Cowritten with emotionalspazz (Neku).

AN: Please, please, please do not judge the fic by this chapter. This is the "crime" to the rest of the fic's "punishment"; we are not condoning the usage of drugs in any way, shape, or form.

That said, enjoy.

Chapter One

Beat texted the other boy, telling him to 'hury up dat ass, rhyme aint gonna be gone 4ever' as he sought out the small bag of weed in his top drawer. Neku was supposed to be there five minutes ago, and he hadn't shown. The blonde liked to be punctual, and expected the same of others.

Those people at the train station had leisurely stepped onto the platform as if they didn't have places to be. As if no one had places to be. Neku's run slowed to a quick walk as Beat's apartment building came into view. His phone buzzed in his pocket; Neku rolled his eyes, knowing who it was.

hury up dat ass, rhyme aint gonna be gone 4ever

Neku sighed and punched back a quick message.

stfu, the train station was crowded. w slow ppl.

Beat raised an eyebrow, grinning upon finding the bag. Quickly he pressed the keys, sending him a message back: k, let urself in.

"Man, gotta get this shit rolled," he said, looking for suitable paper.

The elevator dinged. Neku quickly stepped out, glanced at the new text message, and traversed the halls to Beat's door. The brunet only knocked out of formality as he opened the door and took off his shoes.

Beat looked out of his room, grinning widely. "Yo, man! 'Bout to get awesome. You good?" He asked, motioning for the redhead to come in his room.

"Yeah." Neku shut the door behind him, taking off his socks for added measure. "But why'd you keep this such a secret?" There was some surprise that Beat had, and this entire time Neku (and Rhyme, apparently) had been left in the dark.

Beat sat upon his futon, finding a small water bottle and rushing to the kitchen to find some tin foil instead of answering the question immediately. He wasn't quite sure how to phrase it.

Neku blinked, still feeling a bit abandoned in the doorway. "W -- dude, where are you going...?"

Beat looked away, grabbing Neku's wrist. "Uh. Just gotta make sure everythin's in order, man. You, uh, want anything ta' drink...?" He asked, grabbing a roll of tin foil and opening the fridge.

Beat, making sure things were in... order? "Uh, water's fine."

"Aight, man," He said, filling up the water bottle to about the half-way point before getting out a cup for Neku, filling it with water and handing it to him. The blonde then started poking a large hole in the top, meticulous with his punctures.

"So..." Neku's brows furrowed together. "What are you doing?"

Beat remained silent, focused in his task.

A sigh. If Beat was actually quiet, then something was seriously happening here. But what was with the water bottle? Neku stood, waiting patiently.

"... Man, I've just been, uh... doing some whack stuff is all." Beat said, leaning on the counter, covering the pre-made opening of the bottle with a layer of tinfoil, making holes in the aluminum. "Rhyme wouldn't like it."

"What is it?" Neku said, wondering why he had to ask yet again.

"Pot," Beat said under his breath, finishing up the holes in the foil. "Don't want Rhyme knowin'. She ain't gonna start."

Neku couldn't help but crack a smile at how Beat tried to keep it quiet Rhyme's absence. "Yeah."

Wait, then what was Beat making? "So, what's this? A... um... a b --" Yes, it started with a B. A b. Hmm.

"Bong, man." He said, sending a small smile towards Neku. Then a thought occurred to him. "Hey... wanna do it at the same time? Take th' hits, I mean?"

"How would you what with one bott -- er, bong?" Neku asked, eying the home-made marijuana dispenser.

"Two holes." He said, indicating the other side of the bottle. "Only if you wanna, though."

Hesitantly, Neku picked it up. The boy had smoked before, but he had never seen such a contraption. He had rolled his cannabis. "... How do you use it? Just... stick your mouth on the hole?"

Beat took the bottle, pointing to various parts with his index finger as he explained the process. "See, man, you put the weed up here, put your mouth on the hole. Then as smoke fills it up here," he pointed to the space between the water and the top of the bottle, "you suck in. This way you don't get ash and stuff in yo' mouth, hold in th' hit longer."

Neku gazed at it in fascination. How could something so crude and simple be so... ingenious? "... Huh. Whatever floats your weed, I guess. Eh, what the hell, sure."

