Eh , my brain's been a bit dead lately , so I decided to spill out all those loose ideas in a oneshot ^^ Since according to my parents , I'm officially good for nothing .

OH YEAH . For those of you who dropped Puchi ! Puchi ! (like I did ._.) WATCH EP 10 !! But skip to the middle of the actual episode , because IKUTO SAYS BONJOUR !!!! LOL , I was like totally screaming about it . Then my bf got 'mad' at me because I was "cheating on him with my best female friend AND a cartoon guy" ._. I'm so mean .

But you gotta admit , that blue shirt he's wearing looks sexy on him :D Nice change from all the black he normally wears .

Based off of the music video for my new favorite song ; Seoul Song ; by SNSD &Super Junior :D I would totally write a songfic on it , except that the actual song covers so many other things other than photography . Bikes , running , drawing , modeling, balloons , etc . So I just wrote a one shot .

Hinamori Amu stepped into the small building on the corner of one of Tokyo's busiest streets. A building that she had come to know, over the years, as work.

Although, she was rarely even in the office. Amu was one of the best photographers for Tokyo Magazine, one of the most famous magazines in all of a Japan. Most of her time was spent roaming around the city, searching for the necessary pictures to be included in their magazine.

She kept up her confident stride until she reached the large room in the back of the building: the boss's office. Amu took a deep breath, using one hand to hurriedly fix her pink hair as she used her other hand to fish a large folder out of her bag. After doing a quick check to see if the contents of the folder were in absolute perfect condition. Only then did she turn the handle to open the large doors.

Inside the office, Amu's boss, was already busy with some other papers. She didn't even notice the pink haired woman standing there nervously.

Amu cleared her throat.

"Um…" She called out, her voice slightly hoarse. "Ma'am …?"

The woman snapped her head up, surprised. Her face relaxed and split into a smile, however, when she saw that it was Amu standing there.

"Ah," She exclaimed. "Ms. Hinamori! So do you have all those pictures we need?"

Amu nodded eagerly, handing the folder to her boss. She stared anxiously as the older woman slowly flipped through the folder of pictures, her expression never changing as she nodded occasionally. When her boss looked back up, she looked quite pleased.

"These are great!" She said happily. "I think that our writers will have no problem including these in our newest articles. So, are you ready for your new assignment?"

Amu nodded once more. She really loved this job; it took her to the most exciting places from the city, the enjoyment was never ending.

Her boss grinned.

"I want you to go," She directed. "Look all over Tokyo, like you normally do. But this time, only take pictures of the beautiful things."

A look of confusion flashed across Amu's face.

" Beautiful…?" Her voice trailed off. Her boss nodded.

"Yes," The woman said. "Beautiful things. We are going to write a whole article on the beautiful things of Tokyo, since we have a travel magazine that is willing to feature our article on that in their magazine if they think it's good enough!"

Amu was excited for this. Though she had no idea on what would be 'beautiful', since everyone's opinion on that one word would vary tremendously, she wanted to do great on this assignment. It would so great, to have their magazine move to the next level.

"Yes!" She said. "I'll get started right away!"

She turned around and practically ran out of the building. Outside, the streets of Tokyo City were already busy with people headed to their jobs, children hurrying to school, and so many others. Her enthusiastic smile faded. She knew that she only had a limited number of photos she could submit for each article.

But … what if … I don't know what is 'beautiful'. What if … to me, just the entire city is beautiful!?

~ i s n o w x 3 ~

"From what I heard," Tsukioymi Ikuto's boss was saying. "That Tokyo Magazine is doing an article on what makes Tokyo City a beautiful place, and that article might be featured in a worldwide travel magazine!"

Ikuto nodded boredly. He hated his job, a magazine photographer. But, since he had decided to take a course on photography just so he could stare at Amu for a whole period each day, he was stuck with it.

Maybe it wouldn't have been such a bad job, if his boss wasn't so obsessed with their rival in the magazine world, Tokyo Magazine. Honestly, did that man really think that Ikuto cared at all about every little thing they were writing about.

"So," The older man continued. "I want you, to go out there, and find pictures of a beautiful Tokyo. Pictures that are even more beautiful than theirs!"

Ikuto raised an eyebrow.

Competitive much?

But he nodded.

"Yes, sir," He mumbled almost incoherently before walking out of the building.

~ i s n o w x 3 ~

The kindergarten kids slowly got into their very crooked line as the teacher led them down the sidewalk. It was a normal day for them.

All of a sudden, a bright flash of light when off.

Extremely surprised, half of the group of students turned to look in the direction that the flash came from. Standing there, with a wide grin on her face, was Hinamori Amu. She waved at them before turning and disappearing around the corner.

