Human to Dog and Back Again
Chapter Four: Until We Part
I sputtered as I heard my name being screamed. I couldn't breath! I felt someone push me to my side. I coughed up water that had been in my lungs. Once I could properly take in air, I looked around me. Tidus was no where to be seen.
"He's fine, Wakka. He ran off." Lulu said to me ash she placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her carefully, not sure to believe her, before getting up. The black mage stayed by my side, giving me support. I felt something soft, yet wet against my palm. Koro stood beside me, whimpering a bit. He was soaked. I patted his head but he was looking forward. My eyes looked up and rested on the destroyed village of Kilika.
"I will…defeat Sin." Yuna breathed beside us. She looked on sadly at the destruction. "I must defeat Sin."
Everyone on the ship felt her pain. Some of the blitzers were asking themselves why, pounding the walls of the ferry while others looked on, like us. Everyone of us wanted Sin gone.
Slowly, the ship docked at what was left of the Kilika Port. The sailors pushed a ramp onto the docks. I watched as Yuna ran from the deck down by some of the villagers. She told them of her being a summoner and how she would perform the Sending.
"Oh, thank you M'Lady. We feared our loved ones would become fiends." A lady villager said. Koro whimpered at my side. I ran my hands over his wet ears. I wondered if Chappu ever received a Sending.
I nodded at Lulu and she let me go. We walked down the ramp to go help the villagers. I looked back at the ship. Where had Tidus gone?
[Probably shocked by da whole mess.] I thought. If he was from Zanarkand, then he wouldn't know what to do about Sendings.
"Woof!" Koro was a little ahead of me. He jumped, looked toward the village, then barked again. I nodded. The villagers needed help now. I jogged toward Koro and he and I went to help the village.
Koro and I found our way to the Sending. I saw Lu standing behind everyone. I went to stand by her; Koro followed.
"How is she doing?" I asked. Yuna was on the docks edge. It looked lie she was just starting.
"She's a little distraught. She blames herself for the villagers' deaths." As Lu was speaking, Yuna walked on top of the water, a few feet away from the dock's edge.
"She shouldn't. None of dis is her fault." Yuna stopped at a spot and took a deep breath. Then, she started to spin and dance.
"You and I both know that. But guiding the spirits to the Farplane is her job. She will always feel responsible." The villagers near Yuna and Kimahri started to cry. I said nothing more as the water pushed Yuna up. The orbs of spirits danced around her, flying skyward. Koro watched silently beside me. I wondered if Tidus was watching as well. When Yuna had finished, the water slowly put her down. She walked back to the docks, passing Kimahri. Lu and I watched as the villagers thanked her.
"She lives a tough life." I said quietly. Koro nudged his nose into my palm. I stroked the top of his head sadly.
"All we can do is protect her, Wakka." Lu said. I looked toward her.
"I will protect her for as long as I can. Or until I leave." Lulu's face changed to surprise.
"Wakka…" she started but I interrupted quickly.
"Just as Yuna chose to be a Summoner, I choose to go to Thales." The villagers turned from Yuna to stare at me. Lulu tried to look as if nothing had been said between us but the villagers knew. They gave hateful glares toward me. I tried not to let it bother me. Koro even started to growl. I put my hand over his eyes, cutting his growl off. Lulu walked toward Yuna. The summoner ran the rest of the way to her. The villagers finally took their eyes off me. Yuna spoke to Lu, saying stuff like she hoped she did fine. Lu gave a small chuckle before hugging her and telling her she did wonderful.
Yuna looked passed Lu at me. I gave her a small smile. Everything would be alright.
I had dreamed Tidus had come back. He had held me while I drifted off to sleep. However, when I awoke, he was no where to be seen. Koro was on the floor as well, drooling. I let out a breath of laughter before waking the Labrador up.
Koro and I left the inn after waking. I had told the Besaid Aurochs to be up and see me. They were to repair buildings first though. Koro and I walked along the deck. I hard a child sniffling. I stopped to see the child in a broken home. She was huddled in the center, crying. The roof was gone and most of the ground was cracked. She was crying in from of a huge hole. The building started to shake.
