Well, here it is. The winner has been decided, and the votes were 7-4, so the winner has won by three.

Reminder: I do not own the Total Drama series.

Part 26: The Greatest Total Drama Finale Ever- Pt 2

Alejandro stood in front of the others, with an evil scowl on his face.

Alejandro: So you thought you'd seen the last of me, huh? Well you were wrong!

Bridgette: How did you get here?!

Alejandro: Oh Bridgette, just relax, babe. You should just be happy to see me.

Tyler: Oh, that is the last thing she, or any of us, want to do!

Noah: No one is happy to see you, Alejandro. You should just go away.

Duncan: Yeah, unless you're looking for a fight.

He cracked his knuckles and began walking towards Alejandro, who then whipped out a baseball bat.

Duncan: Whoa, I'm so scared.

Alejandro: You should be, Duncan. This is a steel bat, and you do not want me to hit you with it.

Chris: Get out of here! You're ruining everything!

Alejandro: I'm in charge now.

Chris: Ah, no! I'm the host!

Alejandro smacked him over the head with the bat, leaving him unconscious.

Alejandro: You'll do as I say, unless you want to get hurt.

All of the contestants and even Chef were nervous.

Alejandro: Open the gate, and let the challenge begin.

Harold turned to Noah.

Harold: At least you've got that padding.

Noah: Doesn't really make me any less worried.

Chef then opened the gate and the bulls came charging out.

Tyler: Run!!!!!!!!

DJ: Ah!!!!!!!!!!

Katie and Sadie were immediately knocked to the ground. Izzy, who was now conscious, was racing ahead of everyone.

Izzy: Don't worry Noah, Izzy'll help you win this!

Geoff: Not if I have anything to say about it, dude!

He and Justin then rammed into Izzy from both sides, knocking her down.

Owen: Izzy!

He ran over to see her, and two bulls rammed them both.

Owen: Aw, my spleen!

Noah was running as fast as he could alongside Harold.

Harold: Don't look back!

Noah: I'm trying not to!

Bridgette, along with her supporters Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, and Justin, were in the lead. Geoff noticed that Trent was gaining on them.

Geoff: I'll make sure you win this, babe!

Bridgette: No Geoff!

He signaled to Justin, who slowed down with him to let Trent catch up. They then started shoving him.

Trent: What are you guys, five?!

Geoff: Ha ha ha!

Bridgette, Duncan, and Courtney were still running up ahead.

Duncan: What the hell are they doing?

Bridgette: Cheating! Geoff don't!

Trent managed to kick Justin into the path of an oncoming bull. The bull sent him flying into the air.

Justin: Ah!!!!!!!

Geoff: Oh that's it!

Geoff kicked Trent in his "privates" and he fell to the ground. Duncan saw this and whipped around.

Duncan: Why the hell did you just do that?!

Geoff: I'm proving to Bridge that I'm brave, and that I love her!

Duncan: The only thing you're doing is making her upset!

Geoff: What do you know anyway?!

He shoved Duncan out of the way and continued running. Trent tried to get up, but a bull trampled him. Eva saw this and charged after Geoff.

Eva: You're gonna get it now!!!

She caught up to him and punched him right in the face. He fell on to the ground and bulls trampled him. Noah and Harold passed Trent, lying motionless on the ground.

Harold: Oh my gosh!

Noah: What kind of sick twisted game has this become?!

Harold: It's become Alejandro's game.

Eva was catching up to Courtney.

Courtney: Oh no you don't!

She turned around and tried to punch Eva.

Eva: Oh please, you really think you can beat me?!

A bull was gaining on them, and it charged into Eva, sending her flying.

Courtney: Ha ha, loser!

Bridgette: Courtney, stop it!!!

She was very upset. Courtney stopped running and stood there motionless.

Courtney: Bridgette, I-

Bridgette: No, you're not sorry! How could you do this?! Both you and Geoff!

Courtney: I'm really sorry, I let winning go to my head again!

Noah and Harold were trying to catch up to them. They were the only four left.

Harold: We can do this!

Courtney looked back.

Courtney: The bulls are coming, run!

A bull was gaining on them fast. Noah had slipped ahead of Harold a bit.

Harold: This is it, buddy! Remember me as your friend!

He was then trampled by a bull. Noah looked back to see Harold's twisted body being run over by bulls. He turned away and continued to run as fast as he could. But it was too late. Courtney had gotten to the finish line. Bridgette had run off to the side, clearly upset.

Noah: Bridgette, wait!

He crossed the finish line and was relieved to get away from the bulls. He then looked at everyone lying across the ground. He then glared at Alejandro.

Noah: Do you see what you've done?!

Alejandro began to laugh.

Noah: You think this is funny?!