Beat felt a slight warmth in the pit of his stomach; holy balls, he was gonna take a hit at the same time as Neku. That was like... kissing, or something. Kissing Neku. That didn't sound-- wait. No. Daisukenojo Bito was NOT gay.

... But the idea was still cool, so he was gonna do it anyway. It's how he rolled. Rule of cool, man.

"Aight, man, sounds good." He said, beginning to cut the other hole.

Neku leaned forward a bit, eying Beat's work. He really seemed to know what he was doing... like a professional delinquent or something. It was interesting; even after the Game, Beat still did these things.

It wasn't as if Neku was any better.

As if hearing the tail-end of Neku's thoughts, Beat looked up at the skinny redhead. "Wait. You ever do any a' this too?"

"Yeah... it's been a while, though." It was a simple answer, like post-Game factors, including the absence of his headphones and surly look.

Beat nodded. "I dunno, man. I don't do it that much anymore, but t'day just felt right, I guess." He said. "Still don't want Rhyme knowin'."

"It's probably better that she doesn't," Neku said quietly.

Beat sighed, seeing that he was finished with his work. "Aight, man, 's now or never. You in?"

Neku nodded surely. "Yeah."

"'Kay." The blonde motioned for Neku to follow him into his room, where the bag of cannabis lay for the both of them on his futon, waiting patiently. "It's already ground up 'n stuff, just need to put it on, light it, and we'll take the hits. How much you plannin' to take in?"

Hits. Neku wasn't used to measuring in hits. "Hm." How much could fit into that little bottle, anyway? Neku decided to be daring. "... As much as you do," he confirmed, a hint of a devious smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Beat raised one eyebrow, putting a small amount of weed on the top of the bottle and fishing a lighter out from his cargo pants. "Man, you're small. You gonna fuck yo'self up if you do that."

Although, to be honest, Beat wanted Neku to take as much as he did. To see him like that would've been awesome.

"... That's right, you break walls," Neku mumbled. "I'll see how much I can take. No big deal, right?"

"Alright, man, just tell me when you can't take no more." He said, motioning for Neku to put his mouth on one hole.

... That was a tiny bottle. Neku's mouth wouldn't be that far from Beat's. The thought made his pulse quicken -- just a bit.

Neku had always liked Beat -- 's company.

"You first," Neku decided.

"Nah, man. Same time." He said, putting his mouth on the hole facing him, lighter in one hand.

Neku nodded, awkwardly putting his own mouth on his own... hole. It felt kind of naughty, and not in the illegal drugs way.

The other boy could practically taste Neku's breath... it was warm, distracting. Quickly, Beat angled the lighter so that Neku's hair wouldn't catch on fire, striking it and lighting the cannabis. The smoke dispensed into the bottle, and Beat began to suck in.

The flare of flame startled Neku, distracting and delaying him. Quickly, he realized that this was his cue. The teenager started sucking up what he could, blushing a bit at his close proximity to his friend.

Ah, now this was a familiar sensation. Beat quickly closed his lips, holding in the smoke for a few seconds before exhaling slowly, away from Neku's face. Second hit; Beat put his lips to the bottle again, waiting for Neku.

Damn, Beat was waiting on him. But Neku kept his lips obstinately shut, wanting to hold it in for longer in his little lungs. This had always been the troublesome part of marijuana. Reluctantly, he let the smoke escape his lips and pressed them to his section of the bottle.

Beat grinned, wordlessly challenging the boy to hold in the smoke as long as he could. They took another hit, held it in; Beat smirked over at Neku, showing no signs of release.

Neku narrowed his eyes, keeping his face completely level, completely still. His gaze didn't wander from Beat's. Seconds blithely skipped into a minute; Neku's lungs began to hurt, his head starting to ache. He could feel a sort of lump forming in his upper chest as his countenance faltered, cheeks becoming redder and redder.

Beat could feel that Neku was getting uncomfortable, and he wanted to get the next few hits out of the way; he wasn't gonna do that without him, though. In defeat, Beat released the smoke he was holding in, leaning over towards Neku to see if he was alright.

Something jumped in Neku's chest as Beat got that much closer -- he gasped, then coughed a bit, choking on the smoke that had been trapped inside.

The blonde's eyes widened in alarm as he put down the bottle. "Hey, you alright, man?" He asked, concerned.

