Chapter 1: Enlightenment

Authors Note: This has been Remastered. I wrote this back in the days of freshman year in high school and left it alone. I'm so pleased to see growth in my writing now that I am soon to be university graduate. At the same time I cringe at my old style of writing. I also fixed the name mistakes. Thank you to the reviewers the revealed this to me!

Please, check my profile for warnings and disclaimers.

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One a cool summer night somewhere in Savannah….

A cool breeze blew about the old southern style plantation home lifting curtains and whistling along its journey through the dark. It crept over a distraught dreamer watching her twist and turn in the hot summer night. Her long curly midnight black hair was sticking to her peach colored skin. In the midst of her dream she started thrashing under the covers before finally kicking them off in an attempt to cool her body down. Her legs turned and her arms reached for images not there when suddenly her eyes opened in alarm. With a jolt she sat up and gasped. Her honey brown eyes held a look full of wonder and confusion before finally settling on fear. Her mind reached far within itself to recover the dream now lost to her. After looking around the room in confusion she finally acknowledged a burning sensation coming from her body. Sweating profusely she looked down to see smoke was rising off of her fingertips. She immediately grew fearful at the site and looked down to see scorch marks contrasting against her sheets.

"Not now…Not again!" she whispered in the silence of the night. With haste she shot out of her room to run down the hall to her mother's. "Wake up…Wake up. Please!" she yelled frantically. Her body rushed to her mother's side and began shaking her from a restful sleep.

"What…? What happened?" Her mother asked apparently still groggy from the sudden interruption of her slumber. "Nicole!"

"It…It happened. It happened again! Look!" She shouted while holding up her smoldering hands for her mother to see. Her mother sat up with a start to collect herself with shaking fingers grasping her daughter hands. She stared ran her own hand gently across the soft skin of her child's in concern. A frown shadowed her face with her tongue being held hostage from saying anything that she may regret later.

After witnessing the smoke radiating from her daughters hand, her mother's eyes grew large with acknowledgement. "Ok, ok! Calm down. We will get ya some help! I promise this time." Her mother affirmed, rubbing her daughter's hands soothingly. After a few minutes she watched her beloved calm and slowly let her hands go. The young lady watched as her mother clutch her stomach and grabbed her forehead in anxiety before falling back on the sheets.

"Lemme just get myself together first." Her mother explained. The older woman blew the little hairs that managed to escape her head wrap upwards watching them fall gently back in front of her face. Nicole stood there in complete helplessness as she just looked expectantly at her mother for some kind of profound wisdom and more words of comfort to ease her troubling fears. "Go get ya somethin ta drink, Ma. You should try to sleep. There ain't nothing we can do at this hour." Ordered her mother gently. Nicole nodded almost releasing a soft whine not wanting to be left alone out of fear of the inevitable loss of control. She rose gently from her mother's side to make her way towards the kitchen. Thoughts and memories ran riotous along her journey down the hallway.

Why? Why? Nicole thought to herself while staring down at her now ordinary hands. Her mind took her to place 13 years ago when they first arrived to the lovely home after many years of slumming in the hood. Before her mother's career took off at the hospital, her mother was pushing two jobs and nursing school to provide a better future. She shared a room with several of her cousins in her grandmother's small house with 6 – 8 family members sharing makeshift beds on floors. She watched her mother push forward and in the end was rewarded well. This served as a great example and filled her mind with dreams that she promised herself she would make true. However, her current dream seemed to be transforming into a nightmare by the ticking of the clock.

Life was very simple and very easy as long as she didn't get angry. Whenever she was emotionally distraught, events would happen that were unexplainable. At school the water fountains were broken but after a heated altercation with her love interest, she noticed that the water was running at full capacity at the water fountain she was standing near until it blasted out of the faucet completely. She went to touch the handle and the water just stopped running suddenly. There was another instance when she was involved in an irritating debate over senior activity prices with her best friend. In the heat of her statement, she stomped her foot on the ground. Instantly, a big rock appeared out of the ground in front of the placement of her foot and immediately rose upwards in the air. Panic filled her heart quickly when the rock exploded into tiny pieces. Luckily her best friend Chantel was not hurt at all. However, it did lead to a secret conversation and a declaration of silence between the two later.

Time passed along with days of research before an answer was given regarding these occurrences known to the world as mutation. It was all over the news and the general public's opinion of them wasn't exactly friendly. It was mentioned of a cure during her first year in college that spread like fire among the people. That time was now long gone with the new policies and protections given to mutants. However, it wasn't enough and there were people like herself still afraid to come out. Her mother promised her that if she seriously needed help, they would seek it.

