Disclaimer- I don't own any Teen Titans related characters or Avatar: The Last Airbender characters. The purpose of this story is solely for my personal enjoyment and the enjoyment of various others, as well as to quell my vicious writer's block, which is the complete and utter opposite of a bundle of joy.

"Don't do it!" Cyborg bellowed as he readied his sonic cannon, aiming it loftily at the madman. He could feel the wind from the device rushing past his ears even if they were mechanical. The energy itself was palpable, surely a sign that this was wrong. Seeing their opponent was oblivious, Cyborg prepped himself for one last shout.

"Robin, he's gonna hit the switch!" The Boy Wonder leapt off the metal corpse of a robot seemingly soaring through the air before landing on the ground. He whipped out his Bo Staff and planted it firmly into the ground.

"Everybody, get ready for time distortions!" Robin shouted. His eyes searched desperately for Starfire who was fighting side by side with Raven, their efforts to reach Brother Blood's machine fruitless. He could faintly hear Beast Boy's voice in the background but as the device began to glow even brighter the thought was pushed violently into the back of his mind.

Vaguely he noted that Slade was still standing along with multiple of his minions. For once their nemesis was fighting with the team instead of against them. He too could understand the consequences of Blood's actions would have a rather direct effect on the world.

"Your messing with time! There's gonna be consequences!" Cyborg tried one last time to convince Blood to stop.

"Consequences? I can handle the consequences!" Blood maniacally countered as the device began to shine. As the light enveloped the area one last thought passed through Robin's mind.


"Aang, come out here!" Aang glanced up as he pulled on his shoes.

"I think you might want to see this! Everybody else is out here too." Katara responded with a pinch of worry entering her voice. That was all it took for the air bender to jump up and dash outside their temporary home in Ba Sing Se.

"Look, up there." Sokka pointed up into the once darkened night sky. Toph elbowed him lightly in the ribs to get his attention.

"I'm blind remember? You're going to have to tell me what's going on."

The sky was crimson red with a single large comet passing by the Earth. Then a brilliant blue hue slowly filled the space, with multiple shooting stars raining down on the world. Sokka let out a breath of relief.

"Hmm?" Aang didn't need to elaborate.

"I… kind of thought that it might have been Sozin's comet coming early." Sokka rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish manner.

"Guess not." Aang replied in a serious voice. It seemed that the entire group was nervously awaiting the arrival of that dreadful comet. While it was still months away, Aang still had to master fire bending and finish polishing his Earth bending before time ran out.

"Hello? Excuse me miss, are you feeling okay? Zuko, she's waking up! Is the tea almost ready?"

"Yes, Uncle." Zuko poked his head in through the doorway to check on their new… visitor in a sense.

"Ungh…" The girl at their feet attempted to sit up but fell back down. She settled with rubbing her head for a moment.

"Where am I?" If Iroh found himself the least bit surprised at how strong her voice came out when she should have been injured greatly he didn't show it.

"In our apartment. It is just me and my nephew living here." Iroh replied. "Here, have some tea." She tried to sit up again and this time was successful.

"Your body is healing fast." Iroh noted. "I'm sorry; I have not been a good host. I haven't even told you my name." He gave a good hearted chuckle and began talking again.

"My name is Iroh. My nephew here is-" Iroh was cut off as Zuko began talking. "My name is Lee." He offered her some tea.

"My name in your language translates as Star," She paused for a moment before continuing, "Fire."

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She giggled slightly at Iroh's compliment.

"We found you lying in the street last night. You came falling from the sky out of nowhere." Zuko stared at Starfire. "What was that about?"

"My friends and I were pursuing a villain. We chased the man into a room when he pressed some buttons on a strange device. After that… there is nothing I can remember." Starfire finished the end of her sentence quietly as she racked her brain to remember. She stood up, rolling out of the cot gracefully.

"Thank you, friends, but I must be going now. My friends are probably very worried as to my whereabouts." She turned to leave, but the sound of Iroh's voice stopped her.

"You are welcome to come back anytime if you need a place to stay. It was very nice having you." He bowed slightly, indicating that he was finished.

Zuko stared at the door after she'd left. "She was dressed kind of… strangely."

