Good to finally get this chapter out. I have been sitting on it for months.

Disclaimer: Of course I do not have legal rights to the franchise. I am playing with the backstories though.

The Past Wednesday Afternoon: Adult Dining Room

After dressing in warm, dry clothes consisting of weathered jeans and t-shirts, Callisto, Sarah and Neena met up with Ororo in the hallway outside of their rooms. During the entire walk to the private dining room Sarah stayed in between Callisto and Ororo, with Neena trailing behind.

Neena hadn't been in such a nice facility since her childhood; not that this mansion compared at all; it was without a doubt ridiculously opulent. Granted anything was nicer than living in the underground, so she was definitely biased. Though it was weird being topside, she wasn't as afraid or apprehensive about it as much as Sarah and maybe Callisto were. Regardless, she would support them as much as she could with this difficult transition. Sarah was nervous that the adults and students here would not take her physical appearance well; it was frustrating to Neena because she understood where Sarah was coming from, she herself had been teased by her peers in the compound, but she also didn't understand why Sarah wouldn't take a chance. Maybe it was just the fact that Sarah had lived with the Morlocks her whole life and Neena had only been with them for the past six or so years. Seclusion could get to you; it was why she had run away when she had the chance. Life sucked.

As they exited the elevator on the ground floor and walked down the hallway a few students passed them by on the way to the cafeteria. The dining room shared space with the kitchen behind the left side wall of the cafeteria. The original recreation room had been moved to the first basement so the cafeteria could be expanded to fit the growing needs of the boarding school.

As they passed the open doorways to the cafeteria Sarah jumped at the cacophony from inside; Neena smiled at the simple, human moment. Neena glanced into the room and noticed at least six tables, not necessarily all full, but close to it, from her vantage point. It seemed like the school was growing in size. There were probably at least 30 students, maybe even more. Neena was still glad she didn't have to go into such a busy room yet; maybe she was just getting old. Who was she kidding; at nineteen, Callisto kept reminding her she had her whole life ahead of her if she played it safe.

All of the adults were in the dining room already when they arrived. They entered the dining room from the hallway. Professor Charles Xavier was sitting at the head of the table on the far left of the room, from the door. Logan was waiting to sit, leaning against the wall; he sat down at Charles' left side. Dr. McCoy sat opposite Logan, and Ororo swept into the room and sat next to Logan. Neena waited until she was directed to sit next to Ororo, that way Sarah could sit next to Callisto.

Callisto, I am sorry to intrude. Callisto slightly nodded her head in recognition to Charles' telepathy. It is good to have you three with us this afternoon. I wanted to let you know that Ororo had the forethought to plan a meal that was mostly finger food, just in case the girls' don't have the learning to use silverware quite yet.

Charles, I thank you and I will thank Ororo later for the compassion. Neena should be fine, a little rusty, yes, but I do know that Sarah has not had much practice with a fork and knife. Not necessary tools of the trade as a Morlock. She'll get used to it though, so only this once. I don't want her to even think that she is being coddled; she can be quite the stubborn one.

Charles chuckled in her mind before pulling away.

A few of the students on kitchen duty for the day walked in holding platters of the menu items. On a summer afternoon the trays included corn on the cob, chicken fingers, French fries and watermelon. All perfect finger foods for the occasion. Callisto only hoped she could get Neena to eat the corn without any fuss; it wasn't her favorite when it came out of a can, and the girl could be quite the picky eater when left to her own devices. Sarah on the other hand, was more than willing to eat whatever she could get her hands on, but over the years they had learned that certain foods did not aid in her bone growth; some actually made them brittle, too brittle to be considered safe.

Neena took her place next to Ororo, across from Callisto, the woman that had been a mother figure for her for quite some time. It was with quiet adoration that she noticed that lunch was all finger foods. Someone knew what they were doing. It would have been humorous, but heartbreaking, to watch Sarah and even she struggle with silverware after years if not a lifetime living underground. She wasn't even sure if they had ever had silverware, other than knives for protection.

Lunch was passed around the table from person to person. As the corn was passed to Neena, and she tried to bypass putting any on her plate by passing it along to Ororo, Callisto grabbed the plate from her before she was able to and held it in front of her until she grudgingly grabbed a piece and put it on her plate. It was worth a shot.

