This is my first story to put on this site,so please no Flaming.
Disclamer:I don't own any character from Harry Potter. Sadly they all belong to J.k. Rowling.

This story is slash(m/m)and takes place in the 5th year. If you don't like that then don't read it. Its as simple as that. Now for the Story...p
Harry sighed restlessly as he lay awake think of the one and only Draco Malfoy.p
"This is hopeless" said Harry. He pulled back the hangings of his bed, pulled on his robes, grabbed his invisbility cloak and decided to take a walk. p
He moved silently through the hallways of Hogwarts, trying to clear his head of the sliver haired Slytherin.p
"Why can't I get him out of my mind?" thought Harry, "I'm supposed to hate him not love him.God whats wrong with me!?!"p
Meanwhile on the other side of Hogwarts a certain Grey eyed Slytherin was also taking a walk.p
"Whats wrong with me?" "I can't be in love with him, I'm Draco Malfoy,a Slytherin. I can't be in love with Harry Potter."p
Draco walked swifly through the winding corridors. As he turned the corner he stood face to face with The Boy Who Lived.p
More soon...