also purposefully made the room as expensive looking as possible to overwhelm Percy who was not used to the finer things.

"Well don't just stand there Percy take a seat," Harry said gesturing towards a rich armchair across from Harry's.

"Thank you," Percy replied still distinctly uncomfortable.

"Tea, scones?" Harry offered, gesturing towards a plate dobby had left behind.

"Thank you," Percy said as he poured himself a cup distinctly wishing he could ass some fire whiskey to the brew. He had the horrible feeling that he was about to make a deal with the devil, but what other option did he have?

"Now Percy," Harry began, "you are probably wondering why I called you here," he continued.

"The thought had crossed my mind," Percy said as he sipped at his tea.

"Well, I feel that you have been treated rather unfairly by the ministry, what happened to Mr. Crouch wasn't your fault- Harry began.

"Of course it wasn't, how was I to know what was happening," Percy interjected just a little too quickly.

"Quite and terminating your employment went above and beyond any reasonable punishment. As a matter of fact they should've rewarded you for your excellent handling of the department during Crouch's… absence," Harry said soothingly.

"I'm glad someone sees my side of things," Percy replied, he had expected arm twisting and blackmail from Dumbledore's hatchet man, Harry's pleasant demeanor was a welcome surprise.

"You know I've been discussing your predicament with one of my classmates, Susan Bones, remember her?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I believe I do," Percy said eagerly even though he did not remember Susan he did remember her last name.

"Well her aunt just adores her, and well the right word in the director's ear could very easily see you back behind a ministry desk," Harry said taking a savage pleasure at the greedy look in Percy's eyes. "Of course such offers always come with a price you understand," Harry said wondering if that would be a deal breaker.

"What does Dumbledore want me to do?" Percy asked knowing that he could not say no.

"It's not what Dumbledore wants you to do, it's what I want you to do," the last thing Harry needed was for Percy to send a note to Dumbledore.

"I see," Percy said catching on fast, "and what would you want me to do?" he asked.

"Oh nothing major," for now Harry mentally added, "just pass on some office gossip, let me know what's happening in the Ministry that sort of thing," Harry replied.

"Well in that case, we have a deal," Percy, said genuinely relieved that Harry wasn't asking for more.

"Good," Harry said reaching over and shaking Percy's hand, "now I you'll excuse me I need to go and talk to Miss. Bones," Harry said.

A/n Alright there you go the prologue is now complete. Now a few quick notes and warning. Now as anyone who has ever followed one of my stories before knows my updates are sporadic at best. Sometimes there'll be two large chapters in a week and sometimes you won't here from me for months, be warned. Also for those of you who were hoping I would update one of my other stories, know they're not abandoned just on the back burner. Now please review.