Morning brought a killer headache and horrible bed head. Simon and Tori's bickering made the pain in my head worse. I was sitting on the couch with my head in my hands when Derek came in from his second run of the morning.

"Hey, you okay?" he sat at the far end of the couch, breathing heavily. I nodded but the movement caused my head to spin. I groaned. Derek shifted around and my hands were pulled from my face. He put the back of his hand against my forehead gently.

"It's just a headache, Derek. I'm fine." He moved away, sliding as far as the couch would allow.

"You need Tylenol and rest." He got up, walking past me.

"Did you find anything interesting while you were running?"

"Umm.. There is a stream in the middle of the woods. Its decently interesting." He leaned against the doorway.

"Wanna go with me?" I ask him.

"Umm…why don't you get Simon?" I sighed, defeated.

"Yea, sure." I curled in to a small ball and listened as his steps faded away. And two whole seconds later he was kneeling in front of me with a glass of water and two tiny white tablets.

"Take these and rest for a while." I did as he said and leaned against the side of the couch but I was antsy. I looked down at Derek sitting in the floor, knees pulled to his chest, looking dazed. I dipped my fingers in the water glass and flicked the remaining drops at him.

"Eww, I'm gonna melt now…" he smiled up at me. I laughed, then winced as the sound killed my head. Derek sighed and stood up, reaching his hand out for me.

"Come on." I gave him a confused look but greedily took his hand. Slowly he lead my up stairs, past my room and his, and into the library.

It was a very large open room with a high ceiling and books lining every inch of the room. He lead me to a huge couch and made me sit down. I laid on the black leather cushions and watched as he stood in front of he dust covered books, scanning there spines. He looked so relaxed, studying the running text on each bind like it was his calling.

"I can see you staring, ya know." Derek smiled, still intent on the books. I didn't blush or stutter. I just smiled.

"What are you looking for?" I ask, still staring. He crouched down and ran his finger over a few more bindings until he pulled one out. I couldn't make my self look away, his tight black shirt hugged the muscles of his back and when he stood his abs where slightly pressed against the cloth.

"Found it." he said, coming to sit at the far end of the couch. His face was intent but relaxed at the same time as he read. He was beautiful. After a quiet while of watching him read. I sat up, legs crossed.

"What are you reading?" he glanced up at me and smiled.

"Wuthering Heights. I know its kind of girly but its really good." he gave me a embarrassed face that was completely adorable.

"I don't think anything you could every do would make you the least bit girly." he smiled at my reassurance.

"Read me some?" I ask, leaning back against the couch. He glanced up at me, eyes holding something along the lines of admiration.

" 'She might have been living yet, if it not had been for him!' was his constant bitter reflection, and, in his eyes, Heathcliff seemed a murderer." his voice got sad and low. Unthinking I slid over next to him, taking the book and flipping to a random page. He watched my face and turned side ways to toss an arm over the couch back. I read.

" 'Are you glad to see me?' asked she, reiterating her former question, and pleased to detect the faint dawn of a smile.

'Yes, I am. It's something new to hear a voice like yours!' he replied."

Derek was intent on my face, eyes searching mine.

"This book. It seems well…kind of sad." I looked up into his glowing green eyes.

"Read more. Please?" he ask never removing his eyes. I nodded and flipped to another page.

" 'You must learn to avoid putting me in a passion, or I shall really murder you sometime!' " I turned to look at Derek's face, confused.

"You like this?" I ask, pointing at the book. He nodded and tore away from my gaze.

"Yea. Is that bad?" his eyes held sadness. I stood up in front of him, shaking my head.

" No, not at all." I handed him back the book.

"Dinner should be done soon. Come on lets go sneak some cookies." I said smiling at him. He smiled and let me lead him down to the kitchen.

Today wasn't so bad after all.