Author Note: This is the first part of a series of oneshots envolving the tragic end of many characters. I never thought I would ever do anything like this. I hate it when people write about people dying, especially if its about the people of Avatar. You have no idea how hard this chapter was to write, because he's my favorite character. Hope it came out good anyway. Oh and they won't always be in first perspective.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender and thank God this didn't actually happen in the series!

I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him closer, pressing my forehead into his bald head.

Wind blew and my hair, loose and long, covered us like a blanket, but I knew that I'd never feel warmth again.

I'll never smile, never laugh, never see, never hear, never feel, never…

The world was ending.

My world was ending.

And his world was long gone, stolen unfairly.

A choked sob escaped my throat, and I took a breath of his fading scent.

How desperately I wanted him to awaken and say he was ok, that I shouldn't worry, to ask to go penguin sledding.

Painful memories of him burned my mind and tears fell from my closed eyes.

All I could see was him.

All I could hear was his laughter.

All I could feel was his icy cold skin under my finger, his clothes that were ripped, his open ghastly wound, his newly formed muscles…

But I didn't feel his breathing; the gentle fall and rise that should always be.

"Katara… Katara, you did your best. I-It… you can't do anything. You can't bring the dead back to life, Katara."

My head sprung up, daring the speaker to interrupt my thoughts, to ruin my memories.


His voice was horse, his blue eyes were red around the rim, and I realized he too had cried when my healing had failed.

He glanced down at the body lying still in my arms.

"It's over… He's gone…"

My heart clenched at his words and my stomach felt as if it fell hundreds of feet and crashed on jagged rocks.

I held his body closer and tighter, knowing if he were awake he would've yelped at my grip.

Narrowing my eyes, I challenged Sokka at his accusation.

"No!" I managed to scream through my parched throat, sobbing all the harder. "No, he's not… he's not dead! Don't' you dare say that!"

Sokka's eyes softened and the corners of his lips rose in a sad smile.

Then he did the unthinkable.

Sokka took him.

Sokka and the earth king, Kuei, helped pull him into the saddle and I saw Toph, thin rivers flowing down her porcelain cheeks as she stared blindly into the sky.

I tried to grab his limp arm, tried to keep him close, but my body didn't obey my commands.

I could only cry more, covering my face in my hands, sitting against Appa's neck, pulling my knees to my chest, and cry.

Sokka's voice was like a buzzing bee as he tried to comfort me.

"Katara, there's nothing you can do. He's… he's..."

I suddenly felt the extreme urge to let myself go, to roll off the side of his sky bison's head, to fall through the sky he loved, to end my life.

But Sokka held a firm grip on my shoulder as if reading my thoughts.

"He's gonna wake up. He's gonna be fine…" I lied to myself.

I climbed slowly into the saddle to escape the temptation of jumping.

Sokka immediately enwrapped me in a tight hug, but I hardly felt his touch.

After all, I would never feel anything ever again.

"T-Tell me he's gonna wake up. Tell me he's fine. Tell me he isn't..." I whispered, demanding to see the happy ending I knew didn't exist, asking for more lies.

Sokka's breathing hooked for a second when he realized my desperation; then in a steady voice he spoke the truth and my world spiraled downwards.

"Aang is dead."