AN; Hello people narutoharem123 here and welcome to my first chapter of my first story
DISCLAIMER ; I own nothing
Now on with the story
Chapter 1 Confrontations and Could it be Love
High above the sky in an unknown location two 20 feet doors open and light burst out. When the light dies down two figures are seen one 6 foot 2 with spiky blond hair , deep blue eyes and three lines on each of his cheeks , he is wearing a black trench coat buttoned only half way down and black baggy pants (picture ichigos bankai outfit from bleach)
The other figure is a little shorter than the first with raven black hair with smooth pale white skin and coal black eyes . He is wearing a white over coat that reached his ankles under a black long sleeve shirt and black baggy pants (Byakuya Kuchiki's outfit from bleach)
"Has it really only been three years sense we have seen the real world " the blond man said looking to the raven hair one.
"Yes it has naruto. God you can bee absent minded some time" said the dark haired man in an irritated tone.
"Says the guy who forgot his own birthday but I'm the absent mind one sasuke " the now identified Naruto replied smirking at the raven
"Whatever loser " the now identified sasuke replied with a smirk of his own
Both men then looked out in to the sky and the next second they were gone.
Outskirts of iron country
Madara stood waiting for Zetsu to report on how pain was doing at the kages meeting when to figures suddenly appeared in front of him and thin he heard the dark haired one speak.
"Are you sure this is were the high power level came from " asked Sasuke in an irritated tone.
"I'm sure teme Naruto said in a serious tone putting his right hand on the strange device that went from his right ear to the right eye (DBZ scoter that Vegeta wears when he first comes to earth).
"Sasuke the scouter says this guy's power level is higher than the kyuubi" naruto said in an emotionless voice staring at madara.
"Well well well if it isn't Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki Madara said smirking under his mask while thinking this is one of the best things that could have happened with Pain attacking the kages , Kisame taking care of the eight tail jinuuchriki and now i have the last piece to the puzzle and an extra pair of sharingan eyes can this day get any better.
Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and nodding then to Madara's surprise Naruto charged at him. Madara used the transparent jutsu thinking that naruto was going to punch him but Naruto stop two feet away from him and he looked to his right to see sasuke charging a Chidori at his head he used the transparent jutsu again only for Sasuke to stop two feet away just like Naruto.
It was then that Madara realized that he had been caught in a genjutsu but how? thought Madara.
"Your not in a genjutsu" said a voice that cut through the silence "your in my mind from the moment you saw me you were transported in to my mind and while you were busy fighting me in my mind Sasuke has been looking through yours" said Naruto.
"But how" madara tried again not believing that he had been caught so off guard by these two.
That's for me to know and you to die trying to find out" said Naruto in an emotionless voice preparing to activate one of the genjutsu seals imprinted into his mind.
Madara smirk "you think you caught me think again" Madara's body disappeared from Naruto's mind .
back in reality
Sasuke noticed that Madaras body disappeared and looked to Naruto .
"Well "Sasuke said looking to Naruto .
"He got away right before I activated the genjutsu seal to trap him" replied Naruto
"It can't be help it was Madara Uchiha we were dealing with" Sasuke told naruto taking notice to Naruto's surprise expression
"You me thee Madara Uchiha " asked Naruto only for Sasuke to nod and tell him he would inform him on what he had learned from poking into madara's mind while Naruto keep him busy in his mind
Kages meeting
Madara stood watching pain fight the kages with the help of Zetsu's jutsu and he could not stop thinking about Naruto and Sasuke , how they were able to gat the upper hand on him . he could only come to one conclusion that he under estimated them and they took advantage of the situation to gain the upper hand . but what really got him thinking was how they were able to do it with out showing any of there abilities or more accurately his sharingan not being able to detect when naruto brought him into his mind and Sasuke's intruding in his mind. One things for sure he would have to watch out for the two in the near future…
He took is mind of his musings to see pain about to be impaled by the Tsuchikages earth jutsu and decide it was his time to inerter
(Happens just like in the manga were he tells them his master plain so if you want details go read the manga except pain takes the place as Sasuke)
After the kages decide the Raikage should be the head commander of the alliance they split up and headed back to there home village to report the contents of the meeting to there villagers .
