"..." Speaking
'...' Thoughts
(...) Authors Note
This story was inspired by Prats 'R' Us fic Twisted Fate and it is consequently dedicated to them, Daffy and Scribble.
Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue.
Violet Shriek
Chapter 3: Made to Kill
Shriek sat in a tree across the road from the Parr's house, watching them eat dinner through the dining room window. He smiled as he watched Violet eat. 'She is so pretty. I just wish...' he sighed crushing that thought before it could hurt anymore than t did.
Jumping down to land with a soft thud in the soft soil Shriek snuck his way off down the street. 'I'm going to miss following her. It gave me something to do, something to push the memories away.' Shriek flinched as a sharp image of a filled needle and syringe slashed across his vision accompanied y a scream only heard in the privacy of his head. 'No I'm free and their all dead. No more, no more.' Breathing in deeply to steady himself Shriek continued to sneak away. 'I'll help you violet. Once I'm sure you're strong enough I'll tell you what I am and my purpose in this world. I only want to help you Violet. But since you told me to give up my favourite pass time I guess I'll have to find some other way to help you.'
Slipping unseen into the park Shriek flew from tree to tree, sticking to the shadows and remaining unseen. 'There they are, just as I hoped.'
Walking down the path were the same group of seven teens that had taunted Violet that fateful night.
Angel pulled held Tony's hand as he laughed at a joke Mat had made. Walking to the edge of the park with Shriek tailing them the teens broke up and went their separate ways.
"I had a great time Ange, I'll see you tomorrow." Tony called before walking away from his friends as he lived in a different direction to them.
"Bye Tony, I'll meet you same time same place tomorrow ok?"
"Oh knock it off you. Do you have to be so public about it?" Mary laughed at her blushing friend.
Tony blushed also as he walked away, whilst he liked Angela she was really forward.
Walking the streets back to his house Tony passed a dark alley about 300m from his house.
"Tony?" Angela's voice called from the dark.
"Angela?" Tony said shocked as he thought she was ages away.
"Tony help!" Angela shrieked as a shadow moved at the alley's end.
"Hold on Angela I'll save you!" Tony cried rushing into the alley.
Stumbling a bit in the dark as he ran Tony crashed painfully into something that felt incredibly hard but at the same time really warm, almost hot.
Clutching a bleeding nose from the impact Tony staggered back as he looked at what he had ran into. The shadow shifted, its form resolving into a golden skinned person. The skin appeared to be metal, seamless armour shaped to perfectly fit the person, almost like skin. Tony gazed with horror at the face set with two Ebony orbs the size of small fists instead of eyes.
The thing smiled from a human face except for the skins strange sheen and hue.
"Tony help!" the being mocked in a perfect imitation of Angela's voice.
"Wha? What are you?!" Tony yelled, stumbling backwards.
An arm streaked forward, connecting with Tony's chin and flooring him.
"Me?" the apparition asked in a resonating and metallic voice. Leaning over Tony, spikes adorning it's head, it thrust it's face in front of Tony's, crouching down to do so. "My name is no concern of yours. But you hurt Violet. You broke her heart. For that I cannot forgive you. So I'm going to break something of yours. I'm going to watch and enjoy seeing you suffer as you made her suffer. You're going to hurt and feel humiliated and forsaken just as she did when you dumped and insulted her. You could have let her down easy. You could have been nice but no, you chose to be selfish."
"But I apologised at the park! I, I'm sorry." Tony babbled backing away from his tormentor.
"You apologised? As I recall you insulted her with that apology, 'You're just to moody for me.' You hurt her and now." The face smiled. "I hurt you." The face hardened, taking on a rictus of hate.
Tony screamed and rolled over to crawl away. He stopped and began pleading as a hand lashed out and gabbed his ankle. He screamed again as he felt a foot slam down on his thigh, shattering his phemur (thigh bone). A third scream escaped Tony's now ragged throat as he felt the foot slam into his other thigh, shattering it too.
As Tony whimpered with pain the face softened to form a peaceful looking visage. "Go home little Tony. Feel the pain in your legs and the humiliation at having to crawl like a bug to reach such a simple goal. Only I wouldn't take too long if I was you, or else you might bleed to death. Oh and if you ever tell anyone who did this to you, I'll kill you."
Silently watching Tony as he crawled out the alley accompanied by his pained whimpers Shriek smiled. 'That's all you deserve for hurting Violet. How dare you hurt one who relied on you so much? Now you may feel but a part of the pain you caused her.'
With that thought Shriek slunk back into the night.
The next day, Thursday, Violet returned to school so was unable to meet Shriek again. Whilst he kept a check on her where abuts Shriek had stopped following her every where she went and listening to her conversations.
