A BLU Haired Medic
Chapter 19
Beep. Beep. Beep. The metal detector was ringing loudly, BLU Soldier being held up by a security guard. Though the team had removed everything and anything that was metal from their persons (including their guns, bombs, bullets and what other tools of destruction that was on them) Soldier adamantly continued to wear his helmet, even after it was made obvious that it was tripping the alarm.
"I am sorry, sir, but I must ask you to remove your helmet, please."
Turning to face the guard, the soldier only sized himself up, scowling at the unfortunate young man who had to deal with Soldier.
"I don't take orders from anyone, son, especially not from some Jap!" Soldier said, refusing to budge. The guard only groaned as he tried again to ask Soldier to remove his helmet, the Soldier continuing in his resistance.
"Please, sir, if you don't remove your helmet, I am going to call for backup and have you taken away," the guard said, trying to sound calm.
This only provoked Soldier. "Come on, go call your backup, I'll beat up anyone who tries to take off my helmet, you hear me, son? There is no way that I am removing my-"
"Come on, Soldier, you're holdin' up the line," Scout replied, quickly grabbing Soldier's helmet off his head and tossing it to the guard. Then before Soldier could react, the Bostonian pushed the soldier through the metal detector, the metal detector's alarm staying silent.
"I did not give you orders to remove my helmet, maggot! You better give me back that helmet now before I teach you what pain really feels like!" Soldier furiously stared at Scout, who walked through the metal detector, and taking the helmet from the guard, tossed it back to Soldier, a wide grin growing on the Scout's face.
"Come on, Soldier, it's just a few seconds. What's so bad 'bout removin' yer helmet?" Scout asked, chuckling as he walked past Soldier.
"You listen here, son, this helmet is more than just a fancy metal pot, but a military distinction! If I wasn't wearing my helmet, I would be just like the rest of you ungrateful sods!" Soldier said, following closely behind Scout, attempting to catch him.
Soon, Medic, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, and Sniper passed through the metal detector without too much problems (although the metal detector was a tight squeeze for the Heavy) and soon, the team was about to make their way to luggage pickup when the Demoman realized someone was missing.
"Oi, where did Pyro go off to?" Demoman said, the rest of the team unable to come up with answers.
"I don't know, mate, though Spy's missing too," Sniper added, adjusting his hat a bit.
"Ah, considering Spy, he's probably outside, checking out the local cuisine," Engineer then let out a soft groan, shaking his head slowly, "That man better be careful, Japanese cuisine isn't actually for the weak of heart."
"Mein gott… if ze pyro holdz uz up for any longer, I vill just leave already!" Medic then took his glasses off to clean, placing them back in front of his eyes after he was satisfied with his work.
The Heavy then pointed back to the metal detector, letting out a loud gasp. "I see Pyro!" The team could only stare dumbfound at their teammate.
The Pyro slowly made it through the metal detector, and after being allowed through by the security guard, the Pyro slowly began walking towards the team. What really shocked the team was what the Pyro was wearing.
"Mmhmh mmhmmm mhmmm mmmh!" The Pyro said, or tried to say. A thick beard was attached to the Pyro's gas mask, causing all sounds by the Pyro to be filtered again, making them much harder to understand. The Pyro also struggled to stay balanced, a pair of thick sunglasses covering the eye ports of the gas mask, making seeing a much harder affair. Finally, to complete the silly beard and shades, the Pyro was wearing a ridiciously huge hat and coat, covering the entirety of the Pyro's asbestos' lined-suit, the only thing visible would be the Pyro's gloved hands.
"Pyro… mein gott… vas zis ze reason zat you took so long to get out here… to vear… zis getup?" Medic said, adjusting his glasses, realizing that he was indeed not seeing things. "Pyro… you look like un dummkopf!"
"Mhmmm!" The Pyro replied, the team trying to listen in closer to try to understand what the Pyro just said.
"Hmm, either you just brushed Medic's insult off or… you want to marinate yourself in goat blood. Well, pardner, I'm confused for once…" Engineer then sighed, "Either way, we better catch up with Soldier and Scout, don't want them to kill each other out here… doubt the public actually likes people killin' each other."
The team nodded to Engineer's words and made their way to luggage pick-up, seeing that Soldier was still chasing Scout around, causing more than a few people to stop and stare, more than enough to put the rest of the team in some concern. Making their move, Medic and Heavy quickly stood between Scout and Soldier, Medic grabbing Scout and Heavy grabbing Soldier.