Nicole thought she was forever alone to suffer in silence until one day, the sound of her best friend's voice filled the receiver with hysterics and cries of uncertainty. Apparently a trip down the stairs turned into a peter pan moment for the young girl. Instead of tumbling down the staircase, she literally flew down them and landed on her belly softly. Nicole thought the young lady should be happy that she wasn't in the hospital nursing a broken arm or leg. The two ladies shared details during the night whispering so that others wouldn't hear them. They spoke of numerous occasions and newfound abilities mixed with tinges of fear and desperation. By morning time, both managed to talk courage into the other to speak to their families and get the help they needed.

"I'm transferring from my university to a college closer to Xavier's Institute for the Gifted!" Chantel expressed over the phone. Silence followed worrying the young woman.

Nicole sat down heavily in her dorms kitchen to take it all in. She is leaving the college she loves to go to an institution….Backup…Institution!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What institution? You're not crazy are you? I mean just cuz you have abilities doesn't mean you psychotic. I mean come on, you in college… "

"No, no, calm down!" Chantel's airy voice carried over filled with laughter. "It's a school that teaches you how to control and acknowledge your abilities. I'm going to transfer to a nearby college and finish there. My mom called the institute and I already met with the headmaster on video chat! They are really nice people!"

It's been 2 years since that conversation. Nicole held a glass of water to her lips in a daze. Her body moved on autopilot while she looked to her hands and then up at an old frame on the wall. The two of them smiling brightly dressed in clown outfits that went wrong for Halloween on the fridge. Next to it were letters and post cards from places that Chantel had visited and mailed back to her during her time at the institute.

Nicole set her glass down and began running her finger around the rim of the glass. Her slim index finger traced slowly before changing tempo.

"Maybe I should make the call." She said out loud. She was graduating with her degree in global studies so maybe while learning control she could get a job. With a heavy sigh she looked down and frowned. The water in her glass was swirling around and around following her finger. She lifted her finger and the water began to rise like fluidly out of the glass. A gasp escaped her watching her own powers manipulate the water. Gulping she moved the water in motion focusing on taking it to the sink.

"Oh my-"

Nicole looked to her mother who stood in the doorway clutching her night gown to her chest while leaning against the doorway. She stared at her in awe not really knowing what to say. Her mom looked at her and said the only thing that would come to mind.

"Well I'll be damned."

A year later (20 years of age)

The sun shined brightly over the well-manicured lawn that stretched a few acres in the far suburbs away from the city. Her eyes stared up in wonder mixed with a half a cup of trepidation at the large mansion like building. Nicole stood with her documents outside the Institute at the front door debating on rather to ring or abort mission. She looked down at her black maxi dress; pulling at it gently to cure it of some of the imaginary wrinkles. She had hair curly cascading around her heart shaped face with little gold hoops in her ears and a few resting on her wrists. She looked behind her to see her escort Piotr removing her things from the car like they were paper. A shaking finger rose to ring the bell put didn't make it. A familiar face opened the door to greet her instantly creating a relieved smile on her face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Their excitement and squeals echoed throughout for all to hear them. The connection of a friendship was restored from their long distance separation. They took each other in noting differences and similarities from memories they had before. "Look at you!" Chantel exclaimed reaching for her friend again in a hug.

They stepped back from each other still gripping each-others elbows to get a good look. Nicole still looked the same just a little bit more filled out still 5'2 with the tiny voice. Chantel looked like a mature version of a very brown Dora the explorer. Her hair was cut, her bangs covered her forehead, and she looked like she gained muscle. She stood at like 5'7, thin, with the same expressive brown eyes. She wore a blue crop top with white and matched it with a pair of white skinny leg jeans leaving her abs bare for all to see.

"Well get in! I have so much to show and tell you girl!" Chantel explained as she took her a piece of her friend's luggage and pulled her hand inward into the foyer of the building. Nicole observed to see the mansion looked everything like the pamphlets revealed. There were black mahogany and cherry wood furnishings everywhere. Plants were everywhere in different corners. European style lamps, décor, and televisions were in different rooms as well. She saw leather sofas and cushions in the room and stairwells to her right and left. Little desks and meeting rooms could be seen along with a few kids walking about. It looked formal but welcoming all at the same time.