Other than that minor embarrassment lunch went well. None of the adults asked obvious questions about their new living situation. In fact the conversation strayed more to how the summer was running and what the new school year would bring. A lot of it was stilted, apparently they still didn't want to discuss certain goings on in front of her and Sarah, but regardless it was nice to just sit at a table and eat home-cooked food.

As the adults discussed amongst themselves logistics and training schedules, Neena began to wonder what she would be spending her time doing here. Her mutant power was under control, as it was not very hard to control, and Callisto had trained her quite well in fighting techniques with a variety of weapons they had at their disposal. Would she join the X-Men in their meager fights against mutant terrorists? It was very unlikely. These goody-two-shoes were living it large in this sizable mansion, and had probably never even stepped foot outside where the real fighting existed. Maybe she was just angry because of the soldiers that had destroyed her only real home, killed her family, and forced Callisto to change her whole outlook on life just to keep her two "children" safe from further harm. Why couldn't things just go their way for once?

Neena's face scrunched up during her last angry thought, which was noticed by Hank.

"Neena, are you alright? I am sorry to intrude, but as a doctor I must ask, is anything hurting you? You look as if you are in pain."

She was shocked by the direct question, and looked up at Callisto for guidance. Callisto just slightly nodded her head in the direction of Dr. McCoy, informing her to answer his question.

Neena took a deep breath and answered, "No, nothing is hurting me. I was just thinking about the soldiers who attacked us the other day, forcing us to come here. I am sorry we are gracing your pristine palace with our disgusting presence. I sure wouldn't want me here," she said as relaxed as she could with a slight smirk at the end.

Callisto gave her a warning glare in response, but Neena didn't care. What could Callisto do here? Keep her from taking showers, so she looked more the part? Neena chuckled in her head at that thought. They had kept as clean as they could in the sewers, but showers were not a daily occurrence; baths weren't even on the menu that often, but they were the preferred method to get everyone clean with as little water used.

It had taken her a while to get used to not having any privacy when she was first brought there by Callisto and Caliban, but it was probably an easier transition because of the need to be nursed back to health after the train accident. She was a child though, and as any child she was resilient and was able to merge with the culture of the Morlocks. Now though, would she really care to fit in with the X-Men? Good question, but she had no answer.

"I understand why you are hostile, Neena, but we have no intent to create an unwelcome atmosphere for you. You are welcome here, whether you believe us or not. You can make this place your home; it is ultimately up to you, but some sage advice? If I were you I would give our lifestyle here a try. I am not asking you to embrace a lavish lifestyle, that isn't how we run things here. The roof over your head may be expensive compared to where you have grown up, and where many of our students have, but work is required to be rewarded. You will not have everything handed to you on a silver platter. Effort will be expected from you if you want to live here." Professor Charles Xavier hoped to end her growing temper with the words he spoke to many young mutants. He did not read other's minds, but when they were projecting emotions there was little he could do to stop noticing them. Neena it seemed had begun to get angry over the course of their meal. It was noticeable in her behavior and how she held herself at the table.

Neena sighed and slumped into her chair, there was no fight in these people, and they were just a bunch of pacifists. She was done with her lunch. She had nibbled at the corn to spite Callisto in making her put some on her plate, even though it did taste okay. She had had a second helping of the chicken and watermelon after an awkward pause when Sarah hesitantly asked if it was okay to have more. All of the adults had looked at her and it was Logan who told her that if the food was on the table and every one had already served once, that the rest was fair game. But only if you were fast enough, and with that Logan had released his claws and stabbed a piece of chicken, making Sarah laugh at his antics. She had relaxed after that and had gorged herself on the watermelon until Callisto decided she had had enough; something about the sugar possibly affecting her bone growth.

Neena figured she would get chewed out by Callisto later when they could be alone, so she didn't expect it when Callisto began to lecture her at the table. Neena's head snapped up in alarm when Callisto began to speak.

"I understand that your life is changing again, Neena, but it is changing for all of us. The Morlocks have been disbanded because of an unexpected attack, so now we must move on and adapt to this new and ever-changing world. We can't control everything that comes our way. You need to realize that and how to bite your tongue in polite company. Apologize to everyone please. One more thing, you are not leaving this table until you have finished your serving of corn. Food is not free; you know that very well, so please remember to eat what is served to you."