Neku nodded enthusiastically, tearing up like he did whenever food went down the wrong pipe. "F-fine."

As if acting on impulse, Beat brushed away the tears from Neku's face. "Aight, then you... uh... ready for the next one...? I dunno, 's only if you wanna..."

Heart fluttering pleasantly at the contact, Neku gave Beat a quick, "'course." He took the initiative and pressed his mouth to the bottle again.

Beat shrugged. "Remember, man, exhale when you feel like it, aight?" He said, planting his lips on the bottle and lighting it once again.

As soon as the smoke began to billow about, Neku inhaled, covering his nose so that he could get as much as he could handle -- without depriving his friend, of course.

Beat sucked in what he could, laughing to himself as he saw Neku's move. He was good, he was. And he was beginning to feel a little light...

If Beat was only beginning to feel the effect, then Neku could already feel his head buzz. Well, not buzzing. No, his head was not a bee. Heh... bees for heads. Funny stuff. The boy licked his lips as he parted from the bong, looking down at Beat's futon in intense concentration.

Beat released the smoke after a few moments, grinning to himself and looking at Neku. He looked-- dare he think it-- cute like that, concentrating so hard.

Neku was able to maintain that look for a few moments. Wow, it was pretty quiet, he noticed. The boy couldn't hold back a snort of laughter -- the smoke spilled from his lips, leading his little uncharacteristic giggles. His smile widened and his eyes shut, creating a visage of the epitome of mirth.

Beat raised both eyebrows this time, grinning. "Man, you... you." He said, shrugging, putting his lips on the bottle once again. Given Neku's size and weight, he was probably already way past what the blonde was feeling.

"What?" Neku almost whined challengingly. A challenging whine -- quite the feat. Biting back giggles, he pressed his lips to the bottle. Like kissing it. Like kissing Beat. Mmmm.

Light it again, again, again, again... soon, the weed was gone after maybe seven, eight hits, and Beat was feeling it run through his system. He could feel the blood rushing through his body, his cheeks flush slightly as he exhaled that final hit, as he looked at Neku. Carefully, he put down the bottle, just incase they decided to smoke some more later. He had no idea when Rhyme was getting home, and frankly, he didn't really care.

No, no, keep the last hit. Don't laugh, he told himself. Conservation was serious business. Serious fucking business! He couldn't even focus his eyes... everything seemed cut into shapes, like he was looking through a chicken-wire fence. The fabric of Beat's sheets seemed to slide underneath him. Neku wasn't sure what the color of his face was at this point, and frankly, he didn't really care.

"Man," Beat said, going up to Neku and pressing against him (his face seemed... blue...? It wasn't good, he knew that even now), lips against the corner of Neku's. "Just let it out. Or you could share."

A very visible, obvious shiver shot through Neku at the touches. Oooh, Beat's lips were right there. They probably weren't soft like girls' lips. He probably had hard ones. Chapped, maybe? Manly lips. Haha, manly lips. Neku decided to find out, parting his lips just enough so that he could exhale the concoction of THC and irrelevant chemicals into his friend's mouth.

Beat breathed in as Neku breathed out, taking in the smoke and practically feeling his brain cells explode. It felt... nice... Neku's lips on his. They were firm, yet soft. He couldn't really describe it, but he could press a little harder against Neku. He could discern the difference in taste; smoke from Neku's mouth tasted a little sweeter, somehow. Don't ask him how it all worked.

Neku pulled back for air just slightly, wrapping his arms around Beat's shoulders as he went in for the renewed kiss again. He was positively purring.

Aw, fuck it all. Beat could be gay if it was for Neku. He pressed against the smaller boy, one calloused hand running up and down his spine, taking in the feel of every bump and groove along his skin. His fingers tingled with the sensation of fabric brushing against him; his head was swimming, focused only on Neku.

The brunet's back arched, the touch dazzling to his senses and almost ticklish. It elicited muffled giggles into Beat's mouth. His heart rate accelerated despite his lagging reflexes and thought processes as the taller teen's body came in contact with his own.

Beat contemplated running his tongue over Neku's bottom lip; the smoke tasted amazing, what's to say that the rest of him didn't as well? In an uncharacteristically shy manner, Beat pressed his tongue to the other boy's mouth, asking for entrance.

