Chapter 1

Fairmount Cemetery in Denver, Colorado.

Carline Marie Shay, known to her friends as Carly, is on her knees in front of a tomb in the middle of the place, her eyes are red and puffy from her endless crying, her hands grasp her black dress as a hand lays on her shoulder.

-Carly, we have to go. -her brother Spencer said

-I don't want to go...

A boy her age, who's face showed also that he had been crying, knelt before her.

-Carly please... we have to leave.


He hugged her as her crying increased and he slowly helped her up. Incapable of holding back his tears he silently cried...

Early that year, at Carly's apartment, Freddy, Sam and Carly were working on another episode of iCarly.

-OK, so we're wrapped with the rehearsal -Freddy said

-It's going to be an awesome program!! -Carly beamed

-Yeah, awesome -Sam agreed

-So, why don't we go get some smoothies? My threat -Freddy said

-Sure -Carly said

-You guys go, I had one early -Sam said

-You sure? I really mean it, the smoothies are on me -Freddy said

-I said no, just go already!!! -Sam yelled

The minute they closed the door Sam closed her eyes and moaned in pain as the excruciating pain she felt in her stomach intensified. The teenager held herself from the wall trying to resist the pain, making sure that Spencer didn't noticed she left and got to her apartment, there, without anything she could do, her stomach decided to empty itself right in the living room.

-Great... now I'll have to clean up this mess...

As she cleaned she noticed the huge traces of blood that were there as well.

-Great... again... I better stop eating that much junk food... some pepto will do anyways...

But things didn't got better, Carly started to notice that Sam seemed tired and even was in the verge of passing out right there on the studio. At home Sam's mother got to her when she heard her puking in the bathroom.

-Are you all right?

-Yeah... I probably ate something bad...

But she noticed that her mother was glaring at her and at the toilet.

-Is that blood? -she asked


-You have blood in your lips and in there...

-I'm fine... don't worry... - Sam said flushing and cleaning herself.

Two months later Carly and Freddy were looking for Sam after she failed to meet them at the cafeteria for lunch after her gym class, something unusual on the blond as she normally was monstrously hungry after any physical activity. Carly pulled Gibby when he walked pass them as she knew he shared gym class with Sam.

-Gibby do you know were Sam is?

-Didn't you heard?

-Heard what? -Freddy asked

-She was taken to the hospital after she started to puke blood on the gym shower -he replied

-WHAT??? -Carly said terrified

-Do you know where they took her? -Freddy asked

-I uh... It had to do with sleeping beauty... or something...

-DON'T YOU REMEMBER ANYTHING?!?!? -Carly exploded

-Wait... was it Medical Center of Aurora? -Freddy asked

-YEAH!!! That's the one!!! -Gibby replied

-Can we get there? -Carly asked

-My mom takes me there every month, I know how to get there, I'll take you after school and


Twenty minutes later they arrived at the hospital. Carly ran to the nurse in the information desk

-Excuse me, I'm looking for Samantha Puckett -she said

-Let me see... Puckett... Puckett... Samantha... she's in the OR now for an endoscopy. -she said reading her computer monitor.

-Can we see her? -Carly asked

-No need to worry, she'll be home tonight -she said

Two hours later Sam was getting ready to leave when her mother and a Doctor came in, she noticed the look on her mother, she was holding back her tears.

-Samantha, I'm Doctor Elizabeth Corday... -The Doctor began.

-Call me Sam, so, what's wrong with me, what do I need to take? -she asked

-Well, it's not that simple, when we performed the endoscopy we... found something and we had to test it... unfortunately... and there's no easy way to say this... you have cancer...

Sam glared at him for several seconds, as tears ran down her face she found the strength to talk.

-So... what now? Will you operate me to take it out?

-I'm afraid Sam... it's inoperable... -Dr. Corday replied

-Great... so... how.... how long... will I live... -she asked trying with all her might to hold back her tears.

Dr. Corday held the teenager's hands.

-For what we saw... it's been there for long... so... our best hope... are six months...

To be continued...