On the Friday Shriek watched her go into school from across the road through a hedge.
'Have fun Violet, please stay safe whilst I can't watch you. I know you don't really need my protection but I have too, I couldn't bear to see you hurt.' Turning away Shriek heaved a deep sigh. 'But now to find something fun to do for the day.'
"Hey Violet you heard what happened to Tony?" Mellissa asked Violet as she entered the school.
"No what happened?" Violet asked one of her few friends.
"Well apparently he got mugged but he won't say by whom. He's in a wheelchair because they broke both his legs." Mellissa said with mixed awe and horror at her fellow student's fate.
"Wow, that's bad luck right there, too bad, so sad." Violet mocked.
"Yeah I guess he kind of deserved it after what he did to you." Mellissa replied smiling weakly.
Violet scowled at that bitter memory, the expression mostly obscured by her screen of hair. "Come on let's just get to class." 'I'll meet you again Shriek, you are going make me strong, then they all see.'
"Shriek?" Violet called out in the same abandoned construction site as she had met him last time. "I'm ready for you to teach me, Mum said I didn't have to back till five since its Saturday!"
"Well I'm glad you came there's so much I want to show you." Shriek's odd voice called as he leap down out of a tree.
Violet smiled feeling a strange sense of elation at Shriek's appearance. "How have you been Shriek?" Violet asked whilst flicking her hair.
"Oh you know same old same old, a bit bored since I can't follow you around anymore. But I've found ways to keep myself entertained." Shriek answered shrugging nonchalantly.
"Listen I don't' want to sound rude but it's not you is it?" Violet said sounding a little frightened.
"Me what?" Shriek's brow furrowed in puzzlement.
"Well there's been a number of odd crimes occurring these last few days. Banks with holes blasted through them but almost nothing stolen. Jewel shops broken into but nothing taken. And my ex." Violet scowled. "Had both his legs broken. Did you have anything to do with any of them?"
"Me? Of course not. Why would I do such things? I need very little money to live on as I don't live in a house pay taxes or buy my food, I mean can you see me walking into McDonalds and ordering a Big Mac and fries?" Shriek felt guilty about lying to Violet but knew she wasn't ready for the truth yet, so he laughed at his joke and Violet joined him, steeping forward till they were almost touching.
"So Shriek." Violet breathed her sheet of hair rippling. "I know so little about you other than your name. Tell me about yourself."
Shriek gulped at her proximity, her slightly ragged breaths hitting all the right buttons. He gulped before stating "I'm sorry Violet but I can't tell you yet. My story is not a nice one, I'd rather tell you when you're more comfortable around me and won't judge me for what was done to but for who I am."
"Fine Shriek, but you'd better promise you'll answer all my questions eventually me, but for now, how old are you?"
"17." Shriek gasped as Violet leaned even closer till she was lightly pressing against him, black hair brushing his bear chest as he still only wore his black sawn off jeans.
"Thank you, now you can teach me." Violet whispered.
"Gladly." Shriek replied with a hint of fear in his voice before he stepped back.
Violet frowned, feeling slightly annoyed that they weren't touching anymore and bewildered as to why she was feeling that.
"How about I show you how to throw a shock wave today?" Shriek asked, much more comfortable now he was out of Violet's immediate proximity.
"Ok." Violet answered. "Show me."
"It's good to see you again Bob." Rick Jones said getting out of his black limo.
"No problem Rick, Frozone's got the city covered for today, come on in." Bob gestured towards the open front door.
"Thank you Bob." Rick replied as he entered the Parr household.
Sitting down in a comfortable seat across from the couch Bob sat down on Rick sighed. "I'm sorry Bob to disturb you on a Saturday but there's pressing business I need to discuss with you and your wife."
"Here's your favourite tea Mr Jones." Helen said as she walked in, placing a tray on the coffee table between them as she joined her husband on the couch.
"Thank you Helen, as I was just saying to Bob here, we have a real problem at the NSA, or rather it's now are problem, dumped on us by the Ministry of defence."
"What's the problem?" Bob asked picking up his cup of coffee whilst Helen held hers, breathing in the rich aroma.
"Well the whole situation dates back to the phasing out of the Supers. After you all left to take up normal lives the NSA was happy to help keep you hidden and keep ypur secretes safe as you know."
Helen and bob nodded.
"Well the Ministry of defence wasn't so happy about it. You see they were afraid that now many of you had retired that some of you would turn to a life of crime as a sort of revenge."
Helen gasped and Bob scowled but stopped his objection as rick held up a tired hand.
