YGOTAS Sails Away

This was based off of littlekuriboh's song tribute

I do not own any of LK's work or YGO this was made for fan's!

"..To carry on! Marik broke into song." yes Exellent!.. ah Bakura you tottally got to get in on this."

Bakura said "Marik, I never sing"

"Oh come on don't be such a frigging party pooper! " Marik said and then sang " a gathering of angels appered above my head, they sang to me, they sang to me, a song of hope and this is what they declared, they declared come sail away , come sail away , come sail away with ! come sail away, come sail away , come sail away with meeeeeeeeeeee...Yeah!

Oh come on Bakura" Marik said " I know you want to sing with me!"

"Marik you're the last person on the planet I would want to sing with!" Bakura said

"but it sticks,Bakura " Marik aruged " Sticks!

"what's you're bloody point? Bakura grumbled

"Dono gotto mister roboto" Marik chanted

"What is that you're speaking? .. Polish? Bakura said amused

" every body else wants you to sing." Marik contenued " isn't that right people?

" sure " Yugi said

"I want to hear him sing" Tea said

" I like pudding" Tristan Annonced

" I could go either way really " Joey said

" sing you limey fruitcake!" Yami said

" you can all go buggery for all I care. Bakura Growled " I'm not singing not for you or for any body!

" fine. Marik said " be that way...Jerk, you smelly jerk, Huge smelly non singing Jerk!"

Marik's words cut bakura deeply " stop it! he yelled

" ha does that bug you? Marik asked " I 'm not touching you"

" look .Bakura sighed " nothing you will do will ever make me sing!

"What if I gave you a dollar? Marik asked


Two dollars?


What if I made you presient of the evil council?


What if I made you prienent of the world?


What if I stopped calling you Fluffy?


What if I gave you my mallium rod?


what if I killed yugi?

"Hey!" Yugi said.

"Tempting but no" bakura said

What if I told you I love you?


Marik started signing again "I presume that they were angels but to my surprise they climed aboard thier spaceship and holy frig they were aliens! and they started singing come sail away come sail away come sail away with me. Come sail away come sail away come sail away...Come on bakura "and bakura being still shocked with what Marik had said, he started singing with Marik.

Bakura woke up with a start and looked around. He sighed he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened yesterday, he was so confused Marik had said "what if I told you I love you? It shocked Bakura so much that he had started signing with Marik, something he never did.

"I wonder if Marik really meant that" Bakura thought

"Bakura get your butt down here now" Marik yelled from downstairs "we're going to be late for our evil council"

oh shit I slept in. Bakura muttered before saying " Yeah be down in a minute"

Bakura got dressed messed up his hair so that it was even more crazier than normal and hurried down the stairs.

Marik sat at the table looking very irretied

"when did you get here?" Bakura asked grabbing a pizza pop out of the freezer.

"about half an hour ago, I sat in the car for a while and when you didn't come out I went in to see what was taking you so long." Marik grumbled.

" oh " Bakura said taking a huge bite out of the pizza pocket " well it's a good thing you woke me up then."

"right Marik said still looking a bit irritied. "you should take some of that money that you have lieing around and put it towards an alarm clock Binky boy."

" yeah and you should buy yourself some more spray-on tan to match the color of your motorcycle" Bakura snapped back.( the motorcycle is reddish by the way)

" I said it once and I'll say it again this tan is natural." Marik said " what's wrong with you get up on the wrong side of the bed...Fluffy?"

" yeah something like that" Bakura said

" well your hair's more crazier than usual, did you have trouble getting to sleep again?" Marik asked.

" yeah..I don't know what's wrong with me, Maybe I should start taking some sleeping pills." Bakura muttered and finshed his pizza pop.

"maybe you should" Marik agreed gaseing at Bakura.

Bakura swallowed before asking "Marik, you know how we were singing last night? well I was just wondering if you meant what you said."

" what did I say?" Marik asked

" you know..you said What if I told you I love you? did you mean it?"

" Ohh that.. umm no I was just trying to get you to sing with me that's all.." Marik laughed nevrosly and placed a hand behind his head.

"ok then I was just wondering."

" oh shit we're going to be late" Marik said as he glanced at the clock. " come on we gotta go fluffy"

Marik ran to his car and turned it on, Bakura followed closely behind him thinking to himself " yeah right you meant it I know you did."

They got in the car and drove off to the Evil council.

To be countiuned.....

Hope you liked it! ^_^

Please review!!!