Elena unlocked the door to her house and Stefan picked up her suitcase and carried it into the house.
"Glad to be home?" he asked her
"Yeah actually I am, even though our honeymoon was so wonderful" she smiled at him and kissed him. Jenna walked out from the kitchen and cleared her throat. Elena looked up.
"Jenna!" she runs and hugs her.
"Hey, how was the holiday?"
"Really good, but I'm glad to be home, I missed you and Jeremy"
"I better go and make sure Damon hasn't burnt the boarding house down" Stefan interupted their embrace
"Yeah you better" Elena goes back to Stefan and kisses him again and they part ways.
"You know you two are married, you will have to get your own house soon" Jenna told her once Stefan had left.
"I know, but I'm happy right now. So where's Jeremy?"
Stefan opened the front door of the Boarding House and walked inside.
"Damon? I'm home" He called, then he heard a slight noise and Damon entered, carrying a glass of scotch in his hand.
"The prodigal son has returned, how was the love fest?"
"It was amazing, and I wish we had stayed longer"
"So, why didn't you?"
"Elena wanted to come home, she missed her family"
"You do know that you and Mrs Salvatore are meant to get your own place right?"
"Yes I know, we will eventually, I'm looking"
"Or you could move in here, and we could all be one big happy family!" he smiled wide and downed the rest of the scotch in the glass.
"You'll get lonely won't you?" Stefan than realised something, "Damon, are you drunk?"
"No! Definitely not, that would be bad of me" he laughed, he was clearly intoxicated.
"Why are you drunk? What happened?"
"I'm fine don't you worry about me little brother" Damon slumped down into an arm chair, with his leg over the arm, and burped. Stefan picked up his suitcase and went upstairs to his room.
He turned on his computer, dumped his suitcase on his bed while it was warming up, put his clothes into the dirty clothes hamper for washing and then sat back down at his desk. He clicked to open the internet and into Google he typed "Houses for sale, Mystic Falls" and pressed enter.
Meanwhile Elena was unpacking her suitcase as well, and every now and then couldn't stop looking at the huge diamond ring Stefan had given her; it was clear diamond in the centre with small blue sapphires round the outside, the colour of her eyes. She thought about what Jenna had said, and realised it was true, one day soon she would have to move out of home, it wouldn't be a huge loss, she would always see Jenna and Jeremy, and her friends Caroline, Matt and Bonnie, speaking of the latter she would have to call them to tell them she was back from her honeymoon, but that would have to be later.
A few hours later Stefan called Elena and told her to meet him at the boarding house. She got out of her car and Stefan was standing there waiting for her with a big smile on his face.
"What's wrong, why are you so happy?" she asked him, kissing her husband and taking his hand.
"Come with me" They walked around the back of the main house until they came to a small cottage hidden partially in the woods but visible from the house.
"I've never seen this before; I didn't know there was a beautiful old cottage out here"
"Nobody knows about it but Damon and I, I come out here for some peace and quiet every once and a while"
They walk up to the front door and Stefan opens it. Elena steps inside to find a cosy and warm cottage fully furnished and modern, despite the exterior, and Elena couldn't believe her eyes, there were vanilla candles everywhere, her favourite, on every surface she could see, apart from the bed, which was a king size, and divided off from the rest of the cottage by a Japanese style divider that people use to dress behind.
"Oh My God" Elena was speechless; "did you do this Stefan?"
"Yes" he told her, smiling warmly, then he did something very unexpected and got down on one knee.
"Stefan what are you doing? We're already engaged and married you know"
"I know, Elena, will you move in here with me?"
Then she got down to his level and kissed him, "Of course I will"