Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters.

An: I know I said I'd have more time to write, but as well all know, things just don't work out the way we'd like them to. It's been a rough several months, and to be honest I wasn't sure I'd return to the fandom. My health hasn't been that great since July, and I'm just now getting back to normal (and greatly hoping I stay better). However, after giving it much thought I've decided I still very much want to finish writing this story. I promised I would, and I really don't want to break that promise .I can't guarantee when updates will come, but I appreciate your patience greatly, especially those of you who have stuck around since the beginning. If you follow me on Twitter you may have noticed my account is no longer active. You can find me under Mrs_Bite_Me instead.

This is unbeta'd, so all mistakes are mine. Forgive me.

Chapter 21: A Pack Divided

My entire body was shaking like a leaf on a windy day. It didn't matter that I'd seen everyone at the wedding just yesterday. I'd had my buzz of alcohol then and the distractions of playing the role of bridesmaid. This was something else entirely. I would be seeing my old friends, the entire Pack, in a more personal setting. Bonfires were our way of kicking back and relaxing, and I'd been invited ever since Jake and I first became friends, all those years ago.

Once I moved to Seattle I accepted that I'd probably never attend another bonfire on First Beach. Therefore, to know I was about to take part in the continued tradition once again was equal parts nostalgic and overwhelming. I may have known these people for years, but I hadn't seen them in so long. I felt like I no longer belonged in their group. I was no longer Jake's friend, no longer Quil's girlfriend; instead I was the ex-girlfriend, the ex-friend, who abandoned them all.

Quil's warm hand slipped into mine as we stepped onto the sand. His warm skin had its usual calming effect and the shaking subsided, if only slightly.

"Don't worry Bells, they won't bite," he joked with a wink.

His attempt to ease the tension building inside me worked little as I gave him a strained smile and gripped his hand harder. My shoes sunk into the soft sand with every step we took. I could feel some of the fine grains slip inside and rub uncomfortably against my sock, but I ignored it.

My mind was entirely focused on the space ahead of me.

It worried me that I was already relying on Quil for strength, so soon after reuniting. We'd cleared the air between us, or so I felt, and I could feel the familiarity and ease of our former friendship breaking through the cracks. Even before we started dating Quil had understood me, just as he understood me now.

He knew I was nervous, and he was allowing me to lean on him, emotionally, for the support I needed to face the others.

Pausing my steps, I tugged on Quil's hand to get his attention. "I don't think I can do this."

I breathed heavily through my nose, trying not to panic. Quil looked me straight on, his eyes held me steady. "Yes, you can."

His hand squeezed mine, letting me know he wasn't planning to let go. I nodded my head. "Okay."

I needed to do this if I was ever going to rebuild a friendship with anyone else from my past. And after reconciling with Quil, I no longer had a reason not to, but there was only one person I wanted to speak to right then.

Jake needed to hear my apologies first, before anyone else did.

The only problem was I would a hell of a lot more courage for that particular conversation. A quick scan of the area showed little indication that he was present at the party yet, so I hoped I'd have ample time to figure out what I wanted to say.

I was barely within range of the raging bonfire when Leah approached me. "It's about time you got your ass down here. I was starting to worry you'd try to make a run for it." She immediately placed a beer in my free hand, and I smiled gratefully. A little liquid courage definitely couldn't hurt the situation.

"But don't worry Sis, I would've chased you down and dragged your scrawny ass back here," she laughed, pulling in a long swig of her own beer before winking at me.

Taking a sip of the cool liquid she'd given me I smirked, relaxing just slightly. "No, you would've sent Seth because you're too damn lazy to get me yourself."


The friendly banter was Leah's way of making me comfortable because she knew me well. I thanked her with my eyes and she nodded in understanding. Her eyes then trailed to where Quil's hand was still wrapped snuggly around mine, and she glared for a fraction of a second. It was there and gone so quickly I almost questioned I'd seen the puckering of her brows at all.

"Hey Quil, can I talk to you for a sec?"

Leah appeared sociable on the outside, but anyone who knew her personally could see she's on edge, and I couldn't fathom why. Was it because Quil and I were holding hands? Is she worried about me?

I reminded myself to talk with her later.

Quil didn't look pleased, but he apologized to me before following Leah to an area outside the circle of the bonfire. I was essentially on my own then.

I had yet to address anyone else in the pack, though my skin prickled at the back of my neck. I could feel their eyes on me, watching me as if waiting to see if I'd make the first move.

Someone walked up behind me and placed their hand lightly on my lower back. "You can sit by me." Seth's warm voice spoke before I could freeze up and potentially freak out. He guided me to a nearby log that acted as our seats for the evening.

I took the opportunity to look around and see who all had shown up. To my not-so-surprise the area was crowded. Kim, Jared, Paul, and a younger boy I didn't recognize sat side by side on a separate log. The guys each smiled in greeting; though for the two I'd known for years the small gesture was visibly strained.