"What is this treason, Heavy? Why are you stopping me from catching that worthless sack of bones?" Soldier said, trying to get loose, Heavy's grip proving too powerful to escape.
"Come on, Doc, let go of me, let go of me!" Scout said, the Medic holding on to the Scout tightly, making sure that he wouldn't try to run as well.
"Calm down Scout… and you too, Soldier. You are acting like little children!" Medic said, grumbling, "Ve are not to fight each other, especially here… you don't want people to look like ve are crazy… now promise zat you vill stop this childishness."
Scout sighed, "Fine… I promise…" Medic smiled and then let go of Scout, the Scout rubbing his arm, "Dang, you have an iron grip, Doc."
Soldier continued struggling to get out of Heavy's hold, the Medic turning to face Soldier, the Medic slowly shaking his head in disappointment. "Soldier, must you continue to act like a child? Can't you act mature for vunce in your abysmal life?"
"I AM acting mature, acting mature enough to shut that wise-cracking city dweller mouth shut!" Soldier said, "And let go of me, Russian, you don't want to see me when I get angry!"
"Please, Soldier, calm down, it's embarrassing to see you act this vay…" Medic said, sighing, "If anything, you can hunt down Scout later, but not now, ve are still in a public area, so stop already!"
Soldier and Medic stared at each other for a few seconds before Soldier groaned, giving Medic a slow nod. Seeing Soldier nod, Medic smiled, and told Heavy to let go of Soldier, Heavy quickly obeying Medic, Soldier began rubbing his arm after Heavy let him go.
After waiting for their luggage (this was admittedly not much) the team soon stood outside of the airport, luggage set down and looking out at the road, realizing that they had forgotten about transportation.
"So, anyone wanna hail a cab?" Scout asked, looking at the rest of the team, "We might have to hail a couple of them if anything."
Demoman soon took a step forward, looking out into the road, "Let me hail the cab, laddie, I've been readin' up on me Japanese. I even brought a helpful book on the subject." Demoman then took out said phrase book and after looking through it for a few minutes, began shouting out, hoping to catch the attention of a cab. After a few seconds of shouting, the Medic was trying his best to stifle his laughter. "What's so funny, Doc? Ya don't like my accent?"
"Accent? Demoman, you don't even know vat you are saying! You're calling ze cabs idiots! No vunder no vun has stopped, they vouldn't stop at a rowdy man calling zem an idiot, ja?" Medic said, still laughing, "Vatever, ve vouldn't even get a cab, I think zey are all called beforehand."
Demoman looked at his book, grumbling as he threw it away, his face contorted with anger. "Ach, I hate this country already…"
"You and me both, man, you and me both…" Soldier replied, pointing at the road in anger, "Besides, they're driving the wrong way!" Soon, Soldier began shouting at the cars, screaming out how their way of driving is wrong due to it being different to how Americans drive. The rest of the team watched in disappointment, now trying to think of what to do.
"Well, we could always walk, pardners," Engineer suggested, taking out a map from his pocket, "The building's quite a distance a way ahead from here, but at least we'd be gettin' somewhere."
"We walk in traffic? That is stupid idea… and city is so big, I worry we could get lost here!" Heavy said, looking at the tall skyscrapers, "I never see city so big, city is bigger than capital in Russia!"
"Mhmmm!" The team then turned to Pyro, who was pointing out to the street now, "Mmmhmm Cmmmpnnny Mmimliummse!" Looking towards where the Pyro was pointing, the team realized that parked next to the sidewalk was a large limo, the Builders League United emblem painted on the side, with a man standing just outside holding a sign with the same logo on the limo.
"Oh! There you are!" The man holding the sign said, walking over to the team, "I was wondering when you all would arrive, we were standing here for half an hour already! Please, take your belongings inside the limo; I'll drive you to where you will be staying for the duration you are here in Tokyo."
The team soon placed everything inside the limo and after a few more minutes of finding a way to make space for the Heavy, the entire team was now sitting inside the back of the limo, the driver making his way to the driver's seat. Before the driver started the limo, the driver looked back to the team. "Excuse me… but wasn't there supposed to be one more person who I was supposed to pick up?"
