I hadn't met to.

Really it was totally on accident. I had no idea that that man had been Satan. No clue at all.

I had just run in to him and spilt my poop cola on his suit, and then he threw a fit. I had just promised to pay for the god damn dry cleaning, and he had given this big creepy smile and whipped out a freaking contract thing and demanded me to sign it.

All I saw was payment. My glasses had been knocked off, and I couldn't read the fine print, even with the thing under my nose.

So stupidly, I signed.

So after my pen left the paper, flames shot up from the mall's floor and the middle class man in front of me transformed into a laughing demonic creature. Business men were creatures from Hell. I knew it.

The only reason that I'm not roasting in Hell right now is because his cell phone rang. He stopped mid laugh and answered it with a perfectly mild mannered, "Hello Honey!"

The conversation was like this.


"Yes, I know that I do something, the murders are starting to pile up."

"Well, the problem's not him it's the other boy, he just keeps getting moved to tears. If I knew how to protect him, I would, but Pepito doesn't want me interfering and he knows all of my followers-" around this time an enlightened look entered his face and he looks down at me, my legs had given out do to fright and I had my somehow found glasses clutched in my hand. He's quiet for awhile and then smiles. That smile chills me to the bone just thinking about it.

"Honey, I think I have the solution."

And that, my observers, is how I became the damned.

New story and this one will be serious.

I hope.