Hi, everyone and I hope you guys are still willing to read my story after this long time of hiatus. The reason of this long hiatus was the fact that I have been working more and more on my artistic skill and school. School was a major distraction from writing my stories which now that I'm coming back it to give back to you the reader, I have had some trouble and major distraction.

Like I have stated before with improving my artistic ability/skill, to myself from when I first started this fic my ability was at a very low level and now I feel as though I have brought it up to a high level, so if you would like a look at or just a peek at the art that distracts me the most. I spend all of my time drawing as of late so please have a look and try and find all the Easter eggs hidden in my gaia shop.

www. gaiaonline forum/ art-shops /hq-art-for-cheap-prices/t. 85038747/

Please just remove the gaps.

I hope to get out the next chapter out as fast as possible, and I hope you guys can just wait a litter long XD.

Until next time,

SapphieChan (previously known as Punk Rock Girl 101)