Kim, on the other hand, stood from her spot beside Jared and approached me timidly. I decided to ease her mind, and I quickly reached out to embrace her.

Kim and I had something of a friendship before I'd left, just as I'd had with all the other wolf-girls, and I'd missed her just as much as the others.

"It's so nice to see you," she whispered into my ear, not releasing me just yet.

A tension I hadn't realized I'd been holding on to was put at ease with her words, and my body physically relaxed. "I'm glad I came back."

Two sets of footsteps can be heard approaching, and the atmosphere shifts. It is no longer filled with trepidation or warm feelings, but instead it feels like I've been doused with a bucket full of ice. When I pull back from Kim I can see what has caused the change.

To the right of the bonfire stand Rachel and Embry, their expressions bordering on hostile. The matching looks of hatred cause me to recoil. Seth's hand reached out and held onto my arm in support, and he's stared them down just as fiercely.

This was more the greeting I had expected when Quil brought me to the beach. I expected to be hated, but I did not want to cause any more of a rift within the pack.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked, but her voice was cold, accusing.

"I brought her," Quil spoke up as he neared me. His conversation with Leah must have been over because she was trailing behind him, eyes still stern but this time they were focused on someone other than my ex-boyfriend.

Rachel's attitude made me think she knew exactly what I'd done to her brother. I'd left him and said things I could never take back, though I desperately wanted to now that I knew the truth.

It hurt that she was angry with me, but I knew I deserved it so I'd take whatever she wanted to say to me without argument. It hurt even more that Embry seemed to agree with her too. His face told me how much he resented my presence.

The expression didn't fit well with the carefree, joking image I have stored in my memories. He was Jake and Quil's best friend, and therefore we'd spent a lot of time together over the years. I hated the way he looked at me now.

"I can leave," I offer instead.

My right foot begins to step backwards, as if ready to retreat at the word "go."

I'd wanted to avoid confrontation, not create it, and I wonder if I was right in thinking that it was much too soon to attempt to fix all that I did wrong.

"Of course you will. That's what you do best," Embry sneered.

I couldn't help but flinch in response, but I remained silent nonetheless.

There was a shout, footsteps, and a crack all at once. It happened faster than I could follow, but once my eyes caught up to the fast movements of the wolves I realized that I had heard Leah push out of what I assume was Paul's grasp before running full-on into Embry, slamming his body to the ground.

"Asshole!" She screams, still trying to hit every part of him she could find.

My eyes were as wide as saucers, though more surprised that they hadn't phased than I was about Leah attacking him. Her temper hadn't improved any over the years, that much I knew.

Embry was trying desperately to get leverage enough to kick her off of him. He held no restraint about the fact Leah was a girl. "Get the fuck off of me!"

It took only a matter of minutes before the others reacted and began to pull the two wolves apart. Leah was still fuming and Embry looked downright pissed. Rachel, on the other hand, still looked at me as if I were to blame for it all.

Which, in reality, I guess I was.

My stepsister shook off the hands holding her back as she calmed herself. "Bella's family, you have a problem with her, you can take it up with me," she spits out. Seth look like he was about to add to her rant, but I shook my head at him. I didn't need two family members fighting my battles for me.

Family. I was a part of their family, the pack's family, if only through marriage. The realization was welcoming, but I needed to stop Leah before she damaged the situation further.

"Leah, please …"

At that point I'd beg if it meant that everyone would stop fighting. I couldn't believe that my presence alone had caused such a massive clusterfuck of events. It was only then, looking at the faces around me, that I realized Jake was still missing, and I thanked God he hadn't been witness to yet another of my mistakes.

Sam and Emily were also missing but that was the least of my concerns. I'd try to remember to ask Leah or Seth later about their absence.

As much as I didn't want it to happen, traitorous tears welled up and fell in big, fat drops down my cheeks. This was such a bad idea … "I'm sorry." The two simple words don't do my actions justice but they are all I have. I heard a snort and a scoff in response to my words, but otherwise I am ignored. Kim looked at me with pity, and I felt bad that she was caught in the middle.

We may have been friends once, but her mate was a member of the pack, and she held no loyalties to me.

I turned to Leah, "I'll meet you back at the house later, okay?" Quil reached out to wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"I'll drive you home."

I froze. The voice was not the one I was expecting to hear. This one was much deeper than Quil's boyish timbre.


Quil didn't question the words, and the heated weight from his arm became vacant. I didn't question them either, and I followed obediently when he began walking across the sand. Wherever he led me, I would follow.

It was time to set things right between Jake and me.

An: I've been a busy girl posting new stories, updating, & whatnot. If you'd like to read some of my new stuff then please head on over to my profile. Always, Forever will make you cry while Clique will make you laugh at the stupidity of it. If you're looking for a heartfelt love story then Traveling Soldier or Can't Help Myself are the stories for you. Broken yet Still Breathing will probably make you depressed, though I promise it gets better! I wouldn't be me if I didn't try to write the most amount of angst possible into my stories.