Keri stretched before she opened her eyes and then smiled when she saw Randy fast asleep on the other pillow. Even though she'd slept in his room a lot when they'd been on the road, and they'd napped together the other morning, this was the first time they'd actually shared a bed through the night. On the road he'd usually taken the couch, or if he was sharing a room with John he'd kick him out for the night.
She hadn't slept this well in a long time. One would have thought, after the nightmare of the other day, she would have been restless all night. But no, she'd been out like a light the moment Randy had put a movie on. She hadn't even felt it when he'd joined her on the bed.
And it was the first time in a while that she'd woken up with this burst of energy. She wanted to say the same about the smile, too, but she remembered a morning not too long ago when she'd woken up with a huge one. Just before she had realised Jeff had disappeared from her bed after she had relentlessly pursued him.
Her smile lost some of its shine, but she ignored that as she carefully got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. At least one good thing had come out of the disaster yesterday. Her idea for the restaurant. Her announcement had stopped everyone's stupid epileptic fits of laughter, and she could tell they hadn't known if she was just fucking with them.
But come on, that had to be the idea of the century. Maybe she'd never learn how to cook but she was good at organising and making shit happen. She hadn't raised Ivy League medical school fees sitting on her butt! If she put all of that into learning how to run a business, how to run a restaurant… she would feed her kids without ever having to lift a finger in the kitchen. And it was far better for her kids to see her work hard at making that a success than doing all her other hustles. It was a lot better than them knowing she had been a stripper - that was for damn sure.
So today was the day her life changed, and not only because it was moving day. Today she would make plans for her future. She had to renew her efforts at fulfilling her requirements for school, now that she knew exactly what she wanted. And she had to research how viable her restaurant idea was. So much to do, but she had the time. It was something she would gradually work towards, learn from the bottom up so she didn't mess it up. She wouldn't rush this.
She emerged from the bathroom freshly showered and fully dressed, and Randy was just stirring. She was sitting at the chair in front of her dressing table, brushing her hair when he spoke.
His voice was sleepy and raspy; and it could probably melt a few hearts. Whoever ended up with this man was going to be a very lucky woman.
"Mornin'. Did you sleep well?" she asked as she swivelled her chair to face him.
"Hmm. Like a baby."
As she did her hair into a braid she watched him stretch, his t-shirt stretching over his muscles. It was a real pity that she was not attracted to this man. It would have made things a lot easier.
"You're so pretty," she told him.
Randy chuckled and hid his face in his pillow for a moment.
"You know everyone's going to watch this, right?" he asked.
"It's the truth. You're very easy on the eye," she chuckled as she stood up and tossed the braid over her shoulder. "Now get up, Sleeping Beauty. Very big day today."
"Urgh!" Randy said, pulling a face as he pulled the covers all the way up to his chin. "Five more minutes, Mum."
She laughed as she got back on the bed and rested on one elbow while she put an arm over his chest. She kissed his cheek affectionately.
"I like this. We should do it more often," she told him with a smile.
"Try and stop me," Randy said with a smile of his own.
She gave him a squeeze before she got off the bed again; making sure her dress didn't ride up indecently. It was already warm, she was sure it was going to be boiling hot before long; so she'd chosen a yellow baby-doll summer dress with spaghetti straps. It was something she'd worn before the bump, but somehow it looked even better now that she was pregnant.
"Now hurry up and get ready. I'm going to fold your laundry and then I'll pack for you_"
"You don't have to pack for me," Randy protested as he threw the covers off himself and got out of bed. "I've been doing it for years; it'll only take me a minute."
"I know, but I'd rather have you downstairs making some breakfast," she grinned back at him as she stopped at the door. "We've got a couple of hours at least before Jeff comes. I'd rather not see him."
The way he said it had her turning back to look at him.
Randy let out a sigh and rubbed his face before holding out a hand to her.
"Come here," he said.
"What is it?" she asked with a frown.
She let Randy lead her to the bathroom, her frown growing when she realised he needed privacy for whatever he wanted to say. Randy put down the lid on the toilet and turned her around to switch off her microphone before he sat her down on it. Then he leaned on the sink cabinet and crossed his arms across his chest. His blue eyes pinned her down in the spot.
Oh, boy. Whatever it was had to be big. Randy hadn't been particularly concerned about the cameras since she'd started hanging out with him.
