A/N - Hey guys, I am so sorry for the delay in updating. But here it is, the next and final chapter of Waking Up In Vegas. I didn't realize that this would be the final chapter until I read xoxoshortie92xoxo2's review. I always knew that this was the way I wanted to end the story, I just didn't really know how to get there. Then when I read that review, I realized that I didn't have any more story to tell for Rachel and Puck (at least at that point in their lives). I should thank shortie92 for that cuz realzing the story was done, inspired me to finally write the epilogue. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you all have enjoyed the story as a whole. Thank you for sticking with it for so long. Your support and kind words have meant alot. Please review, I'd love to hear what you all think. As always, I own nothing.
Cheers :)
Rachel smiled as she looked around the room. It had taken them awhile but she and Noah had finally gotten married properly. The ceremony had gone off without a hitch. Her fathers had given her away like she and they had always pictured. Noah's smile as she walked down the aisle well she doesn't think she'll ever forget it. It had been the best day of her life and now, as Noah so eloquently put it, they were partying it up Puckleberry Style. She smiled again as her eyes landed on Noah, who was talking adamantly about something with Mike and Mr. Shuester, or Will as he insisted they call him after they all graduated. She smiled again when Noah looked up and caught her eye, giving her a wink that sent tingles through her body even after all this time. The last few years had changed him, but in a good way. He looked more mature. Long gone was the mo-hawk (she'd coerced him into shaving that thing off their first week in New York) but he still smirked in that annoyingly sexy way that makes her weak in the knees and he still looked at her like she was the best and most important part of his world.
They had been through a lot to get here. There had been ups and down, financial struggles, fights and those awful three days when Noah stayed with Kurt after a one particularly nasty fight. She doesn't even remember exactly what the fight was about, all she really remembers is the two of them screaming at each other, her telling him to leave and Noah storming out. Her stomach turns at the memory. Those had been the worst three days of her life and Rachel had been certain that she had lost him forever. So, when Noah turned up on their doorstep looking as miserable as she felt, all she could do was throw herself towards him and apologize over and over. To this day, she wonders what she would have done if he hadn't come back to her and if she's honest, she really doesn't know.
College had been an adjustment for them - new city, new schools, new friends. And there were times when she was sure that Noah wanted to pack the whole thing in, but he didn't. He had pushed through and she was proud of him for that. The day Noah graduated from college had probably been the proudest day of her life. She had cheered as loud as she could when his name was called and she knows that he had never looked more handsome then he did that day with his head held high, diploma in hand (well except for maybe today).
Smiling again, Rachel leaned back in her seat at the head table, content. Sure, her life wasn't exactly like she had imagined, but that was OK. She was glad things hadn't worked out according to her plan because if they had she and Noah wouldn't be here today. She's lucky to have found him, she knew that at 18 and she knows that now. She's still neurotic and obsessive and at least three times a week, she hears Noah mutter 'crazy' under his breath, but she wouldn't change a thing because he completes her. Staring down at her engagement ring, Rachel couldn't stop from grinning as she remembered Noah giving it to her 6 months earlier.
"Take a walk with me." Noah whispered, pulling her away from the party Mr. Shuester and Ms. Pillsbury had thrown at their cabin in honour of everyone being home. It was the first time in years that all of the original members of New Directions had been back in Lima at the same time.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Rachel sighed happily as Noah's arm tightened around her and she stared out at the lake in front of her. She could hear the party going back at the cabin and she smiled again. It was nice, all of them being together again.
"You're beautiful." Noah's voice in her ear brought her back to reality and she turned to look up at him, frowning when she saw the look on his face. She recognized that look all too well.
"Noah Puckerman, if you think that I am having sex with you out here…"
"Hey, I'm trying to be romantic here, Berry! Can you just let me do this?" Puck growled playfully and Rachel couldn't help but laugh as she held her hands up in surrender. Noah was quiet for a moment before looking back at her. "Seriously, Rach, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and these last 5 years have been the best of my life and I couldn't have done half of the stuff that I did without you. So I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I love you, Rachel, more than I could ever put into words."
