Words – 246 (Drabble)

Warnings - slash

Just Harry Is Perfect

The kiss is...awkward to say anything. His face is at the wrong angle so his nose is pressed against mine, making it hard to actually breathe. He doesn't know what to do with his hands, so leaves one of my cheek, holding me against him and the other placed upon my shoulder, gripping me tightly as if I would move away at any moment. His lips just stay pressed against mine, not bringing his tongue into the situation, only softly moving his lips against mine. Merely wanting to stay in this current situation. They weren't 'silky' or felt like 'heavan' against his own (I never understood why fools used just a stupid term for lips. They are merely flesh). But his lips are soft, and warm and give just the right amount of pressure, and I can smell some sort of spicy cologne on him –cologne?- and he tastes of strawberries and of this morning's breakfast. He tasted of Harry.

He wasn't the best kisser –yet- and he didn't know what he was doing, no technique at all-have to work on that. He was a bumbling idiot and completely awkward but he was Just Harry.

I could live with Just Harry. Awkwardness and all. To me? This kiss is perfect.

He pulled away from my lips, and I whimpered, despite myself.

"Draco" he whispered, his lips pressing again to mine, with more passion.


That was perfect.

Just something I thought of and it wouldn't leave me alone. So here is a little drabble for you all. Review please