The children stared at her in utter confusion, but Amu didn't necessarily care. She had gotten a picture she needed.

Little kids. They're Tokyo's future, aren't they? And they're pretty cute too, so they count… I guess.

Sighing with content, she walked over to a nearby bench, sitting down on it and going through her other pictures. The little children, a dancer she saw, a busy road, a cute looking couple sharing a meal.

Amu sighed one more, but this time it was more out of disappointment. None of the pictures really depicted any 'beauty'; instead, they were just random things that she had just happened to pass by.

She set her camera down on the bench beside her in defeat. She was totally going to fail at this, and she was probably going to get fired, or something awful like that.

Amu didn't even want to imagine. She lifted her head and looked around slowly, hoping to find some last-minute inspiration from her surroundings. Nothing special. Just some more people, some food stores, and the Tokyo City Hall.

And then it hit her.

City Hall.

It was an amazing building, really. Towers, each taller than Amu would've ever thought. Artfully designed, blending in perfectly with it's surroundings, yet still having it's own bold statement.

It was… almost beautiful.

Amu snatched her camera, wildly running around trying to find the perfect angle to snap that photo from.

She took a couple steps back; the lighting and everything would be just right if she went a little farther back. She continued walking, not really paying attention to who was behind her.

Until she actually ran into someone.

Amu whipped around, intending to apologize to whoever it was she had bumped. But then, she recognized it. The midnight blue hair, the violet eyes, the perfect face.

Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

Amu's jaw dropped. It had been a long time since she had seen that man. The last time would probably be when he hid out in her room a few years back so that he could hide from … who knew what. It wasn't important to her then, it's still not important to her now.

"I-Ikuto?" She stammered. Ikuto smirked.

"Oh, no," He said sarcastically. "I'm Tadase. So what are you doing, walking backwards on a busy road?"

Amu blushed lightly. Was that really what she had been doing?

I probably really looked stupid…

Ikuto's smirk widened.

"Don't worry," He said. "If it was anyone else that ran into me, I might not have been so forgiving."

Amu's light blush darkened slightly.

"And what's that s-supposed to mean …?" She mumbled. Ikuto shrugged, not answering. Would there really be any point? Last time he tried telling her how he felt, he was blown off as a 'liar' for the remainder of the night.

That was something he didn't really want to repeat. Both the being rejected part and the "Oh! I think you're a liar!" parts.

"Because," He lied, the smirk on his face not wavering once. "You always look so cute when you trip and fall onto stuff."

Amu glared at him.

"If you'll excuse me," She snapped. "I'm kind of busy right now."

She turned, intending to storm off angrily, but Ikuto stopped her. In one graceful motion, he had snatched the camera out of the petite girl's hands, casually browsing through all the pictures Amu had taken that day.

The pink-haire girl stared at his bored actions in horror.

"So," Ikuto said without looking up once. "You work for Tokyo Magazine?"

Amu's jaw dropped. How'd he figure that out in a matter of seconds?

"W-What's it to you?" She stammered stubbornly. Ikuto finally looked up, chuckling softly.

"We have billions of copies of all of those all over where I work," He said. "My boss likes to use them as a source of competition."

Amu's eyes widened.

"You mean, you mean," She started. Ikuto nodded.

"Yeah," He answered. "I work there. You know, I think my boss really hates yours."

Amu nodded.

"I think he does too," She murmured. Ikuto just shrugged and continued looking through the pictures.

"So if I'm correct…" He said. "You're doing something about 'what makes Tokyo beautiful'…?"

Amu nodded.

"So I guess you're doing the same thing," She commented dryly. Ikuto shrugged once more.

"Wrong," He said. "I'm supposed to be doing the same thing; I'll just 'forget' that I needed to again."

Without waiting for a reply, he lifted up Amu's camera, aiming the lens right into the pinkette's face.

"Say cheese," He said in a mock-cheerful tone, snapping a picture. Grinning afterwards, he looked at the camera screen.

"Not a bad a picture," He commented. "But, your cheeks should be way redder."

Amu reached out and grabbed the camera back. Staring straight at her, was a picture of herself with a surprised expression.

"Ikuto?!" She exclaimed. "Why'd you take a picture of me?"

Ikuto stared at her stupidly.

"You said you need pictures of beautiful things," He said slowly. "So I added a picture of you in there."

Amu's eyes widened.

"T-That doesn't count!" She stammered. Ikuto shrugged.

"Why shouldn't it?"

"Because it just doesn't!"

Ikuto stared at her in defeat. Amu stared back at him, a look of defiance in her eyes.

"I'm going to delete it," She announced, her finger already itching towards the 'erase' button. Ikuto eyed her finger warily.

