Cowritten with emotionalspazz (Neku).

Beat, on the other hand, slept relatively well, choosing to just let the memories come in on their own. What happened, happened. It couldn't have been that bad.

The day started with math this time. There was no way Neku could focus. There was no way he could put anything into his mouth without thinking about... that.

Beat was late that day to class; on the way to physics, he quickly sent a text message Neku's way.

sry i'm l8, still up 4 lunch?

Lunch. Eating... heh, eating. Things in his mouth -- ugh, no. Was he up for lunch? Could he face Beat?

sure, was his reply.

aight see you then, Beat replied, slipping his phone in the pocket of his uniform before walking in his Physics class, to the displeasure of his teacher. Brushing off her threats of detention and other "bad things," Beat took his seat and feigned attention.

Over the course of the day, Neku could do nothing but sleep in his classes. Even art class barely kept him awake. What was a sleepless boy to do? And how was he going to tell Beat what he remembered?

... Was he going to tell him?


It... it was strange. The other boy wasn't texting. Something seemed wrong, somehow. But Beat didn't push the issue; after all, Neku had harder classes. Maybe there were tests or something.



Doom. Maybe Beat could seek him out today... and after a few minutes, Beat did exactly that.

"Hey, man. What's goin' on? You look, uh, down..." He said, eyeing Neku's face.

"Didn't sleep well," Neku mumbled.

"Somethin's on your mind," Beat said accusingly. "C'mon, le's go sit somewhere."

Reluctantly, Neku followed his friend, not really looking where they were going.

A stairwell. A stairwell was fine, and this was the lunch hour anyway... not like they were bothering anyone. Beat sat down upon the steps, taking out a sandwich. "Tell me wha's eatin' at ya, Phones." He said, looking towards the brunette.

Without even thinking, Neku blurted, "I-I remembered! Well, part of it anyway... w-what happened."

With that, Beat leaned forward, eyes wide. "Well, what'cha waitin' for? Tell me, man!"

Instinctively -- embarrassingly! -- Neku shied back. "W-well it's... it's kinda..."

"Kinda what?" Beat asked, confused. "Can't be that bad, right?"

"... It's... gay," Neku sighed.

"... Gay." Beat repeated, still wanting to know what the hell happened.

"I-I remember your -- in my -- oh, nevermind. Screw it. It's better if we both forget it."

Beat looked up at him. "Phones. Tell me what happened." He said, dark eyes staring directly into those of his friend.

"I-I just... I just remember..." Neku looked away. "I remember giving you..." He covered his face and finished in barely a whisper, "... head."

Beat's face seemed to go slack. "Y-you gave me head...?" He muttered, able to see how that coincided with what he remembered but not really believing it.

"I-It might've been a-a-a-a-a delusion!" Neku decided, looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah. Vivid imagination."

"... No, Phones, no. It ain't." Beat said, looking away and suddenly feeling shame wash over him in waves. "That... that prob'ly happened."

Silence... suffocating silence fell upon them for a few agonizingly slow minutes.

"... So... now what?"

"... You gon' let this change stuff between us? 'Cause I ain't." Beat said softly, thinking over his words with caution.

"... Yeah," Neku sighed. "I mean -- no, no I'm not."

Beat managed to smile. "Uh... anythin' else come t' you?"

"No," Neku said quickly, as though he had been anticipating the question. Had he?

"Ah, aight then," Beat said, holding one arm across his chest. Something was tugging at his memory, but what? He couldn't really place it...

... Well, this was awkward. Neku wasn't sure how easy things would be between them now.

Beat looked up at him, one eye closed. "Wait, nobody been botherin' you, right?"

"Nah," Neku said without thinking.

"Good, good. But seriously, man..." Beat faltered for a moment before saying what was on his mind. "Don't be afraid to tell me stuff, aight? We're friends, das' it."

Don't be afraid to tell me stuff. Neku's heart fluttered a bit at that. He liked the idea of being close to Beat... but how close?

Neku was not gay.


"We cool," Beat said, ruffling Neku's hair, grinning.


After scribbling down satisfactory assignments, Neku tossed aside his books and rested his head on his desk for a break. As an afterthought, he turned off his music. It was rather soothing when it was quiet, except for the buzzing of the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Well, Neku, here you are, the midst of denial~"

"Wha --" Neku blinked, body shooting upright, disoriented. Well, there went the quiet.

Joshua stood at Neku's door, arms crossed, smiling serenely. "You didn't think that this would just blow over, would you?"

"I was hoping you'd mind your own business," Neku seethed.

"Your business is my business," Joshua lilted, sitting down next to the teenager. "After all, you do take residence in Shibuya. I just like checking in on you from time to time. You have so much untapped potential, after all~"

"Checking in and being nosy are two different things," Neku grumbled, not looking at the Composer.

"But your Music, it entices me so~!" Joshua said, mock-swooning, one hand up to his forehead. "Especially when it's as quick and harried as it has been of late," He added as an afterthought, the smirk on his face both devious and knowing.

"You're such a creep," Neku sighed.

"You're so gay, and you don't even like boys~" Joshua teased, singing under his breath. He loved to unravel him like this.

"W-- ugh. Just for listening to that woman, you're gayer," Neku snapped.

"At least I'm not in denial," Joshua said smugly, smirking to high heaven.

"I'm not, either," Neku said. "There's nothing to deny. Why the hell does it matter to you anyway?"

"I just want you to be happy, Neku dear." Joshua said, frowning. "And if you saw the look on your face, the look in your eyes, as you serviced your best friend... Oh, I would call that infatuation of the highest order." Joshua said, brushing his hand through ashen locks.

"Y -- you --" Neku's eyes narrowed. "Watched?! Don't you have anything better to do?!" Anger coiled in his stomach, mingling with illness. "That is just -- you -- you're a voyeur!"

Joshua put on a look of hurt, eyes still narrowed, looking for the most part taken aback. "Oh, please. Your Music was spiking so much, how could I ignore it? At least I didn't detract from that little adventure of yours." A small curl of his lips accompanied his words. "Keep it up, and Sanae might know of your deeds, Neku~ You best be nice to me."

Neku's eyes widened, stomach sinking. Mr. Hanekoma was the last person Neku wanted to know about this.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?! Is killing me twice not enough for you?"

"You're still upset over that? Let things go, Neku dear." Joshua reprimanded. "And don't worry. I won't be telling our favorite barista anytime soon."

"... Let things go. It's been two months." Neku grabbed his English book, stood, and made his way to the door. "Get out of my house!" He left it open as he departed, deciding to go into the living room where is grandmother was knitting. At least she didn't let go of murder so easily, as irritating as she was.

Joshua cast a smug look towards Neku's back before switching Frequencies, smiling to himself; oh, Sanae would eat this up, yes he would.