Neku moaned and un-Neku-ish moan, letting his lips part for Beat. A shiver wracked his body again, this time having a landing point in a rather distinct area of his pelvic region.

His assumption was correct; Neku didn't really have a distinct taste, per se, but what he could taste felt amazing on Beat's tongue. Hungrily he deepened the kiss, a low moan leaving his throat and vibrating in Neku's mouth.

Neku opened his mouth, emitting a soft, content purr once more as he let his tongue do what it pleased -- what this was, Neku was not quite sure; he was, in fact, barely aware of himself.

After a too-long moment, Beat broke the kiss, his face flushed, eyes glazed over, a relaxed smile on his face. "Dude..." He mumbled, pressing his forehead to Neku's, looking in his bright blue hues.

The boy in question had a visage that was the epitome of intoxication. His eyes, though still bright, were glazed and unfocused. His eyelids struggled to stay apart against the lovely prod of relaaaxation. Above all, an enormous, goofy grin decorated his facial features, crooked and content. "Yeeeah?"

Beat chuckled. "Man, yo' fuckin' hot... shhh, don't tell anyone." He drawled, smirk on his features. "'s a seeeeecret. Can't let Neku know, 'kay?" His fingers somehow found themselves on Neku's thigh, stroking through fabric.

Neku purred, letting his eyes fall shut. His thighs opened for Beat's hand, tingles lazily crawling about him, reveling in the simple contact. "Haaaha... who's Neku...?"

"Dunno, man, you... uh... want me to keep this up...?" Beat asked, tilting his head, eyes half-lidded. He could go either way.

A giggle. More giggles. Easily Neku could have mistook himself for a certain ash-haired Composer, with the distinction that his giggles were of genuine -- well, intoxicated -- amusement. He fell against Beat, humming contently as he buried his face into his friend's shoulder, feeling every fiber of his clothing and every degree of warmth.

Beat ran his hand up and down Neku's thigh lazily, enjoying the warmth of his friend. Partner. Something. He didn't know.

A muffled whimper was uttered into Beat's shoulder. "D-dude... dude... dude... you're gonna me make-- gonna -- gonna make me -- gonna -- jizz my pants..."

"You wanna do that, man?" Beat asked in a low voice, shifting his head so that his breath skirted over Neku's neck.

Neku's head emerged from the junction between Beat's neck and shoulder. The blithe grin was replaced with a countenance of repressed ecstasy -- brows furrowed, cheeks flushed deep crimson, lips parted in a whining, "yeah..." All Beat had to do to confirm Neku's want was to simply look down at the need that tented his pants.

Beat blushed slightly, moving his hand to the bulge in Neku's pants and stroking up and down, up and down. Fuck, Neku was really hot like that. Mmmhmm. Not just the pot talking, no no sir.

Neku bit his lip, grabbing at Beat's muscled arms. Blunt nails grazed the skin. A soft, drawn-out cry escaped the smaller teen, his aching arousal throbbing underneath the blond's strong hand.

"B-Beat... Beat, Beat, Beat..."

"J-just like that, man," Beat said, once again pressing his forehead to Neku's, keeping himself steady as he stroked Neku through his jeans at a slow pace. He felt heavy yet light at the same time, and was convinced that everything happening around him was just part of the high.

The smaller boy's entire body twitched and trembled, every nerve of his body fired and shoved the tingles throughout with a nitrous of THC. His breathing had no slow; eyes opened to give Beat his saddest, begging-puppy look, his visage having 'take me now' written upon it in graffiti of CAT's best style.

Alright, that expression was way too hot to be a hallucination. Beat, with some difficulty, undid the zipper to Neku's pants and slipped one hand in, fingers wrapping around his friend's cock and stroking quickly.

Poor Neku's entire body practically convulsed. "B-Beat -- a-aah -- Beat!" The boy's voice rose uncharacteristically higher in pitch and more pleading in tone. "Beat, B-Beat, I --" A small gasp. "I-Iloveyou, B-Beat --"

Beat nodded in response, too focused on his task to say a word, stroking the boy faster, faster, faster. He enjoyed the sounds and words spilling from Neku's mouth; hell, it felt as if everything between them were just... melting, they were going to be closer than partners in just a few moments, and fuck if it wasn't the hottest thing ever.

