Authors Note: I failed to mention a simple fact in the Prologue of this story that I am mentioning now. Love Will Find a Way, is between New Moon and Eclipse. I decided to do this because I didn't like the way Breaking Dawn ended and I wanted to add my own flavor to it. And because I don't like the end to the novel, I decided to write my own personal story for the series. And in order to do that instead of making my story between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn I decided to go on book back. To the point where Bella has just saved Edward from the Volturi and now the Cullen's are back in Forks but the Quileutes don't trust them and they send a spy on them.

Chapter One: First Day

Jacob's POV

I couldn't wait to see the look on Edward Cullen's face when I walked through his school the next morning.

That was going to be one interesting conversation I can imagine.

Next Day:

"Jacob what the hell are you doing here?" Bella asked surprised to see me inside of the school building.

"I go to school here now," I told her honestly. I watched in mock shock, as she eyes got so big that they looked like they were ready to pop out of her head.

She stammered her words when she tried to speak next, "you what!"

"I needed a change of scenery so I asked my father could he transfer me to Forks and he did. Aint that amazing?"

It was at this point that Edward decides to show up, and he asked "what are you doing here dog?"

"Oh what's wrong leech can't read my mind?" I asked him angrily.

He scowled at me angrily, when he read the thoughts going through my mind.

Bella looked from me to him quizzically, than asked, "what is it?"

"He goes to school here now," he said through gritted teeth.

"What," she asked seeming to know there was more to the story than they were letting on.

"He transferred from the Quileutes School to this one, after Sam asked Jacob to come and spy on us. Because they don't seem to trust us anymore," Edward finished.

"Why would you spy on the Cullen's for Jacob?" Bella asked me.

"Now is not the time or the place for such a discussion," I told her earnestly. "But something tell me that you can pretty much guess as it is what we are spying on them for anyway."

Bella shook her head as if not understanding what was going on, "I thought this was the Cullen's land and coming over here would break the treaty."

"Oh it is still the Cullen's land, but I was sent here in order to make sure no bloodsuckers break the treaty," I said.

Edward was looking pissed and at this point I didn't care, we were violating the treaty for a good reason if you asked me.

He scowled at me when I thought about that one but I didn't particularly care at this point whether he was mad at me or not.

It was at this point that the bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period.

I knew better than to ask Bella for instructions on how to get to my first class, for Edward would have my head.

I ended up asking for help from another student asking how to get to my math class. Lucky for me, she was going to the same classroom I was headed to.

The rest of the morning went by uneventful, but when it came time for lunch I was in for the surprise of my life.

All four grades ate lunch together can you believe that?

I should have known everything was to good to be true. I already knew that I wasn't going to have any classes with them due to the simple fact that we weren't even in the same grad together. But to have lunch with them was a whole other matter.

When I walked into the cafeteria, and who is the first people I see Edward and Bella sitting at a table in the back of the cafeteria.

Without thinking I headed to their table, and just sat down next to them.

"What the hell do you think you are doing mutt?" Edward asked me royally pissed off now upon my sudden appearance at his table.

"What does it look like bloodsucker, I am spying on you?" I told him irritated.

"Yes I know that but why don't you do it over there? Me and Bella was having a personal conversation."

"I know I just wanted to come and put my two cents into the conversation," I said with a smirk on my face.

Edward looked downright pissed at my statement but I didn't care he don't scare me. Besides I would like for him to try and hurt me, he would have the whole pack on his and his family's ass so fast their heads would be spinning.

The next thing I know is that Edward start stretching across the table, and he says in a low and threatening tone, "if I were you I would get the fuck away from me now."

I raised one eyebrow at him, "is that a threat or a promise? Because if it is a threat all I have to do is call Sam and he would…"

"And he would what mutt? Come and hurt us? Possibly kill us? And over what we haven't overstepped our bounds, we are in our territory. You are the ones that crossed the line and in over your head right now."

"I am in over my head?" I looked at him questionly. "I think not bloodsucker, I think you are the ones in over your head."

"May I ask you something mutt?" he asked me. But before I could answer him, he said "if I am in over my head, why is it that I am not on your land spying instead of you on our land?"

And with that he picked up his lunch try and walked away, with Bella right on his heels.

The rest of the day was pretty blah, but I got through it with no incidents thank god.