A/N: Short Ichiruki drabble. Yes, I am working on The Frost People -_-;;;


"Ichigo, look at what I drew!"

Rukia flipped her sketchbook around to proudly display her newest work of art, consisting of three Chappy bunnies dancing underneath a flowering tree. Hearts and butterflies floated around the gleeful bunnies. They were in Ichigo's room on a lazy Sunday, with Rukia at the desk and Ichigo reading on his bed, and lazy Sundays almost always consisted of Rukia drawing.

Ichigo stared at the scribbly, child-like drawing, and snorted. "It's as bad as ever."

The sketchbook hit his face with a mighty smack, and even as he glared at the fuming girl, she leaned over, picked up the sketchbook, and turned her back to him.

Ichigo coughed awkwardly. "Well... it's kinda cute, too," he muttered.

Rukia spun around and fixed him with a shining grin. "Really?"

"...but it's still really bad. A five-year-old could do it," he sneered.

"Then let's see you draw," she retorted, and, flipping to a new page, shoved the sketchbook towards him with a pencil.

"What?! I have to draw?"

"Yes, Ichigo! Draw!"

"But... I dunno what."

Rukia spread her arms wide. "Anything! I don't really care. I just want to see if you can draw better than me."

Ichigo lapsed into thoughtful, indecisive silence, and Rukia quickly became impatient.

"Here, draw my face, then!"

"What?! No way!"

"Why not?"

He scowled. "'Cause... I don't want to mess up."

She scowled back. "You're so difficult. Okay, then draw a flower!"

"What kind of flower?"

She huffed with exasperation. "I don't care, Ichigo."

"Okay, okay. Don't look."

Silence filled between them as Ichigo hesitantly picked up the pencil and placed its tip on the paper. Rukia, with her back turned, could only hear faint scratches of the lead on the paper, and she hugged her knees in anticipation of his drawing. She wondered if he was good or bad; really, this was the first time she would ever see art from him. The minutes passed, and impatience tugged at her, and she was nearly about to whirl around and look when Ichigo announced that he was done.

And Rukia looked.

It was a small drawing of a simple, typical five-petal daisy, with a long stalk and two leaves. Yet there was careful attention given to every line, smooth and meticulous, and much detail had been added, like the veins on the leaves and some shaded areas. One petal of the flower had a notch in it, as if an insect had crawled there and taken a few bites.

Rukia was quite impressed.

"So?" grumbled Ichigo. "How is it?"

At first Rukia thought of being stubborn and saying something like You're no better than me or It's not that great. But her big, sweet heart said she should be truthful, so she gave him a smile and said, "Hey, it's pretty good."

He blinked and smiled a little, almost shyly. "Huh."

She sighed. "You beat me."

He passed the sketchbook back to her, and after a moment's thought, she picked up some colored pencils and began to work away once again. Ichigo returned to his book, basking slightly in her praise.

More minutes passed. Rukia worked diligently, carefully coloring and shading, and when she was done, she lifted up the sketchbook once again.

"Look, Ichigo. I colored the flower."


"We made a nice flower."



A/N: Greatly inspired by the wonderfully casual scene in FTB of Rukia writing her letter and Ichigo reading. ^_^