Neku's blunt nails sought a grip in Beat's skin as the brunet's body stiffened, skinny thighs quivering, balls tightening. Neku saw colors, a veritable rainbow and all of the shades in between as thick white spilled in bursts onto Beat's hand. Each shiver, tingle, burst of warmth dispersed about the boy's body, shutting his throat and quieting him for a few moments as sweet release overwhelmed him.

Beat took in the sight, eyes wide, able to see every minute detail of Neku's body as he came. He wasn't averse to the feeling of Neku's seed on his hand, either; the brunette's warm, white essence felt pleasant to the blonde, and he actually contemplated licking it off for a brief moment before opting to grab a tissue from his bedside table. He watched Neku come down from his post-orgasm high, a lazy smile on his face all the while.

Eventually, the boy's body shuddered into a stuttered, slow sense of ease, like a train stopping at the station. He leaned against his more-than-friend, eyes shutting as he giggled -- again -- while he figuratively floated about the vicinity.

Beat wrapped an arm around the brunette's waist as if it were the most natural thing in the world, holding him close and breathing in his scent. He smelled like smoke, like sex... he could get used to it. After a few moments Beat lost himself to his own high, loosely holding Neku as he stared out of the window, focusing on sunlight filtering in through his blinds.

"Oh Beat," Neku cooed. "You're so big and strong, satisfying my needs~." Then the brunet became quiet, much more serious. "Y'want something... uh, down there?"

Beat, admittedly, was half-hard... but still, he didn't want Neku to do anything he didn't want to. That wasn't cool.

"Only if you think I do, man." He said, smiling good-naturedly at Neku. "You wanna do stuff, you can, I ain't got nothin' 'gainst it."

Neku blinked, seeming lost in thought. There were various ways to reimburse Beat's help. Of course, being high, Neku chose the one that seemed more cumbersome.

Unthinking, Neku reached down and undid Beat's pants. He awkwardly scooted back, landing on his front in between Beat's legs as he tugged unnecessary fabric aside.

Beat's cheeks flushed with color, eyes wide. "Wo-woah, man, you, uh, sure 'bout that...?" He asked, finding even greater difficulty than normal in the task of stringing together sentences. Damn, he was hot.

Of course he was sure. At least, Neku thought he said that. He'd given oral to girls before -- how hard could it be for a guy?

The brunet's tongue slipped out for a tentative lick against the hard, warm flesh, and then Neku remembered -- guy's were hard. They were different. They were not, in any way, the soft, flowery flesh of females.

And Neku found himself liking that.

Beat took in a shuddering breath, composure far from the trained delinquent taking hits from a homemade bong less than an hour ago. Neku's tongue was warm, his breath hot... the sensation of pleasure blanketed Beat's senses as he tried to focus on Neku's face, Neku's mouth, just... Neku in general.

So Neku had an effect on Beat. The other boy's cock now tasted like victory. Clumsily, the boy propped his upper half on his elbows, leaning in to give casual, slow licks to the very tip of Beat's member, as though it were a popsicle. Mmm, Neku could go for a popsicle. But first...

Hot seemed to be synonymous with Neku in Beat's mind, especially with him propped up, licking his tip... he was stiffening quickly at the sight of the brunette's mouth, half-open and licking him. Goddamn.

"Nnnn-- Neku..." He groaned, eyes half-lidded as he felt shivers shoot up and down his spine. Fireworks seemed to be going off in the back of his brain, and the sensation was only furthered by Neku between his legs.

Neku gave Beat one long lick before pulling his tongue back. "Yeah~?"

Beat gave Neku a long look, loaded with wanton, desire, need. "Y-you're fuckin' hot like that--" He managed to get out, stumbling over his words, addled with the combined high of chemicals and pleasure.

Still looking up at Beat with his big blue eyes, Neku slowly eased his parted lips over Beat's shaft.

"Fuuuuuuck--" Beat hissed between his teeth, sucking in a breath as he watched Neku tease him, tease him so fucking good. He wanted more, just couldn't say it, he couldn't think and he was damn sure that Neku knew that.