Before Rachel could respond, Puck pulled her close and buried his face in her hair. All of the thoughts in Rachel's head were gone as she sunk into his embrace and his breath tickled her skin.
"Rachel, will you marry me?" His voice was barely a whisper and for a second Rachel's not even sure she heard him correctly. He pulls away to look at her and she suddenly feels like she's back in Vegas, pressed against that wall. "Marry me, properly this time. I want us to get married here in Lima, at our synagogue, with all of our friends and family."
"Noah…" Tears fill her eyes as she begins to speak.
"When we decided to do this, I made a promise to be the kind of man who deserved you and I promised myself that I was going to give you everything that you ever wanted… and I want to start with this." He pauses for a second and pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket. "This is the ring that I should have given you in the first place."
He slowly opens the box and Rachel stares down at the simple but beautiful diamond ring inside and the tears that she's been fighting finally break free and fall down her cheeks.
"Noah, it's beautiful." She whispered through the tears as Noah slipped the ring on her left hand and kissed her sweetly on the lips.
"So, what do you say?" Noah pulled away to look down at her with a smile. "Do you wanna get married, Berry?"
Quinn's hand on her shoulder causes Rachel to jump and she looks up with a smile as her blonde friend sits down next to her.
"The ceremony was beautiful."
"It was, wasn't it." Rachel nods. "Thank you being here today and for being my Maid of Honour." Rachel reaches for Quinn's hand, squeezing it lightly.
"Please, Rach. You and Puck are my best friends. Like it was even an option for me not to be here." Quinn hugs her gently. "Although, I think Kurt was a little miffed you didn't ask him." Quinn gives her a knowing look and Rachel can't help but laugh.
"Somehow I don't think Kurt could pull off that dress." Rachel makes a face and the two friends laugh again before looking back across the room to where Puck is now dancing with Quinn's 5 year old daughter, Alicia.
"She really does adore her Uncle Puck." Quinn says and Rachel nods, her heart swelling at the sight of Noah with their god daughter. Watching them together reminds her of the way Noah used to be Abby. Of course Abby's a teenager now, but she still thinks that world revolves around her big brother and Noah, for his part, seems to get more overprotective of her with every passing year.
"Have you told him yet?" Kurt appears out of what seems like nowhere and both girls jump.
"No, not yet." Rachel gives him a hard look, which causes Quinn to smile and soon Rachel finds a smile quirking across her lips as well. "I'm just waiting for the right moment."
"Fine. But I want front row seats when you do, because this is going to be epic. I'm off. You both look beautiful by the way, my darlings." Kurt seems to be gone as quickly as he arrived and Rachel can't help but think that he hasn't changed much since high school. But she's glad for that, because she wouldn't have Kurt any other way.
"Well, um, I have some news…" Quinn says where their alone and Rachel watches her maid of honour closely. She knows that look on Quinn's face too well. "I didn't want to say anything before the ceremony because, well, I didn't want to, you know, steal your thunder or anything…" Quinn trails off but the grin that she's struggling to hide is inching it's way across her face.
"Please, Noah and I have been married for almost 6 years. It's kind of hard to steal our thunder. Spill now." Rachel says seriously, her mind working overtime to try and figure out what Quinn is about to tell her.
"OK…" Quinn bit her lip in excitement as she held up her left hand.
"Oh My God!" The sound of Rachel's squeal causes some people to look at them but she couldn't care less as she threw her arms around Quinn. "It's beautiful." Rachel pulled away to examine the ring. "When?"
"Thank you." Quinn smiled, gazing down at the ring. "And to answer your question, last night after the rehearsal dinner. Out of blue he just popped the question." Tears sparkled in Quinn's eyes and Rachel leaned over to hug her again.
"Well, it most definitely was not out of no where, Quinn. That boy has been crazy about you since senior year. I always knew it was only a matter of time."
"I think the only time I've ever been this happy was the day Alicia was born." Both Quinn and Rachel both look over to where Quinn's new fiancé was talking to Mercedes and Kurt.
"Come on, I want to say congratulations." Rachel pulled Quinn to her feet and across the room.