"No, you're not," He warned, grabbing the camera away from her. Amu took it back, and soon the poor camera was just bouncing in the small space of air between their arms. After flying about for a bit, the device finally landed back in Amu's hands. Grinning triumphantly, she pressed her index finger on the first button it reached.

There was another bright flash.

Ikuto took a surprised step back, his eyes blinking furiously to get rid of the irritating flashing spots in his now blurred vision.

"What was that for?" He demanded, rubbing his eyes. Amu stared at the camera in horror.

A picture of Ikuto was now filling her camera screen.

Once Ikuto regained his vision, he leaned over, grinning when he saw his face on the camera.

"Nice." He said approvingly. "Just goes to show, you think I'm very good looking."

Amu glared at him.

"Yeah yeah whatever," She said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some more beautiful things in this city… that doesn't include you."

Ikuto pretended to pout.

"Don't be so mean, Amu," He said teasingly. "You know it hurts people's feelings."

Amu glared at him.

"Fine," She told him impatiently. "If you think you're any better, then help me find some pictures!"

Yeah. I really should get some help. I don't have much time to do this, and I've only got …. four?... pictures. Very sad. The magazine's going to need a lot more than that…

Ikuto smirked.

"So the Strawberry finally admits that she needs help…" He muttered to himself. "But sure."

He grabbed Amu's hand, ignoring her screams of protest, and proceeded to drag her all over Tokyo. He showed her so many places, most of that Amu had already been through that day, but hadn't taken any pictures of.

To be honest, Amu was quite surprised. He had such a way of looking at the world, so that almost everything, from the small balloon with a happy face on it, to the old lady sitting on a bench, was beautiful.

And she was thankful for that.

~ i s n o w x 3 ~

Amu followed Ikuto up the hill in the park. It had been a long day, and she was tired. But Ikuto said that he had one last picture that she had to have. Which confused her quite a bit, considering she had hundreds of other things that Ikuto had made her take pictures of.

As soon as they were at the top of the hill, Ikuto pointed to something off in the horizon.

"Look at that," He said. "That's beautiful too, isn't it?"

Amu stared in the direction he was pointing, and nodded. It was a perfect view of the sunset. And it certainly was beautiful.

She raised her camera up one last time, intending to snap a photo of the sunset before it got overshadowed by a moonrise, but Ikuto stopped her, placing his hand in front of the lens to cover the view.

"That's not the most beautiful part though," He said quietly, taking the camera out of her hands. Amu stared at him, bewildered.

"But…" She trailed off. "What can make it anymore beautiful…?"

Ikuto took a step closer to her, his arm slyly winding around her waist. Suddenly, he dipped her backwards, gently pressing his mouth on hers.

Amu was extremely surprised. Surprised that Ikuto had surprised her, and… surprised that it felt so good. Ikuto smirked against her lips when he felt her relax. Then he raised Amu's camera up with his free hand, snapping the final 'beautiful' picture. He placed the camera back down, smiling and pulling Amu back up. The pink haired girl stared at him in wonder, and then reached for her camera. Just as she was about to look at the picture that she knew Ikuto had taken, the man pushed the camera back down.

"You know why I think that Tokyo's a beautiful city?" He asked her softly. "Because it's the city where I fell in love with you in."

Amu's eyes widened further, if that was even possible anymore.

He… he wasn't lying. That day he told me, he was telling the truth…

Ikuto smiled at her. Not a smirk, not a joking or teasing grin, a regular, gentle smile.

"Now," He continued. "How about looking at that picture, eh?"

Amu blinked a few times. She had completely forgotten about the photo and the camera and her entire job in those matter of seconds. Her mind was still wrapped tightly around the fact that Ikuto had kissed her and then said… those words.

"Oh, um…" She stuttered, cheeks flaming. "Yeah…"

She picked up the camera, staring at the picture in utter shock. The picture was… perfect. The sun was shining brightly in the background of the red-orange sky behind them. It shined on them so that both Amu and Ikuto's bodies were black shadows against the sun.

It was perfect. Picture perfect.

Not to mention beautiful also.

Amu smiled up at Ikuto, giving him a hug. She was about to thank him until she remembered something.

"But," She said quietly. "Aren't you supposed to find pictures of beautiful things, too?"

Ikuto shrugged uncaringly.

"Yeah," He said. "But, I never really liked that job anyways. Maybe I'll actually get fired this time."

Amu's smile faded.

But… isn't it my fault if he gets fired or something?

~ i s n o w x 3 ~

Amu lay, sprawled out on her bed, a stack of printed photos stacked neatly on the desk beside her. She stared straight up at the ceiling, and her eyes were filled with some sort of confusion.