"Is anybody out there? Hello? Hello?" Robin sighed. There he was, perched on the side of some unknown building. Alone. His communicator was working properly, but he noted with dismay that Starfire's was not. Cyborg was on emergency power, and wouldn't be able to talk until he was able to power up. Beast Boy had been the first to make contact with Robin until the main battery source fell out of the back of his communicator ten seconds into the conversation. Raven just wasn't responding at all. He sighed again and took in his surroundings.

He was in the middle of a city, but not the type he was used to. There were no skyscrapers, but buildings stretched on for miles. There was a giant wall that surrounded the city and he'd spotted three men in robes attempting to watch him secretly. Most of the buildings were only two or three stories high, save for what seemed to be a palace and a train station. The citizens of the city weren't wearing what he considered modern clothing. Rather they were clothed in plain clothes. The type you'd expect to see in history books explaining about ancient times. As he assessed his situation a sharp voice brought his attention back to reality.

"Give me all your money! Drop it, now!" He glanced over to his left and spotted a man with a knife in an alleyway, along with a woman at the other end of the blade. She had an expression of terror stitched across her face.

He reached back to find his bo staff attached to his belt. But for this fight he probably wouldn't need it. Sliding off the building he landed gracefully in the street, much to the surprise of many in the crowded walkway. In three short steps he was at the alleyway's entrance. He crept along seeing the man had his back to him, and then sprang suddenly from his position. In one sweep of his legs the man was down, and in two short hand movements the knife was gone. Conveniently someone had left some rope lying among the trash, and Robin used it to tie up the criminal.

He climbed up onto the top of another building and perched himself on the roof once again. He pulled out his communicator to try and contact his team again but to no avail.

"Drop everything you have!" Robin sighed as he glanced off in the direction the shout had come from. This was going to be a long day...

*System Reboot Initiated. All vitals recovered. Reverting to main power core.*

Cyborg groaned as he opened his eyes. "Oh man… how long was I out?" He raised his arm to check his scanners. "Let's see, how much power do I have?"

"Huh?" He checked his scanners again. "Energy must be different here, if I have enough power to work for an entire year. Oh well. No use in complaining about a Christmas basket." He sat up and looked around.

"Robin, you there?" He glanced down at the communicator built into his arm.

"Yeah." Robin's face appeared on the screen although it was moving pretty fast.

"Robin? What's going on? What are you doing? Where is everybody?"

"We've all been separated somehow. Something to do with that blue light back with Blood." Robin gritted his teeth as his fist connected with a masked face. "Right now I'm playing the hero in a city called Ba Sing Se. I've been trying to make contact-"

He stopped for a moment as he ducked to the ground to avoid another punch. "..With the others for a while now. Beast Boy's backup batteries for his communicator fell out, which means it was damaged somehow considering its not using the main power source. Raven's not responding. Starfire's communicator is busted. Where are you?"

"I don't know. The middle of nowhere I guess." Cyborg glanced around to take in his surroundings. "Dang, I really am in the middle of nowhere. There's a dirt road under my feet, and then just grass. That's the bad news. Good news is apparently power works differently here. My power cells have enough energy to function for a full year."

"Good. You should probably start walking. Try and find a town and ask for directions. A city like Ba Sing Se will be easier to find than the middle of nowhere."

"Alright. I'll report back when I find something. See ya."

"Wait, Cyborg. One more thing…" Robin paused for a moment before continuing. "Don't go around using that cannon of yours unless you need to. The people around here are kind of… old fashioned. If you find the others tell them not to use their powers if they can avoid it. Robin out."

"Ungh…" Raven emerged groggily from her trance. She was staring at the floor from a kneeling for some reason, which was odd considering she'd been unconscious. That was the first thing she'd noted. The second was that when she tried to move, she was constricted. The third was that her powers weren't working.

"Is the prisoner awake?" A sly manipulative voice emanated from the doorway.

"Yes ma'am. She just woke up." A younger voice this time, and an orderly by the tone and sound of it.

"This can't be good…" Raven thought to herself. Anybody who chained strangers to a wall and also had orderlies usually could be considered a 'bad person'. The room itself was mostly barren, aside from the silk… poster of a black flame.

"Well hello my dear, how has your day been today?" A girl with black hair clad in some sort of red armor opened the door and took two steps inside. Raven might have replied, but spotting the smirk on the girl's face she opted to keep silent.

"Nothing to say about that? Would you mind telling me how you got here?" She spoke up again.