"One more person? Oh you mean Spy. Ah, he's probably already at the hotel waitin' for us, that shifty guy… I wouldn't be surprised if he already found the RED base here…" Engineer said, taking his helmet off, "Boy, it was hot out there…"
The Driver nodded, and turned on the engine for the limo. Soon, the driver merged with the traffic and soon the team was watching the city go by, marveling at the sights of Japan, even the Soldier having to admit that the Japanese at least were doing something other than being cowards. However, the awe soon disappeared as the driver had to slow down, traffic making it nearly impossible to move without stopping for at least a few seconds, if not a whole minute at a time.
"In American we wouldn't be facing traffic problems like this, heck, this is what's wrong with these Japs, driving the wrong way, making everything more miserable for everyone! If were were driving the right way, we would already be at the hotel!" Soldier grumbled, "And I want my shovel back! I feel pathetic and unmanly without it!"
"Shut yer pie hole, Soldier, complaining about this traffic won't make it go faster…" Sniper said, setting his hat on his lap, "At least the limo has air conditioning."
However, instead of staying silent, Soldier continued his complaining. "Hey, driver, can't you do something to make this go faster? I'm sick of all this damned waited! Act like a man, plow your way through these pathetic cars and get us to the hotel already!"
"Heh, and this is vhy you got your license revoked," Medic said, chuckling to himself.
The driver had a quick glance back to the team, "I am sorry, sir, but if you want, I could always take a different route, perhaps it would be faster, perhaps it would be not, but if you wa-"
"Do it, damn it!" Soldier said, shaking the car when he stomped on the floor. The driver nodded and once traffic was moving, the driver quickly turned into a more residential area, the street narrowing slowly until it was a simple two-lane road. Soon, the limo's engine was the only noise that was heard, the team minding to themselves. The limo continued through the residential area, stopping when necessary, and the team in a state of boredom equivalent only to the fiercest moments of idling around back at base.
After the uneventful trip through the residential area, the limo drove up to the side of a large building, recently constructed, with an impressively large fountain in the front of the hotel. The limo came to a stop, the driver quickly getting out and opening all the doors of the limo for the team. The mercenaries slowly got out of the car, the car shaking slightly after the Heavy climbed out, and afterwards began taking out their luggage from the trunk. Only after the team had all their luggage accounted for did they notice that there was two people standing in front of the fountain.
Standing in front of the fountain was a man and a woman. The man wore a suit that was almost entirely blue, with his gloves even having a slight bluish tint to them. Even the man's cane had a bluish hue to it, a large sapphire embedded on the grip. The woman wore a blue dress and held a stack of papers in her hands. The man then adjusted his hat before beckoning the team over.
"Ah, so this is the mercenary team which I will be leading, I see this will be quite an interesting experience," The man said, letting out a short laugh.
Soldier, seeing the laugh, quickly began marching towards the man, not at all hiding his anger. "No one laughs at me! No one! You better give me a good reason why I shouldn't rearrange your face all over the ground right now!" Stopping in front of the man, Soldier quickly held up his fists, showing his intent to attack.
The man gave out another laugh. "That's simple one to answer. The name's Blutarch, Blutarch Mann, CEO of Builders League United." Blutarch then extended a hand out to Soldier, "And you, sir, are my employee."
After hearing the explanation, the Soldier slowly lowered his fists, and shook Blutarch's hand. "I see, I guess beating you up would be an act of insubordination then."
"An intelligent observation, mercenary, I see that you understand the rules." Blutarch then turned to the rest of the mercenaries. "Ah yes, now come along, my mercenaries, we have much to do. My assistant shall bring you all up to speed on the objective of our mission. Now let's hurry on!" Blutarch then began walking around the fountain, making his way to the entrance of the hotel, the rest of the team following behind, Blutarch's female assistant giving each mercenary a small stack of papers.
"Hmm…" Engineer muttered to himself, looking at the stack of papers he was provided with, glancing quickly through them, taking out a small ID card, his picture laminated on to it. "Alfred Bowie? Funny name… I'd prefer Sam Einstein…" Shrugging, the Engineer followed the rest of the team inside the hotel, the hotel doors sliding close behind him.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Oh, sorry about that.
I need a concept page...
Team Fortress 2, Builders League United, Reliable Excavation and Demolition, and all other subsidiaries relating to Team Fortress 2 © ValvE
Sailor Mercury and all things related to Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi