Hi guys. I'm back for what is hopefully a better story. :) Please read and review. :) Enjoy

"Nice of you to finally join us DiNozzo." Gibbs said.

He was very angry. DiNozzo was half an hour late and hadn't bothered calling anyone to tell them he would be late. Though, as Gibbs looked at him, some of his anger ebbed away. DiNozzo looked a little worse for wear.

"Sorry Boss." He said as he hiked his smile back into place "I had a long night" he grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Ziva.

"Do you mean you spent last night with a woman and that is why you are late for work?" Ziva said with disgust.

"Oh, Ze-va. Don't you worry your pretty little head about what I do or don't do after hours" Tony replied.

Gibbs noticed the stiff way Tony moved to his desk and the almost inaudible sigh he let out as he sat down in his chair.

"I would never be allowed to be this late" McGee muttered under his breath as Tony finally sat down.

"What was that McGee?" Gibbs barked.

"Nothing, Boss." He replied.

"I thought not. Ok team. We're going to hit the gym today. So everyone get changed and down there."

Gibbs watched as a brief flicker of something he almost though was dread crossed his senior agents face at the announcement.

Tony couldn't believe he actually made it in to work today. And even though he was proud of himself he knew that this was going to be a long hard day. He had woken up 4 different times last night to completely hack his lungs out and 2 of those times he emptied the contents of his stomach. He knew he was sick and by the feel of it, it was pretty bad.

When he finally got up and took a shower he knew he was running a fever. He was aching all over and his head was pounding. However, Tony knew no matter what he was going to have to keep up the façade that everything was fine today at work, or Gibbs would be on him in a second.

He walked into work half an hour late and was surprised that Gibbs didn't yell at him. He had looked like he was about to but then he changed his mind. After exchanging a few words with the team he slowly made his way over to his desk aware of the eyes of his boss on him the whole time. He had only just sat down when Gibbs announced

"Ok team. We're going to hit the gym today. So everyone get changed and down there."

Tony let a look of pure dread overcome his face for only a moment before he covered it up. This was going to be bad, and he knew it. He prayed to God he would be able to hold out through the rigorous workout Gibbs no doubt had in mind.

Just wait. I promise it gets better. Sorry this chapter was so short.