I'm so happy that I got the kissy-kissy chapter out of the way so I can go forward with the story! It's you guys that kept me from giving up. Thank you from the very depth of my heart for taking the time to post all of your lovely reviews ^_^

Chapter 24

I touched the thin, pink skin over my lips, imagining over and over again Will making contact with them. His lips shaping perfectly with mine. I smiled and held my warm cheek, trying to mimic his touch, but it wasn't the same.

I missed him already.

I saw him every day, and my heart swelled every time I saw his golden hair, his ocean eyes and heard his lullaby voice. I told Julia, of course. But while she talked, I saw Vaughn leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his silver hair, staring, or glaring rather, directly at me. He must have been listening.

I turned to Julia, then back at Vaughn. He looked away as if it never happened.

A sharp pain pierced my heart as I remember my kiss with Vaughn. I don't even remember what it was like. All I can remember is that I kissed him - I don't think it was even a kiss, a peck maybe - after a small argument on my front porch.

But finally, after all this time, I can finally brush it off without another thought. Vaughn is with Sabrina, and I am with Will now. Vaughn and I are old news. Though, I still don't know why he hates Will so much.

I huffed. "Julia, I have to speak with Vaughn, so I'll talk to you later." I said. She pouted. "Okay, but you'd better call me today!" I giggled. "Okay, I will!"

I marched right up to Vaughn and put my hands on my hips. He looked up. "What?"

"You need to tell me why you hate Will so much."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

"Come on, let's go somewhere we can talk." He tipped his hat to Mirabelle as if they shared a secret code, then stood.

I sighed and followed him outside. Believe it or not, I saw Will walking toward me shortly after. He smiled sweetly as Vaughn and I stopped walking. I smiled childishly. "H-hi, Will!"

"Hello, Chelsea. Vaughn." He nodded to him.

He whipped his head the other direction as if he had slapped him in the face. "We were just on our way somewhere. It's better if you would continue whatever you were doing."

"That's the thing, I was going to see Chelsea,"

I blushed. "You were going to see... me?"

He stood beside me and gently took my hand in his. I smiled and averted my eyes to the white ground.

Vaughn grabbed my other arm and jerked me to the side before I could entwine my fingers through his. "We were about to have a private talk!" He snapped.

He glanced at me questionably. "I apologize, I'll leave then."

I walked past Vaughn and hugged his arm. "N-no, don't go! It'll only take a second, I promise!"

He smiled and nodded. "Okay, dearest."

Dearest... I thought, burning up.

Vaughn rolled his eyes and pulled me away so he was out of earshot. "I warned you about him!" He snapped. "And you ignore it and take it further!"

I glared at him. "This is no business of yours. Why do you hate him so much? What did he do to you?"

"H-he isn't right for you."

"Oh, not this again. I want a real reason!"

"I don't want you to get hurt again!" He blurted.

I just stared.

"I hurt you when I married Sabrina and you still had feelings for me, and I don't want that to happen again." he said, almost a whisper.

"Vaughn... you don't have to worry, okay? I'll be fine. I found someone that makes me happy!" He flinched. "I-I mean that makes me happy again." I corrected.

"Chelsea..." he said.

The most unexpected thing happened. He patted my head. "You're such a good girl."

I blinked. "G-geez, Vaughn, stop treating me like a child!" I huffed.

He gave the slightest smile when I turned around to my love.


Will and I went to the Diner hand in hand. We ordered a meal and ate together, chatting about small things.

I laughed. "Then Elliot said-" I was cut off. Will suddenly kissed me.

My cheeks were red when he pulled away. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I could not resist."

I held my cheeks, the soft fabric of the mittens I wore cooled my face. "I-It's okay..."

He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "You are adorable." He whispered.

I was getting dizzy, though I loved how me spoiled me with affection.

I looked up to see someone walking toward us.

It was Lily.

I sucked in a sharp breath of air. Did she see us kiss? I'm sure she did.

She smirked as if she were going to say a snide comment, but then the smirk withered into a sad smile. "I see..." was all she said.

She walked to the door. "Wait, Lily..." I said hopelessly.

Will grabbed my hand and entwined his elegant fingers through mine. "Do not worry about her," Will said. "She is strong. She will be okay."

I cocked a brow. Does he even care? "You're not upset?"

He hesitated. "It is not that I don't care..." He squeezed my hand.

I frowned. He seemed impatient.

"A-ah, Chelsea I believe it's time for me to go. Goodbye, dearest."

"Oh. Goodbye, then." I replied, forcing a smile. He didn't offer to walk me home, and he suddenly didn't care about Lily. Did I do something wrong? Did I try to change him? I hope not - I liked him just the way he was. No - he's probably just feeling a little off today.

I watched him leave, my hand cold and empty.


After a while I saw Lily standing at the beach, the falling snow collecting in her raven hair. Her red, perfectly shaped lips formed a concentrated, thoughtful line as her narrow eyes squinted at the small waves, as if trying to scan every movement of the clear blue water. She's so beautiful, was my first thought.

I slowly walked up to her, unsure whether to disturb her train of thought.

"I'm not angry with you." She said suddenly.

Oh, thank goodness. "I-I'm sor-"

"Don't say it. Please."

I was quiet.

She whipped around so quickly her long hair almost hit me. "I thought he would definitely be mine, you know."

I knew. The odds were against me the second I knew Lily liked Will. Still, I said nothing.

She traced her painted lips with her long, beautiful fingers. "I..."

Her dark eyes stared right into the pit of my heart as tears were at the brink of falling into the snow below her. The liquid mixture of colors from sunset bloomed behind her. "I'm sorry. I tried to take him away from you. You must have been in pain."

She walked away without another word. I was engulfed in guilt - I never thought of Lily's feelings with the slight possibility that Will did like me. I've been so selfish.

That's when my own tear fell onto the cold snow, freezing and lost in the numbing winter.

DUN DUN DUNNN. Okay I know I said updates will be faster now that I have a laptop but I have school and everything so sorry for the disappointingly short chapter ]: Oh and by the way, you guys should check out the Harvest Moon story "Velvet Skin" by WITHERED. It is one of my favorite stories by far and she finally updated her fourteenth chapter! Maybe someday I'll be as good as she is in writing. I'll try my best!

I love the reviews!

- Wolfie