Hello everyone!

Welcome to A New Wonderland. I'm very excited to announce that on 2/24/12, this story is under revision. It's simply for writing. I hated ALL the errors(although there will be new ones that I will miss). In addition, I wanted to make the story more developed.

I hope you enjoy this story!

Chapter 1 Revised on: 2/24/12

Alana knew her life was boring. Rather, it was an average day of going to school, sitting through 7 hours of teachings only to come home exhausted. The saddest part is, is that her exhaustion was her favorite part. Why?

Because it made her want to sleep.

Sleeping was her only escape from the bland world in which she was raised, a world where the common routine was rather annoying. Such tedious homework that made the daily 3 hours of dreaming the most pleasurable time of the day. Sleeping was the only true area where she could bend things to her will, fight for what she knew was right, and overall, find the person whom she loves.

"Alana! Wiggle your arms if you can hear me," the familiar voice of her Dad boomed throughout my room at 6am. This was his wake up technique. Making her move a limb. Although it was an effort, as soon as his presence was gone, Alana fell right back into a deep rest. It was a few minutes of peaceful slumber before suddenly:

"ALANA. IT IS 6:45! Are you aware that you have to leave in 15 minutes? Get yourself up. Now." This time, it was her mother, calling from the kitchen as she hustled about to make the lunches that Alana and her sister would take into school that day.

Ordinary family? Pretty much.

By the time the 15 year old teenager was up and about, she was fully clothed in a light yellow dress. This just happened to be her favorite outfit of all time, being perfect for the weather. However, Alana's attitude always gave whatever she was wearing a boyish side.

The dress consisted of a simple yellow, knee-high dress that stuck close to the body. The dress was made from cotton broderie anglaise and featured a pleaded collar and sleeve trim. The dress was banded at the waist and had skirt pleats. She paired this dress with dark blue tights and shinny black shoes. She loved the way it spread out by her by the waist and made her feel rather feminine.

After staring in the mirror for a good minute, Alana examined her features. From her straight brown hair that matched her chocolate eyes, that in the right light, would almost glitter to see every line and crevasse that created it. Her pale skin seemed to mesh well with her light colored down as she bent down to grab her school bag and ran as fast as she could out of the house and into the car, waiting for her arrival to bring her to school.

The school day dragged on for what seemed like hours. Alana, practically asleep in her first periods, was having one hell of a time staying awake. She was up all last night in the midst of slumber, enjoying fantasy rides from dragons, even meeting up with her knight shinning armor. Of course, this was too good to be true. Reality always had a clear definition of what is right and what is wrong. There was never a blurred line. This was the harsh truth of reality that Alana very much despised.

The knight that plagued Alana's dreams had a close resemblance to that of a man named Scott. This dashing man would appear whenever Alana was close to death or desperately needed some romance. Mainly it was a mix of both. He was one of the most beautiful men she has ever laid eyes on. Whenever he appeared in her dreams, she'd awake with such a large smile and a fast-paced heart. He did everything to her in her dreams as he did in real life.

Scott was two years older than her sophomore self, yet, stole her heart in every way. Yes, she was a fool in a situation where she shouldn't be. Honestly, she didn't care. He made her feel alive even when she didn't. He was the reason why she was excited to dress up in the morning and to put on that extra dab of make up.

By the end of the day, Alana was walking along a long hallway. It was the glass hallway, where class rooms bordered her left side and the forest was visible to her right.

Of course, Alana's heart began to speed when a figure entered the same hallway from a nearby classroom.


The dark haired man whirled around at the top of the hallway. He flashed a pearly white smile at the sight of Alana, raising a hand to wave at her. Alana quickly approached as she attempted to keep herself composed. Her heart thumped.

"Hey there, Alana." He whispered in a calm tone. The brunette glanced upwards to create eye contact with the green eyed wonder, grinning. She wanted to embrace him, just like in last night's dream. That contact, that intimacy.

"Hey, Scott," she replied instead.

Reality always did suck.

"So, are you coming to my wrestling match today? It's here, tonight. I'd love for you to come watch." Something devilish then flickered to his expression,"Rather, I'll make you."

"Excuse me!" Alana instantly fired back to protect her sanity,"you're ego is flying through the charts, Scott. You need to calm down." Regardless, her body disobeyed. Her knees felt weak and her breath became soft.

Scott let out a hard chuckle as he placed his massive hand on Alana's head, patting it,"Nope. You're just short."

"What! Where does that come into ANY of this!"

The wrestler gave off a shrug,"You say I have ego, I say you are short."

Truth was, Alana was short. 5'1. Soon to be the shortest in her family of 5. Everyone would soon surpass her within the next few years of school. The small brunette huffed, crossing her arms and pouting as Scott removed his giant hand from her head.

"Anyways, Scott, I need to get home. I have to walk today. My mom is at another job interview, so I have no ride. Perhaps I'll catch some other match." Alana said aloud, trying to contain herself from saying how she'd love to be his personal cheerleader. Desperation was not an attractive trait.

"Alright, cool. I'll see you later then." Scott replied before waving himself off into the hallway, disappearing.

Alana continued outside of the school. Her heart was flying at this point. It was easily a 2 minute interaction that went rather well. Scott still had no idea of her affections, and he never would. Either way, Alana still liked to believe he felt something. But, everything came to an end.

Quickly, the girl reached into her pocket and whipped out her cell phone. But, Alana froze. Her head tilted to the side as she stared at the small screen. There were no bars. No service. There was always phone service. "How odd." Alana took a moment to raise the device in the air, but found her attempts in vain.

