Human Again
By Technician Fan
Disclaimer for all chapters: I do not own the twilight series. Stephenie Meyer does. Of course, you already know that. Hopefully, cause otherwise I'd be really worried and I'd have to send you to some insane society thingy magigy.
A/N: Hey, I thought of this while I was in practice for my Beauty and the Beast play. So, if it sucks…
Chapter One:
"Ready?" Rosalie asked, standing on the pitcher's mound.
"Always am," Alice said with a smile, swinging the bat before getting in the batter stance.
"Batter up!" Rosalie swung her arm around and shot the ball out of her hand.
Alice swung at it and it went flying through the air. She ran around the bases as fast as she could. She was on her way to home base when she saw the ball heading towards her destination from where it was way out in the woods. Summoning up all her strength, she pushed on and slid into home a fraction of a second before Esme caught the ball.
"Safe!" Esme called from her spot on home base.
Bella got up to bat.
"Okay, guys, easy out!" Emmett said from the "outfield," grinning.
Bella stuck her tongue out at him. She nodded to Rosalie and Rosalie pitched the ball. Bella closed her eyes and swung. She heard a tremendous boom! Opening her eyes, she saw the ball flying through the air.
"Run, Bella, run!" Edward yelled from behind her.
Bella ran around the bases. Rosalie ran backwards towards Emmett. He grabbed her waist and flung her up in the air as Bella flitted around the bases. Rosalie caught the ball and landed on the ground. "Out!"
"YES!" Emmett called, chest bumping Jasper.
Alice suddenly froze. "Oh for the love of… cant' we just have a peaceful game once in a while?! A game where we get all the way through?"
"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked from his batting position on first base.
"More vampires, of course. They just love to interrupt our baseball games!"
"Thankfully, though, we don't have a human with us this time."
They all nodded and turned their heads in the direction that the footsteps were coming.
"Here they come they are cinnamon," Emmett murmured.
Rosalie looked at his like he was crazy.
"You are so weird," she said, shaking her head in amazement.
Two bodies suddenly emerged from the end of the forest. There was a dude with long brown hair and a woman with long blonde hair not unlike Rosalie's. They were both wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
"I assume that this is the Olympic Coven?" The dude said.
"You assumed right, sir. And whom may I have the honor of speaking with?" Carlisle asked.
"I am Lucifer, and this is Sheila. We have heard much about your vegetarian style of eating. Does it work?"
"Indeed it does. No side effects at all, either."
"Interesting," Sheila said. Her voice was nearly identical to Esme's.
"So what brought you here?" Rosalie asked them.
"We've heard… rumors about vegetarian style of eating and that…" Lucifer trailed off.
"And that what?" Jasper asked.
"We heard that you, or at least some of you, would give up everything to be… human again."
Everyone looked at Rosalie.
"Yeah, I would do that," she said.
"You mean you would rather be human than be with me? I mean come on, seriously babe!" Emmett said. "Who can say 'no' to this?"
"I can," Alice, Bella, and Esme said in unison.
"Well you know what I mean!"
"Why do you ask?" Rosalie asked Lucifer.
Lucifer took a deep breath. "You all know that some vampire have special powers."
"Duh," Alice muttered.
Sheila gave a soft laugh. "I also have a power; my power is that I can turn any vampire back into a human."
"Like anyone would willingly do that. What vampire would go around changing other vampires into humans?" Esme asked.
"I would. My intent is to rid this world of all vampires. Anybody want to try?" Sheila looked around.
"How can we be sure this is safe?" Jasper asked. "That you're telling the truth?"
"Trust me, she's telling the truth," Alice said. "I can see it."
"In that case… should we do this?" Edward asked. "Give up our immortality to be human again?"
"How about we let you all ponder the thought for a few hours while Sheila and I go shopping down in Port Angeles?" Lucifer asked. He took a step back. "See you later." With that, he and Sheila ran off in the direction of Port Angeles.
The Cullens all headed off to the living room in their house to discuss the proposal.
"What do you guys think?" Jasper asked. "Should we do this? Become human again?"
"The day we have waited for may be at hand," Carlisle said hopefully.
"Oh, if only we were positive that's true, Carlisle," Esme said.
"Ah, human again," Jasper sighed.
"Human again," Rosalie repeated.
'Yes, think what that means," Carlisle said. He started to sing. "I'll be cooking again, be normal looking again, with my mademoiselle on my arm," he sang as he wrapped his arm Esme's waist. "When I'm human again, only human, poised and polished, and with much less charm.
"I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again," jasper sang.
"Which should cause several husbands alarm" Alice said as she walked up to him.
"I'll hop down off this shelf," Edward sang.
"And tout sweet be myself," Carlisle, Esme, and Bella sang together.
"I can't wait to be human again."
"When we're human again, only human again, when we're knick knacks and whatnots no more," Esme, Bella, Rosalie, and Alice sang together.
