A/N: The chapter you've been waiting for, if your tastes mirror mine. If you're not up for explicit stuff, skip ahead. This is a long one, consider it an apology for your wait. All your reviews have been enormously appreciated thus far.

Slade grabbed his mask and snapped it back in place. He felt less guilty about grinning like a madman when he knew only his smirking eye would be visible, even when there was no one around him.

He listened to the girl shower for twenty minutes before he shut off the hot water heater and heard her yelp at the cold through the door. "Time to get out Terra," he told her, tapping the metal back of his glove against the door so it rang loudly. He stepped back and listened. She brushed her teeth so long he was afraid that her gums would be a bloody pulp when she left the bathroom, or that she would have somehow managed to file her teeth down to stumps.

But they were perfectly normal when she left the bathroom, thankfully. Terra emerged in one piece. She'd scrubbed herself pink to waste time in the shower and expend nervous energy and her hair was glowing. Slade smiled at her softly and hooked a finger under her chin to tilt her head up so she would have to look at him.

"Mm. You look good," he told her gently, his thumb stroking her chin.

She stammered as his eye bored into her, not knowing how to respond but knowing that it would be a horrid idea to say nothing, "Th-thanks."

The man let go of her face and put a hand on her back to guide her gently back to the bedroom. Terra walked like her legs were too heavy for her to lift.

"You need to relax, Terra," Slade said softly as he pushed her forward. With his hand on her back he could feel how her muscles had tensed up. "You've done this before."

"I know," she said bitterly. The man did not care for her tone.

He sighed as if he were exhausted, but he was never exhausted. When he rested, it was because he liked to do so, not because his body required it. He pushed the girl onto the bed hard enough to make her fall but gently enough not to disorient her. Terra tried to sit up, but he was already on top of her by then, and if she sat up her head would have bumped into his chest. "Relax," he purred to her. His hands grabbed her upper arms to pin her down and he spread her thighs with a knee, eventually moving between her legs.

"Please..." she breathed. "I don't want to."

"Shh," he hissed to her. His voice became barely more than a whisper as he promised her, "You'll enjoy this, Terra."

The girl whimpered. He squeezed her arms once, very tightly, to remind her of his strength, then let go. She knew better than to try to escape or, god help her, strike at him.

His fingers found the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, tossing it casually onto the floor. Terra started to protest, but Slade shushed her again. He leaned down closer to her, the girl's nose almost touching the front of his mask as his eye held her under its power. Both of his arms suddenly dove beneath her back, making her squeal and arch her spine to avoid his touch on instinct, meaning that her small breasts were soon pressed against his chest. Slade chuckled darkly at the young girl's fright, and took his time running his gloved fingers lightly up her spine. It took him less than a moment to unclasp her bra, but he savored the slow process of sliding the straps down from her shoulders half an inch at a time.

Tara's eyes were shut tight as she felt him work her bra slowly off of her. With her teeth gritted together she finally hissed, "Just do it already!" She spoke from anger and frustration, not considering the possible repercussions until he did as she had asked.

The masked man tore her bra form her and threw it to for the shadows to devour, leaving her torso bare before him. He looked it up and down and responed, "No."

Tara whimpered noisily when she felt Slade's thumb and forefinger close around her left nipple and begin to tug and pull at it.

Stupidly, she tried to grab his arm and make him stop, but his other hand caught both of her small fists in its grip, squeezing them. She was certain he meant to crush her hands, to break every bone in them and fracture them beyond repair, but he merely pinned them to the sheets above her head as she cried out.

She felt the cold metal of his mask brush her cheek, then her neck, and with each of his breaths there came a heavy rush of steam from the four vertical slits in front of his mouth. "Oh, dear child, I have missed this quite a lot more than I am wont to let on..."

A few tears slipped out of Tara's eyes, and Slade took a break from toying with her nippe to wipe them from her face.

"No tears, Terra. You used to enjoy this," Slade purred. When he was done wiping her cheeks, his hand did not return to her chest, but rather his fingers hooked into her waistline, short pants and panties both, and he began pulling them down slowly. His voice grew threatening and he hissed, "Don't you dare cry, Terra."

Tara resisted him as he tried to pull her shorts down, but in a flurry of movement she couldn't follow, Slade rearranged her body and pinned her, now face down, to the mattress with him at her side. He pulled her pants off of her, leaving the poor girl entirely naked at his mercy. "Such a pretty girl you are, Terra... even with all these bruises from your training you still seem to shine."

She finally let loose a sob into the blankets, letting her tears fall into the sheets. She felt Slade's hand slide down her back, lingering in the lowest point of the curve of her spine before moving down to her rear, then to one of her thighs. When he heard her sob she felt his gloved hand grab her skull tightly as if he meant to crush it like an egg and he pressed her face into the pillows.

She couldn't breathe. She flailed but he fought her and won.

She. Couldn't. Breathe.