"It's about Jeff," Randy started.
For a moment her heart pounded. Had he been injured at work? She'd always told these boys their careers would be the death of them! And Jeff with those dangerous moves… If he was hurt… God she couldn't even bear thinking about that.
"Is he okay?" she asked, her hand rising to her chest as if she could stop that pounding.
"He's fine," Randy answered quickly. "At least, physically."
She let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, then looked away from Randy's knowing gaze.
"I know you told me to stay out of it," Randy continued, "but I've been thinking about this since the other night when I went out for drinks with the guys. Jeff was at the bar."
Obviously with Maria for their stupid date.
"No, actually he was alone."
She realised she'd spoken out loud and bit her lip. The last thing she needed was Randy knowing how jealous she was.
"He was pretty messed up and very determined to keep me away from you."
Because he was jealous too? She really wanted that to be true, but she knew it didn't really matter now. Jeff had chosen his path, and it wasn't up to her to change it. She'd never begged for anyone's love, she wasn't about to start now.
"I told you it doesn't matter what Jeff thinks," she said, getting up from her seat.
"Just hear me out here," Randy begged as he came forward and took her hands in his. "I had to help him to his room and the whole time… I asked him why he's doing this, because his whole attitude is fucking contrary. He couldn't even look me in the eye, Keri. He looked guilty as fuck."
"Did he say anything?"
"It was more what he didn't say. I just got this feeling, this really bad feeling…"
She looked down at their entwined hands as she realised where this conversation was heading. And it wasn't something she wanted to discuss with Randy, no matter how close they had got in the short time they'd known each other.
"What did he do, Keri?" he asked gently.
Like he really expected her to answer that.
"I don't know what you mean," she said instead.
"Yes, you do. You know he's crazy about you, but I get the feeling you also know why he's pushing you away."
"Because he's not in love with me," she snapped, releasing her hands from his hold. At least that much was true. "Can we not talk about this right now, please?"
And she'd been having such a good morning, too! In the half hour or so that she'd been up she hadn't once felt the pain of her broken heart. Now Randy had just gone and ruined that.
"What did he do, Keri? Because I don't like what I'm thinking right now," Randy insisted, searching her eyes with a frown on his face.
She stiffened.
"He's done nothing," she said firmly.
Randy grimaced.
"I don't believe you, though," he continued. "See, something's been running through my mind over and over again. That night, when we went out, when he found out about your job? The night you fucked and everyone thought it was us?"
She winced when he said that but didn't look away from him.
"He was so angry... I was scared to leave you alone with him because I was sure..."
Randy bit his lip and looked away when he couldn't finish that sentence, but he looked back at her only a moment later. His gaze was sharp, and she got the feeling that he wouldn't miss any nuance of her reaction.
"He did nothing," she repeated, stepping up to him even though he was a foot taller than she was.
But he didn't seem to believe that, because he stilled, almost unnaturally as those blue eyes pinned her down. Then his expression became positively murderous. Great. Just what she needed just before Jeff came home.
"You're protecting him!" he roared.
"Stay out of this, Randy. This isn't the time or place. I'm going to get your laundry, and you're going to make us some fucking breakfast so we can get out of here. Whatever you think you know? You don't."
"He hurt you," Randy said tightly. "He hurt you and you're defending him."
"He didn't!"
"I know how angry he was_"
"You know nothing!" she snapped, turning away from him to open the door.
She heard him follow her out but she didn't look back as she struggled to switch her microphone back on. She didn't want Vince on her back for that on top of everything else. This wasn't how she'd expected this day to go. But now the main focus was getting that angry man out of here before Jeff arrived. She didn't want the father of her children to get beaten up over this shit.
"Keri, listen to me. You can't let him get away with this. Maybe you're feeling some sort of loyalty to him because you're carrying his children but_"
She twirled around to face him, her eyes blazing as she met his gaze.
"Listen very carefully to what I'm saying," she said calmly. "I know my relationship with Jeff is unhealthy, it's the reason I was reluctant to bring children into it. Yes, Jeff has said and done some nasty things to me, but trust me, I have done my very worst to him, too_"
"That's no excuse."
