A/N Oh my lord, what is this you wonder? Why my good people it is an anime Fan fiction! Ha I've drawn from Forgotten Realms to retype an old fiction of mine that got deleted… stupid anime spiral. Though I loved the website, how I miss it.

Well hope you enjoy

Kikyo… He thought and thought her name, Hell, it screamed in his mind. Pushing through the brush he thought it. Every single step coincided with his thoughts of her, thoughts of what he wanted to know. His heart pumped with overwhelming adrenaline as he jumped above, peering down to the brush below. It moved quickly and he heard her breath come in heavy gasps. She was running.

"Kikyo!" he yelled aloud, dropping to the ground and back into a run. Sound came from behind him, similar to someone calling his name but he did not care at this point. He just needed to see her again. She smelled of real flesh… not soil, not clay. Flesh was all she held and her aura emitted was that of the priestess she truly was. She was alive and her emotions had returned

So why did she not stop running from him?

Inuyasha saw a cliff ahead. He then knew she would be blocked and would have nowhere to go; either that or she would be stalled. He pushed through the brush seeing her across the creek that separated the earth, drenched in water. He leapt over the creek and continued in a fast paced run, faster and faster he drew closer to her and she suddenly stopped, trying to find a way to escape from him. She started to the right but Inuyasha caught her.

"Stop, stop, stop." He said rushingly. He heard her start to struggle as he held her arms and she tried to yank away.

"Stop it Inuyasha, go away!" she yelled at him. His eyebrows furrowed angrily.

"Calm the hell down!" he yelled back at her, "Would you stop trying to run from me? When have you ever run from me?" she still struggled. "Kikyo, stop."

"Why should I risk this flesh? Why should I risk it being around you? I am flesh now. You are nothing but bad luck around such. Go to her, go to Kagome, let her be yours. I wish nothing to do with you!" Her wet hair draped over his hand as she wrenched one hand away but he was quick to pull her back and hold her shoulder firmly.

"What do you mean you wish nothing to do with me? Who says I want anything to do with you? I just want to know how you have become flesh!" Kikyo lowered her head and her hands went to her face and she shook her head.

"You…" she sobbed but could not finish. He looked down at her and sighed, looking up to the sky that had quickly become dark. "Tonight is the moon…" she told him lightly.

"Inuyasha!" voices yelled behind him.

"You have to go." She said hurriedly up to him. His eyebrows narrowed down at her.

"I'm waiting for your reply, besides the other's are catching up."

"No, Inuyasha for the sake of your life," she sobbed.

"Inuyasha!" a single voice yelled. He looked over to Kagome who stood at the edge of the creek.

"Kagome, stop it's Kik-" he started

Then in his heart sunk an arrow… Kikyo let out a loud cry, backing up from him, holding her head. Inuyasha held his heart where the arrow lie and pulled the weapon from his body, a shriek erupting from his throat. His body pumped with blood that felt like it was on fire. His vision became blurry and body weak as he stared at his hand that dripped with blood. Clawless it was, fragile was the skin,

Human was the bearer of both hands.

"Kagome the shards are on him?" The slurred voice that he deciphered as Sango's rang.

"It would appear so. They were not in my bag at camp."

"Traitorous bastard." Miroku mumbled.

"You… You bas-"Inuyasha began but he was interrupted by a loud metallic clang. His head began to throbbing endlessly. Everything pounded around him and he tried hard to keep consciousness. He felt a hand on his right side and a string slid from the side of his waist.

"Here they are." Kagome mumbled. Inuyasha groaned again and tried to get up, holding himself with one arm. Then the word played through his mind and was the last thing he heard.


"Sit." She said menacingly.

There was nothing but the blackness to comfort his internal pain.

R&R if you please ^^