Atop a tower above were the kages meeting was stood Naruto and Sasuke
"So this is the best of the elemental nations , such a pity that the safety of thousand are left in the hands of those power huger fools "Sasuke said in a grief stricken tone .
"I know what you mean" Naruto replied "the Raikage only called the meeting after his brother was targeted and when the sand village requested help he refused . The Tsuchikage only cares about power and is willing to do anything to get it even if that means weakening the other countries that could of helped him with the Akatsuik in the future. Tsunade and Orochimaru speak for them selves all the things they did wrong. The only half way decent people are gaara and the mizukage and they have no say in things Gaara for being to young in there eyes and for not having enough experience and the mizukage for her village and the former Mizukage letting the Akatsuki gained there barring there and control there country" finished the blond with a scowl.
"So are we going to pay the sand village and mist village leaders a visit" asked Sasuke looking at Naruto.
"Why "asked Naruto confused on what Sasuke was getting at .
Sasuke glared at Naruto "we need allies to defeat Madara and Danzo even I will admit we can't do it alone " answered Sasuke "
"Oh" replied the blond in a sheepish tone scratching the back of his head laughing."well guess I'll go confront the Mizukage about are proposal and you confront Gaara"finished the blonde .
"Why can't you go confront Gaara he is your friend"asked Sasuke in an accusing tone .
Because with all my seals blocking the kyuubi I have up who knows how it will effect another jinuuchriki or former jinuuchriki" answered Naruto "besides you always end up saying the wrong things to girls and get them pissed, like the time you said to that farmers daughter that it should be her honor to bear your children and she should be happy you decide to use her finished the blond with a triumphant smirk on his face.
Sasuke scowled but said nothing before finally running in the direction the Kazekage and his sibling went not just a few minutes ago.
Naruto soon after started going in the direction the Mizukage went
Unknown location
Danzo was reporting with one of his root members who spied on the meeting for him and the root ANBU soon relied all of what happened at the meeting to aDnzo.
"So the village hidden in the Mist thinks that I'll let some one besides a Hyuuga in the leaf walk around with a Byakugan freely" Danzo said to no one
"Well we'll have to fix that and maybe I will be able to control the new Mizukage she seems weak "Danzo said
"Fu , Toruno I want you to kill the one will the Byakugan and take control of the Mizukage" ordered Danzo , and they were both out to complete there new mission without a seconded thought .
Danzo smirked things were finally going his way.
Back with Naruto
Naruto was carefully falling the Mizukage making sure not to be detected by them. Which was hard because she had a sensor with her and he had to make sure to mask his power to almost zero . he had to admit the sensor was a strong ninja.
That's when Naruto noticed two people and so did the sensor apparently because he stopped while the Mizukage and the other ninja went on ahead.
And so enough the sensor and one of the root ANBU were fighting while the other one whet after the Mizukage , Naruto soon followed after the Mizukage uninterested in the fight and thinking now that the sensor is go he could approach the Mizukage .
When he finally did catch up to the Mizukage what he saw was what he was least expecting . there was the Mizukage and the other ninja knocked out on the ground with what looked like a horrible daises running through there bodies who ever that root ANBU Danzo sent was , he was interesting that's for sure.
It was then that Naruto noticed a note pin with a kunai by the Mizukages head he went and open the letter. and then read it it read .
Mizukage-dono I had one of my men implant poisonous insects in to your body that will decay your whole body and the only one able to reverse the effects which I will be happy to do with just one condition and that is to swear your loyalty to me or you can go die some where it makes no different to me I win either way .
Danzo your new lord
Naruto was pissed that son of a bitch danzo has done it again . this just reminded Naruto why he was going to kill Danzo with a slow and pain full death .
So he picked up the Mizukage and the other ninja with her and head back to the tower in the sky hoping he could find a cure in the ancient runes the tower had .
Back with fu and the sensor
Toruno had just arrived when Fu was finishing of the sensor but some how the sensor pulled a fast one on fu and sealed his Byakugan eye .
Fu knowing Danzo wanted them to recover the Byakugan eye could not kill the sensor because he was the only one to deactivate the seal so Fu just knocked him out.
Fu and Toruno then decide to take the sensor to Danzo.
With sasuke
Sasuke was trailing Gaara at a safe distance away when Gaara and his siblings meet up with some one Sasuke hope never to see again Kakashi his and Narutos old sensei if you could call him that.
