Ok, so I was really pleased with all the reviews I got on the first one. So here it is, the second alternative ending. A mistletoe kiss Enjoy!! =)

Everyone was talking, eating, and having fun.

Angela and Hodgins were chatting about how close Booth and Brennan were tonight.

"They seriously need to kiss." Hodgins said. "Just get it out of their system."

"Don't you worry. That plan's already in motion."

"How? What did you do?"

She subtly pointed to the door.


"Yup. Even if the kiss wont be because their ready to commit, I'm all for it. I even have a video camera set up so I can see it too!!"

"Good thinking Ange…but do you think they'll go for it?"

"I don't know…but I'll make sure they do."

They continued talking.

About 10 minutes later, Brennan stood up. Everyone got quiet.

"I would like to thank you guys for coming tonight. I actually had a really good time."

Booth stood up as well and put his arm around her and pulled her closer.

"Actually, we, would like to thank you for coming. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but..you know, Bones's has a bigger apartment than me."

Everyone started laughing.

"So uh…Merry Christmas everyone!"

"Merry Christmas!"

Everybody raised their glasses and klinked them together.

Booth and Brennan sat down.

"Thanks Booth."

"No problem Bones."

An Hour Later

Booth and Brennan were in the kitchen talking when Cam and Michelle walked in.

"Dr. Brennan. I would like to thank you for inviting us. It was a really good time."

"Of course Cam. It was nice meeting you Michelle."

"You too Dr. Brennan."

"See ya Booth."

"Bye Cam, Michelle."

"Bye Mr. Booth." They walked out.

"See Bones..you made a lot of people happy tonight."

"Yea..I guess I did."

"So..better than other Christmases?"

"This one….definietely exceeds all others."

They laughed.

Sweets and Daisy came in.

"Well Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth..I think Daisy and I are gonna head home for the night."

"Yea. We're…exhausted. Isn't that right Lancelot?"

"Okay Sweets. Thanks for coming."

"Shouldn't Dr. Brennan be the one saying that? This isnt your house, nor is it your party."

"Yea Booth." Brennan said.

"Well like I said earlier…I've always wanted to do this."

"Yea I think its because…"

"You know what Sweets, just leave."

"Fine. I'll quit. Just because it's the holidays. Consider it my Christmas present to you."

"Thanks Sweets."

"Come on Daisy."

They left.

"4 down."

"I don't know what that means."

"Nevermind Bones. You wanna go visit before anyone else leaves?"


They got up and walked into the living room.

"Nice of you guys to join us."

The only people that were left were Max, Maggie, Angela, and Hodgins.

Booth and brennan sat down on the couch.

Angela winked at Max and Maggie.

"Uh..guys, I'm gonna take Maggie to the airport. Shes leaving tonight."

"Aww. Really Margaret? Why don't you stay longer."

"He who stays to long, tends to not want to go back."

"Ok well, hope to see you soon." She gave her a hug.

"It was nice to meet you Maggie." Booth said.

"Likewise Agent Booth."

Max kissed Brennan on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow Tempe?"


He shook hands with Booth, said goodbye to Angela and Hodgins, and they left.

"Well..I guess we better get going to Jack." Angela said.

"Uh..yea. I have to meet my…girlfriend."

"What girlfriend do you have?"

"A girl..thats a friend."

"Uh-huh. Bye sweetie." She hugged Brennan.

"This was soo much fun. You better do this next year."

"I'll try."

Hodgins was shaking Booth's hand.

"Good luck." He said.

"With what?"


Angela gave Booth a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"See ya Booth."

"Bye Angela."

"Oh, Angela. We'll exchange Christmas presents tomorrow?" Brennan asked.

"Uh actually…your present is around here. You just have to look around for it. Or up."

"Up? Why up?"

"Nothing. Nevermind. Bye guys. Merry Christmas."

"Bye!" They left.

"I feel like everyone couldn't wait to get out of here."

"Me too." They laughed.

They sat and talked for the next 2 hours.

"Well…I better get going."

"Yea. Parker in the morning right?"

"Yes. Rebecca's acutally letting me keep him this Christmas."

"Good for you Booth." He laughed.

She walked him to the door.

For some reason, Booth felt the need to look up.

And there it was…Angela's present.

"Bones..umm..look up." She did so.

"Angela's present?"

"Angelas present." They smiled.

"Well…I guess its…kinda a rule that you have to kiss if your under a mistletoe."

"Yea…I guess so."

They pecked each others lips.

Then, they started to devour each other.

The door was open and her neighbors were standing there watching them.

A minute passed and they finally pulled apart.

Booth kissed her on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas Bones."

"Merry Christmas Booth."

He left and she closed the door.

She layed against the door on the inside, while Booth did the same thing on the outside.

"Thanks Angela." They both said.

Bones walked back to her bedroom thinking, "Yea..this Christmas is definetely better than any other."

Hope you liked this one. Seriously can't wait till tomorrow for the episode to finally air and find out which one was actually picked. For those of you who were curious of the other alternative endings, there were: A playful snow fight, a mistletoe kiss, exchanging presents, booth teaching bones a tradition, a hug, sitting in front of the fire, russ and family visit, and.....booth gets parker. Which one would you like to see for the final chapter?? Let me know!! Thanks =)