Alejandro: Of course I do, Noah! You and Bridgette, and Tyler for that matter, betrayed me, so I shall have my revenge!

Noah: It's your own fault! You were up to no good! You were just going to betray us anyway!

Gwen slowly got up off the ground and ran over to Noah. She saw all of the bodies lying motionless on the ground.

Gwen: Oh my God! What if they're dead?!

She ran over to Trent, who was still on the ground.

Gwen: Trent?! Are you okay?!

Trent: Ugh, Gwen? I'm okay.

He got up and hugged her.

Trent: How about you?

Gwen: I'm fine.

Alejandro: Alright, show's over! Now everyone on the jet!

Noah just glared at him.

Alejandro: I said now!

He started to swing the bat towards Noah.

Noah: Fine.

While Alejandro went to grab the others, Noah ran off to find Bridgette. He found her behind a bush, crying. Noah didn't usually like getting involved with crying girls and their problems, but Bridgette was his friend, and this was serious.

Noah: Bridgette, we have to get on the jet right now, or else the king of douche bags is going to put us in comas.

Bridgette whipped around to face him.

Bridgette: Everything was going fine, Noah! Then he came, and Geoff was acting like a psycho! Everyone is hurt, and I'm so scared, I just want to leave!

She started crying again and grabbed onto Noah.

Noah: Look, we need to outsmart this moron, just like before. We did it once, and we'll do it again. But we need to get on the jet and listen to him if we want it to work, okay?

Bridgette slowly nodded and followed Noah to the jet.

The other teens were starting to get up now. Alejandro told them to get on the jet. Once everyone was conscious and on the jet, Alejandro made Chef fly them to their final destination; Hawaii, once again. They had left Chris' unconscious body on the ground in Spain. When the jet landed, they all got out.

Alejandro: Now, Bridgette and Noah's final challenge will be to have a bridge battle over a Hawaiian volcano. Whoever falls into the lava obviously loses. The winner will win the million.

Noah and Bridgette: What?!

Chef: Was this really what Chris had planned?!

Alejandro: No, but we're doing things my way now, got it?!

Chef: Ah, yeah!

Alejandro: Now, since Courtney won the bull race and is a Bridgette supporter,

Bridgette's advantage is these boxing gloves.

He tossed Bridgette a pair of boxing gloves.

Bridgette: No, please!

Noah: Alright, you know what?! We forfeit!

Alejandro swung the bat again.

Alejandro: Na ah ah!

Noah: Like it'd matter if you hit me with that. One of us will die in this fight anyway, you idiot!

Alejandro: Don't really care. Now get on the bridge!

Tyler: Hey man, we're on TV! The police will be here any minute!

Alejandro: No, I don't think so, Tyler. I turned off all of the cameras!

The other teens watched in horror as the final two walked onto the rickety bridge. They were no longer separated into supporting teams, just one big group, horrified at the scene about to happen in front of them. Owen looked over at Alejandro.

Owen: Holy blueberry custard he's nutty!

Bridgette: I don't want to fight you, Noah.

Noah: I guess it's inevitable. He's not letting us go, so why don't I just jump off. Then maybe he'll be satisfied and leave you alone.

Bridgette: No!!!

Meanwhile, the others were whispering to each other.

Duncan: Okay everyone, this is serious. We have to get that stupid bat away from Alejandro.

Courtney: Dunky's right. Without the bat, he's no stronger than the rest of us.

Gwen: But who's going to get it from him?

There was a long pause.

Harold: I will! I'll bet you anything that I can take him down with my mad skills!

Duncan: Harold, this isn't play time, are you sure-

Harold: Don't worry, I can do this.

Leshawna: Harold honey, you can't.

Courtney: Eva can go with him.

Eva: Alright, time to crush his skull!

Trent: No way, Eva's too aggressive. Maybe if Harold casually walks up to Alejandro, he can catch him off guard and grab the bat.

Cody nodded in agreement.

Cody: Trent's right. Eva, is you go over there, he'll immediately feel threatened and hit you.

Sierra: Yeah, we don't want that!

She was clinging to Cody, scared for what Bridgette and Noah would have to do if their plan failed.

Gwen: Well then it's settled.

Courtney: Be careful Harold!

Alejandro: And battle!

Bridgette and Noah stared at each other.

Bridgette: So this is it.

Noah: Guess so.

Bridgette: I'm so sorry.

Noah: I have to do it, Bridgette. But before I do, I just wanted to let you know that I'm grateful that you were my friend. After all, a sarcastic jerk like me doesn't have too many friends.

Bridgette smiled.

Bridgette: Well I am your friend. And believe it or not, so are the others.

Noah: Well then tell them I said thanks.

Alejandro was angry.