"I'm not making excuses. I'm just trying to paint a very clear picture for you. You're way off on this. You've been in my life just two minutes; you can't possibly understand what Jeff means to me. No matter how much we've fought, Jeff has always been there for me. Always. If I'm in trouble, he's the one I call. Not Matt, not Shane, not Reject… none of those guys. It's always been Jeff. No matter what time it is, or how far away he is, I know that he'll drop everything and get to me if I need him. That man has done and will do anything for me. And I will do anything for him."
It felt odd admitting that out loud.
"Yet we still fight like a cat and dog, so yes, we are fucked up. But I won't have you or anyone else getting in the middle of this when it is none of your fucking business," she hissed. "You can't tell me what I should feel!"
A muscle in Randy's jaw jumped. She felt like crap for talking to him like this when all he was doing was looking out for her. And the worst part was she was staying away from Jeff now, so this argument was unnecessary.
She sighed and took a step back from him, and then tugged at her braid, playing with it in an effort to calm herself down. She didn't want to lose Randy too.
"You wanna know what happened that night? I threw myself at him," she said. "I knew how much he wanted me, so I took all my clothes off, lay on my back and offered myself to him like a fucking feast just so he would keep that information to himself! Is that what you want to hear, Randy? You want to know just how low I stooped, how fucked up I am? Do you want more details?"
Randy looked away from her and let out a breath, running a hand over his buzzed hair. She could tell he was still upset with her.
He didn't continue whatever he'd wanted to say, instead he swore under his breath and faced her again.
"I'm the last person who'll ever deny that you two have very strong chemistry. But think about what you've just said. Not only is that unhealthy, it's toxic. And you are defending him, and you are making excuses just because you have some sort of hero worship going on."
She shook her head, her anger draining out of her. Maybe there was some truth to that, but she didn't want to do this now.
"I've been violated before, Randy. And this… this is nothing like that," she said softly, shaking her head. She refused to even compare that dark time of her life with anything she and Jeff had done, even that first time that she had to admit had been...
She shook her head to get that thought out of her mind.
Randy's demeanour changed immediately, and he took a step towards her, his mouth working as if he was struggling to find something to say.
She held her hands up to stop him. "I don't… I don't want to have to keep justifying how I feel, because I feel it so strongly that I'm fucking terrified of it. So can we just leave that alone and get on with our day? Please?"
Randy looked at her for a moment, still holding her gaze. Then he nodded his head.
Relieved, she turned back to the door and walked out without looking back. She should have left her microphone off for the rest of that conversation. Now it seemed she would really have to talk to Vince to discuss some edits. The last thing she wanted was for the WWE Universe to hear about her dark secrets.
The camera crew was waiting as usual, it was like she wasn't even allowed to breathe without them in her face. Well, they'd had enough drama out of her what with the Jeff situation and the cooking class yesterday. From now on she was going to try her hardest to have her shit together. No, scratch that. She was going to have her shit together. She'd keep her head down while she got on with the important business of popping the babies out, going to school and this restaurant idea. Hell, she'd be so boring Vince would have no choice but to call time on this stupid show.
When she got to the kitchen she put the coffee machine on and the electric kettle for her herbal tea. She would have preferred to make it on the stove but after the fiasco the other day… she wasn't ready to face that yet. As she turned to make her way to the utility room she noticed the back door was wide open. With a frown she cautiously approached it. She had made sure all the doors were locked last night after everyone had gone. Had one of the filming crew come downstairs earlier? Or had somebody broken in?
She quietly picked up a rolling pin as before slowly she stuck her head out around the glass door. There was noone there. And the door didn't actually look as if it had been forced open. Besides, she knew she had set the alarm. Noone would have come in without waking the whole house. She shrugged and started to close the door when something on one of the pool chairs a little distance from the house made her freeze.
Jeff was lying there, shirtless, cradling a bottle of whiskey. He was here! The pain in her chest intensified; seeing him in person only hammered in the fact that her love wasn't returned. There would be no happily ever after, no fairytales. She would be the single mother she'd never wanted to be, forever tied to Jeff through their children.
She had to get out of there before Jeff saw her. She wouldn't be able to handle that.
The rolling pin dropped from her useless, numb fingers, making a loud noise as it hit the floor. Jeff sat up immediately, and his eyes found hers. He looked miserable. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a fly away mess. Part of her hoped it was because he realised he was making a mistake but she knew it was probably because he seemed to have consumed a whole bottle of whiskey by himself. Jeff stood up slowly and she couldn't help lowering her eyes to his expansive chest and defined stomach. Would she ever be able to look at him again without remembering the all consuming fire she'd felt in his arms? Maybe one day. But for now she had to get out of there. She had to put distance between them.