"Koro!" I yelled and the dog jumped into the crumbling house. He grabbed the back of the child's shirt and quickly dragged her out before the home collapsed. The child looked up at me and smiled slightly. She gave me the Fayth sign before running off. I watched the child for a minute before patting Koro.
"Good boy."
Koro and I continued on our path until someone waved at us in a house near our destination. I walked inside and saw the child Koro saved. She smiled at us.
"You're the one who saved my sister, right?" a woman with red hair asked. She was behind the counter, working. She had stopped putting some supplies away to look upon me. I rubbed the back of my head but nodded. She watched me for a second.
"Even though you're a Pcimmit Yre, I thank you. That box contains a treasure. I want you to have it." I looked to where she pointed. I walked over to it and opened it. Inside was an Ether.
I left the house and found the Besaid Aurochs. Tidus was not among them. I gave the boys a quick pep-talk. Something like 'let's win this!' I followed after them when they ran to the temple.
As I ran to the beginning of a forest, I saw all the Guardians together.
"What's up?" I asked when I got close. Lu came up to me.
"Yuna was saying that she feels like Tidus is with us. And that she wants him to join us." Lulu had an annoyed look on her face. However, my heart skipped a beat.
"Well, that sounds cool, ya?" I had a grin on my face as I spoke. Koro barked, almost as if uncertain. But that just had to be my imagination.
"Well, let us continue to the temple. We can discuss this later." Lulu said. Yuna nodded and Kimahri grunted. I chuckled a little.
Our group started to pass through the forest to go to the temple. I looked back every once and a while. If Tidus was following us, I hoped he was safe.
"Capree Halt!" Two men in armor stood before the group. One had dark skin and hair while the other was a redhead. As I stared at them, I noticed they were Crusadors.
[Just like Chappu...]
The redhead spoke of being careful but my mind was stuck on the past. I remembered the day Chappu left. He had been dressed in his Crusador uniform. Lulu had been beside me, both of us had been crying.
"Please Chappu! Don't leave!" Lulu cried, holding my brother close. His arms had been around her waist, his chin nuzzled on the top of her head. He rubbed circles on the exposed skin of her back.
"You know I have to go, Lu." Chappu kissed the top of her head. He looked up, over her head, at me and gave me a sad smile.
"Take care of each other." Chappu had said. His face distorted and I was watching the Crusadors turn and leave our group. Lulu was watching me closely. I grinned at her. [Nothing is wrong.] She smiled briefly back at me, probably feeling just as sad as I, before we continued on our way.
The stone steps that led to the Kilika Temple were long. The Besaid Aurochs wanted to race to the top. Koro barked happily and ran after them. I smiled as Yuna ran after them as well.
[Guess I should join the fun.] I ran after the group.
"Ah! Sin Spawn! Run!" One of my team members ran past me, a scared look on his face. I ran forward. Yuna was in trouble!
I saw the tentacles of the Sin Spawn. My eyes widened as a tentacle reached toward me. I tried to duck out of the way but it hit my stomach, forcing me back. I flew hard into a stone column. My breath knocked out of me. Spots sparkled in my eyes. I tried to get up, I needed to help Yuna.
"Wakka!" The voice belonged to Lu but the figure before me was male. His arm was around my back, supporting me. The other arm went under my knees. He lifted me up, easily, holding me close.
"Kimahri, hold it off!" the male yelled over his shoulder. I smiled at him as the edges of my vision blurred. My hand came up and stroked his cheek. I would have said something manly, something smart-ass or funny. But my head was aching and I just wanted him to know how I felt.
"You came back."
Hey guys! Sorry for not writing for a while. I had this chapter ready to go but lost it then found it then lost it again. So I found it again and finally got in online! Woohoo! Thank you for reviewing and favoring and all that sha-bang! It really makes me happy. I'll try to get these chapters up more often. The hard part is I have to research stuff to get it up. Tell me what you guys thinks. Have any ideas, please tell me. And yes, I now Wakka is kind of OOC in this chapter. It was hard since all day was the boring stuff before another fight scene. I was trying to get past this with the little info I threw in as well. Hopefully I will get him back to himself next chapter. Thanks again and please keep reviewing! xD
Pcimmit Yre - Blessed One