Where Would I Be Without My Woman?

As House finished cooking the meal, Cuddy set the table. She brought in Jordan's carrier and sat it down on the dining room table.

"We can't have the baby for dessert," House said as he brought in the food.

"I rather eat you for dessert," Cuddy said. She quickly looked up at House. He had a giant smirk on his face. "Shut up."

"What?" House asked with a smile. "You are the one talking dirty."

"That isn't what I meant," Cuddy said.

"I think it was," House said. "Don't worry. You can have as much of me as you want for dessert." House sat down at the table.

"This is nice," Cuddy said.

"Sex talk at the dinner table?" House asked.

"No," Cuddy said. "A family dinner. Just you, me, and Jordan."

"We are going to have a lot of family moments together," House said. "Family vacations will be funny. Family fights, not as much fun."

"Oh, we are not allowed to argue in front of Jordan," Cuddy said.

"Yeah," House said with a laugh. "Like that will happen."

"We have to at least try not to," Cuddy said.

"I always try not to fight," House said. "I just have a hard time succeeding at that goal."

"You have to admit, we do not fight as much as we used to," Cuddy said.

"That is because before we got together, we had to fight to burn off our sexual frustration about one another," House said. "We were verbally having sex."

"Actual sex with you is a lot better," Cuddy said.

"Damn straight it is," House said.

"Plus, I think you know that too much fighting will lead to you not having any sex," Cuddy said.

"You already told me that masturbation was an option," House said.

"Like you could enjoy it knowing that you are missing out on sex with me," Cuddy said.

"That is true," House said. "I would miss the screams."

"With Jordan here, I am going to have to be a little quieter," Cuddy said.

"That means a lot more office sex," House said.

"You think I am going to scream louder in my office than here?" Cuddy asked.

"In a perfect world you would," House said.

"Well, the world is not perfect," Cuddy said. "I may be perfect, but the world is not."

"Oh, brother," House said.

"You don't think I am perfect?" Cuddy asked.

"It is Valentine's Day, so I have to say yes," House said.

"Good boy," Cuddy said.

House and Cuddy enjoyed their meal together. When dinner was over, Cuddy insisted that House go and relax. She said that it was his turn to be waited on.

"Dishes and then a blow job," House announced. Cuddy looked at House. "Too much?" House asked. "Fine. Just a blow job."

"Just go watch some TV," Cuddy said as she started the dishes. House was laying on the couch when Cuddy came into the living room after finishing the dishes. Cuddy picked up Jordan's carrier and took him into the bedroom to put him in his crib. She came back into the living room carrying the baby monitor.

"Just you and me now," House said with a smile. Cuddy sat the monitor on the coffee table and sat down on the edge of the couch next to House's lying body.

"You remember last Valentine's day?" Cuddy asked.

"Of course," House said. "I remember we had chocolate cake."

"That is the most important thing you remember?" Cuddy asked.

"No," House said. "I told you that I loved you. You thought I was lying."

"I did not," Cuddy said. "I just thought you were saying it because you thought you had to."

"That is saying that you thought I was lying," House said.

"I just didn't expect it from you," Cuddy said.

"Didn't think I could love?" House asked.

"I knew you could love," Cuddy said. "I didn't think you would say it. I was so happy you did."

"I was happy you said it back," House said. "When it slipped out, I was afraid you were going to freak."

"I didn't freak out when other parts of you slipped out," Cuddy said, rubbing House's groin. "Words couldn't freak me out." House smiled.

"Did I just gain some weight?" House asked. "My pants seemed to have gotten tighter."

"I can tell you definitely got bigger," Cuddy said with a smirk.

"Are you going to make my request come true?" House asked.

"Yep," Cuddy said, unzipping House's pants. "I even did the dishes. You got everything you wanted."

"I should have asked for more," House said.

"Too late now," Cuddy said. "Sit up." Cuddy stood up as House sat up and slid his pants down. Cuddy laughed. "Didn't have to ask you twice."

"You didn't even have to ask me once," House said. Cuddy kneeled down in front of House's legs. Cuddy pulled down House's boxers and started stroking him with her hand. House moaned as he gently ran his hand through Cuddy's soft hair. As soon as Cuddy got House up to his fullest, she took no time taking him into her mouth. She moved her mouth up and down, taking him in fully. House felt himself slamming against the back of her throat. Cuddy moved her tongue in circles as she kept House buried down in her mouth. House grabbed a fist full of hair as Cuddy started moving faster up and down him. Cuddy's soft lips held a death grip on House, driving him wild. Cuddy used her hand to squeeze House's balls, making the sensation even greater. House felt himself starting to tense up. Cuddy squeezed House's balls harder until cum started shooting into her mouth. Cuddy continued to move her mouth up and down House until she milked all she could out of him. House lay back against the couch breathing hard. Cuddy finished up by licking House clean.

"You happy you made this request now?" Cuddy asked. She pulled his boxers back up.

"I think you can tell how happy I got," House said. Cuddy got up and sat down on House's lap, pressing her chest against his and resting her head on his shoulder. House rubbed Cuddy's back.

"It is going to be hard for me to wait 6 weeks to have sex with you," Cuddy said.

"You need to make sure you heal," House said. "I don't want you to be in pain."

"I guess this means a lot of cuddling time," Cuddy said.

"What every man hopes for," House said. Cuddy laughed.

"I like sex more, too," Cuddy said. "Just cuddling with you sometimes, though, is all I need." House rested his cheek against the top of Cuddy's head.

"Just having you near is all I need," House said, bringing a giant smile to Cuddy's face.

This is the last chapter of this story. I have a funny idea for the next story. Got the idea from the show Monk. So far the title is Love Is All Around. Thanks to all that read and reviewed.