James walked into the room to see if his dad was recovering, only find his parents plus Draco asleep in bed. He raised an eyebrow, but learned from Severus to keep calm when things were strange. James looked out down the hall, waiting to see if Edward was going to appear but when he didn't James smiled, realizing his boyfriend stayed put when he was asked.
Walking over to the bed, he shut the door behind him knowing it would prevent Edward from walking in. Knowing it was his parents room, he wouldn't just walk in. James approached the bed, shaking his dad awake gently.
Harry opened his eyes sleepily, yawned and sat up. "Hey bud, what are you doing?"
"Well, I originally came to see if you were feeling better... now I'd kinda like an expatiation." He raised an eyebrow at the two men that were tangled together behind Harry, causing Harry to turn and laugh.
"Well," Harry kicked Draco's shin to wake him up…
"Hey! I.. Oh." Draco looked at James, Severus turned and sat up not even bothering to care that his son was in the room. He looked at him, smirked, and laid back down.
"That really wasn't necessary, he's a smart kid, he'll figure it out." Severus spoke, with clear amusement. "Out of everything else thing kid as see, us sleeping with clothes on.. it's been worse."
James snorted, "Yeah yeah, so what going on here then?" He wangled his finger and hand indicated at them.
Severus looked at Harry, the two had a silent conversation before returning back to James, who sighed. "Fine. But I want an expatiation." With that James walked out of the bedroom shutting the door behind him.
Draco gave them both a confused look, "Uhm…?"
Harry stood up, stretched and got dressed while Severus gave him a wary look, but spoke to Draco. "James sees have…mental conversations a lot, it usually means we'll talk to him later about it…he just skipped the step of us telling him that we would explain later."
"Oh..." Draco watched Harry undress, "and laid back on the bed. I don't want to get up, can't we stay in bed.. I really don't do this often."
Severus looked at Harry, who shook his head, "No. We need to get up, we have more to talk about in this relationship before we tell the kids."
"Can't we have this talk, in bed?"
Severus, knowing his fiancé, knew his mind was already made up. He looked at Harry, "Why don't we explain this part first?"
"I'm not going to have this conversation while he's laying down. It's going to be strange enough as it is."
"Yes, I know. But that should be the-"
Harry smirked, that warning smirk, "Yes, Severus. I'm well aware that we should talk about it."
"What am I missing?" The blonde finally spoke, sitting up. He did get out of bed though, he didn't want them to get mad at him before they started their relationship. He stretched, and smiled, "Where do you want to have this talk then?"
"Well… We could here. I'm going to run down to the kitchen, Severus straighten up please." With Severus's nod, Harry went out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
The blonde turned to Severus, before standing up and helping him make the bed. "Is he always this bossy?"
Snorting, "Yes. Even with me being freed, it's how we prefer it. Though, if I disagree with something he knows I'll voice my opinion." Severus agreed to Harry leaving the room for a moment, so he could explain some things to Draco.
"Draco, he is the dominate. Do understand that, it is a major part of our relationship."
Biting his lip, he thought about it. He didn't mind having a dominate lover, Harry had always played that role when they were together…but they after been that way since they were kids. "Dominate like… the slave thing?"
"No. He can't really force you to do anything, but he does have a point in what he does and says. If he asks you to do something, there is normally a reason behind it. He becomes extremely…well he's makes things much harder if you rebel."
The blonde only raised an eyebrow at that.
"If you decide to go all day, or longer with an attitude that he can't stand, and he warns you, he's going to be playing the master role more than needed to make it clear who is control of the relationship."
"And you like that?"
"I rarely get him to that point, Draco. I love him because he understands… he helps me. I… It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't feel the same… I-"
Severus stopped talking to see Harry enter the room with a smirk, "Breakfast will be brought up when done." He met eyes with Severus, "I see you started without me."
Rolling his eyes, Severus sat on the bed. "The bloody elf will bring it up?"
"Careful, Love." Harry warned.
"He still calls me, Master's Slave."
Harry shrugged, "Still." He walked over to Draco, and tilted his head up to him. "Are you sure you can do this?"
Draco wasn't sure, but he was willing to try. He didn't know what to think, what do to do, but something about his excited him. "Yes."
He leaned down to kiss Draco, letting Severus watch from the bed. Harry deepened the kiss, and grabbed Draco's hips once he heard the moan from Severus. Draco pulled away once he heard the moan, and looked at Severus then at Harry, extremely unsure of himself.
Falling back onto the bed, Harry pulled Draco on top of him, making out some more before pulling make. "I want to watch you kiss Severus."
So Draco did, he turned to Severus and hesitantly kissed him, only for Severus to deepen the kiss more. Harry moaned, and grabbed Draco's ass only to get a whimper out of the blonde. "Okay, Severus undress him."
Draco froze, he didn't mind the kissing but to get naked in front of them so soon. He got off Harry, and looked at the floor. "I can't."