Title: I Will Do Anything For You
Summary / Preview: "Will you really help me?" she asked, almost in a whisper. Who am I to say no?

I Will Do Anything For You

"Really?" she asked.

I stared at her, surprised at the question.

Taiga Aisaka, the infamous Palmtop Tiger, the pint-sized girl with a ferocious attitude, stood there perplexed, not believing that I offered to help.

"Will you really help me?" she asked, almost in a whisper.

She was gazing at me like a child who, for the first time, was offered an answer to her shout for help. Not that I think she really needed my help to confess to the guy he liked, nor to make him like her back.

But with those lovely hazel eyes pleading me to say yes...

Who am I to say no?

I, Ryuuji Takasu, can only say, "Yes, yes, yes. I will do anything!"

Thank you for reading.