Neku pulled back just enough to lick his lips for lubrication before sliding his mouth onto Beat's shaft again. His tongue, unsure and inexperienced, wiggled about at the underside. Neku's heart swelled with the thought of pleasuring his friend, making him revel and writhe in the throes of pleasure, and so the boy did his best.

One hand fixed in Neku's hair, eyes half-lidded and glazed over. He wasn't good with words even when he was sober, what was he supposed to do when Neku was making those sounds and his tongue was moving like that and-- shit, he was already at full mast and he hadn't even been doing this for five minutes.

The feeling of Beat becoming harder in his mouth should have been disgusting... instead, it was a complete turn-on, seeing his friend lost like this. Neku closed his eyes, moaning an exaggerated, full moan against the sensitive flesh.

Yep, Neku knew the effect that he delivered, otherwise he couldn't have moaned like that on purpose. Maybe it was just the high. Either way, Beat didn't give a fuck-- even as far gone as he was, he still held his hips from thrusting into Neku's mouth. Had to make this comfortable. Uh-huh.

The boy tried getting his mouth lower on Beat's member, tried to get his lips to the base. It was a challenge, really -- Neku had the gag reflex of a little kid trying to stomach vegetables. Beat was big... bigger than himself, anyway. Neku suddenly had the thought of the member in his mouth being somewhere else inside of him -- oh god oh god, how could a heterosexual boy think such a thought?! -- and whimpered.

"J-Just like 'dat, man--" Beat gasped, color high on his cheeks as he felt himself approaching orgasm. This... this wasn't gay, right? A blowjob is a blowjob... right?

Those were, more or less, the thoughts running through the blonde's head. Upon Neku whimpering, the thoughts promptly stopped, being replaced with a steady mantra of moremoremoremoremore.

A flush rose in Neku's cheeks. He pulled away from the flesh, licked his lips, and slowly eased his lips over it again. Another whimper escaped him as he attempted to quash his gag reflex.

Beat closed his eyes, a long low moan leaving his throat. "F-Faster--" He managed to get out, petting Neku's hair.

Neku felt his entire body melt at the simple touch. Without gagging, his lips just barely reached the other boy's base. He tried swallowing, pulling back and sheathing him again as though his mouth were the hot cave of a woman.

Beat let out a shuddering gasp, eyes completely shut, blood in his hands and feet rushing to arousal. God, he was gonna come soon, he knew it...

"G-gonna come, man--" The blonde managed to get out as a warning.

Neku squeaked, pulling back and -- oh goodness -- opening his mouth.

That. Sight. 

Oh god.

High or not, that had to be the hottest thing Beat had ever seen.

With that thought forefront in his mind, the blonde let out another low, shuddering gasp, seed bursting from the tip of his cock onto Neku's face, some landing in his mouth.

Neku's tongue flicked out like a cat's, catching seed on the very tip. Burst after burst of semen warmed his face and splattered onto his skin, some even sticking to his hair. The brunet didn't move an inch to avoid it.

Beat gathered his breath, unable to really feel his limbs. It felt... tingly. Yeah, that was a good way to put it. One eye opened to see Neku's face-- Neku's face covered in him--

Shit, if he didn't have a refractory period, Beat would have been hard all over again.

Like a tired little kitten, Neku leisurely licked his lips, eyes half-lidded. He let himself relax on his stomach, still in between Beat's legs and looking up at him expectantly.

Beat looked down at Neku, unaccustomed to seeing such behavior from his friend?lover?partner? Partner was good, yes. A smile eased its way onto his lips.

"You want anything, man?"

A slow blink and a tilt of his head later, Neku's cheek was resting against Beat's thigh. "Dunno."

Beat wasn't one to hold back what he was thinking. "You... uh... ever done any 'a 'dat before?" He asked, not feeling self-conscious about the question at all.

Neku's expression remained unchanged. "Nope."

Beat went down, remembering idly to get a tissue for Neku, wiping his face clean. "Di-didn't have ta' do all 'a 'dat, man." He slurred, smile still on his face, brown eyes glossed over.

Neku made an odd purring sound as Beat cleaned his face. "Meeeow," was his reply, leaning up to Beat's hand.

Beat laughed. "Dude... dude, you're so gone, like... woah..." The blonde trailed off, staring at Neku's skin. He really did take good care of it, that was obvious.