She turned quickly and carried on to the utility room to empty the dryer. She dumped the last load of Randy's clothes in a laundry basket and snatched it up. There was no time to fold anything. The quicker she stuffed these in his bags the quicker they could load the car.
Jeff was standing in the doorway when she turned to walk out.
"Mornin'," he said.
His voice was raspy and deeper than normal. Unlike Randy's voice earlier, Jeff's voice definitely melted her panties.
"Mornin'," she answered.
Jeff didn't say anything else, and he didn't move from the door.
"Excuse me."
He didn't move. He looked at the basket she was holding and she saw a flash of anger on his face.
"You're doing his laundry."
"I am."
When he didn't say anything else she repeated, "Excuse me."
He stood to the side, leaving only a small gap for her to walk through. She shook her head as she held the basket to her side and walked towards him. Still, he didn't move away. She was forced her to hold her breath as she squeezed past him. It was no surprise that even that small brush against his body almost undid her. His hand shot out before she could make it past, blocking her against him.
She shook her head, not daring to look into his eyes. Why was he doing this to her?
"Is this how it's going to be?" Jeff asked.
"I can't do this right now, Jeff."
Jeff sighed and moved his hand, allowing her to finally go past him.
"The kettle boiled. Do you want me to make your tea?"
He was following her down the hallway.
"No, thanks. We're running late," she lied.
"But you just boiled the kettle_"
"I'm fine, Jeff."
"At least let me make you some breakfast."
"No, thanks."
"You need to eat."
"That's no longer your concern, Jeff."
And that was true. He couldn't pick and choose when he wanted to be there for her. It was all or nothing.
She still didn't look back at him as she got to the stairs but she knew he was no longer following her. It was a struggle to keep her tears in check. Randy was angry enough as it was, she wasn't going to give him another reason to go after Jeff.
Randy came out of his room when she neared it, freshly showered and dressed. She stopped in front of him, hating the fact that he didn't have his usual smile.
"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I know you're only looking out for me. I... I'm sorry."
Randy came forward and took the laundry basket from her before he wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
"I know. And I'm sorry I said all of that," Randy said. "I shouldn't interfere."
"We're friends. I think that's in the job description," she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.
Randy led her back into his room where he dumped his laundry on the bed and started folding it.
"Jeff's here," she said.
"I know. I saw him last night."
"Thanks for the warning," she snorted.
"You stormed out of your room before I could say it. Not my fault at all," Randy grinned.
He finished folding and sat down next to her on the bed.
"I guess that means I'm taking you out for breakfast," he said.
"I guess. But what about Matt? Jeff looked a mess, I don't think he'll be able to take care of Matt at all. He'll starve him the whole day."
"Yeah, but let's face facts here. You'd have starved Matt the whole day, too, if I wasn't here to cook."
She rolled her eyes and playfully punched his arm when he started to laugh at her.
"Matt is a big boy, and he's well enough to take care of himself. Stop babying him," Randy said as he stood up and pulled her up with him.
"Okay," she sighed.
"Go check that everything is together, I'll throw this stuff in my bag then I'll take it all to the car. We'll drop everything off before we head to town."
"Okay," she sighed again.
Jeff came out of the sitting room to lean on the door jamb when they finally made their way down. She ignored him, reminding herself that it wasn't up to her to change his mind.
She settled in Matt's car while Randy made several runs back into the house for all the baby stuff. Since she had too much, the guys were going to bring the rest of it over later and check the house out.
She noticed that Randy seemed angry everytime he walked back out. Jeff was probably still standing in the hallway where she'd left him. She hoped to God Randy didn't start a fight. She'd had enough drama to last a lifetime.
When Randy came out the last time he was talking to himself. He talked to himself even as he put the last bags in the back until he finally came into the car.
"... pathetic... Fucking shit stain of a man..."
She lifted her brows at him as she started the car.
"Are you done?"
"I should punch him in the face," Randy muttered.
"Maybe one day," Keri said as she drove off.
This was it. The beginning of another chapter. She was moving to her own place.