Sasuke not wanting the leaf to know about him yet, decide to head back to the tower thinking he could meet up with Gaara another time.
Back with naruto
He had arrived to the tower and found the Mizukage and her guard a room to rest while he went to look in the archive for a cure to the poisonous insects.
After about an hour Sasuke showed up at the tower and noticed two more people's presentences and thought to himself Naruto you idiot what have you done now .
"Might as well go see what Naruto in doing and he better have a good reason so help me god" Sasuke said to himself as he walk through the big tower looking for his partner .
What supersized Sasuke was that he found Naruto in the archive studying ancient text with a determined look on his face. Which was weird because Naruto was only this serious on the battlefield so he decided to confront the whiskered teen.
"So are you going to explain yourself or do I have to beat it out of you" Sasuke said in a amused voice no longer thinking about the two unconscious people in the tower, he would never pass up a chance to get on the blondes nerves.
"Like you could" Naruto replied in a amusing tone of his own never looking up from his reading , never passing up a chance to beat the raven haired teen. Then Naruto grew serious and a grim expression passed over his features and he said one word "Danzo ".
Sasuke's face mirrored Narutos as he asked the question "what did Danzo do this time" hating even saying the accursed mans name .
Naruto showed Sasuke the letter from danzo that was addressed to the Mizukage and Sasukes reaction was the same as Narutos when he first read the letter .
"So your trying to find a cure well good luck I'm going to bed " Sasuke said with a yawn heading out the door way and to his room .
"What about Gaara ? what was his answer ?" asked Naruto in a curious voice looking up from his reading to Sasuke's back .
"Nothing happened because meat up with kakashi before l had a chance to talk to him " replied Sasuke in an even tone " and I know we don't want the leaf to know anything about us , and it looks like the Kazekage trust the leaf so if I were to guess i don't think he will join are cause "finished Sasuke.
"I see" Naruto said going back to his reading .
Three hours passed by when Naruto finally found something on the bugs the Aburama used and with his special seals he was able to recreate an antibody to the bugs so he walked to the room were the Mizukage and her guard was. Knowing that there bodies might react violently to the antibodies he moved them in to separate rooms. and after carefully injecting the antibodies into both there blood .he left the room to get some sleep of his own knowing that it might take some time for them to get better ,but not before putting seals on each of there doors locking them in.
Mizukages room next day
She woke up in a cold sweat looking around rapidly trying to figure out where she was and after a quick scan of the room she figured out she was in an unfamiliar place. The last thing she remembered was ………BAM! It hit her like a ton of bricks all the things that happened.
"But how am I alive I thought that the disease would have killed me after I refused the offer "she said out loud to no one she then examined her self. From what she could tell someone cured her but whom? She thought, no one she knew could have come up with a cure .
She decided to put that aside for now and try to figure out were she was, so she got out of bed and walked to the door , she the tried to open it key word tried because it would not budge. It must be sealed she thought and it must be a dame good seal master who did it to .
All thought left her as the door open reviling a handsome blonde haired man with deep blue eyes and three whiskers adoring each cheek dressed in all black , black trench coat , black shirt , black baggy pants and black boots. She was immediately tense , was this guy an enemy ? was he the one that saved her? is he going to hold her hostage? So many things were going through her head but one thing was for sure, she had to get answers. When she saw the blonde start to walk towards her she started doing hand seals to perform a jutsu but to her surprise she could not build up any chakra that's when the guy spoke.
"its pointless to try and build up chakra , I put chakra seals on you" Naruto said and then added 'but before you go into a panic ii did it for your safety because the antibodies I injected into your blood to counter the bugs the aburama infected you with eats chakra so I had to seal off your chakra but don't worry as soon as you are cured I will remove the seal" finished the blonde.
The Miuzkage just starred at the blonde with a blank expression "why , why would you save me ".
"Why not" the blonde asked back with a smile .
The Mizukages expression turned into one of rage " who do you think I am, some damsel in distress waiting for a guy to save me and then let him have his wicked way with me "yelled the Mizukage .
"Wow wow slow down there and stop jumping to conclusions I just wanted to ask you some questions" Naruto said in a com voice hoping to com her down.
