Chapter 1
Dan, Serena, Jenny, and Eric sat patiently and excitedly, to hear what was about to happen. Lilly and Rufus walked in.
"Where is chuck?" Lilly says while looking at Serena.
"Haven't seen him since last night ", Serena said as Chuck made his way into the room. He was with a girl who had on half of her clothes and her hair all over the place.
"Sorry seems we had a real late night" he said while fixing his robe "there's the door, I'm sure you can escort yourself out." Dan laughed under his breathe, while jenny looked at him disgusted and irritated.
"So what are we here for?" Eric asked.
"Okay, I and Lilly wanted it to be a surprise but we couldn't wait to tell you" Rufus said.
"We are going camping" Lilly said happily "I've always wanted to go but I have never had the time and I think it would be a nice family thing to do."
"You have got to be kidding me", Chuck said "I would rather be nice to Dan then spend a week in the middle of nowhere."
"Well thanks" Dan said sarcastically.
"I think it would nice" said Serena "I feel a change of pace is always good for the soul."
"And so you won't get bored with us you could bring a friend if you like." Rufus spat out.
"This could be fun", Eric exclaimed "to get away from my life for a while."
"I know I do need a break from school, this could be really good" Jenny said.
"I don't now" Dan said "spending a week with Chuck is not something I would put as fun."
"You and me both Humphrey" Chuck said while he glanced at him out the corner of his eye.
"So it's settled then, we are going to this cabin my great grandmother use to visit when she was young" said Lilly.
The next day Serena saw Blair in the hall reading something about chuck and a girl coming out of his club. Slut Blair thought. Why did she feel surprised this was Chuck the Basstard. She saw Serena approaching.
"Hey B ", she said as Blair was closing up her phone "I would really love it if you would go camping with me next week."
"Are you serious" Blair said with a look on her face like she had just thought of being on a subway "I am not a nature type of person S"
"Come on it can be so fun; we can just get away from it all for a while and take a break."
"I don't know S I really was planning on trying to get my life back but I guess I could take a break from the cruel world and get my head together."
"Yay" S shouted as she hugged Blair "I will call you later on to talk about the time we are leaving."
"Kay" Blair said.
"Nathaniel " Chuck yelled from across the hall causing Nate to turn around so quick he almost knocked Jenny over.
"Sorry Jenny" Nate said apologetically.
"It's okay Nate you didn't mean it" Jenny said with a sweet look on her face "see you around."
Nate watched Jenny as she started to talk to Eric in the hallway and thought why she had to leave. Just then Chuck came up behind him having that wicked little smile on his face.
"Nathaniel" he said "have we not learned yet, she left and she moved on, so should you. You have Vanessa so why are you still looking puppy eyed over little Humphrey?"
Nate looked at Chuck wanting to tell him he and Vanessa weren't together anymore, but he just changed the subject.
"So why were you screaming my name from across the hall" Nate said.
"Yeah, I wanted to know if you would like to go camping next week."
"Wait Chuck Bass, going camping somebody hit me" Nate said as he smiled that lovely smile of his.
"Ha" Chuck said as Nate turned to walk to his locker "Lilly wanted to take us as a family thing, so I decided hey maybe I could have some fun with this. So do you want to come or not?"
Thinking that he would see Jenny at this trip Nate happily said "yeah of course" and he walked away.
Dan was sitting in the loft when he heard someone knock. He ran to the door and saw his friend Vanessa standing there and realized he had not seen his friend since Nate and her had broke up a few weeks ago. He didn't know why she had dumped Nate and wanted to make it up to her for not being there. So he thought that asking her to go camping would give them a reason to start hanging out again.
"Hi" he said while letting her in.
"Hey you said you needed to talk to me" Vanessa said as she made her way in his home. He was happy she still felt comfortable enough to just push past him.
"Yeah I was wondering would you like to go camping with the family" he said.
Vanessa happily jumped up and said "Yes of course I need to get away from the city, a place where I can just be free and not have a care in the world."
"Good we leave next week I'll tell you what time to be here" he said.
"I'm so excited" she said as she flew out the door to get ready for the trip.
"So how are we getting up to the cabin" Serena asked excited "While me and Lilly drive one truck with the bags, Dan will drive the other truck."
"Does Dan even know how to drive?" Blair whispered to Jenny, but Dan heard her any way.
"I went driving with my dad about 2 summers ago I am pretty good. I can get us there and back safely" he said.
"This is going to be a good vacation for all of us" Jenny said while putting the games in the back of Lilly and Rufus' truck. While Jenny was talking Nate, Vanessa, and Chuck were making their way over to the truck.
"So all of us are going to have fun right " Eric said as he got in the truck. Jenny smiled reassuringly to Eric as she got in the truck next. Everyone got in and got comfortable. As Dan got ready to start the truck he looked in the rearview mirror and noticed Jenny and Vanessa looking at Nate, making Nate really uncomfortable sitting in between the two. Serena and Eric just looked happy. Chuck kept staring at Blair while she tried to scoot further away from him. Dan smiled as he started the truck and said "Yeah this is going be fun."
Morning Upper Eastsiders
Today looks like it's going to be a lovely day.
So I will be appreciating its beauty with a little visit to an old friend.
But, before I go Lonely Boy, S, N, V, C, Queen B, Little J, and rest of the family were seen
Packing up and going camping ,I wonder what things will be said and done
While there gone. Well looks like I'm not the only one who appreciates a nice change of scenery .
You know you love me
Gossip Girl