NB: I always thought I might be bad at writing drabbles, because I have a problem with being concise in my stories. But I did these because I wanted to do them as a Christmas present for you guys for being so cool with reading and reviewing my stories, and surprisingly I found it was not as hard as I thought. Yatta! So Merry Christmas Everyone! Hugs and kisses! And remember to read and review!

PS: There will be more Christmas drabbles soon

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or any of its characters. I also don't own Christmas, but I'm so going to enjoy it any way! =3

Santa Baby

Kenshin groaned as Misao stuffed another pillow into the stomach of the Santa suit he wore.

He looked into the mirror and he was amazed at how he barely recognized himself. His red hair was bundled under the Santa hat so it was standing straight up. The long white beard was ratty looking and practically hid his face except for his lavender eyes which was the only thing that was still familiar. The fur lined red suit completely covered his body, but it did not hide how scrawny his arms and legs were under the oversized pants and coat. And with the overstuffed belly, he looked like a very odd, and a little bit scary, St. Nick.

He groaned again. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this Misao."

"Gomen Kenshin," Misao said, not really sounding sorry at all. "But you promised me you'd be the mall Santa this year."

"Aa, but when I promised I did not know it was going to be on the day I was going ice-skating with Kaoru."

"Gomen again, Kenshin," she chimed and held out a pair of black boots and gloves. "Now hurry and put these on. The kids are already lining up out there, and I still have to put on my Elf costume."

Misao disappeared through the door to the locker rooms and Kenshin slumped miserably into a nearby chair. He could not believe he was missing his date with Kaoru. After all the flirting and dancing around the subject in school, he had finally asked her out on a date, and he had been looking forward to it all week. But then along came the weasel girl to ruin everything.

As he put on the boots an image of Kaoru in her blue ice-skating dress that clung to her curvy body and left little to the imagination popped into his mind. He stared into space with a goofy look on his face and drool hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Kenshin, will you warm me up?" dream Kaoru purred and opened her arms toward him. Her luscious pink lips pouted, waiting to be kissed, and Kenshin instantly puckered his lips to do so.

A sharp slap behind his head woke him out of his daydream, and when he turned around there was Misao in a green tunic complete with pointed shoes and a hat with gold bells at the ends. Her gloved hands were on her hips and her green eyes were annoyed as she looked at him. "Wake up Kenshin," she snapped. "Stop thinking about Kaoru's boobs and get up! It's time to go out there."

"I wasn't," Kenshin whined as he rubbed his injured head and followed Misao out into the mall.

"Yeah right," she murmured and rolled her eye disbelievingly. "You're such a hentai."

After only an hour of being Santa Claus, Kenshin realized he hated kids. So far he had been thrown up on, kicked in the shins, bitten and had his eardrums damaged by a shrieking baby. He was ready to be done with it all, but unfortunately he still had another hour to go.

"And I want a Teddy bear, and a skateboard, and a rocket ship, and..." Kenshin nodded dully as the six-year-old girl on his knee droned on.

"And the Eiffel Tower, and a pyramid, and..."

"Yes, yes," Kenshin Claus said hurriedly and lifted the child off of his lap. "Santa Claus will get all those things for you."

Misao grinned at the girl brightly and gave her a large candy cane and a pat on the head. "Merry Christmas sweetie," she chimed, her green eyes sparkling as she sent the girl back to her mother.

Kenshin glowered at her; of course she was all overflowing with Christmas spirit she was not dealing directly with these annoying ankle bitters.

He sighed regretfully as he waited for the next child. His mind once more went to Kaoru and for the countless time he wondered what she was doing right then.

"Ahem, is Santa available?"

At the sound of the voice Kenshin head shot up. And there was Kaoru, standing in front of the line of children behind the rope barrier. She was not wearing a clingy skating outfit as he imagined, but she did look delectable in her tight white sweater, festive short red skirt covered in holly patterns and knee high boots. She grinned at him when she noticed the appreciative look he was giving her as he drunk in her appearance.

"Oh hi Kaoru," Misao chirped. "Of course you can see him." She snickered as she unhooked the barrier for her to pass. "Santa has actually been feeling a little bit down in the dumps and I think a visit from you is exactly what he needs to put the stiffness back in his candy cane."

"Misao! There are little kids here," Kaoru scolded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. But she then giggled as she went up the few stairs to where Kenshin sat.

"Hey! No cutsies," a little boy who was next in line yelled angrily.

"It's okay kid," Misao said, patting the boy on his spiky black head. "She's a very special friend of Santa."

"But I was next, you old hag!"

A pulsating vein appeared on Misao's forehead, and her teeth and fist clenched tightly. "Hey kid, do you want to go to the moon for Christmas?" she snarled, now viciously patting his head.

"I'd like to see you try it, you dorky elf!" the boy growled back.

The older girl and the little boy then proceeded in a battle of who could make the worst faces at the other.

Kenshin heard none of it; he was too distracted by the beautiful young woman in front of him. He could not take his eyes off of her as she approached swaying her hips enticingly, a sly smile on her lips. And his eyes only grew more incredulous as she plopped herself right down into his lap.

Her skirt was knee high, but when she extended her legs over his, it went up to about mid-thigh and the fact had not escape Kenshin's notice. He casually placed his gloved hand on her bare knee and returned her flirtatious gaze.

"So have you been a good girl this year?" he asked in a completely different voice than he had asked the children.

Kaoru pretended to think for a second before replying. "I guess I was a little bad this year, Santa." A playful pout then formed on her lips. "Are you going to put me on the naughty list?"

Kenshin's had to swallow several times before he could answer. "Of course not, I'm sure you've been good most of the year. Now what do you want for Christmas? What can Santa do for you?"

The sly smile returned and her eyes sparked with mischief as she leaned in and whispered in his ear.

When she was done and pulled away to look at him, Kenshin's eyes were a blazing amber.

He chuckled huskily. "Oh you are so going on the naughty list."


*Grin* I hope you guys liked it. Merry Christmas! And as I said there will be more drabbles after these, just because I am so giving =3