Slade was silent for an eternity, and then she heard him say, "I said no crying, Terra. And I meant it."

He flipped her onto her back once more, and he spread her legs and pushed his way between them while she gasped for air. He smirked down at her with his eye and removed one of his gloves. In a moment Tara felt his thumb press against her clitoris. She bucked and squirmed, but Slade was prepared for that, and his hand wrapped around her neck and squeezed softly to hold her in place. The man leaned over her again, and as he pushed his large index finger inside of her soft wetness.

"You used to love when we did this, Terra," he taunted her, but Tara could have sworn she heard something like wistfulness in his voice. Soon the masked man's voice became louder to counteract the noises that were passing from Tara's lips as his index finger found the sweet spot within her and rubbed it. It felt so good, so perfect, and Tara hated every moment of it. "You used to rush through dinner and your shower to get to my bed. I've never seen a girl more eager."

She moaned under him. It was like music for him to loom over the girl, her body writhing because he, her captor, her master, forced her to enjoy it. It made him rock hard.

Terra's breathing became ragged, and he knew what that meant. He slowed his touching, lowered the pressure. "You're close," he purred. "So close, dear child, so close. And right now you hate me for pinning you down and touching you so inhumanely, but the longer I do this, the longer I hold you on the edge, the more you'll find you hate me for not getting it over with and just fucking you."

His apprentice moaned, unable to give a coherent response. "Slade," she panted, looking up at him. Her eyes were red but she had learned her lesson not to cry, and he was perversely proud of her for that.

"What is it, my dear?" he cooed to her. He loved watching his breath make her hair fly about her head.

"Slade," she repeated as he kept her on the brink of her orgasm.

"Say the words, dear child," he hissed.

She bucked her hips and squirmed, pretending to try to evade him. He knew better. She wanted his fingers to slip up so she could cum. But Slade never slipped up, and there was nothing she could do. After a few moments of her looking at him, she whimpered, "Just do it."

The villain smirked. "Say please."


"Say it."

"P-please, Slade, this is cruel... just get it over with... just do it... please," she choked out.

"Of course, Terra," he replied, and with deftness and ease that had come from months of practice on her body, he made her cum. He could have kept doing it if he liked, could have pinned her and made her keep on cumming until she passed, out, but as much as he enjoyed forcing his apprentice to feel things she did not want to feel, he had needs.

While she was dazed and he saw stars in her eyes, he unzipped his pants and freed his erection. Unceremoniously he penetrated her and was pleased that she did not scream, she only moaned as he stretched her wet tunnel. "Good girl."

Slade never bothered to remove his armor or his clothing, and as he leaned over Terra's small body and began to thrust roughly. One of his arms snaked under her back to press her chest against his, and he felt her nipples through his shirt.

He was not gentle with her, not in the least. Slade rammed into her forcefully and she pleaded with him to slow down, to not hold her so tightly. The most he let her do was shift her hips so she was more comfortable. Any other movements she tried to make, the masked man would grab her arm, her wrist, her neck, her hip and squeeze very tightly until she relented. He looked at her smugly as he thrust into her again and again. They both knew he'd won.

After some time he lost a shred of his composure when Tara heard a deep groan vibrate from somewhere deep in his throat. "You're tighter than I remember," he said, both complimenting and teasing her simultaneously.

Tara moaned and squeaked in response. "Slade!" she cried out, but her voice was quiet. She half expected him to strike her if she made too much noice.

His hot breath beat down on her ear as he continued to pound into her again and again, and although he was working quickly and she could feel his muscles tense, his breathing was steady as if he were doing nothing more than reading a book. "No need to silence yourself my dear."

The villain's words meant almost nothing in her ear. "It hurts," she cried a bit more loudly.

"And it will continue to do so until your cunt is fully reacquainted with my cock," he replied, and she felt him push into her exceptionally hard and fast to make her whimper. "You'll be used to it again in a few days, and then you'll be begging for me all over again like you always did..."

She was getting close again, and she felt it. Her body kept wanting to come to life and follow Slade's lead, but Tara tried her hardest to keep it in check.

The girl was failing, and she was failing miserably. She felt her master inhale. Could he smell her feelings? It wasn't the first time she had wondered that.

"This time, scream for me," he instructed. His hands on her hips held so tightly they bruised, and now he brought one of those hands up to her chin.

Tara gave him a concerned look, her eyes wide and red, but she held her tears in.

"Terra, if you don't do as I tell you and scream for me, I will make you scream, am I understood?"

She came first. She screamed. He came second and growled like a lion as he did so.

On the street, a green dog could have sworn he heard a frightened girl in the distance, and his hackles stood on end for the rest of the evening, though he was almost certain it had only been in his imagination.

A/N: Alright, give me your thoughts that I may improve my craft. The more detailed the review, the better, and they make it much easier to keep going with this project. Anonymous reviews enabled.