Suddenly, she sat up, grabbing the photo pile. Amu gently fingered the edges of the Polaroids as she thought. It just didn't seem fair to her; Ikuto doing all of this and getting himself in trouble.

And then she realized what she had to do.

Amu suddenly jumped off the bed, crouching by her desk and rummaging through one of the drawers. She pulled out a small cardboard box, and assembled it as the directions printed on one flap said to. Amu then got a rubber band, slid it around her photo stack, and gently placed it into the box. She then closed the box, reaching for a sharpie to write on the top of the box.

She wrote the address for the building of the company that Ikuto worked in. For the return address, she scrawled in, "just from a fan of an employee of yours :D"

It seemed like the right thing to do. Ikuto should get all the credit for this work. He had basically pointed everything and it's beauty out for her, all Amu did was press the little button on the camera.

Amu bolted downstairs, hurried slipping her shoes on with one hand, the other still grasping tightly to the cardboard box. She ran in the dead of night towards the post office; she didn't care that she was still wearing the mini shorts and tank top she normally wore after showers.

Once she reached her destination, she dumped it in one of the mailboxes. Then, sweeping a strand of pink hair behind her ear, she stared at the metal container, a feeling of content filling her.

~ i s n o w x 3 ~

Hinamori Amu stepped out of the office of Tokyo Magazine, a wavering smile on her face. After her manager found out that she had absolutely no pictures to present for the article, she had been fired. Not that Amu wasn't surprised, she had expected that something like this would happen.

She just didn't think about what she could do as her next job.

Taking a deep breath, Amu slowly started down the busy street. There were adults walking to work, some kids rushing to school, some couples going on treasured dates.

Wow… talk about déjà vu.

As she continued walking, she gradually began to hear a song playing. A violin song.

That's weird… you normally never hear any music around here.

It wasn't until she ran into someone that she realized that something was wrong. In front of the man as hundreds of other people, all of them crowded around one particular spot.

Curious, Amu pushed her way through. Once she made her way to the front, she gasped.

Ikuto was standing there, playing a violin. At his feet was an open violin case, gradually filling with money thrown in by the spectators.

"I… IKUTO?" Amu exclaimed. Ikuto immediately stopped playing, surprised at who was screaming his name. As soon as he stopped playing, though, the crowd immediately began to thin. Ikuto glanced down at the violin case, shrugging and then snapping it closed.

"So, " He asked, slinging the case over his shoulder. "What are you doing here for?"

Amu stared at him.

"What am I doing here?" She repeated. "What are you doing here?! Don't you work for that magazine?"

Ikuto shook his head.

"Nope," He said. " I quit that place."

Amu felt like a giant weight had fallen over her head.

"W-w-what?!" She screamed. "Why'd you quit?!"

Ikuto shrugged.

"I figured they were going to fire me anyways," He explained. "Since I didn't have any picturesMight as well quit before they could."

Another heavy brick fell on Amu's head.

"B-but," She stammered. "I sent all the pictures I took to your magazine's office so you wouldn't get fired! I got fired!"

Ikuto's eyes widened.

"You… did that?" He asked in wonder. Amu nodded impatiently.

"Yes," She said quickly. "I did. So now what am I going to do."

Ikuto frowned.

Shit… I got her fired.

He pulled the violin case off of his shoulder.

"Open your hands," He ordered. A flash of confusion crossed Amu's eyes, but she did as she was told. Ikuto opened up the violin case, and grabbed a fistful of the money and placed it into Amu's waiting hands. He continued doing so, until his violin case was clear of every penny. There was now about seventy-five dollar's worth of loose change and various bills in Amu's cupped palms.

"I would give you more," Ikuto said apologetically. "But I don't have any other money on me right now."

Amu shook her head, starting to pour all the money back into his violin case. Ikuto snapped his case shut before a single piece could fall back in.

"You lost your job because of me," He said firmly. "Keep it."

Amu frowned. She couldn't take it from him, as much as she told herself that she needed it.

Ikuto seemed to sense her uneasiness, and smirked.

"How about you repay me with a kiss?" He suggested. A small smile tugged on the corner of Amu's lips.

"It's not going to cover all of this money," She said. "But sure."

She leaned forward until her lips collided with his.

And when she was sure Ikuto was too into the kiss to notice anything, she jammed a rather large chunk of the money into his jacket pocket.

Mmmm . Weak ending D: I was rushing . I've got some tests tomorrow and the day after, and I wasted too much time today trying to write this up ._.

Not to mention the last part of my piano test is this Saturday , the written part , so I've seriously got to start studying up for that too .

Ah well , review please ! :D