"Awesome isn't it? I felt the same way when I first moved here." Chantel said as she looked at it all with Nicole. Both were feeling really blessed just being there and reunited. Chantel grabbed her friend's hand again making Nicole look at her. "Wait till I show you your room! It's across from mine. Plus there is this boy here… He is sooooo sexy! Oh wait till you see the kitchen!" Chantel ranted pulling her along in excitement before stopping to show off a few rooms and directions.

"Well I see that our new student seems to have found her welcoming party." A man in a wheel chair came accompanied by the most eccentric woman Nicole had ever seen. She immediately recognized the professor and smiled politely. "It's a pleasure finally meeting with you in person, Professor Xavier!" Nicole greeted. She seemingly glided over and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure as well. Nicole, this is Ororo Monroe a good friend of mine. She will be one of your many teachers here at the institute."

Nicole looked at the white haired woman. Lush snow contrasted against mocha latte skin with the most crystal blue eyes that rivaled oceans. She looked very professional in her black suit. "Ororo this is Nicole Luzon.

"It's quite a pleasure." She said as she leaned in to shake her hand.

"Later tonight you will meet all your teachers personally and we will discuss the circumstances of your stay." Nicole nodded in agreement as well as anxiousness unsure of what that would consist of. "Chantel I'm sure will help you settle in and relax. I hope you will find today to be a successful step towards your bright future." He said giving Chantel a warm knowing smile before going forward with Ororo right on his heels. Nicole watched them while taking in a cleansing breath.

"That man is amazing." Chantel muttered before walking forward and nudging Nicole to follow. "Now come on! To your room you go." Chantel pulled her friend up while lifting her luggage. "The rooms here are really nice. The younger kids here share rooms where as the older ones…we get our own rooms on separate floors. Plus your living arrangements make a difference too. Parents treat this like a regular boarding school. You get checkups and all kinds of things." Chantel and Nicole walked over to what she presumed was a wall. She looked to see buttons below. Very quickly the up arrow was pressed and the wall opened revealing large elevator. Chantel got in and pressed 3. "We get three meals a day. You are allowed to do regular things like go into town, ramble in the kitchen at night, etc. "She explained clearly excited about her presence. Her mouth ran and went on about everything regarding activities, rooms, people, and even midnight snack parties with the kids.

"I see you seem to have done more than simply check out the kitchen! I'm surprised you didn't eat this poor man out of house and home." Nicole taunted and laughed.

"Shut up! No!" Chantel burst into laughter as the elevator stopped on their floor. They both laughed right to their rooms. Chantel stopped in front of 306 and opened her door. Chantel is the biggest fan of superman Nicole has ever met. Her room was blue with a red border going around the room. There was a big yellow capital S on the ceiling. On the shelves adorned her superman collectable items and her life accomplishments which were all on one wall. Her bed was big with the same superman flannel cover she had since they were little girls. She had two beanie chairs one red and one yellow in the corner near her window which looked in on a courtyard and fountain. It was as if she was at Chantel's mothers house spending the night like she did all those other countless of times. "Neat huh?! Jean got me the glow in the dark S on the ceiling for Christmas."

"Oh ok! I see now. You sent a picture of it to me one time." Nicole said in awe tilting her head up to view the wall decal.

"Yeah, now let me show you your room!" Chantel went out her room and right across the hallway to 307. "You are gonna need to decorate and put your taste in it."

She opened the door and Nicole stepped in to reveal a big white room. It had the same bed space as Chantel's and even a window looking on the outside of the estate. On her bed sat her luggage that Piotr had obviously delivered for her. "We are definitely gonna have to add some color to it." Nicole said as she went to the dark wood dresser on the opposite side of the bed. Chantel pulled her luggage in the room. "I'm gonna let you unpack and then I will be right back so I can give you a mini tour, OK?"