"Little push, little shove, they could whoosh! Fall in love," Emmett (yes Emmett) sang.
"Ah, Cherie, won't it all be top drawer?" Bella sang. "I'll wear lipstick and rouge and I won't be so huge. Why I'll easily fit through that door! I'll exude savoir fare, I'll wear gowns, I'll have hair! It's my prayer to be human again."
"When I'm human again, only human again," Rosalie sang. "When the world once more starts making sense. I'll unwind for a change."
"Really, that'd be strange," Edward sang.
"Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense?" She stuttered into his face with venom. She then got a dreamy look on her face as she sang, "In a shack by the sea, I'll sit back sipping tea. Let my early retirement commence! Far from fools made of wax I'll get down to brass tacks," she went into Edward's face and screamed, "and RELAX!"
"When I'm human again," everyone sang together. "So sweep the dust from the floor. Let's let some light in the room. I can feel I can tell someone might break the spell any day now!"
"Shine up the brass on the door," Emmett sang as he shined the door handle.
"Alert the dust pail and broom," Alice sang as she got the items out of the closet.
"If it all goes as planned our time may be at hand any day now!" Carlisle and Esme duet-ed.
"Open the shutters and let in some air!" Sang Rosalie and Alice as they both opened up the windows, a breeze blowing through.
"Put these here and put those over there," Esme directed.
"Sweep up the years of sadness and tears and throw them away," everyone sang.
"when we're human again, only human again, when the girl finally sets us all free. Cheeks a blooming again, we're assuming again, we'll resume our long lost choi-de-v. We'll be playing again, holidaying again, and we're praying it's ASAP! We'll be cast of this pall, we'll stand straight we'll walk tall when we're all that we were thanks to him thanks to her coming closer and closer and closer and closer and closer and closer and we'll be… dancing again, we'll be twirling again. We'll be whirling around with such ease. When we're human again, only human again, we'll go waltzing those old one two threes!" As they sang that part, they partnered up and waltzed.
"We'll be floating again, we'll be gliding again, stepping/sliding as fine as you please!"
"Like a real human does," Rosalie sang. "I'll be all that I was. On that glorious morn' when we're finally reborn."
The rest of the family joined in. "and we're all of us human again!" They finished their song that they randomly sang out of pure spite and sat down, now that they were done cleaning as well.
"So what's the final decision?" Emmett asked.
Rosalie hit his arm. "You're such a moron!" She teased.
"One of us should do it at a time, just to be on the safe side," Carlisle said. He turned to Rosalie. "Rose, would you consider being our guinea pig?"
"I'll do it," Rosalie said at once. "I've waited for this moment ever since you turned me."
"Okay then, we have a decision. Let's go back to the field and wait for Lucifer and Sheila." They all stood up and started running back to the field.
"They're already there," Alice said as they ran into the woods. "With about six shopping bags."
Jasper looked at her as he ran. "They're just as bad as you and Rosalie."
"Not quite," Emmett contradicted. "Knowing my wife and yours, they'd be back with about five ties as much as Sheila and Lucifer."
Rosalie shoved Emmett at the same time that Alice shoved Jasper. The two collided with a big BOOM! Rosalie and Alice continued running, laughing the whole way.
They burst through the tree line into the field before Emmett and Jasper could catch up to them.
Lucifer and Sheila were already there, as Alice had said, with six shopping bags. "Have you made a decision, yet?" Lucifer asked.
"Yeah, after singing a song, we decided that we're going to have Rosalie check out to see if it's all safe and everything, then if she's fine, the rest of us will go along with it, too," Bella explained.
"Very well. Rosalie, if you'd please step forward," Sheila said. Rosalie took a step, but Emmett caught her arm.
"Just in case you don't make it," he said, kissing her passionately. After a few seconds, they broke apart when Edward cleared his throat. "Love ya!"
"I love you, too," she said. She addressed the rest of the group. "All of you." She finally walked up to Sheila and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
Sheila placed her hands on either side of Rosalie's head and closed her eyes, as did Rosalie. A few seconds passed and Rosalie slumped to the ground while Sheila stumbled back into Lucifer's arms.
"Rosalie!" Emmett cried, running over to her and catching her before she landed on the ground. He glared at Sheila. "What did you do?"
"I used my power to change her back. It'll take a while, but this is how it works. The body sort of goes into a coma like state like when people are changed into vampires," Sheila explained. "I suggest you take her back to your house and place her on something comfortable. I can't change anyone else for a couple of days or so; I have to rest. I'll see you all tomorrow if you decide to change the rest of you as well." She turned with Lucifer and ran off.
Emmett looked down at Rosalie before picking her up bridal style. With the rest of the family in front of his they ran back to the house.
A/N: Did you like it? It might be a while before I update; I have… two other stories to update besides this.