"Hey Rachel, congratulations again. The ceremony…" Rachel cut him off by hugging him tightly. "I take it Quinn told you." Artie smiled in Quinn's direction and Rachel couldn't stop herself from smiling at the adoration in his eyes.
"You're engaged?" Kurt's eyes widened as he grabbed Quinn's hand. "Ah, I can't wait to plan another wedding!"
"Wonderful, another six months of flowers and cakes and dresses." Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine, piped up with a grin and Kurt sent him a look as the other's laughed.
"Hey Mister, you knew what you were signing up for. You love me, you love all of me."
"I know, babe. I know." Blaine shook his head with a smile and Kurt just rolled his eyes as Puck arrived with Finn and Alicia.
"Noah, look, isn't it fantastic?" Rachel quickly grabbed Quinn's hand, holding it up for her husband.
"Nice! You finally did it - about time Artie." Puck grinned at his friend before hugging Quinn quickly. "Congrats Fabray."
"Thanks Puck." Quinn smiled but Rachel was simply staring at her husband in shock.
"You knew?" She stared at him with wide eyes, hands on her hips. She couldn't believe he knew. Puck was silent for a second as he looked at her before shrugging.
"Yeah, me and Hudson helped him pick out the ring." Puck jerked his head in Finn's direction.
"How could you not tell me?" Rachel crossed her arms in a huff and felt her frustration rise when Noah looked at her with an amused expression.
"Because, babe, Artie wanted it to be surprise and you can't keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut." Noah slid his arm around her waist when she started to protest and silenced her with a peck on the lips. "All I'm going to say is Vegas babe. You told Quinn like 5 seconds after we agreed not to tell anyone."
"I…" Rachel glanced around sheepishly. OK, maybe he had a point. But still…
"I'm going to steal my wife for a dance." Puck suddenly spoke up, taking her hand and pulling her away from the group. "Congrats again guys."
"Still mad at me?" He pulled her into his arms gently and Rachel couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"No, I guess you're probably right - there's no way I would have been able to keep that a secret." Rachel rolled her eyes when Puck smirked but her whole body tingled when his lips captured hers.
"Excuse me, everyone." Kurt's voice echoed through the hall a little while later as he stepped up to the microphone. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Kurt Hummel, the planner of the fabulous event that you are currently attending."
Puck rolled his eyes with a chuckle as the room laughed.
"Anyway, as a gift, Rachel and Puck's oldest friends have prepared a special treat for them." Kurt continued and Puck glanced at Rachel, who simply shrugged. "After your first, rather impromptu, wedding we performed a little number for the two of you, so in keeping with that tradition the founding members of New Directions, minus the two of you of course, have prepared a little something. Guys…" Kurt nodded to the others and Puck watched as Quinn, Artie, Finn, Tina, Mike, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana and Matt all joined Kurt on the dance floor.
"When were trying to decided what song to sing, all we really knew was that we wanted something that was fitting for the two of you and we think that this song describes your relationship perfectly." Quinn smiled at Puck and Rachel. "Congratulations, you two. We love you."
Puck looked down at Rachel, who was grinning from ear to ear, as the music began to play and Kurt began to sing.
You're a falling star. You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
You're the perfect thing to say.
And you play it coy but it's kinda cute
When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true, 'cause you can see it when I look at you.
Finn grinned at the couple as he stepped forward to sing and Puck couldn't help but chuckle, because that boy still had no rhythm whatsoever.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
Quinn and Artie took the next verse and by this time, Rachel practically bouncing out of her skin next to him.
You're a carousel, you're a wishing well.
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space.
You're every minute of my everyday.
Kurt and Quinn pulled them to the dance floor and they joined their friends for the last part of the song.
And I can't believe,
Ah that I'm your man
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through.
And you know that's what our love can do.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times.
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
The room broke out in applause when they finished. Puck watches Rachel laugh and dance with Kurt and he can't help but think of how far they've come since the last time their friends did this for them. He'd be lying if he said the last 6 years have been easy. They haven't. He and Rachel have struggled but in the end he wouldn't change a single moment. She's it for him. He knew that at 18 and he's even more sure of that now. And he's happy that he was able to give her this day. She'd never admit it to him, but he knows that she regrets not having her dads at their wedding. He regretted it too, not having his mom and sister there. So, the day she graduated from Julliard, the first day of the rest of their lives, he decided that he was going to give her the wedding that she deserved. And clearly it was a good decision because he's sure that she's never looked more beautiful than she did today walking down the aisle with her fathers.
