MGM owns all characters.

A/N: Dwparsnips, Scr1 and I had an idea for this a long time ago. There are McKeller elements, so be warned. Set in Season 5 before Brainstorm.

Rodney McKay was late for the staff meeting. Woolsey never had a staff meeting at the end of the day and Rodney was behind on his performance reviews, so he angrily made his way up the stairs to the conference room. I hate doing these things.

When the physicist entered the staff room, he was pleased to see the seat next to Jennifer Keller was vacant. Quickly getting there before Ronon showed up, Rodney nearly tripped over the back of Sheppard's chair.

"Never saw you in a hurry for one of Woolsey's impromptu meetings," John said with a knowing grin.

Glaring at John, Rodney refused to rise to the harassment he had to face since John returned from the alternate future. He saw something there that he refuses to tell me, but it has to do with Jennifer.

"How was your day, Rodney?" Jennifer asked with a big smile as he sat down.

His stomach flopped as it always did when she was focusing her smile on him. "Fine, I..."

"Thank you all for coming," Mister Woolsey said as he stepped in to address, Sheppard, Jennifer, Lorne, Rodney, Zelenka, and Doctor Cole.

"What about Teyla and Ronon?" Rodney asked. They were always part of the senior team meetings.

"This is for my staff only," the administrator said.

Rodney exchanged a glance with John and raised his eyebrows.

"Why is that?" John asked leaning forward looking like he was ready for a fight. "Aren't they're always considered senior staff?"

"This is for department heads and their seconds," Woolsey said as he leaned forward, clasping his hands together. "I was part of a management round table recently on Earth and we felt that those of us at the senior level lose track of what it takes to run things in our departments. At the most basic levels, therefore, I am proposing that all of us, myself included, spend one day doing a very basic function in our department."

"What!" Rodney and John said simultaneously.

"Excuse me, sir," John said, "but don't we get to senior levels so we don't have to do menial things anymore?"

"If you are reviewing staff in your department doing menial things, as you call them, you should know what they do," Woolsey said in a tone that said they should not argue.

"What did you have in mind?" Sheppard asked.

"Oh, no. I am not wasting my intellect or Zelenka's doing something stupid," Rodney said not caring if Woolsey did not want to talk about it. This is a waste of time and I won't do it.

"Thank you, Rodney," Radek said smiling at him.

"Yes, if you want me to review you, you will do this," Rodney's boss said looking harshly at him. "Now, I looked through your departments and came up with the following assignments for you to perform tomorrow."

"Tomorrow! I'm still inventorying Janus's lab. We just opened a sealed cabinet and..." Rodney yelled almost leaping up.

"Yes, tomorrow," Woolsey said obviously annoyed by the interruptions. "You and Doctor Zelenka will run the Help Desk for computer issues the next two days. Colonel, Major, you can work in the armory."

"You've got to be kidding, right?" Rodney was testing Woolsey's patience. "John filling tac vests and me helping idiots who can't print and don't know what low battery means on their tablets and laptops?"

"Doctors Keller and Cole," Woolsey said ignoring Rodney's outburst."You can work in the tissue culture lab or the pharmacy."

"Counting bill bottles?" Doctor Amanda Cole said. "That's a nice relief."

"I love doing tissue culture, so I'll take that one if you'd like," Jennifer said smiling at the Air Force doctor.

"Thank you, Doctors." Woolsey smiled at the female physicians.

"You are all dismissed. I'll expect reports on your experiences by the end of the week and hope this will assist you with your performance reviews." Woolsey rose and left without looking back.

"Unbelievable!" Rodney shouted shaking his head. "What kind of ridiculous experiment is this?"

"I think it's a good idea," John said. "Helps keep us grounded."

"Grounded! Grounded! If you call the Help Desk tomorrow, you won't have hot water for a week," Rodney growled.

The other members of the senior staff got up and left.

"Wonder what Woolsey's doing?" John was asking Lorne.

Rodney sat a few extra minutes silently fuming since it was obvious no one cared. How did he get to be in charge? Just when he seemed to be settling in, he pulls this.

"There is a benefit to this." Jennifer's voice cut through his annoyed thoughts.

As usual, his heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. "Really?" he asked rising to stand in front of her. She's so beautiful.

"The Help Desk is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. You'll be done in time for..." Jennifer paused as a pink tint colored her cheeks. She looked down for a minute, twisting her hands.

"For what?" Rodney was hanging on her words. What is she talking about?

"For dinner," she answered smiling.

"You're right. Don't think I ate at 5:00pm in ages," he said, returning Jennifer's smile.

Jennifer smiled back at him and they stood there for several second, looking at each other and then glancing away. What is she waiting for? Oh crap, I'm supposed to say something. Think, McKay. What is she waiting for? Dinner, dinner... Oh!

"So, um, ah, so, are you off at 5:00pm, too?" Rodney hoped he sounded smooth.

"Yes, I am," she beamed at him obviously trying not to laugh.

"Uh... that's good."

Jennifer started laughing. "Do you want to get dinner together tomorrow?"

"You and me? Dinner?" Rodney's heart stopped. Did she ask me on a date? No, of course not.

"Yes, we could get an early dinner."

"We could," he said as Jennifer looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What?" Did I say that out loud?

"Yes... well, I'll see you tomorrow at 5:00pm. I need to wrap up some work tonight," she said. "I don't think it will be too bad for you tomorrow. There are a lot of smart people, so you should have an easy time."With another sweet smile, she left, leaving a familiar, pleasant scent behind.

Rodney had something to look forward to, so he left the conference room a little happier. How bad could it be? Jennifer's right, we have the best of the best out here.

A/N: Dwparsnip and I can't stay away from McKeller, but we hope non-fans will give this a try.