Neena poked at her piece of corn on the cob, wanting to complain that it was cold, but after being reminded to bite her tongue decided to not push her adopted mother. She apologized quickly to the room at large for being disrespectful and ungrateful for their hospitality at such short notice. Then she picked up her corn and slowly took tiny bite after another, swallowing as she went. She kept at the annoying and disgusting task, cold corn was even worse than hot corn, while the adults tabled their discussion for another time. Professor Xavier left after asking Callisto if she would be available to speak to him in private that evening, and Dr. McCoy followed soon after, after reminding Ororo to direct them to the infirmary for a basic work-up the following day.

"Oh, Hank, before you leave. Charles mentioned to send Anna her journal. Do you think she is up for finally writing in it today?" Ororo asked.

"I would like to answer with the affirmative, but as her doctor I would have to say not today. I think she will much appreciate the day to think about what she is required to write about, and by tomorrow the job won't feel so much a chore, as I can only assume she will be quite bored out of her mind."

"Alright then, thank you."

Logan mentioned that he needed to prep for a training session that afternoon, and once he left a few of the students entered the room and started clearing the table.

"You can stop now, Neena. I hope you have learned your lesson." Neena sighed in relief. She got up with the three of them, and all four walked back out into the hallway.

"Callisto, would you care to join me in my office for a moment? You two are more than welcome to tour the institute and the grounds. There is a library with a variety of genres on this floor, and the rec room with a TV and assorted video games one floor down from here. Most of the students here will be busy with classes and other activities until dinner, so you can have your space for the day." Ororo told Neena and Sarah, before she and Callisto walked further down the hall to the right of the doorway; the opposite direction they had arrived from.

"So, do you want to get our maps from upstairs and then start exploring?" Sarah asked once they were alone.

"Sure, might as well do something for the next five hours."

"I know Charles would like to hear about the attack this evening, but is that what you would like to talk about now? Or is there something else?" Callisto got straight to the point while they both sat down in their respective chairs. Ororo sat down at her new desk in her new office, as she was co-headmistress for the school now. There was too much for Charles to complete on his own, with the summer school being started up and the boarding school. Ororo's office was not that large, positioned in the left wing of the institute amongst some classrooms. Eventually upon completion of the expansion project, her office would be moved to the second floor where bedrooms would become classrooms and offices. Callisto sat down on the right of two high-backed wooden chairs in front of her desk.

"Oh, no, though I wouldn't mind hearing the events from you and the girls sooner than later, I actually have a different agenda up my sleeve. I wanted to debrief you on how this school is being run now, and possibly how you could fit in it?"

"Are you going to ask me to teach your students? Or possibly train them? Ororo you know, I don't like," Ororo interrupted Callisto before she could finish her refusal.

"You don't like children, I know that. You have obviously made well with Sarah and Neena. I wouldn't ask you to take on any task you aren't willing to. I would be interested in you training one of our current students privately. She has just recently developed new powers, one of them being above average strength, and I would like to ask if you would be interested in helping her?"

"Don't you mean acquired her new powers?" Ororo's left eyebrow rose up in surprise, but in all honesty she should have realized that Callisto would know some of what had happened.

"Yes, she acquired her new powers about a month ago. I will begin her flight training until we have a proper teacher employed here, but as we do not have anyone with strength or agility expertise as you do, I was hoping you would be willing to slowly fill in that role. I think working with an adult she didn't know from before the incident would be good for her. So, have I convinced you well enough to say yes?"

"I don't want to say no, but will my training her interfere with my continual training of my girls?"

"You could train them all together; as I understand it Neena's power is most effective when she understands what it is she is doing. They are about the same age; this would be a perfect way for the two of them to make a new friend, and possibly feel like they fit in here."

"I will do it. I will train her. When would you like me to start?"

"Oh, in a few weeks, you have plenty of time to settle in and create a training regimen. Now, how about catching up? When did you…" The next few hours got away from them as they reminisced on the past.

Thursday Evening: The Morlocks Massacre

"A young man ran with abandon into the middle of our stronghold. He didn't even make a fuss when Spyke and the rest of our first responders were holding him at bay and asking him questions. He answered truthfully with no prompting on our parts. I believe you know of him? Gambit?"

"Yes, I have encountered the young mutant, Gambit, before."

"Good. What I am about to tell you needs to stay in confidence between the two of us. I will inform others as I see fit. Ororo already knows, I told her this afternoon."

"That is acceptable. I will hold my tongue for now."

