A/N: Whew! Final chapter. I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Christmas specials are tons of fun, right?


Disclaimer: Listen you old Scrooge who just wants more money. I do not own Sweeney Todd. And I'll still have a merry Christmas anyway! So there, HAHA!

It was Christmas morning. Mrs. Lovett was surprised to find that Toby had not woken her up before the crack of dawn, and she stretched sleepily in her warm bed. Poor lad's probably pacing away, she thought, Better get up before he flies to pieces.

After dressing in a festive green dress, Mrs. Lovett hobbled into the parlor, wincing from her ankle, where Toby was busy shaking the presents underneath the tree. "Merry Christmas Toby!" Mrs. Lovett said cheerily, scaring the boy, "Did you figure out what all your presents are yet?"

Toby shook his head shakily. "Not yet," he said with a sheepish grin, "But now that you're up, we can open them right?"

"Not till Mr. Todd's here," Mrs. Lovett replied, "We should wait for him to get up."

"But he is awake!" Toby said frantically, impatient to open his gifts, "He's in the kitchen."

Mrs. Lovett blinked. "Really?" she asked, "He's in the kitchen?"

"Not anymore," a voice said from behind. Mrs. Lovett turned to see Mr. Todd standing in the doorway. "You said something about gifts?"

"Merry Christmas Mr. T," Mrs. Lovett said with a smile, "Toby is anxious to open his presents. Do you mind opening them now?"

Mr. Todd shook his head and Mrs. Lovett gleefully set to passing out the presents she had so carefully wrapped two days prior. Toby was ecstatic about his top and immediately began twirling it around the parlor floor. He had given Mrs. Lovett a locket he had been saving for her for months and Mrs. Lovett was proudly wearing it.

Mrs. Lovett shyly handed Mr. Todd his new holster all wrapped and silently hoped he'd like it. As soon as he saw what it was, Mrs. Lovett caught a flash of joy across his face. "Thanks." he muttered.

"And there's one more thing." Mrs. Lovett said, handing him the box Anthony had delivered, "Merry Christmas."

Slowly, Mr. Todd untied the bow and unclasped the hook. Inside the box was a long lock of silky blonde hair, tied with a blue ribbon. "It's Johanna's." Mrs. Lovett explained nervously, "Anthony got it for me. I thought you may want something else to remember her by, other than that old picture you have. Do you like it?"

At a loss for words, Mr. Todd nodded. "Yeah," he choked, fighting back unwelcome tears, "I do." He cursed himself for being to emotional, and was truly grateful for the gift. Mrs. Lovett sat down beside him. "Oh I didn't mean to make you upset!" she said miserably, "I'm so sorry Mr. T!"

"No, no it's fine," Mr. Todd said hastily, "I like- no, love it. Thank you." He set the box down and awkwardly wrapped an arm around Mrs. Lovett's shoulders. "I have something for you too." he said with a sniff, "Let me get it."

He got up and was back in moments, carrying a small package. "It's nothing like what you gave to me," he warned, but Mrs. Lovett cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Doesn't matter love." she assured him.

Handing the package to her, Mr. Todd sat down and watched her unwrap the gift. She gasped in delight at what she saw. Underneath the paper was a music box, with the name Eleanor engraved on the top. She wound the key and opened the lid. A lively melody sang from the gift. "Nothing like you gave me?" Mrs. Lovett breathed incredulously, "Mr. Todd, this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever received!"

Mr. Todd could only smile. "Merry Christmas Mrs. Lovett." he said softly. Mrs. Lovett beamed. "Thank you so much!" she said, joyfully throwing her arms around him. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Toby cleared his throat uncomfortably, making his presence known. "I have something for you too Mr. Todd," he said handing him the present he had picked up the day before. Mr. Todd opened it to find a sprig of mistletoe laying in a bed of tissue paper. Mrs. Lovett burst out laughing and Mr. Todd soon followed her suit.

Nearly slumping to the ground with relief, Toby chuckled nervously. "Gl-glad you like it." he stuttered, "Merry Christmas."

Their merriment was interrupted by Anthony's entrance into the parlor. "I hope you don't mind that I let myself in." he said, "I knocked several times but-"

"Ah Anthony!" Mrs. Lovett cut it, "Merry Christmas. Come in. I'm so happy you could come!" Toby and Mr. Todd nodded their agreement. "We were just finishing up opening presents. I believe I have one for you too."

"Me?" The sailor asked, "You didn't have to you know."