"Somebody seems to like the color red." Raven said shortly.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm chained up to a wall. Until you set me free I'm not answering." Raven replied, sending a death glare at the girl standing in front of her. The girl seemed taken aback by her calmness.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Azula and I'm the princess of the Fire Nation. If you don't answer my questions I can make your stay here… unpleasant."

"My name is Raven. I don't know how I got here because I was unconscious the entire time." It wasn't the entire truth, but it wasn't really a lie either.

"I'll be back tomorrow with more questions. Don't make the mistake of not answering truthfully like you did today. The Fire Nation is the greatest world power, and don't you forget it." With that Azula gave one last smirk and spun on her heel to exit the room.

"What happened to my communicator...?"

"Hello? Are you okay?" Beast Boy opened his eyes to see what seemed to be a giant arrow obscuring his view.

"What do you mean is he okay?! Of course he's not okay! He's green! That's not normal!" A boy with a ponytail this time, throwing his hands up in the air was hollering at the blue arrow. A closer observation revealed that the blue arrow was tattooed to a bald head.

"What happened?" Beast Boy interjected groggily. He sat up to see they were in a single floor house. From the looks of it, it was probably somewhat expensive.

"Umm… why are you green?" The ponytail boy asked.

"Because I'm Beast Boy." He replied. He wasn't going to elaborate on his past (yeah, I know about the monkey) to complete strangers.

"Beast Boy…? That's a different name." A girl clad in blue clothing that Beast Boy could only describe as resembling a robe walked in the room with a bowl of water.

"I'm Aang. That's Sokka," The blue arrow boy pointed to the ponytail boy, "And that's Katara." He pointed at the girl in the blue. "Toph is in the other room. You'll meet her later."

"Where did you come from? We were walking in the street to come back home when you just dropped out of the sky. But you weren't high up at all, you just popped out of nowhere." Sokka stared at him suspiciously.

"I don't know exactly. Where am I? Wait a minute, where's my communicator?" Beast Boy's voice changed into one of alarm.

"What, you mean this thing?" Sokka held up a small yellow-orange device. "This is a communicator?" Seeing Beast Boy's nod he tossed it to him.

"How does it work?" Aang asked, a smile plastered over his face.

"I don't know exactly. My friend Cyborg built it along with my friend Robin."

"Robin and Cyborg… these guys have weird names…" Sokka whispered to Aang.

"Well what does it do?" Katara asked.

"It's kind of like a phone, but better." Beast Boy replied proudly.

"A phone? What's that?" She asked.

"You don't know what a phone is? How do you guys communicate with people who are far away?"

"We used hawks and others birds, or we just use the mail. Runners usually ride animals or run on foot to reach farther places if you can't afford a messenger hawk." Sokka replied. Seeing Beast Boy's eyebrows rise he continued. "What, never heard of a messenger hawk before?"

"Hold up. Do you know what cars are?"

"Nope." Aang answered. "But we'll listen if you want to tell us."

"Uh… hold on. Did you find any cylinder like things on the ground? Before I was knocked unconscious or whatever I dropped my backup batteries for my communicator. If you can get me them I can show you how it works."

"Sure. Is this it?" Katara held up two yellow and black batteries with the word emergency slapped onto the front.

"Yeah." Beast Boy got up and inserted the backup batteries.

"Alright I think I… got it!" He flipped it open and the screen slowly flickered to life. "Robin? Hello?"

After a moment Robin's face appeared on the screen. "Beast Boy? Is that you?" Beast Boy ignored the bewildered stares of the others in the room.

"Yeah. Where are we?"

"Wait a minute… activate your S.O.S beacon. We may be on backup power but backup power works for a short range." Robin said.

"Alright. But I'm not sure this is gonna-" Beast Boy was cut off by Robin's swift interjection. "It's up. I got your signal. Stay there, I'm on my way. By the way, the city's called Ba Sing Se. Glad to see you made some new friends because we might be staying for a while."

End of chapter 1. Hoped you like it, and please review.

In other words here are some beautiful stories I've been reading as well as a side note. The next chapter gets better, trust me. It clocks in at about 3,500 words. Yeah, I've written it already. My writers block was longer than I thought.

Perfect Apprentice by Templar of Honor

The Depth of Garfield Logan's Mind by Loveeo

Leap Thru Time by Moonstar 11

Seeing a New Light by PrincessRockstar1

Eh I'm not truly an adult yet, (thankfully) but this next part is purely because I can.

-Mr Bon.