"Thank you. Gambit was hired by a government operation held in the state of Florida. He didn't realize until he was already leading a team of mercenaries into our stronghold that they weren't after a safe route through the city to get to who knows where, but were in fact sent to kidnap one of our own. Thankfully he got to us in time for us to retreat and Spyke and others to knowingly fight against them. I haven't heard from that group yet, but Caliban said that he would do his best to keep everyone in touch if not together."

"If you would like assistance in communicating with the rest of your family, if I may call them as such, I would be more than willing to help."

"I am sure Ororo would gladly take you up on that to know where her nephew is at this time.

Spyke and his team ran through the tunnels in search of the mercenaries. While Gambit helped usher the rest of us out to safety. Sarah was adamant to help fight, but thankfully Gambit was able to wrangle her over his shoulder and keep her with us. Gambit stayed with the three of us until your gates. He said he would be back, but for right now wanted to make safe the rest of the Morlocks, and keep the organization that hired him off of the trail."

"May I ask who this government sanctioned group is?"

"Project: Armageddon. They created Neena and apparently want her back."

Friday Morning: Jean's Class

Rogue entered the room as quietly as she could, but her effort to be discreet proved fruitless, for all of the students already in the classroom looked up at her and stared. It seemed like most of them were glaring at her; probably because of that essay they had to write at the beginning of the week.

Professor Charles Xavier was already at the head of the classroom, in front of the desk because of his wheelchair. He beckoned for her to come to him, which she did, with slight longing to hole up in a corner of the room. It was eight in the morning, because the Professor believed that was a good time to engage young minds, so it was perfectly reasonable that she dragged her feet over to him. It would be a great reprieve when Jean Grey was back, because she taught the class in the afternoon. Not that Rogue had any plan to still be in this class by then.

"Yes, Professor?"

"I am sincerely sorry for what happened this past Monday. It should not have happened, but I was not expecting such a breach. I was more preoccupied with what was going on inside of your own mind, than worrying about all of the students' worries and assumptions. The situation has been dealt with. I would like you to be an observer today; see how this group runs and understand why I think this has potential for you." Rogue sighed in response. His words were identical to Jean's; she had as of yet to see the merit of this group therapy session, because that was exactly what it was. Only the difference was that she was the only crazy person in the room and the rest were all perfectly sane and normal. How could this group class have any potential to help her? She sat down where she had the first time. She only hoped today went better than the first.

The rest of the class had filed in during Xavier's apology. He drew their attention by simply greeting them in their minds. With the class settled and paying attention he could begin their topic of discussion for the day.

"I read all of your essays, and for those that I have not seen in person, I was quite pleased by all of your work and effort. I commend you all for understanding such an important part of the intricacies of having telepathy, no matter how strong your own ability is or if you affect the thoughts and emotions of others differently. As you are all aware, Rogue is back with us today. She was not available to be here with us during our last class on Wednesday because of a prior commitment…" Charles Xavier was cut off by one of the students snorting in disbelief.

A brave soul responded, "I heard that she was in the infirmary on Wednesday. Something to do with…with"

"With an X-Man mission," another student came to their aid. "I remember seeing the blackbird fly out and back in Tuesday afternoon."

"Yeah that's right."

"But Professor, why did we have to write that essay? We learned about the telepathic code of ethics at the beginning of this summer session. We discussed the topic for a good amount of time, or at least I thought it was long enough, so why again?" A young girl, probably about 13, asked the first question of the morning. It was unfortunate that the students would get in trouble for missing a class during the summer even if it was early in the morning. Though they may not be taking regular public education classes during the summer months, those who stayed behind at the institute turned boarding school took part in workshops and electives to keep busy. Majority of the student body were actually only here for the summer months. Trying out the institute's program of helping them control their powers. Most would not come back at the start of the school year.

"There is never a bad time to think about the negative repercussions of our mutant powers. Every single one of you will have to make a choice in a few years. Will you fight for the good of mankind or will you not? Will you follow good morals or not? And simply, will you stay here for the next school year or go out in the world to make it a better place? Our mutant powers can be augmented by our emotions, and if we have them why not use them? That is a decision each and every single one of you will need to make every single day of your lives. When do you use your powers or not? Is this not the same as continually thinking about the repercussions of telepathy as this class covers?"

"I suppose…" the same girl mumbled.