The boy butted his head against Beat's thigh, making a purring sound at the back of his throat. "I want food... meow."

"Aight, aight, let's get some." Beat said softly, taking Neku's hand and helping him up. Fuck. He did not just stumble. And where were his pants...?

"Mmmmyaaaaaaah," Neku said with a giggle, rubbing up to his friend.

There they were... Beat pulled on his pants, fumbling to button them before holding Neku's waist. "Aight, let's... eat..." He just couldn't string together sentences, nope.

Neku giggled again. "Carry meee~, I am a kitty."

"D-dude, you actin' like Rhyme--" Beat said, easily picking up Neku and carrying him bridal style, trying his best not to bump into anything. The room seemed to be brighter, warmer than it was before. Mentally, Beat contemplated smoking another bowl in a while.

Neku squealed, giggling. " -- I mean, mroooow..." He curled up to Beat's chest, pressing his hands against his friend like a cat would to a person.

Beat laughed. "Dude... aight, kitchen." He said, putting down Neku and looking through the Bito pantry. "Think I got somethin' in here..."

For a few moments, Neku actually sat there. Then the boy became impatient, sliding onto the floor and crawling over to Beat on all fours. "Nyaaaaaan," he said like a demanding kitten, butting his head against Beat's leg.

Beat played along, laughing to himself as he reached down to pet his partner. Mmhmm, things were nice--

"Beat, are you home? Practice let out!"

Shit. Rhyme. She was probably taking off her shoes right now. When did the time slip by?

Neku blinked. He fell on his butt, wide-eyed, looking around for the source of the familiar voice. Finally, sluggishly, he stood, trying to be as rigid as possible, straightening his back in a fashion rather unnatural for him.

"Whatnow?" Neku whispered, standing stock-straight, eyes forward, like a soldier.

"Just be cool, man," Beat said, shaking his head, trying to put on a good expression. A few moments later, Rhyme came in.

"Oh... hi, Neku! I thought I saw your shoes at the door!" She said brightly, giving him a small hug. "Beat, you remembered to keep the place clean while Mom and Dad are gone, right?" She asked, looking to her brother.

Beat nodded hastily.

 "Uh. Yeah. Yeah, don' worry 'bout it." He said, attempting to keep his tone even.

Neku relaxed considerably at Rhyme's touch, thin arms lightly embracing her in return. Mmm, she was so cute and soft and sweet. "Didja like them?" he mumbled in reference to his shoes. He bit his lip. No, no giggling. A single giggle would get Beat into trouble.

Rhyme tilted her head slightly at the odd question. Neku usually didn't ask if people liked his clothes...

"Um, yes! They're very... um... Neku." She decided on her answer, nodding her head. Beat used the opportunity to grab an unopened bag of chips.

"Well, uh, you got studyin' ta' do, Rhyme?" Beat asked, leaning on the counter. Rhyme parted from Neku, nodding.

"Mmhm. I'll do it in a bit." She answered softly, looking up at Beat, noting that his eyes... well, they weren't all there...

"Yyyyyou should... shouln't... shouldn't prorasticate -- uh, procrastinate," Neku urged. "The more you know..."

"Yeah, you're right! Knowledge is power... at least, that's what Minako-san said today..." Rhyme said, nodding in response to Neku's words. "Anyway, you two go on and do what you do, I'll stay out of your way."

"Aight. Thanks, Rhyme." Beat said, patting her head affectionately.

Rhyme giggled.

"No problem, Beat." She said softly, ushering the two boys out.

Neku felt triumphant somehow, having contributed to the girl's future study habits. The moment both of them were out of Rhyme's vision and earshot, he smirked.

Beat smirked over at him in response, leading Neku into his room and shutting the door behind them. "Smooth, man, smooth."

"Is that sarcasm?" Neku slurred.

"Maaaaaybe." Beat drawled, opening the bag of chips.

Neku peeked over at the junk food. "What kind are they?" He asked, picky as always.

"Shrimp," He said, putting one in his mouth and chewing. "S'good."

"Never tried it," he mumbled. Tentatively, he picked up a small crisp and bit into it. "... Eh, okay."

Beat pressed a crisp to Neku's lips. "Ya' get used to 'em."

Neku blushed. "You're feedin' me... mreow?"