The night goes by quickly and the room is slowly clearing out. Quinn and Artie have said goodnight and headed home with a sleeping Alicia. Will and Emma had left not long after them to relieve the sitter (it had taken a while, but those two had finally gotten their act together). Kurt and Blaine had headed back to their hotel room, with the promise that the four of them would have dinner when Puck and Rachel got back to New York. Finn and Tina (yes, Finn and Tina - Puck didn't see that one coming either) were pretty wrapped up in each other and it looked to Puck that some slutty wedding sex was going to happen tonight. Puck smirked before turning back to the conversation at hand. Rachel, Mike, Matt, Mercedes, Brittany and Santana were all laughing.
"Man, Santana, you were a bitch!" Mike shook his head in the Latina's direction and San dropped her head in embarrassment.
"Come on guys, that was so long ago. And I apologized. Matt!" Santana shot her boyfriend a look and Puck had to laugh at the alarmed look on Matt's face. It was nice to know that some things never changed.
"Yes, you did apologize Santana." Rachel piped up with a smile as she patted the other brunette's hand.
"See, Rachel and I are cool." Santana looked around the table triumphantly. "Right Rach?"
"Yes, we are cool." Rachel glanced at him and Puck laughed at the expression on her face, which was pretty close to 'why are we friends with these people again'.
"Ooh, I love this song!" Brittany suddenly spoke up and everyone chuckled when they heard Britney Spears playing. "Let's dance!" She pulled the others from the table and out to the dance floor.
"Come on babe, let's dance." Puck held his hand out to Rachel who smile and took it before standing but resisted when he started to lead her to the dance floor. "Rach?"
"Take a walk with me?" She peered up at him and Puck felt his skip a beat. How was it possible that she was still able to do that to him? He nodded and followed silently as she led him outside away from the party.
"Babe, what's up?" Puck asked when they were alone and Rachel looked up at him.
"I just want you to know that you have made me so happy." Rachel leaned forward to kiss him before glancing down at her engagement ring. "Do you remember what you said the night you gave this to me?"
Puck stared down at her for a second. Of course he remembered.
"I said that the last 5 years had been the best of my life and that I couldn't have done half the things I did without you." Puck's voice was low as he spoke and he moved closer to Rachel, linking his arms loosely around her waist. "I meant that Rach."
"I know you did." Rachel smiled. "They've been the best of my life too…" She trailed off and Puck watched her closely.
"Baby, what's going on here? Talk to me." He raised her chin so he could look in her eyes. "You know that I wouldn't change a single moment that you and I have spent together, right?"
"I know. I feel the same way." She smiled again. "But, Noah, how would feel about having to share that with another person?" Puck looked at her confused for a second as she stared at him with wide eyes and gently placed her hand on her stomach and suddenly the realization hit him.
"Holy Shit… are you?" He felt his pulse quicken as she nodded and Puck felt his whole body go into shock. "Seriously?"
"Yes, seriously." She bit her lip nervously and Puck's heart felt like it was about to pound out of his chest. He felt tears fill his eyes and his eyes landed on her flat stomach. His son or daughter was in there. "Noah, please tell me those happy tears…"
He looked up to find Rachel watching him nervously and before she has a chance to say anything else, he's crashing his lips against hers, kissing her hungrily. She was having his baby.
"We're having a baby?" He doesn't even bother to fight the tears as he stares at his wife.
"Yeah, we're having a baby." Rachel smiles up at him with watery eyes and all Puck can do is stare down at her before placing his hand on her stomach.
"This is pretty much the best day of my life Berry." He kisses her again and Rachel snuggles closer to him, resting her head on his chest as he tightens his arms around her and he smiles when he hears her whisper.
"Noah, how many times am I going to have to tell you, it's Puckerman now."