"But if this class is about telepathy, which we all have in some form or another, than why is she here? She doesn't have telepathy, we all know that!" Nick asked loudly.

"But this class isn't specifically about if you have telepathy or not; all of you come in here and discuss better methods with handling the stress of your mutations with each other. Jean and I have been pondering whether or not to provide similar group classes during the summers for our other students; where they would be in a safe environment to do exactly what you all do here. I am biased, I admit, because I did suggest the creation of this class because when I was your age having the support of others of like mutation would have helped me understand what I was going through. Jean and I are providing such an environment for all of you, so you don't have to worry about not gaining that support. It is fine if you do not understand why Rogue is here with us, but eventually you will learn on your own in your own time. Now continuing with our discussion from yesterday…"

Rogue sat still for the remainder of the hour session. It surprised her how easily they all shut up after Professor Xavier's lecture on why they were all there. She couldn't believe they all accepted her presence, and in all honesty she couldn't blame them. They had every reason to fear her, or fear the Her they had heard about from the Institute's rumor mill. The students discussed back and forth if it was right to report information learned by accidentally reading another's thoughts if they were planning on doing something against the rules or hurting someone or themselves. It was definitely weird watching the group argue amongst themselves but stay relatively non-combative. But in all honesty, if the days rotated between discussing ethics and discussing difficulties with others understanding their intentions, she really didn't fit in with this group. Her opinion was solidified when all of a sudden they all started pondering about what they had learned on her first day here when they had probed her surface thoughts.

Rogue glanced over to Professor Xavier but he just looked thoughtful, maybe he was flitting from mind to mind making sure none of them were thinking of doing something bad themselves, but that would mean he was a hypocrite. Maybe he wanted her to say something, but he had told her to just listen today, so would he be angry if she did speak her mind? It was probably best if she did, they were almost at the point of understanding that she knew everyone's secrets, which she couldn't just get from loud projections.

After ten minutes of the students bouncing ideas of what the intricacies of her mutation were back and forth, how that hadn't gone around the mansion yet was bizarre to her, she gave up staying quiet, her reputation was at stake. Even though it was easier to hide and stay silent, she needed to control the situation better than it currently was. It seemed that the teens wanted answers; to why they had to write that essay, to why she was really there, to why she had all of the adult faculty worrying over her. The hallway gossip was always going to exist with a larger student body; it happened when she was in school at Bayville High, but here the topics were quite a bit different. Possibly quite a bit more dangerous. She needed to contain the rumors, to make sure they didn't escalate to a point that she didn't want them to. But what should she say?

"Professor?" Rogue said out loud to get his attention, but she got all of the students to stop talking and pay attention to her as well.

What is it Anna Marie?

I… "I want to," she gulped, slightly afraid of everyone's reactions and partially making more time to come up with what to say, "I want to correct whatever rumors you all have heard about me. I was part of the new generation of X-Men after Professor Xavier's first team moved on in their lives; maybe some of you will meet more of them someday. I graduated high school; the one that is just in town, it sucked by the way. You guys are so lucky that you can stay here permanently. I left to be on my own for a year, and yes exactly as the Prof said, I thought about how using my powers would make my life easier or harder every single day I was living. I chose not to use them. I came back here after being injured in a fight with other mutants, because this is where I feel safe and I know I can come back here and be accepted. But I don't feel safe here anymore, because of all of you and your peers. The rumors you have heard are wrong; the snide comments you make about me behind my back need to end unless they are the truth. There are things about my life that you don't know, because you don't need to know them. All you need to know is that I was gone for a year, came back injured and am here now. I am still a member of the X-Men. I am still a good person. I will not intentionally harm any of you with my powers. Maybe I will see some of you on the battlefield one day. But I will not see any of you any longer in this class. I don't feel safe or welcome here and I never will. And with that, I say my goodbye." Rogue nodded her head to the class and to Professor Xavier and walked right out the door.

Anna Marie, it is not your decision to make whether you are in this class or not.

Yes it is my decision! I am an adult. No, Professor. I am sorry but I am done surrounding myself with those kids! They don't understand and never will. I don't care for them to understand. One of them already breached my memories, something that takes effort; you can't deny that it could happen again. I would like to avoid such an event. Leave me alone!


Go away!

And with that Rogue began to run down the hallway towards the front foyer. She was so angry and humiliated that she didn't notice the girl in front of her until she slammed shoulders with her.