"Mrow." Beat said lowly, crisp still pressed to Neku's lips.

Neku flicked the piece into his mouth, licking Beat's fingers for added effect.

Beat let a low flush cover his cheeks. "H-hey, man, Rhyme might hear," He mumbled, not really wanting him to stop. No, not after what had happened earlier.

Crunch crunch crunch was the only sound Neku mad as he lay himself in Beat's lap.

Goddamn, he was cute. A small part of him seemed to say feebly that he shouldn't be having those thoughts, they had to be the gayest thing ever. Still... it was Neku, how could he say no?
Comfortably, Neku nuzzled his face into Beat's hip, purring to himself.

"Mmm... we gotta go to school, man? This ain't... it ain't that bad, I like it like this..." Beat thought aloud, staring up at the ceiling, completely relaxed.

"Whywe gotta go 'school?" Neku mumbled, curling up without regard to the nature of the question.

"Nah, man, tomorrow. I think. I dunno." He said, statements trailing off. Another bunch of chips found their way to his mouth.

Neku smiled pleasantly, finding himself drifting off a bit until --

ring ring ring

"... Huh? Oh..." Neku reluctantly reached into his pocket, pulling out his ringing phone. "Uh..."

Beat looked down at Neku's cell. "Answer it. I dare ya."

"... Dare...? Uh, kay." Neku pressed the little green button, pressing the device to his ear a bit clumsily. "H-hello?"

"Hey, Neku! It's Shiki! I didn't see you at practice today, where are you?"

Beat looked at Neku, cocking one brow.

Neku swallowed. Suddenly, his mouth was rather dry. "Uh... atta friend'z. Yeah."

"Friend? Who? I mean... no offense or anything, but you're not exactly a socialite... not that that's a bad thing!"

"Who that?" Beat asked, shifting so that he was behind Neku.

Shiki, Neku mouthed. "Uh... w'll... we're upcatchin'. Uh, catching up. Don't worry about it."

"Alright... Um, you sure that you're okay? You sound a little off..."

Beat pressed his forehead against the nape of Neku's neck, waiting for him to get off the phone.

Neku shivered, biting back a gasp. "M'great," Neku said. "Just... distracted."

"Distracted," the voice on the phone quickly took on a skeptical air. "Sure. Just who is it you're visiting again?"

Beat held back a smirk, hot breath on the other's neck.

Neku bit his lip. "B-Beat... 'nyway I guess I'd better go..."

"Uh, sure... see you tomorrow?" Shiki seemed taken aback, at least from what one could gather from her tone. She knew that Beat and Neku were friends, but for him to sound so off...

"M'bye." Neku slammed the phone shut and chucked in across the room in a startle.

Beat closed his eyes. "Dude, chill."

"Myeeeeeeeh... she figured it oooout," Neku whined.

"Chill, man. She don't know." Beat said reassuringly. Or at least, he thought that he said it as such.

"O-okay," Neku relented, closing his own eyes.

"... Dude, you want another bowl?" The blonde asked, opening one eye to look out at the other.

"Uhhh... maybee... think it's startin' to wear off..." Contrary to his hypothesis, Neku began munching again.

"We'll do it later, man." Beat said, nodding to himself, getting another handful of chips.

"But... I'll be too tired la'er."

"Wanna do it now, then? I got th' stuff, man." Beat said, getting the water bottle they had used previously.

"Mybe... maybe we shouldn' waste it. Maybe... maybe we could..." Neku trailed off, staring at the ceiling.

"What, man?" Beat asked, going over to his futon and sprawling himself over the sheets.

"Save it...?"

"Aight," Beat said, shrugging, putting the bottle underneath his futon.

"Maybe... we can... I dunno... s'so nice in here."

Beat propped his head up, feeling... well, he was feeling light. "Dude, c'mon, tell me what you want."

Neku lazily crawled over to Beat, draping his thin body along the blond's.

Beat let a smile rest on his face, letting Neku lay on top of him. "You good?"

"Mmhm.... yer warm."

"You too." Hell. He was gonna sleep at this rate.

Neku made a strange, childish sound of glee as he nuzzled Beat's neck. "M'tired."

"Le's just sleep, then, m'tired--" he yawned, as if to further his point. "too."