I do not own any of the characters other than Kyo and his wife, Ari. All other characters belong to Matsuri Hino.

Animal I Have Become

By: TheJokerofTheHouse

Chapter One: Arrival at Kurosu Academy

.:Kyo's P.O.V.:.

I screamed out in agony as the vampire bit into my neck. I struggled underneath the female as she drank my blood. I could feel my veins burning as something changed my body. I hissed in pain as she withdrew her fangs and threw me across the room and into a wall. I looked at the body of my fiancé and her pregnant belly as she lay there dead. I cried and pulled myself over to her trying to wake her up.

"Ari, please wake up! Don't you die on me."

Suddenly the police showed up and pulled me from her, "Sir she's gone." I screamed trying to get back to her but they pulled me away dragging me off to the ambulance. They checked me out as the pain, shock and emptiness, hit me. Tears came quickly and I saw my older brother approaching.

"Kyo, they just called me. I'm so sorry." He embraced me and I cried on his shoulder.

"They're gone, Kaien." He nodded hugging me tightly.

"Let's get you out of here." I bit my lip and nodded seeing them coming out with the stretcher. We got in his car and he began driving away from the scene. I looked out the window as we drove and noticed us coming upon his school.

"Kyo I want you to stay with me now."

I nodded hesitantly, "Kaien, I have something I need to tell you."

He looked at me, concerned, "What?"

I bit my lip, "She bit me."

He closed his eyes and sighed, "I understand." I returned my gaze to out the window and I felt the car come to a stop.

"You still have your teaching license don't you?" I nodded and he smiled, "Do you think you could teach the Night Class?"

I glanced at him and snarled, "You mean them?"

He grimaced at my tone, "They're not like that vampire, Kyo."

I glanced over him, "Fine. If even one of them tries to leave my class room during class, I will not hesitate to send Zero after them."

He nodded and smiled, "I see you remember Zero."

I nodded, "Who could forget him?" The images of the boy covered in blood when I arrived at the scene of his parent's death. The vampire who bit him was gone but he still was there, I had been extremely close to the Kiryuu's and I had a strong hatred towards the vampire who killed his parents. He got out and I followed suit and he led me towards his office. We entered his office and he gestured for me to sit in the chair across from him.

"So would you be willing to teacher their English class? I know you and Ari lived in America for awhile."

I nodded, "I'll be their English teacher, but like I said, they draw to leave my classroom, because they're 'bored' I'll send Zero after them."

Some one knocked on the door and a girl's voice followed it, "Chairman are you back yet?"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere, "Yuuki…"

"Come in Yuuki."

The door opened and when she saw me she ran up, "Oji-san!"

When she saw the blood all over my neck and shirt she stopped, "What happened?!" Kaien pulled her aside and told her what happened.

Her eyes widened and she came up to me, hugging me, "I'm so sorry Oji-san."

I tried to smile, "It's not your fault Yuuki."

She released me and Zero entered the room, "Kyo-san, what are you doing here?" He asked slight confused.

I looked down shamed and he saw my neck, "Yuuki I need you to leave."

"Why Zero?"

"Just do it." She nodded and left the office.

"Who bit you?"

I glanced at him, "I didn't see her face. She killed Ari…."

His eyes widened, "You mean… your baby?"

I nodded and his eyes closed, "I'm so sorry Kyo-san."

"Zero, when I find who ever did this to me, I will kill them. They took my world from me."