"Course I did." Mrs. Lovett answered nonchalantly, "You deserve at least something for Christmas." She bent over and picked up the last wrapped present under the tree. "Besides, it's nothing fancy or anything." She handed it to Anthony.

"Thank you Ma'am." Anthony said, fingering the ribbon on it, "But I didn't' get anything for you."

"You've done enough for us already," Mr. Todd spoke up, "It's the least anyone could do."

Anthony grinned and opened his gift. It was a small compass. "So you don't get lost anymore." Mrs. Lovett said with a chuckle. Anthony smiled ruefully, recalling the last time he got lost. It was a win/lose situation that was for sure.

"Thank you Ma'am." he said, "I do appreciate it."

Mrs. Lovett smiled and then stood up. "Well you came for Christmas dinner, and I still have to cook it. I will be in the kitchen." She limped out and Anthony turned to Mr. Todd.

"Forgive me if I seem nosy Mr. Todd," he asked, "But what happened to Mrs. Lovett?"

Mr. Todd rolled his eyes and explained all that had happened in the past two days. Anthony laughed as Mr. Todd told him about the tree falling on Mrs. Lovett. "She really said she would rip them out with a fork?" he asked between laughs.

Meanwhile, Toby was busy surreptitiously fastening the mistletoe he had bought to the doorframe. If you want something done right, he thought, You have to do it yourself!

Mrs. Lovett had spent part of the previous day baking for Christmas dinner, so all she had to make was the small turkey and the potatoes now. The house was soon filled with the delicious aroma of the turkey and Mr. Todd found his stomach growling.

Presently, Mrs. Lovett came to the doorway saying, "Toby, come set a table; dinner's almost ready."

"I'll do it!" Anthony said, "The boy's having too much fun to want to stop now." He stood up and walked to where she was standing. Toby glanced up, and was filled with dread. Please don't look up, please don't look up! he pleaded. For the sailor and the baker where standing directly under the mistletoe.

Noticing Toby's stricken face, Mrs. Lovett followed his gaze to above her head, where the mistletoe hung merrily. "Uh-oh." she said. Anthony looked up and blushed. "Oh no." he said, "Oh no. We don't have to, right?"

Mrs. Lovett also blushed. "Well..." she said, "I'm not sure. I've heard things about having bad luck if you don't. And I certainly don't need any of that."

Anthony turned even redder and Mr. Todd was looking quite uncomfortable. "Fine." Anthony said at length, "Just make it quick."

Mrs. Lovett nodded and puckered up. In half a moment, she had leaned over and pecked him on the lips. Anthony quickly made his escape into the kitchen and Mrs. Lovett almost hurried after him, thinking that the awkwardness would be better than Mr. Todd's death glare. But instead, she flashed him a regretful smile and then left to finish dinner, hoping that the smile would cool him off a little.

Soon all four of them were seated and enjoying the delicious food. They chatted cheerfully and showed off their presents until Anthony announced that he had to leave. "Thank you again." he said for the sixth time that afternoon, "I enjoyed myself very much. Merry Christmas."

They bid their goodbyes and had to remind Anthony twice not to forget his gift. Then the sailor finally left the shop, waving as he walked down the street.

After everything had been cleaned up, Mrs. Lovett busied herself teaching Toby how to play chess while Mr. Todd watched. Toby soon got the hang of it and they played into the night till finally Mrs. Lovett had to put the board away. She was tired and she was sure Toby was too. She sent him off to bed and he went without protest, a sure sign of exhaustion for him.

Mrs. Lovett walked over to the doorframe and reached to pull the mistletoe off, when Mr. Todd stopped her. "It's not fair." he said quietly, "Anthony got a kiss and I didn't." He leaned closer till his lips were just brushing hers. "Don't you think?"

With a breathless nod, Mrs. Lovett pushed her lips against his and was lost in a world of pure bliss. At length, she pulled away. "Better?" she asked with a smirk. Mr. Todd shook his head. "Not quite." he replied and resumed kissing her.

They didn't know how long they had been standing there after they broke apart. It could have been seconds, it could have been minutes, it could have been years. But finally, Mr. Todd rested his forehead against Mrs. Lovett's and whispered, "Merry Christmas." before giving her one last kiss and leaving to go upstairs.

As Mrs. Lovett got ready for bed that night, she couldn't help thinking about how although it had probably been the most unconventional Christmas ever, it was also the best.

Merry Christmas!