The girl's eyes narrowed as she shook the phone. This was very strange, in fact. She couldn't even call her sister to join her in walking home. She'd have to go alone. Alana pouted, shaking her head in confusion.

The time was autumn, the breeze was always soft and cool, rather inviting as the world lights up in magnificent colors of the fallen leaves. Everywhere she walked was filled with an array of beautiful colors that gently fell from the sky. The clouds were always next to the baby blue heavens, the rich hue somehow remaining a spectacular sight all day.

Anyways, it was no use waiting around. Alana sighed a bit, shrugging off the fact that there was a strange sense of electricity buzzing through the air. Something just felt off, as if the universe shifted. It was possibly an overreaction of not having a cell phone, but for some reason, Alana thought something was off.

"Alright then, let's go feet," Alana huffed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. It was a nice enough day. The teenager continued down the road off from her school and to her home. The scenery was just as lovely as she imagined.

The sky was a soft blue with rolling white puffs that were shapes. The ground was covered in amber, gold, and chocolate colored leaves. It was a euphoric day to take a stroll. Perhaps, it wasn't going to be so bad.

As Alana was walking, she cared to take note of the trees rustling. The breeze hit her hair, whipping about the dark colored locks about her face. The the cool smelling flowers infiltrated her senses, and of course, the screaming.

The screaming.

There was screaming! Out of no where was a blood curdling yell. It was so loud that it echoed through the forest nearby. It was like murder was happening. Alana's eyes widened as she glanced around furiously. Her body froze. What was screaming? It sounded close to... a distorted yell for help.

What if it was a murder. What if Alana was running right into a killing and faced death itself? She glanced down to her junk of a phone, but that was out of service. "Shit."

Her face contorted. What do you do in this situation. Alana's mouth parted. The person sounded in so much agony. There was the chance that it wasn't murder... But it probably was. Alana glanced around herself, quickly finding a rock and threw her bag and cellphone on the ground. She'd arm herself and knock out the bad guy quickly. This was the right thing to do, right? She had to do something.

Alana shut her eyes for a moment, concentrating, before she took off running in the direction of the sound. At least she'd make some use of a distraction for the victim to get away.

As Alana ran, she grew more afraid. The noise grew louder. She was getting nearer. Alana wasn't sure how this was going to go down, but something huge was about to happen. Finally, Alana saw it.

There was a kid who had long white hair. This hair reached the ground and was tied up into two separate pony tails. The kid was old. His face was much older than his 10 year old body appeared. In this clearing, she saw the source of his pain.

His leg was caught under a large tree, crushing his bones that resulted in his shouts. His face was filled of tears, attempting to pull out what he had left of his leg. Freedom. All he wanted was freedom from this tree. He was desperate for his emancipation. But, he was such an odd creature. Alana froze at the sight, wondering where he was from and how it was possible! His face was wrinkled and aged, lines of wisdom on every feature and crest. His pale blue eyes were covered in a veil of tears.

Alana was rather scared of such a distorted creature. But, a person is a person.

The girl took a moment to get her barrings. Throwing down her rock, Alana ran forward and bent down next to the boy. She smiled at him warmly, despite the look of worry on her face, before getting down on her hands and knees.

Without words and using all of her strength, she began to push the log off his leg. Alana grunted, barring her teeth as she used all of her power. Her feet dug into the mud and her body did not want to cooperate with what she wanted to do. She wasn't this strong! But, the adrenaline kicked in as Alana gave another push. The boy screamed throughout the entire process.

When the wood rolled of his limb, the boy simply stared up at Alana. His breathing was heavy, as was Alana's. He searched her eyes, before suddenly, he climbed to his feet. He let out a whimper, but still remained standing.

"Wait, no, sit down. Let me call someone." Alana pleaded softly, worried that he would hurt himself more-so doing whatever he was attempting to do now. The white haired fellow shook his head whispering,"No no." He gave her one last look before he started dashing off into the distance, running as fast as he could in his injured state.

"Wait!" Alana cried,"What are you doing! You are going to get hurt!"

The brunette pushed herself off the ground, starting to take after him, yet, as she began to move, she heard something tinkle in the various colored leaves beneath her. Alana stopped her moment to see something catch her eye. The wind was rustling a chain, a golden watch laying in the ground beneath her.

Was this the boy's watch?

Alana rolled her eyes and inhaled deeply, for this man boy creature was starting to piss her off. Why was he running away! She was trying to help him! And now, she had something to return.

"Ungrateful little... ugh!" She whined, grabbing the watch on the ground, and taking off after him once more. It took her a second to run fast enough for him to come into view. Alana was already getting so tired as she pushed her body harder. Even hurt, he was fast.

Alana wanted to help him! Those eyes. Those endearing eyes. That moment when he just watched her. He was special. Alana knew something was there and she wasn't going to let it go by.

Suddenly, he then turned a sharp corner, into the series bushes next to him. Alana's jaw dropped,"You have got to be kidding me!"

She growling, shaking her head in disbelief as she pumped her arms. She made the corner too, and without thought ran too into the bushes. She ran through the large plant, wincing as sharp parts of leaves scratches her skin. Alana could see white hair being pulled backwards up ahead. He was struggling too. But why was he running away from her through this mess? It was as if this bush would never end.

Alana kept on her pace, when suddenly, the white hair vanished before her. And before she knew it, she vanished too.

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