A/N: What? A new story from MaiddMikuruu? The girl who can't update the story she has, now?

Hahaa. Yeahh, peoplee. I decided to just say, "Eff it," and do this story that I've been thinking about lately.

So, Enjoyy~

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama Island.

Extraa Note: The thingg won't centerr. So, yeahh.

Small World

Chapter Numero Uno

"Only $24.99 a Month"

Courtney let out a disappointed sigh as she dropped her luggage onto the spotless wood flooring of her living room.

"I cannot believe you booked the wrong flight," Courtney groaned as she pulled off her scarf and placed it on the top of the coat rack.

"You know I tend to mess up on dates and things," Bridgette defended herself, leaning against her best friend's doorframe.

"You mixed up Honolulu, Hawaii with Jeuno, Alaska!" the brunette snapped as she placed her coat under her scarf.

"Yeah… Well… I got a bit distracted. Blame Geoff, he's the one who kept bugging me when I was on the phone," the blonde sputtered out.

"Hawaii and Alaska," Courtney stated flatly. "Vacation and a wintery, frozen over hell."

"Well, we can't do anything about it now. How about we just try to go somewhere around here? There's that new spa that just opened up in Muskoka. We could go out there for a day or so," Bridgette suggested.

The former C.I.T. sighed. "I suppose we could. It would be nice to at least get a massage or two before the week's over."

"Plus, we'll save a ton of cash," the surfer pointed out, knowing her friend loved saving money, despite the fact she was practically rolling in it.

"Then it's settled. You go home—don't get distracted—and figure out all you can," Courtney said sternly. "Call me afterwards and we can go from there."

"You got it," Bridgette said happily as she turned to leave. "See ya, Court."

"Bye," Courtney called softly as she went to close her door. "Oh. Bridgette!" she yelled. "Don't get distracted."

She heard her friend laugh to herself. "I won't; promise!"

"It's a wonder that girl even remembers her—" her sentence was stopped short when she saw her friend search her pockets frantically for her something. Courtney raised her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side. "She does know we took a taxi to the airport, right?"

~.Only $29.99 a Month.~

Courtney let out a yawn as she stepped out of her shower. That's probably the closest to a sauna I'll get all week, she thought sadly as she wrapped her towel around her body.

She walked over to her phone and eyed it. Either Bridgette is conceiving a child, stimulating her saliva, or actually being reliable. The first two are beyond fair game…

Courtney picked up the white iPhone and checked her missed calls—nothing. And the last is anything but reality.

Just before she placed it back onto the marble counter it began vibrating. Make that—was anything but reality, Courtney thought with a smile as she slid her finger across the bottom of the screen.


"Hey, Court. The place is all booked up for the month. Seems like everyone decided to take a mini-vaca at the same time we did," Bridgette replied, sighing lightly.

"I figured that's what would happen," Courtney said, sighing along with her friend. She began her way down her pearl white, spiral staircase as she began running her other towel through her mocha hair.

"Maybe we could try something else?" Bridgette asked, desperately wanting to get out of her daily routine.

"Yeah. Let me check the weather and see what choices that leaves us with," Courtney said, grabbing her remote from her couch and flicking on the flat screen, sixty-seven inch, LCD television. "We may be stuck skiing or snowboarding."

A groan sounded from the other end of the phone. "Please, no snow. Please, no snow. Please, no snow," the blonde chanted.

"Damn remote," Courtney seethed. "What the hell is wrong with this thing?"

The television picture became fuzzy and began bouncing around on the screen.

"What's up with your TV? You sound pissed."

"I am," she snapped in reply. "Stupid cable box."

"Chill, Court. Use your meditation techniques," Bridgette said soothingly. Even if they work about as well as a surfboard on a sidewalk, the blonde finished in her head.

"You're right," Courtney said calmly. "I just have to—" She let out a sudden shriek in the middle of her sentence.

"Courtney! What's wrong?!"

"The cable box just spontaneously combusted. That's the third one this month!" Courtney seethed as she poked the said electronic device.

"Maybe you should switch to Dish—it's only $24.99 a month. Direct TV is also pretty cheap," Bridgette suggested, trying to calm the livid brunette.

She let out a sigh. "The smell of burnt plastic three times a month or cleaning snow off of a satellite on the top of my roof all winter."

"When you say it like that, it sounds terrible both ways," Bridgette pointed out.

"I am aware. I'll just call Comcast and have them fix it, again. And, if it breaks again, I'll think about switching to satellite."

"I'll let you go, then. Geoff just got home."

"We all know what happens when he walks in the room."

"Oh. Hush. I'll talk to you tomorrow," Bridgette said before the line went dead.

Courtney let out a breath to calm herself before dialing the Comcast Maintenance number.

~.Only $29.99 a Month.~

The doorbell rang just as soon as Courtney had finished drying her hair and had out her nightgown on. "Finally," the brunette breathed out as she pulled on her robe. She put her hands under her hair and lifted it from the inside of her robe before pulling open the door.

"What seems to be the problem, miss?" the man asked, his smirk widening as his eyes wandered towards her chest.

"My cable box exploded…again," she stated flatly.

"No need to get your fancy panties in a bunch, lady," he retorted, rolling his teal eyes.

Courtney scoffed before turning on her heel and leading him to what was once her cable box.