Alejandro: Come on! Hurry up already!

Then Harold walked over to him.

Harold: Hey, that's a pretty cool shirt your wearing.

Alejandro whipped around to face him. He was angry, but then smiled.

Alejandro: Why thank you, nerd! I really do like this shirt. It really complements my perfect figure, wouldn't you agree?

Harold: Ah, sure.

Alejandro: Hmm, you're all right. Maybe I'll let you live.

When Harold saw that he had let his guard down, he quickly used his "mad skills" in karate to knock Alejandro to the ground. He then grabbed the bat and tossed it into the volcano.

Harold: Victory!

The others, including Bridgette and Noah, all paused, so shocked with happiness at the sight they had all just seen. Then they erupted in cheers.

Duncan: Yeah!

Geoff: Woo hoo, dudes!

They ran over to Harold to congratulate him. Bridgette and Noah ran down from the bridge to join in on the cheers, just as the police arrived. Chef had managed to call them. They lifted Alejandro off the ground and put him in hand cuffs.

Officer: You're going away for a long time, pal.

Bridgette threw the gloves into the lava.

Bridgette: I won't be needing these. That whole thing is just a bad memory now.

Noah: Sure is.

Everyone was so pleased that Alejandro had been taken care of, and they sighed with relief at the thought of being safe now. But one question was left unanswered. Who was the winner of Total Drama the Musical?

Chef: Okay, I know everyone is very happy, and we just went through a bit of scary business, but how about we finish this competition and see who wins?

Bridgette and Noah looked at each other.

Noah: After all this, sure, why not?

Bridgette: I guess.

Chef: Your final challenge is, a sing off!

Both of them looked at each other, and then just began to sing the song on Chef's lyric cards. When they were finished, they waited for Chef to determine who won.

Chef: Well, you're both brave kids, but I'd have to say the winner is…

Everyone was happy, no matter what happened. They were all relieved to be safe. Couples hugged each other, and the others just stood and smiled. But Bridgette and Noah were the happiest, happy to have made it to the end, and had escaped Alejandro's evilness.

(Here it is, the majority's chosen winner, the moment you've all been waiting for…)
































Chef: Noah!

The others cheered. Bridgette smiled and hugged him.

Bridgette: Congratulations, winner.

Geoff ran over to her and picked her up.

Geoff: Aw babe, I'm so sorry I was a jerk!

Bridgette: I forgive you Geoff, I know you were scared of Alejandro. And I'm sorry too, for falling for him in the beginning!

They then made out.

Tyler, Harold, and Duncan walked over to congratulate Noah.

Tyler: Great job, man!

Harold: Yes, you won!

Noah: Yeah, but if it wasn't for you Harold, Alejandro would still have that bat and I'd probably be dead. So thanks.

Duncan: Well it's over now, you won.

Noah: Yeah, I guess. I could really care less about the money, though. I'm just glad we're safe, to be honest.

Gwen overhead and walked over.

Gwen: Noah, that was the most unselfish thing you've ever said. I guess this competition changed your attitude.

Noah: A little bit, I guess.

The next day, the twenty three former contestants were out in front of the cabins back on the island. Chef walked over.

Chef: I'd like to present this check for $1,000,000 to scrawny kid, for being extremely brave during a time of war, and being the winner of Total Drama the Musical.

He handed Noah the check.

Noah: Thanks.

Bridgette: You really deserved that, Noah. You earned it by realizing that you don't have to be mean to everyone.

Gwen: Yeah, you really did turn into a nice guy.

Noah: Thanks, guys.

Harold: Well, it's all over now. No more singing or traveling the world.

Leshawna: Nope, and no more Chris, either.

Duncan: Thank God.

Noah: I wonder what became of that guy?

The others thought for a few seconds, then shrugged. They didn't really care.


Back in Pamplona, Spain, Chris was standing up.

Chris: Huh? Is it over? Who won?!

He was then knocked down again by a bull.

Well, that's all folks! Noah has won Total Drama the Musical, in a totally dramatic and shocking finale that you never saw coming! I really hope that you all enjoyed this story, because I enjoyed writing it very much. On a parting note, here is a little teaser for season 4:

Twenty five contestants. Twenty three originals. Two new guys. Two who already have a million bucks. And one more that's going to get a set of cash. When the contestants compete at Camp Wawanakwa again, what crazy and insane challenges await them? Will Duncan or Noah earn another million, or is it someone else's time to shine? And the best part is, there's no Alejandro! Find out what happens, on the fourth and final season, Total Drama Comedy! Coming this March!

So once again, thank you all for reading, and stay tuned for TDC in March! And in the meantime, you can check out my new story called "My Version of TDI" which is basically how I think TDI should have been.