Rogue barely gave her a passing glance, mumbled she was sorry and kept running.

Neena just stood there and watched her run away. She really needed to be introduced; they kept bumping into each other at inopportune moments.

Rogue ran through the front doors, turned left and ran around the side of the manor. She wasn't quite sure where she was running to, but when she saw the greenhouse at the back of the manor, beckoning her with its quiet beauty and splendor she couldn't resist; she went in.

Rogue, still in a heightened emotional state slammed the glass door on her way in. It rattled quite a bit, startling her, and the other visitor inside. Not that Ororo Munroe was really visiting; she was actually taking care of the flowers and ferns indoors. They were her project that kept her relaxed day in and day out; a reminder of nature's beauty despite the ugliness inherent.

Ororo walked towards the doorway to see who had entered unexpectedly. When she saw Anna Marie, she was surprised, and a little alarmed. The young woman was breathing hard and looked pained, her eyebrows scrunched up.

"Anna, are you okay? I thought you would be in class right now. Did something happen again?"

"No, yes, I don't know. I just had to get out of there! I don't want to be there, Ororo. Why can't anyone understand that?"

"We do understand, but…"

"But what? I don't have to be there. Nothing good is coming out of it! Xavier had them discussing about secrets and then allowed them to start pondering what secrets I know so I stood up for myself and told them to stop talking about me. That they didn't need to know anything about me! So I ran out of there!" Rogue was getting hyped up again. At the end of her rant she leaned her hands on her knees and breathed deeply for a moment. She needed to calm down. Ororo worked better with calm.

"I am sure Charles will understand."

"That's the thing, he wanted me to go back; hash it out with all of them! But I left after saying my own piece to get them to hopefully have more of the truth to gossip about other than making hyperbole out of next to nothing! I remember high school," she sneered, "it is even worse here."

"Ah, well Charles is a very wise man, but he also has never been a young woman. Give him time, I am sure he will be able to comprehend why you left and didn't want to continue."

"I hope so. Everything is getting so confusing. I just want everything to go back to normal. It almost felt that way last night at dinner," she looked Ororo in the eyes, "I am sorry for being so emotional. I know that it doesn't help…"

"Oh, sweetheart, it is okay. You are okay. Here, I think you need a distraction." Ororo grabbed her gloved hand in her own and led her to where she was working earlier. She had new pots set up on a worktable with a line of herbs waiting re-potting.

"Your choice to work with or without gloves; I prefer without myself," Ororo opened up her first lesson. She kept speaking as she watched Rogue hesitate, most likely wrestling with her decision, until she slowly peeled off her gloves. "Here are the new larger pots and here is fresh potting soil. All that we are doing is removing the herbs from their old pots and placing them in a new pot. Before placing the herb in the new pot fill it with some potting soil first to allow room for the new growth of the roots. Then place the herb in and fill the pot in with more soil. Pat the soil down and you can place the pots on this cart."

Rogue decided to remove her gloves, Ororo was basically offering her to do so, and it was her decision anyways. If Ororo accidentally touched her, than that was what it was, an accident. Hopefully that didn't happen, there were still plenty of her contemporaries that did not see her mutation in such a positive light. Even she didn't most of the time. But today was different. She wanted to feel like she belonged, and Ororo had been supporting her and dealing with her the past few weeks, so it seemed like it was possible. She needed it to be possible. Being away for a year she recognized she needed to feel welcomed and loved. She wasn't receptive to it in high school, but now she would be. This was her life and she would make it as comfortable as possible, starting with making friends.

"Sounds simple enough," and with those three words the two women began to work in tandem. Ororo putting some initial soil in each pot and the herbs and Rogue then filling the pots up with soil and placing them on the cart. The simple actions calmed Rogue's thoughts and she was finally able to relax.

When they were done, Ororo pushed the wheeled cart to another side of the greenhouse and moved the herbs to their proper location. She then watered them.

"Here, come wash your hands off with the hose. No need to keep the dirt on them." Rogue did as directed, while she was doing that Ororo took the few minutes to collect her thoughts.

"Rogue, I know we originally planned to train this afternoon, but I am available now, so if you are interested we could begin flight training once both of us have changed into appropriate attire. I was thinking, after making sure you can fly without Carol's help that we would fly to the lake. How does that sound?"

"I would like that very much, Storm. See you in 30 minutes on the back patio?"

"Sure, that sounds fine."