"It's melted," the man commented, poking the gooey, tar-like plastic.

"Really, now?" Courtney asked sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. "Can you fix it or not?"

"I can try," he answered as more of question than an answer.

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do?" Courtney asked, already irritated by the cable man.

The man pulled out a wrench and pointed it towards her. "Listen, lady, I will use this to pull the pole out of you ass if you don't cool it."

Said "lady" quickly snatched the tool from his hand and shoved it into his face. "Just fix the damn cable box," she seethed, clenching her teeth as tight as she could.

"You're hot when you mad," he commented as he squatted down to get a better look at the melted box.

"Excuse me?" Courtney practically screeched.

"I said, 'You. Are. Hot. When. You. Are. Mad.' Understand?"

"You are such a jackass!" she shrieked.

He simply shrugged and turned his attention away from her. "I've been called worse."

"No surprise there," she said flatly.

"If you'd shut up, I could actually do my job, you know."

"Sorry," the brunette said sarcastically. "I forgot people like you couldn't multi-task." She rolled her eyes let herself fall back onto the couch.

After a few minutes of silence, Courtney spoke up.

"What's you name, anyway?"

"Duncan," he answered, showing no sort of interest in what he was supposed to be fixing.

"Duncan… Doesn't that mean 'dark warrior' or something like that?"

"Sure does, beautiful."

"No wonder your such a savage," she quickly added.

"So, what's your name, Miss Perfect? Hmm?"

"Courtney," she stated proudly.

He let out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" the brunette snapped.

"Your name fits you perfectly. Stuck-up is the essence of you."

"Essence, huh? Didn't know pigs knew such large words," she retorted.

"Neither did I," Duncan said, lacking any hint of feeling insulted. "Guess it slipped. This brain just loves to surprise me."

"I bet that 'brain' of yours never even helped you make it through high school."

"I didn't graduate," he answered, pulling a few wires out of the box and looking at them with a scrunched up expression.

"How did you even get a job without a diploma? You must have atleast a GED or something."

"Nope. I got nothing other than an expulsion letter and lawsuit records to prove I even entered that hell you call school," he said as he began shaking the cable box. "'Sides I was in Juvie most of the time, anyway."

"I cannot believe they hired a criminal to go to peoples houses!" Courtney practically cried out.

"It was only Juvie; don't get to excited there, darling."

"I'm not excited—I'm disgusted," Courtney scoffed.

"Sure, sure. They all say that before they're begging to sleep with me," Duncan remarked, turning his head towards her a raising his eyebrow a few times suggestively.

"So vile," Courtney commented, scrunching up her nose for emphasis.

"Whatever, sweetheart."

"Okay. That's it! What the hell is with all the nicknames?!" Courtney suddenly snapped.

"Don't know; they're fun. Would you prefer I stick to one, doll face?" Duncan asked teasingly as he stood up and ripped the box's cords out of the wall.

"Be careful!" said 'doll face' shrieked. "You're paying for whatever you break!"

"You better mean with pleasure; 'cause I don't have enough money to pay for a nail, let alone a whole wall."

Courtney let out a groan. "So, are you just going to replace it?"

"If you're as smart as you say, you can answer that one for yourself," Duncan said smugly as he threw the box out the door and pulled a new one from his bag.

"Duncan! Go out there and get that!"

"Ehh… Nahh." He shrugged as he carried the new box to where the old one was.

"Just hurry up so you can leave!" she snapped.

"I am. Chill, hot-stuff. If you hate repairmen so much you should get Dish or Direct TV. They have nice picture and sound quality; not to mention how cheap they are."

"Are you seriously advertising another company while you're doing a repair for this one?"

"That I am, princess," Duncan said, clicking his tongue and winking at her.

"Princess? Where'd you get that one?"

"I just remembered your last name is Royal. You're that forensics girl, right?"

Courtney was a bit taken aback, but was able to compose herself quickly. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"You're the hottest thing that newspaper has ever seen. You're always on it. I knew you looked familiar. You don't see a rack like that too often. And now that I've seen your ass—"

"Shut up!" Courtney screamed. "Just hook up the damn box and go!"

"Now, aren't we just a ray of fucking sunshine, today?"

"You know what? Just go," she said as she began pushing him towards the door.

"But I thought you wanted me to—"

"I am switching to Direct TV," Courtney interrupted.

"You sure?" Duncan asked as he was pushed out the door and onto her porch.

"Yep; one hundred percent. I never want to see your face, again," Courtney said as she shoved the new cable box into his chest.

"Darling, it's a small world, so you can't really ch—"

"Good-bye, jackass," Courtney shouted as she slammed the door in his face.

As soon as she heard his truck start she leaned her back against the door. The world could never possibly be so small that I would meet him again.

She pulled her phone from her robe pocket and quickly dialed the Operator.

"Hello. Yes, could I please have the number for the Direct TV Company?"

A/N: Soo, how was it? Press that pretty little button and tell me what you thinkk: Goodd, badd, fehh.

Ohh. And I dont' know if Canada even has Comcast or Direct TV or even Dishh. I just went with what I knew. xD

Ohhh. Andd this will onyl be about five to seven chapters at the most. A shortt littlee Fictionn.

Thanks for Readingg~!

MaiddMikuruu Outt~