"I know, totally absurd. However that'd what they thought might happen. So as a contingency plan against such an occurrence they designed a weapon capable of killing super's."
"A weapon, but what if it fell into the wrong hands? Wait that's not what happened has it? Is that why there are all these strange brake ins where nothing is taken? I though it was a rogue super because the police saw the guy fly away. Or have they brought out the weapon to deal with the rogue super and where all in danger?"
"No Bob it's not like that, all though you're right in that you're all in danger."
Helen gasped. "But what about the kids? Are they safe? What'll happen to them?"
"I'm just getting to that Helen." Rick replied levelly. "Now you see the thing is, just like Bob said, an ordinary weapon could fall into the wrong hands. Also what kind of standard weapon, even advanced protypes could hope to take on a super and win? Very few indeed and none of them safe to use around civilians. So they decided to create their own super. A weponised being who would do exactly as they said. A living weapon capable of defeating every super alive."
"So they just what? Took some super in and payed him to be a hitman?" Bob demanded angrily.
"I wish I could say they did Bob as then it would only be a matter of money, something we can deal with. No they took a young boy, just an average kid as far as I'm aware, and placed him through a whole series of experiments. What came out the other end of that process was a monster. A being capable of untold destruction, a weapon that could level cities but kill a single person with sniper precision. They created a weapon so powerful it was unstoppable. However they made one fatal error in creating him. They used a human as I said, but what do you think a person would do when their entire being is changed. Your body warped and twisted into a weapon, your sole purpose of existence changed to killing heroes? Needless to say the poor guy went insane. Upon his completion they went to put him through a test run. He escaped and destroyed the facility in which he was created and killed everyone who was working there around two years ago."
"Wait, was that the explosion that killed 330 people at that power plant two years ago?" Helen asked suddenly.
"Yes I'm afraid it was, although that was no explosion and it was not power plant."
"So what's the point of this? Is this thing the one who's been committing all these crimes?" Bob asked hitting the nail on the head.
"Yes Bob, we believe so and if that is the case then you, your family and every Super in the city is in danger. He was given the data on every super alive at the time of his creation, their powers, weakness' and locations. It may be that's he just attacking the city as an act of revenge on the world or he may be trying to lure supers out in order to kill them."
"Well we can handle whatever they managed to make. Can you give us any kind of description of him?" Bob said placing his arm around Helen's thin shoulders.
"I'm afraid you not Bob, we don't even know what he looks like. And I'm begging you, don't try to take him on your own. You see this thing isn't like some ordinary villain. He doesn't want world domination or money. His sole purpose is to kill supers, he's incredibly powerful. Do not underestimate him." Standing up to leave Rick added. "I'm sorry Bob but I just don't think any of you are strong enough to beat him." With that he left and hopped back in his limo which slowly pulled away.
"Should we warn the kids?" Helen asked, frightened for her family.
"No, we don't want to worry them." Bob said equally worried.
"But we've got to tell them something! What if they meet this thing and they try to fight it on their own? It'll kill them!"
"We'll tell them it's a rogue super. We don't even know what it looks like so we can't give them a description but if we say it's a super then we can tell them to be cautious of everyone as it might be them in disguise."
"That's a good idea Bob. We'll tell them over dinner."
"Wow I can't believe I did that!" Violet gasped her gaze swinging between her fist and the small crater in the brick wall.
"You see, I told you you could." Shriek laughed as he admired her and her achievement.
"Oh my god look at the time I'll be late home!" Violet gasped as she glanced at her watch which read 4:40. "Thank you so much Shriek, when can I see you again?"
"Whenever suits you Violet, I'll be waiting right here for you to return."
Violet walked over and hugged shriek who blushed, his gold skin turning a deep blue.
"Thank you shriek, I don't know what I would do without you, thank you for saving me." Violet murmured into Shriek unnaturally warm chest.
Reaching round Shriek returned the hug, murmuring back "You're welcome Violet."
After holding each other for around another minute Violet pulled away. "I've got to go Shriek. But I'll be back as soon as I can ok?"
Shriek smiled and simply nodded as Violet turned to leave.
Violet broke into a jog as she left the construction site. 'Oh man I hope I'm not too late, mum will ground me for sure otherwise.'
Woe, who would have though Shriek was so sadistic? Well me apparently and now you I presume. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this latest instalment. Show your appreciation by clicking the big green button below this message and filling out a review. It can even be update soon or something else equally simple. All reviews welcome. Any flames will be used to start my barbeque.
Just like to finish with a big thank you to Prats 'R' Us. Again the sole reviewer of the last chapter. Please guys, don't leave them alone there, join them. Anyway, till next time, bye from Major Session