DiNozzo here, long time no talk or read, which ever you prefer.
Thought I'd drop by to shoot the shit for a bit. So, how's it going? Good to hear!
Guess what? Ziva's pregnant again! Heh. What can I say, she loves the secret sauce!
And now to answer some questions...
No, I didn't retain my job at NCIS. I was let go with a sizeable early retirement package, seeing how I was hurt on the job. Disability FTW!
I love money! But so do babies and we have a ton of them and of course, whenever Ziva and I get divorced, she takes half. Our lawyers love us!
And yes, I do masturbate for Ziva all the time, the only time I don't is when we get divorced.
Hmm, now that I think about it. Yeah, maybe that's why she divorces me. That's it, I have to tickle my pickle more!
Who knew maturbating could save a marriage...anyway, I better go before this turns into an infomerical. Oh shit, there's Ron Popeil now!
Operators are standing...bye!
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