Nicole nodded still enraptured with it all. She felt good about her choices and was sure the institute would serve her well. Maybe later she could talk to the professor about any career opportunities around town. With a smile and enthusiasm she began to unzip her luggage and put everything into its new home.

~~~~~Friday 3:00pm~~~~

Nicole had finished packing and even had time for a quick nap. She didn't realize how tired she was until the excitement of arriving at her new home. She quickly refreshed herself and went to find a restroom before deciding to explore. She saw a note upon passing on her dresser and she went to retrieve it.

Saw you sleeping so I will come back later for that tour.- Chantel

Nodding, she quickly threw on a pair of black comfortable flats to roam the halls in. Quickly making her way into the hallway, she found herself looking at the few faces on her floor.

"That was a bit intense!"

She looked at the end of the hall and saw a red headed slender woman going into a room but leaving the door open.

"Oh Scott! Do you have to put them through that level of training?" Soon a man with black shades dressed in a pair of jeans and a black collared polo shirt came up. "Well they are future X-men! They need all the help they can get at this rate. Have you seen their performance?" He yelled clearly exasperated by whatever they were speaking about. He closed the door tightly behind him yet she could still hear them yelling in the room.

Nicole looked curiously before deciding to take the stairs to the left of her where they had come from. She walked to their end of the hallway taking note of stickers on some doors and a few posters on others. She reached the end where she saw the stairs extend upwards another flight and downwards by several.

"Hey! You're up!"

Nicole looked down to see Chantel entering the stairs from the floor beneath her. She had a smile on her face and looked quite relaxed.

"Yeah, I just did. Now I'm quite ready for this grand tour you spoke about!" Nicole stated waving her hand in a flourish while walking down to meet her. Both girls locked elbows before going forward and speaking just as quickly and giddily as before. Chantel told her about the different levels and where rooms were before they decided to work inwards.

Chantel showed her the garage where she was showed the many cars, motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, and also mentioned their owners as well. "Ok the red convertible and silver motorcycle are off limits…Scotts." She explained. "Logan took his bikes a few times and in my opinion he hated him ever since"

Nicole tried to keep up with names but it was hard to do so since she hadn't seen faces. "The yellow jeep over there belongs to Kurt but he will let you drive it if he trust your driving skills. The black Harley and black jeep in the corner…is off limits. That is Logan's. He will slice you to pieces. Ok!"

"So don't touch anything unless you get explicit confirmation." Nicole recited pretty much getting the idea.

"You got it!" Chantel agreed while steering her friend out of the garage.

They proceeded to the library which was like going to a state public library except in this one it was crowded and full of children and teens. Rows and rows of books were categorized like a Barnes and Nobles with very high shelves that one could disappear in and never be found. Some were reading in the corners while others were exchanging books and marking information with book bags on the floor. Some were working on well-lit desks and tables writing away while others were on their laptops typing their fingers off. One child's page was flipping by itself in front of him while the others looked over his shoulder writing down furiously what he had found. She stared in awe while being dragged out into another hallway that was a lot more lively and filled with voices and chatter. This hallway held large windows and doors were open in friendly invitation.

"This is where the students take their classes." Chantel explained as they walked down the halls filled with students chatting and writing in textbooks. They looked like regular classes, except more homey due to the sofas, cushions, and single upholstered desks. Students were in their classes participating and fully engaged in the lessons. As they walked they had to step by some girls that were talking up a storm and others that were laid out in the hallway writing and reading. One group of boys seemed to be having fun with Yugioh cards and explaining points and damages.

"The professor makes sure the school provides everything you can imagine here. Art, physics, history, science of mutation, math, philosophy, religion, etc. If you want it there is a teacher here for it somewhere. Or the professor simply calls in a favor from one of his longtime friends." Chantel explained pointing to a few classes and waving at a few that had noticed her appearance. They stopped and looked in the study hall to find this one boy was in his class flying a paper airplane around using his finger while another one was creating smoke rings with his mouth for him to go through. Their friends were laughing cheering. This other boy made one and their planes seem to be battling each other in an air display before finally crashing into each other.

In the next room projects decorated the walls of one classroom. Volcanoes, solar systems, atoms, and DNA structures were located all over the room with 3 panel displays explaining them. The projects were highly creative and interesting. "We never did any stuff like this!" Nicole exclaimed as she looked at a sophisticated project about the effects of frostbite on small plant microorganisms. "I know. I was shocked too girl. At the college I go to down the street it is boring compared to what you can get here."

"So, you still taking classes?" Nicole asked.

"Oh, yeah! I'm an artist! Got to learn as much as you can." She explained. "So I paint and I make money for my drawings. The professor has helped tremendously. He had helped me put my work in the market and land a few art gallery viewings. Now business is booming! I got my own little office around the corner."