"Why should I believe you" asked the Mizukage
'Why shouldn't you " Naruto asked back again with a smile
"Because you're a guy "the Mizukage shot back irritated with how he was turning everything she asked back at her .
"Well to prove me innocents I will let you ask any three questions you want and I'll answer truthfully " Naruto said in a confident tone .
"Fine who are you " asked the Mizukage starting to get curious about this mysteries and handsome man.
'Naruto Uzuchia" (if your wondering about the weird last name Naruto and Sasuke combined there last name to form there own clan like I said in the summary ) answered Naruto .
"Are you an enemy of the mist" asked the Mizukage
"No" answered the blonde
"Okay then I believe what you said "the Mizukage said
"What , why did you change your mind all of a sudden" asked Naruto getting confused
"Because I can detect no lies in your word "answered the Mizukage truthfully
"So why didn't you believe me from the start" asked Naruto
" I was panicked and couldn't think straight" answered the Mizukage
"What about the other question" asked the blonde curiously
"I'll save it for later "answered the Mizukage with a coy smile looking at the blonde
Naruto smirked "so am I going to get your name beautiful or is it a treasured secret" asked the blonde
The Mizukage blushed not use to getting compliments that didn't have the words hot or sexy in them from men , but she could tell this guy was different and just maybe …….
"Mei" she finally said after five minutes of just starring at the blonde ( I don't know the Mizukages real name so if someone does please tell me and I'll change it but until then its going to be mai)
"Mei ,that's a cute name I think it fits you perfect , a cute name for a beautiful woman" replied Naruto "can I call you Mei-chan "asked the blonde
"Only if I can call you Naruto-kun" Mei replied blushing profusely
Naruto blushed a little , no one but the old Hokage had said his name so affectionately and this was from a woman, a beautiful woman at that, " sure" answered Naruto
"so Naruto-kun where are we " asked the Mizukage as she looked away from the blond still blushing
"Well Mei-chan we are high in the sky above the clouds in a tower that holds many secrets of the world" answered naruto " so guarded that will only appear when a pure hearted person needs it most hell it even has a genjutsu on it that if a person leaves this place and dose not kno where its located at they will forget they were ever hear"finished the whiskered blonde.
end of chapter 1
AN: All right finally done with the first chapter now let me explain some things
1 Naruo and Sasuke have access to sayian technology witch is far more advanced than the ninja village like the scouter Naruto used to track down Madara and this is going to give them a huge advatage.
2 I didn't really have any good fight scenes in this chapter just confrontations but i promise that i will make good fights in my story not the quick ones i did in this chapter.
3 The romance between Naruto and Mei started this chapter and i will try to make it as realistic as posible . also the three girls in the harem so far are Mei, Shion and Yakumo , now i'm not putting any polls up or anything but i would like to no who you think should be in the harem and why or who you want to be in the harem and why.
4 I am looking for a beta and could some one tell me what the Mizukages guards names are please
5 I'm sorry but i picked a bad time to start a story with christmas 7 days away and i will be going to vergina in two days to spend christmas with my whole familly so i'm going to be really busy these next two weeks and I probaly will not have the next chapter out before new years all though I might it just depends so don't expect it though.
Now please review and tell me what you think ,i'm really new to writing stories and I would really like to get some good input from my readers , witch i have so far
Now I would like to peliy to my reviewers
Thanks for the encouragement and hope you like chapter 1.
Sorry but your going to have to give me a really good reason to add hinata to the harem , not just because you like it and if you give me a good reason , i mean really good reason i'll think about adding her.
Thanks for the encouragement and hope you like chapter 1.
Thanks for the compliment and glad you like my plot.
just me
Sorry but your ideas a little out there and i'm not really going in that direction with my story . as for female kyuubi in the harem i'm going to say no because the kyuubi plays a really important role in my story and it has to do with the ten tails but thanks for the review and all though i'm not going to use your ideas this time i might the next time so keep reviewing.
If I give sasuke a romance it want be until later in the story and i'm considering karin but defintly not sakura because i've got plans for her.
Thank for the encouragement.
Yeah I agree with you and thanks for reviewing.
Sorry about the grammer and you not being able to read my first post and thanks for reviewing.
Thanks for the tips.
Thanks for reviewing and just watch i'll make the DBZ thing work.