A/N: I do not own any character except for Raven Masters as well as a few other original characters that will show up later in this story is of my own creation all other characters belong to Jhonen Vasquez.

Disclaimer: This story contains strong language and graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.

The Nightmares Return

Chapter One: New Meetings and Reunions

Its 2009 and the world for the most part was the same but at the same time it also had changed. Zim has been on Earth for the last 5 years yet he had changed himself but he didn't want to admit it. Still he tries to take over the Earth but his plans to take over where getting longer and longer apart. He wasn't losing interest on this he was more enjoying his time just fucking with Dib as the humans would say. Dib was the only reason Zim never won so why take over as long as The Dib was alive. Zim changed his devotions to making Dibs life a living hell after the Santa Clause plan failed so long ago.

Dib's pain made Zim smile and feel good about just doing everything he could. But nothing much of important really happened. But today something was going to happen that Zim didn't expect then again nor did Dib as he was walking his way to High Skool.

Dib had grown then again so did everyone from 5 years ago but some new kids have come and gone but one new kid made Dib wonder if Squee was the real crazy one. After he showed up all the kids left him alone and started on Squee yet Dib trusts him for he is the only one other then Gaz to see that Zim really is an alien.

Just as Dib was still deep in thought about this he stops to hear someone screaming and yelling. "I have been away 11 years to rid myself of emotions, yet when I come back I find that the filth of the world like you still get to me. How is it that you can make me feel anger when you talk about how I look and more so you had to use that word of all words that I can never over come. You said WACKY! For that word makes me feel now I have to snuff you out to make it go away!" Dib looked in the ally to see that a tall thin man was holding a vicious looking knife to the neck of a guy that Dib knew. He was right this guy was trash of the world he made Dib feel worthless. Dib wanted to stop the tall black haired man but couldn't. He felt that this guy was in the right.

Just as Dib was about to say something his eyes went wide as he saw the guys neck slit open and spill the blood inside. He covered his mouth as the tall one looked to him with serious eyes. "What are you looking at? Are you going to make me feel something too?" He asked. Dib shook his head. "No you where right to kill that guy he provoked you just as he had me. You where only going on self defense." Dib hoped he wouldn't get killed next. "Yeah you're right so what's your name kid?" He asked now with what looked like a smile. "I'm Dib." "Well Dib I'm not going to hurt you. You give me no bad emotions that I hate. I am Johnny C. but you may call me Nny. I hope to see you again but I must go." Nny ran off and Dib went off to Skool as to not be late. He knew no one not even Squee would believe any of this.

Dear Die-ary,

I have been gone for 11 years and now I'm home. I tried to rid myself of emotions but I found out in my years away from this house and you my Die-ary that I need emotions without them I would have no meaning in this life at all. But I did get rid of other things in my travels. I finally have the ability to kill when I want to and have nothing to tell me to do it. The only emotions I got rid of that are not needed are anger, hatred. They where only clouding me and I think that's how that thing got to me in the first place. Rev. Meat is still talking to me but I'm starting to think that he was always there like Nail Bunny was. He must still be apart of me because he only wants me to eat yet when he tells me it's true. He didn't fallow me but when I got home he told me I should eat. I was hungry. Why did I listen to him? I'm not a slave then again he has been right about the food. I think he maybe part of the key to my past

A/N: I know this is kind of a short chapter but trust me things will get better later on as well as longer but I have to have some room for the wondering mind to think of where this is going as well as Who Raven Masters is that I named in the start of this. Well you'll just have to wait. Please Review good, bad or ugly its fine by me. Last note I know my grammar and spelling is bad but hell I'm trying my best on my first fanfic so cut me some slack.