"Sweeeeeet!" Nicole dragged mimicking the little turtles from the Disney movie finding nemo.

"Totally dude!" Chantel chiming in on que. They both walked to her office and studio. Nicole just peeked inside her head to find it to what she imagined a crayola royalty room would look like. In it was all kinds of pencils, crayons, paints, and oils. There were bins, jars, cans, and jugs of materials labeled molding clay, polyfoam, etc. Photographs and paintings layered the walls and easels scattered about. On the floor were canvases of paintings and drawings while a few unfinished ones were wrapped in plastic. Chantel pointed to the easel in the corner. "That's my newest creation!" It was a picture of a girl standing on a cliff with her short blonde locks blowing in the wind among a very menacing large black dragon. "I'm illustrating a cover for this lady's book coming out. What do you think?"

"I think it's awesome Chantel!" Nicole said with such awe in her voice looking at the body of work Chantel had put out. Chantel explained a few more pieces and a theme for the upcoming season of art. After exploring her work area, they continued chattering up the hall. Chantel showed her the common rooms for the youth and then another area for the adults. There were showers and bathrooms on the second and third floor.

They went outside to find swings and wooden benches in different areas of the yard. There was also a pool area which was really large and a garden with a beautiful angelic fountain. Chantel directed her towards the pool and motioned towards the water. "Once a year on winter holiday, Bobby freezes the whole pool so we can ice skate. It's like tradition here. Everyone learns to skate before they go home to spend time with their folks for Christmas." They passed students doing homework outside on the lawn, swimming in the pool, playing games from frisbee to chess. There were even students practicing their powers outside on the lawn under supervision. Her eyes caught a group of kids playing kickball on the lawn with defined lines in the grass from frequent use. Chantel stopped suddenly frowning at the scene. One student's hands began to turn purple as another student ran towards home base. A whistle was blown catching everyone's attention and few curse words could be heard.

"Hey! You know there is none of that!" The tall tanned boy with jet black hair picked up the little boy and sat him on the other side. "That was some slick stuff you tried to pull." He reprimanded.

The little boy looked at the older gentleman with a smirk and said, "Yeah, I know. Don't worry I'll control myself."

"Whatever. Just don't get into any trouble while I'm watching?" He responded sighing at the boys actions.

"Got it! Mr. Wolf Man!" the little boy said then saluted before running off and rejoining the game.

Chantel nudged Nicole in the ribs before whispering excitedly. "That's him!"

Nicole looked at the boy and sized him up first. His skin was very tanned and shined underneath the blazing sun. His hair was cropped on top of his head. His muscles bulked underneath his muscle tee making him look very fit. His lips rested on the whistle watching the kid with untrusting eyes. Suddenly the boy sniffed and turned in their direction. An instant smile broke out on his face.

"Hey Chantel! Done with classes?" The tall boy asked watching them walk over to him.

"Hey Jacob! No, I didn't have class today! I was excused and my professors simply asked that I write a short essay about feministic explorations in art." Chantel walked up to Jacob and grabbed his arm in greeting. Jacob looked down at her before looking at her friend in curiosity waiting for an introduction. "Jacob this is my friend Nicole! Nicole this is Jacob!" Both exchanged greetings and shook hands feeling that sense of awkwardness when a best friend was introduced to a boyfriend.

"It's nice to see you finally. Chantel talks about you all the time you know!" He responded motioning to Chantel who smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm glad I have a face to match a name finally." She said. He looked at them before his eyes caught something in the background. His nose wrinkled and quickly he blew the whistle loudly in their ears. Both ladies hurriedly covered their ears while watching him run back to the field. "What did I tell you, Blake!" He yelled annoyed.

"He is nice." She stated before looking away at the pool. Chantel nodded before covering her eyes from the sun that was starting them down at the moment. "Come on. It's so hot! Lets go inside." They both ended up laughing and gossiping back inside the house.


Both ladies turned to see a little boy in glasses run up to them. "Professor wants to see you in his office now with the new lady." He explained before running off.

"Hey!" Chantel yelled after him hoping to get more information. "Little prick." She huffed before walking towards the Professor's office. Nicole thought they were walking in circles because the entire way looked more of a maze as they crossed halls and rooms that lead to more halls and more rooms. The place didn't look that big from the outside. Clearly, she was wrong on exactly how big the mansion was. They stopped in front of two big black doors with gold handles and bordering. Chantel knocked and a voice answered for them to enter. They straighten themselves up and tucked in hair pieces before finally going in.

They walked in to find the professor talking to the tall woman she saw down the hallway. Her long red hair hung down her back and framed her face. She wore a white shirt with beige cargo hipster pants on her slim hips with beige little boots on. They both stopped their conversation and turned to the two ladies entering the room.

"I hope your mini adventure today with Chantel was satisfactory?" The professor asked smiling and coming closer.

"It was fun and I really like it here!" Nicole said with enthusiasm. "Everyone has been really nice and welcoming."

