A New Start
A Puritan, Salem, exhibit has come to the Museum of Natural History. When Kahmunra strikes again it's up to the most unlikely person to save them all. Nicky's friend, Rebecca, has just lost her family and is looking for a new one. Larry agrees to take her in for a while. When she catches the eye of a crazy cow-boy and the muse of a judge without a family the possibilities are endless.
Crucible based and set after Night at the Museum 2, 1 other thing Letters, Songs, SCREAMING, Emphasis (The underlining is for Danforth only [pretty much]), 'thoughts'
Loves of Her Life
Rebecca sat down next to Nicky. She gave him a one of a kind smile. She had been invited over to the museum for the night. Her father had said it was okay since Larry would be with them. Nicky passed her a sheet of paper. It read . . . Becca, there's a new exhibit being delivered tonight! It's the Salem witch hunt guys. I know you like that kind of thing so that's why I invited you.
She smiled. Thanks Nicky you're the best.
Nicky was the only person who treated her like a normal human since her mother died of breast cancer last year. Her light blue eyes sparkled when she thought of being able to see even just a wax figure of Mr. John Hale, Mr. John Proctor, Goodwife Elizabeth Proctor, but especially Deputy Governor Mr. Thomas Danforth. She had all of his parts memorized from the Crucible, every fact ever known about him. Nicky had seen the figures this morning and knew exactly who was there and who wasn't. When he'd seen Danforth was there he knew Becca HAD to come. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when Danforth came to life tonight. Then he remembered her mother had all those old western movies, Jedidah Smith had always been their favorite, 'Oh well,' Nicky thought, 'she'll be so busy with Danforth and attempting to kill Hawthorne and Putnam she won't even notice Jed.' The bell rang it was finally summer vacation. He didn't know how wrong he was.