"Excellent. Nicole this is Doctor Jean Grey. She is one of our teachers here and part of our medical department."

"It's nice to meet you…" Jean dragged trying to catch her name.

"Oh Nicole." She stated happily holding her hand out. Jean took it and shook in return with a smile.

"Thank you Chantel for delivering Nicole to us. Can you please leave us to talk in privacy?" He asked watching the young woman nod and give the thumbs up. She exited the room leaving them alone to discuss further. The professor moved behind his desk and prepared some documents.

"Our other teachers will be with us shortly. But Nicole until they make their appearance, let's talk about your stay." Nicole sat down in front of the cherry wood desk in the black office chairs. "Ok you have some options available to you about your education. You expressed in your paperwork about your wish to continue in the field of communications and linguistics, why is that may I ask?" He looked at her with this look of pure wonder ready to absorb her words.

"I love people of different cultures and their languages. I have learned to speak conversationally in some languages. I really love learning French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese. So I decided to make that my profession. I just graduated with my Bachelors so I'm hoping I can be of some assistance here while I'm learning to control myself."

The professor nodded at this. "With that particular skills set, I'm sure we can find you something. I hope that you continue on this path because we certainly need someone of that level of ability here. You will make an excellent addition to our family. Now, I do have conditions for your stay since you are above the age of schooling and tuition here. If you would like maybe I can find you some work with Hank our mutant representative among congress or you could possibly be useful in the language labs here for the students." He explained out loud. "I will give you a week to make your decision. I find in addition to your control classes you will be taking, it's best to have a routine for all new students to keep down stress." He explained.

"Ok!" Nicole responded with enthusiasm loving the idea of possibly working in government and being useful in that sense. Maybe she could even see if she could shadow at the college up the street on a few anthropology classes during the week.

"Now here is a bit of information for your stay at the institute. We have breakfast between 6am – 10am. Lunch for all starts at 12pm and dinner starts at 7pm. If you have plans outside the institute you must tell someone of the staff and write it on the board outside the dining room area. If you have not expressed to any of the head team or staff about your absence or departure, that causes worry and a search for you will commence and trust, you don't want that. Because you are older you won't have a curfew but you are required to get to your class on time. Tardiness is unacceptable."

"Yes sir. Your rules are understandable." She responded making mental notes.

"What you do on your leisure time is up to you. Just nothing too dangerous." He stated.

"Don't worry around here you will never be bored." Jean cut in catching her attention. "However it is expected that you might develop cabin fever and its best to take a small vacay when that happens." She advised knowingly. "Most likely at your level you will be in the danger room so you will be ok."

"Danger room?" Nicole asked inquisitively.

"Oh yes! Nicole the reason of your stay here is to learn control. The Oculus Simulator you will hear called the Danger Room is used for the safety of practicing abilities and gifts in a safety environment. You will take a quick course with me to understand mutation, what it is, and how that affects you. In this class you are free to express yourself on this issue and debate your ideas with me. Also you must make appointments to spend at least three days in the danger room practicing different techniques for control under various stressful situations. This should fit nicely with any job you decide to take up while you are here. Our goal is to give you awareness not just of your powers and how they affect you but also others and the environment."

"Ok, so I will train by myself?" Nicole asked wishing she had brought a pen and a pad here to write everything down. The professor immediately slid across the desk her schedule and information. She smiled in thanks and was amazed that he once again knew what she was thinking.

"You will train with a teacher. Your teacher changes based on the level and skill of power you show. Chantel for example, may train with you to promote this skill of flight you may have. But it may change because your flight may not be based on thought but on will." The professor explained further while entwining his fingers together. "Also, when you have reached a level I find suitable, I may ask you for another position that works a little bit more closely with my work."

All of a sudden voices are getting louder down the hallway. They all turned towards the door to hear the snippets of conversation.

"Way to go Logan, that's a perfect way of teaching them. Let them think with their fist not the brain."

"Listen here Goggles, I ain't waistin my time teachin them some load of bull. I'm teachin them to handle themselves and get little dirty if they have to."

"Listen shugga, It ain't that bad. Logan was just teachin em sum quick moves to get themselves out of trouble."

"That's right Rogue, just defend him. If someone got hurt, I'm responsible." The voice sounded familiar to her. She quickly thought of the man walking into the room at the end of the hall.

"Guys let's just get in and get this over with so we can sleep."

Nicole looked behind her to see who in the world was making the loud noises when her eyes widened at their entry. Nervousness filled her instantly as the faces she had seen on the news for various reasons both good and bad were in her presence. Her idealistic views of the mansion was about to change and she knew it.

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